Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 159 Lu Mingze: Killed! Someone has killed someone!

Ding dong!

[The second simulation of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is over. The simulation world cooling time is: 179 days, 24 hours and 59 minutes. 】

[The second simulation is over and is being evaluated.]

[Evaluation ended, CG summary is in progress]

[Summary completed, achievement retrieval in progress]

[Search ended, title detection is in progress.]

[The detection is over and the task is being evaluated.]

[Judging is over and comprehensive evaluation is in progress.]

[The comprehensive evaluation is over, the scoring is over, and the rewards are distributed. 】


[Congratulations to the host for triggering the simulated follow-up continuous CG: ‘Everyone! ’, would you like to watch it? 】

[Tip: You can choose to skip watching and directly view relevant evaluations and receive rewards. 】

Lu Mingfei stared at the ceiling in confusion for a long time.

It's like the heart is thirty thousand miles away from the body, and the soul has wandered for nine days and has not yet returned.



He trembled suddenly, his soul returned to its original position, and his dull eyes regained some agility.

"Who am I?"

Lu Mingfei murmured softly, his eyes flashing with confusion.


Suddenly, a gust of autumn wind carried the bright moon, fluttering the gauze curtain by the window, and gently patted Lu Mingfei's cheek.

It was a little cold, but Lu Mingfei remained motionless.

It wasn't until the crisp sound of rattling came from the wall not far away that his eyes started to move with joy again.


Lu Mingfei turned off the lights in the room, but there was no trace of sleep.

With a gentle creaking sound, Lu Mingfei opened the seat and sat on it quietly.

Place your hands on either side of the stool and hold on tightly.

Lu Mingfei raised his head and stared blankly at the two pieces of paper on the wall.

The direction on the left hand records every bit of Demon Slayer's life and what he wants to do! What he wants to achieve! There is also a bond that involves him!

Encounters and agreements, as well as feelings and insights, are all carefully recorded in words and sentences that only you can understand!

The direction on the right hand side is everything in reality. The recent plans and the things to note in the past few days are still fresh in my mind.

When I was recording tonight, the warmth of my hand on the paper must have dissipated with the wind.

In the dark space, the light from the window slanted in.

The whole space is very quiet.

Only the sound of electricity is left, slightly.

There was a loud sound of wind behind the curtain.

Bend behind the books and papers, softly.

On some old and worn-out walls, there is paper made of the same material, the same handwriting recorded on it, and the same temperature at this moment.

Apart from the text, the paper on which it is posted does not differ.

But the memories behind the words are completely different.

One side is blood, fighting, and struggle!

One side is daily life, peace!

Looking at it this way, it’s completely different!

Lu Mingfei put his feet on the stool and huddled up on it.

Not long ago, because of his little madness, he was a little afraid of the existence of ghosts and the like in reality, so he even turned on the lights in the room.

But now he suddenly wasn't afraid anymore.

Instead, he took the initiative to turn off the lights, hoping that ghosts, creatures that could carry memories, indeed existed in this world.

In this case, maybe in this empty room at this moment, besides himself, there can be someone sitting next to him, maybe sitting behind him, or standing on his left side.

He might wear the black Demon Slayer uniform and the cyan robe, so that he can cover up the body that has been tempered for several years.

It's autumn now and the temperature is a bit cold.

If he had walked a long way to come, he might have brought the two knives "Butterfly" and "Butterfly" with him, and indispensable, under his mother's nagging, he would have surrounded the road in advance which could only be lined up in winter. Useful black and white scarf.

If the wooden sword and jade pendant had not been lost, grandpa would have asked him to remember to bring them with him. In this case, he might still make a crisp sound when he walked.

Maybe he would be naked and extremely embarrassed, maybe with snow on his shoulders. After all, this is what he looked like when the battle came to the end.

But no matter what appearance he uses and what posture he comes here.

His golden eyes that flashed from time to time would definitely fall on a certain piece of paper on the wall, with a gentle light.

Lu Mingfei understood him. No one in the world understood him better than Lu Mingfei.

He also understands Lu Mingfei. There is no one in this world who understands Lu Mingfei better than him.

However, there is no such person and no such soul!

The only person sitting in this room was Lu Mingfei himself.

The gentle gaze that fell on the paper on the left and the golden light that shone in his eyes also came from him.

"System," Lu Mingfei called the system in a hoarse voice.

