"do not die."

Suddenly, a slightly childish voice echoed in Mingfei's ears, as if it came from a very far away place.


Mingfei suddenly turned his head and stared at the dense forest warily.

At this moment, it was already daytime, but the sky filled with ice and fog blocked the sun, and not much sunlight fell in the corners of the dense woods around it.

But looking around from a distance, it changes from the clarity that is right in front of my eyes to the haziness that is getting farther and farther away.

No one knows that deep in the dense forest surrounded by white mist, there is a person, a ghost, or a god!

"get out!"

The golden light in his eyes suddenly appeared naked!

Mingfei's eyebrows were very sharp!

You can’t go wrong!

There are others, around here!

Enemy or friend?

Mingfei checked his condition vigilantly, and his eyes suddenly felt dizzy, as if he saw countless little stars spinning around, as if he had eaten poisonous mushrooms.

The lungs have shriveled up, and no air can be squeezed out from there!

Skin, nerves, bones, organs, all cells in the body are dying!

His body was in an unprecedented crisis!

But that's not important. What's important is that in this situation, he can't fight against an enemy that's too powerful!

He couldn't guarantee that he could protect Shinobu and Sister Kanae from the unknown enemy.

"Who is it?" Mingfei murmured, constantly scanning in all directions, trying to find even some clues.

The wind blew the treetops and the fog covered the rocks.

Suddenly, a black shadow emerged from the bushes, making Mingfei subconsciously excited.

Looking closely, I saw several furry squirrels puffing out their cheeks, looking for food to store for the winter.

Mingfei opened the transparent world to the extreme and did not find any shadow of living creatures nearby.

It was as if it was just his auditory hallucination, or just a false alarm.

"elder sister!!!"

Suddenly, Butterfly Ninja's surprised cry sounded in my ears!

The trembling voice was like a traveler wandering in a desert storm. When he was exhausted and thirsty, he looked up and saw the green islet and heard the delicate sound of running water.

That is the joy that comes from biological instinct!

Mingfei turned around and looked around, suddenly sweating profusely.

Not because of panic, but because all the tension and worries he had so far were released!

So I listed a smile with relief!

"Very good."

I saw Butterfly Kanae opening her eyes in confusion, and after the fleeting golden light, there was the familiar warm powder, vividly - she was back, from the country between life and death!

"Sister! Don't get up, continue to control the blood flow rate with the full concentration and constant control, and the last wound has not been sutured properly, so you can continue to hold on"

Butterfly Ninja was about to continue suturing the wound, gently put his sister down, and was about to pick up the needle to go into battle, but he was stunned.

"what happened!!?"

The incredible explosion echoed over the dense forest, so startled that the squirrel collecting nuts not far away trembled and hid behind a tree with its thorns smoking.

Their claws were on the side of the tree, revealing their round cheeks and eyes, and the smart light reflected the three people in the distance.


It happened again!

At the call of man!

Butterfly Kanae blinked blankly. She looked at her sister's dreamy expression and was very puzzled.

what happens?

Why was Xiao Ren suddenly stunned?

Silly, like a piece of wood.

But, that's great.

Butterfly Kanae's hazy consciousness is not clear about the current situation, but she knows it.

It is the best thing to be able to open my eyes again and see the world again, see the clouds and mist, see Xiao Ren and Ming Fei again.


Suddenly, Butterfly Kanae frowned, and her red lips let out an uncomfortable moan uncontrollably.

It's so itchy!

If Mingfei could hear Kanae's words now, he would be extremely happy!

Because I can feel itching, it proves that my five senses have been restored!

It also proves that life is coming again!

Butterfly Kanae lowered her head knowingly, and then showed the same expression as her sister.

His eyes were widened, his lips and teeth were slightly open, he was so stunned that he even forgot to breathe.

I saw that everything in the bloody wound was squirming crazily!

The organs beat violently, filling in the pieces that had been cut off!

The white bones are glowing, and the sound of salsa is as smooth as ever!

The mucous membranes of the muscles are like waves sweeping over the beach, covering the delicate organs and naked bones layer by layer!

The ferocious wounds on both sides secrete granulations visibly from the beginning.

They grow crazily, meander, rush to each other, and finally meet, intertwine, and merge into one! !

If not long ago, Kanae was just a puppet that was damaged and left with unsolvable wounds, and even the clockwork for survival could no longer give her any strength, then everything has changed now!

The puppet's wounds were gently repaired, and the will of life was rekindled, turning into glittering powder in the eyes, reflecting the light of the world.

Her wounds disappeared! Only a faint scar was left.

If it weren't for the suture thread still staying on it, proving that everything they just did was not a dream, they would even think that everything was an illusion.

