"Don't worry, sister, it's been a few days, nothing happened at all." Butterfly Ninja walked gently towards her sister, shook his head, and kept murmuring,

"I'm a doctor's child. With this dose, it's fine. It's absolutely fine."

The butterfly ninja stretched out his little hand and reached towards the wisteria flower liquid held in his sister's hand like a demon.

"Sister, give me the syringe and give me a little more, a little more!"

She smiled with relief and tried to convince her sister,

"Just a little more. It won't do anything to my body."



My heart beat suddenly, as if it was hitting my throat.

The purple blood vessels swelled violently, covering the entire arm in the blink of an eye.

First it was the itch of thousands of ants climbing, and then it turned into numbness inch by inch.

The heartbreaking pain spreads from the arm to the whole body!

The soul suddenly left and returned violently!


While feeling dizzy, Butterfly Ninja grabbed his head, knelt down hard, and smashed the dried petals of the wisteria flower, making a crisp sound.

The fingertips trembled slightly, then became more and more violent, and gradually spread upward to the wrists and collarbones of the face.

The butterfly ninja's eyes widened in horror, staring at the lines on the ground, and his breathing suddenly became heavy!




The body's rejection reaction finally appeared!


Butterfly couldn't help but scream in pain, and then covered her lips fiercely.

She couldn't cry out.

Everyone, everyone is still resting.

I can't disturb everyone, and I can't let everyone know about this.

The girl curled up in a ball in pain, her stomach contracted, and she couldn't help but stick out her tongue and keep retching, but she couldn't spit out anything.

hold onto! hold onto!

hold onto!

The butterfly ninja's purple eyes were already covered with red bloodshot eyes, and she kept roaring in her heart!

Hold on! Butterfly Ninja!

Aren't you going to kill that damn ghost?

Don’t you want to avenge Mingfei?

Aren't you determined to achieve everything even if you die?

Then hold on!

Butterfly Ninja pressed her forehead against the ground and let out a low growl like a wounded beast. Butterfly Kanae, who was kneeling next to her, had a panicked face and whispered something between her lips, but Butterfly Ninja could no longer hear clearly.

All she knew was that her consciousness was getting further and further away.

Anger and hatred sometimes cannot fight against physiological instincts.

"Xiao Ninja!!!" The butterfly ninja finally heard this heartbreaking sound.

Then he suddenly fainted and fell into endless darkness.

His whole body was sticky, as if his whole body was sinking into the poisonous sea of ​​wisteria flowers.

The butterfly swayed in the dark and heavy sea water with eyes blankly, and kept murmuring,

"Stay alive and kill it!"

"Stay alive and kill it!"

"Xiao Ren, Xiao Ren, Xiao Ren."

The gentle and heartbreaking murmur echoed over and over again, and a little light suddenly appeared in the darkness, awakening the forbearance in the darkness.

Weak, she slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was the room of Butterfly House.

It is surrounded by dark yellow wood and plain white curtains are floating.

The soft white quilt was tucked beside him, and the tip of his nose was filled with the scent of medicine.

In the Butterfly House, the one holding my hand next to me can only be my sister.

Butterfly Ren blinked and subconsciously clenched the warmth in his hands.

As expected of a sister, she is always so gentle, even when she holds the patient's hand, she is so gentle.

It's no wonder that Mingfei's attitude towards her sister and her are so similar.

"Xiao-nin!" Butterfly Kanae looked at her sister who opened her eyes with dark circles under her eyes,

"Are you awake? Great! Is there any discomfort in your body?"

"Does your head hurt? Does your hand hurt? Do you still want to vomit? Do you want to drink water? Do you want to eat? What do you want to eat? Sister will make it for you."

Butterfly Kanae asked anxiously, her eyes full of panic.

"Sister," Butterfly stared at the ceiling blankly, without answering her question.

She moved her arm, feeling the tightness of the bandage, and the cool ointment had been carefully applied to every pinhole.

Butterfly Ren pursed her lips tightly and remained silent for a long time, opening and closing her lips and teeth, her voice was hoarse,

"Are you trying to stop me?"


Butterfly Kanae's expression froze.

She was silent for a long time, not knowing how to answer.

Of course she wanted to stop Shinobu.

After all, she was just the sister I watched growing up.

Living well and living healthily is more important than anything else!

The pink lake surface is rippling with water and flashing with all kinds of inexplicable lights.