"I'm here," the system whispered.

"What's going on between him and me?" Lu Mingfei was a little doubtful.

After settling everything and completing the agreement with him, Lu Mingfei thought of everything in that space again.

Sometimes there is the helpless depression, sometimes there is the ironic retort, sometimes there is the crazy smile and the last fierce hug.

"The host does not need to think too much. After systematic and careful investigation, it is based on human psychological standards. The current mental condition of the host cannot be judged as abnormal, and the daily psychology is also within the normal range. That is, there is no possibility of split personality." System The sound of machinery came slowly,

"I didn't ask you to come here to be a psychotherapist." Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes and complained helplessly,

"I'm very poor. I'm too poor to satisfy my appetite that has suddenly increased recently. My increased appetite has something to do with you. Won't you reimburse me for my food expenses?"

"In short, no matter how professional you are, I won't pay you."

"Providing a full range of services to the host is the basic principle of the system. There is no charge." The system continued to explain seriously,

"Whether it is Lu Mingfei or Shi Guangfei, they are both hosts of the system and have the same permissions. However, after the memory is completely merged, the permissions during the simulation will be raised to a higher level. But even though the host can actively adjust talents, the host currently It is still not allowed to subjectively disclose the simulator and other related content to others to avoid unknown effects."

The system keeps talking,

"No matter when and where you are, you will have the same emotions, the same thinking patterns and principles of action."

"In summary, Lu Mingfei is the same as Lu Mingfei sometimes, and sometimes Lu Mingfei is transparent. It's just that he experiences different things in life."

"Whatever the specific situation is, please let the host explore it on his own."

"Your uncle's system, why are you doing Tai Chi with me here?" Lu Mingfei's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to curse!

After all, you just can't give the right answer?

Doesn’t it matter if it is yes or no?

Still exploring on your own?

"Ding dong! Please don't insult the system, host. The system also has dignity."

"Let's go! Let's go! I don't want to talk to you." Lu Mingfei waved his hand.

This would have to be put aside until normal times, when he would have less to say and argue with the system, but for now, let's forget it.

His head is almost in a mess now.

Lu Mingfei closed his eyes and thought deeply.

He was completely putting himself in someone else's shoes.

If you are a ghost, your memories from childhood to adulthood will be in the Demon Slayer World, and you will dream about the real world from time to time.

Then suddenly one day I encountered a crisis, and relied on instinct to enter a dreamy space. I met a guy who treated his world as a game. Even though he was just talking about it, how would I react?

Even if that person is yourself.


Lu Mingfei slapped his thigh hard, grimacing in pain.

"Of course I'll fight back!"

Damn it!

Nothing wrong!

It is indeed something he can do!

If there hadn't been such a confrontation at that time, he would now doubt whether the two of them were the same person.

Lu Mingfei stood up and stared at the Demon Slayer paper, then took out the carbon pen from the closed exercise book and corrected it gently.

The curse of Mount Samagiri was successfully broken!

Well done!

Save Auntie Liaohuo!

Well done!

Save the chestnut flower Luoxiang Naihu, get one of my sisters!

Well done!

Save Ichiro Tokiro and Muichiro and get two new geniuses!

Well done!

Beat up the ghost in anger and bravely save Kanae!

Well done!

Lu Mingfei wrote faster and faster, and the more he wrote, the more excited he became. This was what he did this time, which was completely different from the last time.

But at the end of writing, he calmed down.

Lu Mingfei gently stretched out his hand and wrote the words 'The Promise of the Hook' and 'The Wandering Savior' at the bottom, and then circled them lightly.

Then he raised his eyebrows and placed his pen on the upper left corner of the paper.

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath, stroke by stroke, extremely seriously,

"Time is transparent!"

Now, in reality, there is a mark that is unique to him!

Lu Mingfei put down his pen and gently fumbled for the paper.

After a long creak, he opened the door and took a knife from the kitchen.

The toilet door was locked tightly, and the dim light reflected the hazy night shadow outside the small window.

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and stared at himself in the mirror.

He thought, do an experiment!

The blade of the fruit knife shone coldly under the light, cutting through the bright red blood.

Lu Mingfei stared at the injured palm of his left hand expressionlessly, unfolding the world indifferently.

The blood is still flowing, and the open and closed skin has no tendency to heal.

That's normal, that's part of being human.