This is what shocked Butterfly Nin!

My sister's wounds are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

It's just like.

"It's like a ghost." Butterfly Kanae came back to her senses, looked at her body, and couldn't help murmuring.

But she knew that this was definitely not the power of ghosts.

The sunlight shining on her body would not corrode anything about her. The most important thing was that although she was a little hungry, she had no desire for human flesh and blood.

"How on earth could this be?" Butterfly Kanae murmured to herself.

She only remembers now that it was the majestic voice that shattered the dark clouds and lightning in the gap between life and death, and it was the bright sun that destroyed the tornado and the dark sea water, and pulled her back from the fear of death.

Of course, at that time, she had not yet fallen into the arms of life. She was just wandering aimlessly in the clear sea water, watching the orange sunset in the distance.

She was still floating there, and she didn't know how long she would be floating there.

Until another childish cry suddenly made her whole body feel warm.

that moment!

She felt as if she had inexhaustible power, so she raised her hand and tore the space apart, just like tearing up a painting - a painting called Death!

When she opened her eyes again and came to her senses, she was back here, back to the world of life!

Rustling rustling——!

"Yeah!" Kanae shuddered, subconsciously uttered a voice, and then gently covered her red lips.

A burst of itching accompanied by warmth came, covering the itching of her wound healing, but it also made the fine hairs all over her body stand up suddenly!

"Obviously not!" Butterfly Kanae subconsciously clamped her legs and bit her silver teeth.

"Don't do this, I'm itchy."

Ming Fei Na still had the energy to listen to what the girl was saying.

He moved his hands up and down, passing inch by inch across the warmed skin, from the lower abdomen to the chest, stimulating little pimples that appeared as a result of conditioned reflexes along the way.

Between the jade-like smoothness, there are undulations and rough spots, which are lines covered by granulation.

However, there is no more red blood seeping out!

From the perspective of Ming Fei's transparent world, the internal organs and bones that have been successfully restored in Kanae's body are working in an orderly manner!

The petite heart hidden under the chest resumed beating.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Time after time, the joy of life sent his blood to her whole body!

The lungs are relaxing!

The white mist lingered around her lips that regained their blood color, and dispersed in front of that pretty blushing face!

Live! ! !

Can’t be wrong! ! !

Kanae is alive! In perfect condition! Be healthy!

They won! Defeated Death! And the reward is life! ! !

Mingfei knew that this was his power!


Mingfei smiled, shedding tears, laughing silently!

He caressed the skin that was still warm and had regained its smooth color, as if it were a unique piece of art that he had gone through so much trouble to find in Mosuo.

yes! He has indeed gone through a lot of hardships.

In fact, watching Kanae's physical condition become more and more serious, and feeling so much pressure on him, he already wanted to cry and scream? After all, that is the weight of life!

But even if the hope is slim, you must still show your behavior! I can! Everyone can do it! It seems like there are still many, many things we can do!

He has been forcing himself to be the calmest person, so as not to collapse the three of them at the same time in the situation just now.

So there was him who cut the necrotic wound with an expressionless face! With his seriousness, I let Shinobu do the sewing work! Even if he risked his life, he would endure the loss of blood and still gamble on the slightest hope of survival!

Fortunately! He won the bet!

He got the prize he was after - Kanae's life, Kanae's future!

Everything is worth it at this moment!

Finally I can cry without any burden and laugh with relief!

"Great! Great! Great!"

Mingfei hugged Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobu tightly in her arms, and kept murmuring,

"I guessed it right! I guessed it right!"

"Hahaha! Great! Great! Kanae! Did you see it? You are still alive! You are still alive!"

"You're breathing! You're warm! Your heart is still beating!"

Mingfei squeezed the two of them tightly into his arms,

"Great! Great! Shinobu! Did you see that? Your sister is still alive! You don't have to be separated from her!"

"We made it, we really made it!"

Butterfly Nin closed her red purple eyes in relief and leaned weakly on the boy's arms.

The needle and thread held tightly in the hand only broke away from the hard fingertips at this moment, and fell quietly to the ground.

yes! Very good! Although I don't know what happened.

But my sister is really still alive!

The blushing Butterfly Kanae leaned on his chest and whispered softly.

"Yes, that's great. Thank you so much, Mingfei."

But the next moment, her face stiffened!

She can't hear it!

At this moment, she couldn't even hear the heartbeat that Mingfei should have as a living person!

"Mingfei! What's wrong with you!"

Under Butterfly's puzzled expression, his sister stood up in a panic as if she had seen an evil ghost.

She stared at Mingfei, not even caring about the wide open white in front of her, nakedly exposed to the air, stained with dots of red.