But Butterfly Kanae finally accepted her fate. She smiled softly and spoke softly, but behind it was a deep feeling of helplessness.

"Xiao Ren has been like this since he was a child. He doesn't want to learn writing, so he sneaks to the next town, no matter how heavy the rain is. He is just a stubborn fool!"

"The teacher just told you that it was for your own good not to let you become a member of the Demon Slayer Corps, but you drugged her food. You are just a strong-willed idiot!"

"So" Butterfly Kanae sighed,

"I don't think I can stop you,"

"After all, even if I tie you up and lock you in the basement, you idiot will bite off the rope and escape, right?"

Butterfly Kanae seemed to be thinking of the scene of Shinobu biting the rope, and she burst into laughter.

She looked deeply at the purple pair with sincere feelings.

"I know, Xiao Ren. I understand your current emotions and your current thoughts."

Butterfly Kanae lowered her head and gently wiped away the tears that overflowed again.

She smiled and shook her white wrist at Butterfly Ninja, who turned her head sideways at some point.

"Because I understand, I won't stop you. But it's impossible for me to do nothing, so sister, I plan to stay with you all the time."

"Sister." Butterfly Ninja's eyes suddenly widened.

She saw the same pinprick on her sister's wrist!

The bright wrist is plain white, and the patch of red and purple that appears near the pinhole is so conspicuous.

"Don't be surprised, Shinobu-chan," Butterfly Kanae lowered her head, gently touched Shinobu's arm, suppressing her heartbreak, and murmured softly,

"Because we are the same, aren't we? We can't defeat that ghost either, we can't break through its defense, and we also want to kill him and avenge Ming Fei."

"So I won't stop you."

"And what I can do is if you take a dose in the future, I will take a dose as well."

Butterfly Kanae gently caressed Butterfly Ninja's head, whispered softly, and the poor picture appeared,

"But as you know, Shinobi-chan, the human body has its limits."

"If Shinobu doesn't want my sister to die so quickly, let's take it step by step when injecting wisteria flower poison." Butterfly Kanae half-squinted her eyes and lowered her voice.

"This time, I didn't tell my parents or everyone."

"But if you fall into a coma next time, you won't be able to hide it, Shinobu-chan."

"elder sister,"

Butterfly Ninja's eyes suddenly became sore, "How could you do this?"

Actually, I used myself and my parents to talk about things!

"Sister! There is no need for you to do this kind of thing. I have to do this kind of thing alone." Butterfly Ninja shook her head gently. She knew how painful it was to inject wisteria flower poison, and she didn't want her sister to have to experience that kind of thing. .

"There's nothing I can do about it. The stubborn Shinobu is my favorite sister."

"That's it, no matter when you inject it or how much dose you inject, you have to tell me everything! If I find out that you did this kind of thing without telling me, I will tell my parents everything."

Butterfly Kanae still spoke softly, gently hugging the little Shinobu who pursed her lips and shed tears,

"Of course I want revenge. Let's avenge Mingfei together."

"But do we have to stay alive before we find that ghost?"

"If Mingfei was here, he wouldn't want to see us crying and helpless."

Butterfly Kanae gently patted Butterfly Ninja's shoulder,

"So cheer up, Shinobu-chan."

"Remember? We haven't finished Mingfei's gift yet."

"Wouldn't it be a pity if all our efforts were wasted after spending so long?"

On a snowy day, everyone gathered together.

A vast hill, guarded by densely packed trees of all kinds.

Stone tablets with names engraved on them, one after another, stand in the earth.

Handfuls after handfuls of earth, mixed with snow, gradually buried the young man.

On the bluestone tombstone, Ubuyashiki Yaoya pursed his lips tightly.

With the support of his wife, he fumbled and carved the inscription stroke by stroke with a small carving knife.

He has gradually lost his vision.

Mrs. Tokito was wearing a coat, and there were a few fine wrinkles filling the corners of her eyes from unknown time.

She just watched quietly, quietly.

Sadness comes from it, which makes the heart tired and the body soft.

She fell to her knees in pain, burst into tears again, and cried out.

Mr. Tokito helped his wife who was crying and fell down, and cast his vicissitudes of eyes ahead, weeping silently.

The white-haired person gave away the black-haired person, and no one could feel the sadness and pain in their hearts.

But life must go on, and in the unpredictable ocean, someone must control the ship rocking in the wind and rain.

This family still needs a man like him to carry it!