The next second, Lu Mingfei raised his head slightly, looked at his own eyes in the mirror, and whispered in a deep voice,

"Lu Mingfei, don't die!"

Goosebumps broke out all over his body, Lu Mingfei saw it!

When I saw my eyes in the mirror, they suddenly glowed with golden light!


Suddenly, Lu Mingfei felt his heart beating suddenly, and he was jumping for joy.

At the same time, a surging life force surged out from all over the body, turning into heat and flowing into the palm of the hand!

Lu Mingfei relied on the transparent world to ignore the condition of his palms.

Cells proliferated, and the wound disappeared instantly, without a drop of blood spilling out.

"Damn!" Lu Mingfei muttered, rolling his eyes.

"I guessed it right."

He glanced at the screen with his peripheral vision. It was the text he had just found after flipping through it for a long time.

"Tagging talent of its own:

Unknown bloodline (gold): A bloodline in a sealed state is extremely difficult to activate, but it may have some incredible effects. "

"So, the thing about 'don't die' is really the ability brought by this thing."

Lu Mingfei curled his lips and said,

Now, he can no longer deceive himself by saying that this is a gift package given by the system for newbies.

"Hey! System, why don't you come out and explain?"

"Host, please explore on your own." A cold mechanical voice said.

"So, I am not a normal person to begin with?" Lu Mingfei raised his voice and continued to press.

"Host, please explore on your own." It's still the same, no different.

Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes and smiled,

"Does Minecraft also have any superpowers? If so, just say to the system, 'Please let the host explore on his own.' This sentence will do."

The system was silent and silent.

"Hey! Are you really going to stop talking?"

"His uncle, is it really possible?"

Lu Mingfei murmured like this, and he didn't dare to judge whether he had a successful routine system, let alone what the answer was.

After all, since he was a child, there have been no mechas, no aliens, no evil spirits, and no mysterious organization has come to find him.

His world couldn't be more normal!


Lu Mingfei turned on the faucet and rinsed the bloody blade, his mind wandering.

He, Lu Mingfei, does not smoke or drink, and currently does not have a girlfriend.

Shilan Gao is a little transparent and likes to play games.

At present, it seems that he is originally suspected to be a person with super powers? ? ?

When ordinary people encounter tangled things, they may think about them for a long time.

But he is different from others. When he encounters a tangled issue, he just throws it aside.

Anyway, the boat will naturally straighten up when it reaches the bridge. If the sky falls, there will still be someone watching, and we will wait until it is my turn to push up.

Hum hum!

Lu Mingfei hummed softly and carefully washed the blood on the blade.

He looked at the full pot of red and planned to open the gate to let blood flow.

At this moment, the door, which had been locked from behind, was pushed open.

Lu Mingze swore that he just peed a little too much today and did not deliberately want to explore the secrets that his cousin might be hiding.

When he had to urinate urgently for the first time, he found that his cousin had left the lights on. He wanted to question him but was wasting his energy, but the cold eyes in front of him scared him into a cold sweat.

I finally fell asleep and had a dream about my old brother being a secret killer or something, and lurking in his house just to get some kind of secret.

Now that the secret was obtained, the cousin no longer needed to hide it, so he took out an ordinary fruit knife and wiped his throat in the blink of an eye!

After he woke up, he gasped for air for a long time and drank some water tremblingly before suppressing his panic.

Not long after, I felt the need to urinate again and pushed open the toilet door.

Good guy!

It doesn't matter if my brother is humming a song, it doesn't matter if he holds a knife.

But the terrible thing is!

The basin is fucking red!

Lu Mingfei turned around cautiously and found that the person coming was his little fat cousin, he frowned and said,

"What happened to the door?"


Lu Mingze looked at Lu Mingfei who turned around slowly, especially focusing on his vigilant eyes for a long time.

"Then what,"

Lu Mingze's face wrinkled up, revealing a chrysanthemum-like smile with cold sweat.

"Brother, the toilet door is broken today. I didn't know you were in there, you were busy, you were busy!"


Under Lu Mingfei's blank gaze, the little fat man flexibly locked the door and even threw something at the door.

From the sound, it might be the sofa?

Lu Mingfei didn't expect that this 150*150 square could do such a thing when it exploded?

But then, Lu Mingze outside the door raised his voice and let out a heart-rending cry, which shocked Lu Mingfei:

"Someone killed someone! Help! Someone killed someone!"

18,000 per day, check in.

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