A sting!

The movement of raising the white arms tore something off, stirring up blood.

Butterfly Kanae stared straight at the objects shaking in the air, opening her mouth slightly, feeling pink with sadness and guilt in an instant.

A syringe for blood transfusion, isn’t that weird?

Butterfly frowned and looked up along the needle tube.

Fear followed her everywhere, clinging to her brows!


She raised her hand tremblingly, pointing to the needle stuck in Mingfei's aorta, her voice trembling,


"Why, no blood!"

It was clearly stuck in a person's aorta, but not even a drop of blood flowed.

The blood on the tip of the needle was from the little bits of blood on Butterfly Kanae's wrist when she pulled it out.

Sure enough, it was discovered.

"nothing much,"

Mingfei grinned, leaned heavily on the branch, and gave up all his weight.

He stared blankly at the rolling clouds and mists in the sky, feeling the warmth of the two masses rushing towards him from not far away, and murmured softly, without caring,

"It's just that I used up all the blood."

"Asshole! Mingfei! You are an idiot! You are indeed an idiot!"

Butterfly Kanae roared,

Of course she still remembered that it was Mingfei's blood that pulled her over from the edge of life and death.

But how could she have expected that the fool in front of her would use his blood to the point of exhaustion!

Pink tears broke into the white mist one drop after another.

The girl pulled off the needle and stuck it into her wrist.

There was only one thought left in her mind,

It’s still too late to lose it!

"It's useless, Kanae,"

Mingfei held the girl's hand tightly and stared into her foggy eyes, even in the mood to joke.

He has always been like this. The more nervous and dangerous he is, the more he wants to say some words that are not necessary.

"It's not miso soup, you take one bite and I take one bite."

"Don't waste your efforts. It won't work if you lose it."

Deliberately concealing the news about the balance of life and death, Mingfei pointed to the lines on his head,

"My death was not due to ischemia, it was because of this thing on the top of my head. Does Spot know?"

"It is recorded in a book of the Demon Slayer Corps. You will know if you go back and check it carefully. Anyone who turns on their markings will not live to be 25 years old." Mingfei nodded seriously,

"To be honest, at my current age, I really can't beat that ghost just now."

Mingfei opened his eyes and said in a deep voice, "But it doesn't matter. I can risk my life here!"


"It's easy to defeat that ghost, you just need to pay some price." Mingfei coughed weakly a few times and then spoke, "The only thing that can make up for time is life."

Mingfei comforted softly, much like the Butterfly Kanae who comforted him just now. The slight difference was that he still had the strength to reach out and touch the frizzy head.

"Kanae, remember, this life was not sacrificed to save you, but to kill evil spirits!"

"Kanae, Shinobu. Really! That's it, that's fine."

Mingfei smiled foolishly, looked at the two of them, and murmured with emotion,

"It's enough that you two are alive."

"It's worth it! It's really worth it!"

"I'm not important, I'm really not important."

The voice became weaker and weaker, and Mingfei knew that this was a sign that everything was about to end.

He just kept murmuring goodbye to the two girls with tearful eyes.

At some point, he was placed flat on their thighs by the two of them.

So out of the billowing clouds in the sky, only the two of them were left.

The markings on Mingfei's forehead were slowly dissipating, which was a sign that life was about to reach its limit.

To be honest, Mingfei admired himself a little.

Despite this body without oxygen, this body that weighs as much as a ton of weight, and this body whose heart has stopped beating for a long time, he can still persist until now.

"Kanae, Shinobu, give me a few words for everyone."

"Want to say goodbye? It needs to be grand!" Mingfei smiled, his voice getting weaker and weaker.

"Well, you say, you say." Butterfly Kanae still didn't listen to Mingfei after all, and insisted on infusing the blood back. At this moment, she was holding Mingfei's hand tightly,

"Tell Giyu not to keep a straight face all day long, he will get beaten easily. Also, let him protect Sister Tsutako. If something happens next time he gets married, no one will help him."

"Well, I heard it, I heard it! I will tell that guy with facial paralysis." Butterfly Ren held back tears, held the other hand, and nodded gently, "Don't worry Sister Tsutako, with us, we won't let the groom bully you. Hers! I promise! I promise!”

"Tell Qiantu that I'm sorry, but I can't see his new sword move."

"Yes! I will!! I will tell him!" Butterfly Kanae held the hand tightly, trembling slightly.

"And Zhen Sang. Tell her that if you have anything to say, tell everyone. It's not the same thing to hold it in all the time. Even a puffer fish will explode if you hold it in."