So he must not collapse!

Rustling rustling——!

After Ubuya Shiki Yaoya carved the inscription, he was helped to step aside and quietly looked at the people who began to mourn.

Mrs. Tokito silently moved her weak steps forward.

She tilted her head and looked at the tombstone with extraordinarily gentle eyes.

A black and white scarf was pulled out from her warm arms, swaying with the wind and snow.

As a mother, she stretched out her hand and carefully wrapped around the inscription in front of her.

Wrap the black and white scarf tightly, round and round.

She wound around slowly, but no one bothered her. She just waited quietly.

After everything was done, the woman turned around fiercely.

But the steps away suddenly stopped, and she suddenly turned back, leaned over and kissed the stone tablet, her voice was hoarse softly, and her tears melted into the wind,

"Mingfei, remember what mom said. No matter where you are, remember to wear good clothes and eat well."

It was the same warning as before, but there was no longer an impatient reply.

"If you miss your mother, come to her in your dream. Mom is not afraid and will never be afraid."

Mr. Tokito quietly stepped forward and patted the stone tablet, as if patting his son on the head, leaving the warmth of his palm on the cold surface.

"Son! You did a great job! You are a man!"

"No matter what happens, you will always be the pride of father and mother!"

He pursed his lips, helped his wife up, and stepped aside.

The remaining people looked at each other, and for a moment, they didn't know who would go up first.

Stab twice!

Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Ninja opened the oilcloth in their arms, and a fragrance that never faded suddenly floated around.

The exquisite black scabbard lightly wraps "Butterfly" and "Butterfly", concealing their sharpness - the blade, which was somewhat damaged in the battle, has been brand new after careful polishing and maintenance.

The deep purple and reddish pink colors are no longer limited to the blade, they have also turned into the rope and tassels on the handle, flying in the wind.

They have nothing to say, or they have too much to say.

"Before we meet again," Butterfly Kanae whispered with her eyes closed, "just let them stay with you for the two of us."

The three of them stepped forward and gently put down their wooden bowls.

"I hope you like it, Mingfei."

Purgatory Anjuro held the fireworks, bent down and put them down. Before leaving, he gently fist-bumped the stone tablet.

Immortal Sekawa looked quietly for a long time, put down a basket of hagi cakes and oranges, mixed with a few tubes of ointment, and said nothing or did nothing.

My wife, Zenitsu, brought rice from Momoyama. She clasped her hands together and whispered to her senior brother the good news that she had defeated Yu Yue.

Hinai and Rika put down the stone balls and porcelain plates and cried silently. They had really grown up a lot and gradually became more dignified and beautiful.

In mourning, Shimi said lightly to Amitabha.

The dead child landed on the stone tablet and plucked out a few bloody feathers. Really relying on its own words, this was the only gift it could think of.

Lintaki, Mulberry Island, Purgatory.

Kuang Jin, Yilang, Wuyilang.

Li Hua Luoxiang Nahu held the coin tightly, looking back and forth at the tears of others, feeling a little at a loss and feeling uncomfortable in her heart.

I want to cry! I want to cry!

But, but, but I just can’t cry!

The girl froze in place, her face turned red from the cold.

I don’t know when, Sister Butterfly landed next to her, gently caressed her little head,

"Xiang Naihu, brother Mingfei asked us to tell you, sometimes, don't just rely on coins, cry when you want to cry, laugh when you want to laugh."

Butterfly Kanae hugged her into her arms and caressed her back,

"If you can't do it, it doesn't matter. Just take your time, we understand, Chanahu, we understand your pain."

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

Chanel cried silently and threw herself into the arms of the two sisters, clutching the corners of their clothes tightly, still unable to speak or cry.

Thinking back to the warm hands on the head in the carriage under the sunset that year.

Remembering the time when her brother cheated to talk to her.

Not long ago, he deceived her by saying that the coin was heads, and he clearly promised that she would return home safely.

Lihua Luoxiang closed her eyes tightly and talked to herself in her heart.


He clearly agreed that he would be her brother for life?

For a long time, the wind and snow remained the same.

Lihua Luoxiang Nahu pursed her lips, broke away from the arms of the two sisters, and gently placed the coins in her hands in front of the grave.

Just when Sister Butterfly was happy about her change, Li Hua Luo Xiang Naihu put her hand into her pocket, took out a new one again, and stared at it.