"I don't know what kind of gift the three of them have prepared this time. It's mysterious, and they said it would be a surprise." Ming Fei's eyes gradually became dull, and everything flashed in front of his eyes like a fleeting glance.

A mountain in the fog, a house in the forest, a person in the house, and a fox mask on his hand.

When the scene changed, it was a courtyard, sweet tea, fireworks and a whole family!

"And Uncle Purgatory, you have to take good care of Auntie. By the way, speaking of Auntie, Kanae, when you go back, try to wake up Auntie with your blood."

"Yeah! I will! I will!" Kanae didn't know why she was doing this, but as long as the boy in front of her said it, she would do it!

"Xingjuro doesn't seem to need to say anything. After all, he has always been very reliable. With him, Senjuro must be fine too."

"I'm just a little regretful. I don't know what Liao Xing will be like when she grows up. She must be very similar to Aunt Liaohuo."

In the wooden house in the Valley of the Wind, there is a fist-to-flesh fight between the gravel and the sparkling sharp blade.

When the scene changed, I saw a white-haired hedgehog with a twisted face on a warm New Year's Eve.

"And Immortal River, tell that bastard! Next time someone intentionally offers him a sour orange, don't just eat it stupidly." Ming Fei gave him a sarcastic smile,

"It's been several years. I just feed him and he doesn't have a long memory. He's like a fool."

Peach Mountain, thunderstorm, the child who calls himself senior brother,

"And Zenitsu, tell him to show some courage and stop being bullied by that bastard Yu Yue!"

"He is my junior brother. In the future, he will definitely become a man of his own."

"Tell Brother Yaoya, Teacher Lintaki, Teacher Kuwashima, and Uncle Beimingyu that I'm sorry for letting them down." Mingfei half-closed his eyes and moved his lips slightly,

"Actually, I have thought about it for a long time. If I really become a pillar, it would be good to answer yes."

"The leader of the Demon Slayer Squad, the one who puts an end to curses and tragedies. When you think about things like salvation, it makes people excited."

"But I may not be able to answer it,"

"But it doesn't matter. I believe that with everyone here, the Demon Slayer Squad will be fine!"

"Tell Mom and Dad, I'm sorry. I won't cause you any trouble. I'll take the first step, son. Don't you always say that raising me is not a meaningful experience? Let them concentrate on taking care of the next one. Don't miss me when you have nothing to do. , I will be annoyed if you talk about me every day." Mingfei's voice was choked with sobs.

He can no longer tell clearly whether he is Lu Mingfei, Shi Xingfei, or both.

"Tell grandpa, I like wood carving very much, I really like it, it's so great!"

"Tell Shanahu, sometimes you can cry if you want to, and laugh if you want to laugh."

I don't know when, the two girls just nodded and cried, never answering again.

Mingfei could no longer make a sound, so Sister Butterfly gently leaned down and listened.

"Tell Xiao Ren that I'm sorry, I can't take care of you for the rest of my life. But I believe Xiao Ren can do it himself."

"Tell Kanae, didn't you say that blood transfusions are useless? You still need to give them!"


Mingfei grinned, squeezed out the last bit of strength, raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of the two women's eyes,

"A girl's tears are indeed salty."

"Don't cry, really don't cry, I don't regret it, I really don't regret it!"

"You won't regret coming here, you won't regret using your striped power, you won't regret it if you risked your life to save others."

"Because, I finally finally got it." Mingfei murmured in relief, remembering the figure who subconsciously ran away like a defeated dog during the first simulation,

"Finally I won't run away anymore."

"Damn kid," Mingfei touched the head of the crow who came over at some point and whispered softly,

"From now on, just follow Kanae and Shinobu, leave you to them, and leave them to you. I won't worry about it."

The dead child stood on his master's chest, nodding his head without saying a word!


Suddenly, a newborn cry started in the corner of the Demon Slayer Butterfly House.

Mingfei seemed to hear the sound of a distant place, subconsciously looking in that direction, and his glance penetrated time and space.

Dad, mom, grandpa, and everyone else, are you laughing?

So, he also showed a smile,

"Really? That's great. It's a girl. I also have a younger sister."

"Don't cry, don't even cry."

The rolling clouds and mist no longer rolled, and the falling snow scattered.

Mingfei, whose shoulders were dyed white, closed his eyes easily, leaving behind his last murmur,

"Don't worry, we are here,"

"I'll definitely see you again."

The black and gold markings slowly dissipated, accompanied by the girls’ soft words,

"Idiot Mingfei,"

"How come you are not important!"

This was the only thing they wanted to say in reply.

[CG: ‘Run to the battlefield where you will die! ',Finish. 】

【you are dead. 】

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