She flipped the coin gently and it turned out to be heads, so she whispered softly,

"Brother, you will do well in heaven."

The two sisters looked at each other with a helpless smile.

It seems that Chanel still needs some time, but don't rush, after all, she has started to change, right?

Graves, prayers.

Sacrifice, farewell.

People came and went, with sounds and tears.

All the people who were not familiar with him watched quietly.

The wind and snow are getting worse. If it continues like this, the return journey may be a lot of trouble.

Maybe this farewell needs to end like this.

They were about to leave, but when they turned around, they were stunned.

The road in the distant mountains was filled with darkness, and many dark shadows appeared - they were unexpected visitors!

Gradually, gradually, they walked in, revealing their black team uniforms.

There is a swordsman who was rescued by Ming Fei during the mission in Tengxi Mountain. He is dusty and has sad eyes.

There are swordsmen who don't know Mingfei at all, but come with admiration and admiration.

Different hair colors, different ages, different heights, different timbres.

The same thing is that they hold flowers of various colors in their hands and protect them in their arms.

"Boss, let me call you that. Maybe you have forgotten me. Thank you for saving me. Now, I am also a swordsman who can fight against evil spirits alone. I will not do it again. I pee my pants when I see an evil spirit. Do you remember what you said about a swordsman never putting down his sword? Maybe I am not as strong as the boss, but I will try to go on." A thin man with a few scratches on his face The man murmured softly and put down the flowers.

"Lord Longzhu." More and more people came here spontaneously, stepped forward lightly, lowered their heads and whispered, bent down and dropped flowers, stood back quietly, and looked deeply into the distance.

Then the fragrance of flowers slowly covered the surrounding snow, surrounding all kinds of sacrifices and gifts.

Then there was the long white snow, slowly, slowly, once again covering the mountains of flowers in front of the grave.

Black and white scarves, butterfly blades, Hagi mochi sweet oranges, purgatory fireworks, and Momoyama fragrant rice are all hidden in the fragrance.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Ubuyashiki Yoshiya, thinking that it was him who had arranged the matter.

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya, who learned the current situation from Amane's mouth, shook his head and muttered,

"Everyone, you came here voluntarily to send this child off."

"It's obviously not him, but it's far more important than I thought."

Ubuyashiki Yaoya looked back at the tombstone, and the foreseeable scene appeared in his mind again.

He had been having similar dreams for the past few days while he was in coma.

The future has not changed, and the person who ends everything is still the same figure!

Although he didn't know what was going on, Yaoya still believed in such a future in his heart.

He shook his head slowly and murmured in his heart that only he could hear,

"Maybe we can meet again."

"Really, Mingfei?"

After all, these are the last words you left with Kanae and Shinobu.

The wind whizzes by, taking away everyone's tears and sadness. After saying what needs to be said, the living will continue to move forward, taking with them the share of the deceased.

Ming's non-transparent body stood in the white snow, looking at the mountains of flowers and gifts in front of the stone monument with a complicated expression.

It was his own funeral, but he couldn't help but smile.

Mingfei slowly turned around, looked at the sea of ​​people retreating in the distance, and whispered softly,

"Thank you, Mom. The scarf is very warm."

"Dad, it's up to you to cheer up mom."

"Qiangtu, Zhenshen, Yiyong, thank you for your gift. Although it feels weird, I really like it."

"Uncle Purgatory, the fireworks are good. I will accept this gift that I have been owed for more than ten years. I must take good care of Auntie Liaohuo."

"Shimiya, you should take it easy when you fight in the future. I'm sorry for giving you sour oranges for so many years."

"Zhenyi, you've done a great job, just keep going like this! I believe you will become a strong person in your own right."

"Damn kid, you guy, don't give me such a thing."

"Brother Yaozai, don't worry, we will definitely meet again."

"Shinobu, Kanae, don't mess around. You have to wait for me. You must wait for me!"

"And thank you, everyone, thank you to each and every one of you for being here."

Mingfei looked at the retreating figure, which slowly disappeared. Before leaving, he wondered if it was his imagination.

He seemed to see the various eyes that suddenly turned around in the snow mist.

The wind howled and blew off the old man's coat.

There was constant filing and bits of sawdust.

The old man finally finished carving the boy who was squeezed in the middle by the two women.

"You'll like it, my dear grandson."

no answer

But the coat that slipped off the old man's shoulders was gently carried up by the breeze.

[CG: ‘Everyone’, end. 】

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