"I understand. To put it simply, we are still doing the work of the underworld, but we can't leave any traces of us, right." Mediterranean Fujiwara understood, but the sharp pain that flashed above his head made him gasp.

Fujiwara suppressed his face that was about to become distorted, and at the same time couldn't help but curse secretly in his heart.

damn it!

As long as this kind of thing is explained simply and clearly, why does it have to be like this?

Fujiwara gritted his teeth imperceptibly. He did not dare to show the slightest hatred towards Lao Li now, so he could only focus on the big man who held him down just now and the kimono woman who forced him to open his eyes. They were extremely fierce.

When the two big men and the woman in kimono met, they lowered their heads in panic and remained silent.

There was nothing they could do. Even though they were trainers and ninjas on the other side of the training camp, neither of the two people in front of them could be offended by them, and they could deprive them of their lives and even their families.

But if they had to choose one, they would rather offend Fujiwara than offend Lao Li, even if they were subordinates brought by Fujiwara.

After all, strictly speaking, these people have grown up listening to the legend of Lao Li's evil fall.

Burning, killing, looting, and doing everything. In the Japanese underworld that was in chaos decades ago, the man in front of him was a figure known for his ruthlessness. His name could even stop a child from crying.

Not to mention that after he followed the master more than 20 years ago, his cruelty has also increased to a higher level.

Even though he looks like a kind old man now, if the person in front of him gets violent, they firmly believe that they will receive a punishment more terrible than death. They don't know that Fujiwara has the wrong idea in his mind, so he dared to challenge him just now.

Provoke him.

Fujiwara still stared at those people, the killing intent in his eyes almost making them tremble and kneel down.

But then, they were saved.

Just like in nature, snowshoe rabbits are afraid of hungry wolves with sharp claws, but above the hungry wolves, there are tigers!

At this moment, for Fujiwara, Lao Li is the tiger that may bite his neck at any time.

So when Lao Li didn't say a word, Fujiwara belatedly realized his gaffe. When he turned around in a panic, he saw Lao Li looking at him coldly.

In an instant, fear followed one after another along with pain, and Fujiwara lowered his head in spite of himself.

Lao Li seemed to be very satisfied with Fujiwara's performance. He smiled imperceptibly and spoke slowly.

"To be precise, don't leave traces unless absolutely necessary."

Lao Li looked meaningfully at the Mediterranean Fujiwara,

"Fujiwara, I have to remind you. Based on my understanding of the Lord over the years, in every sense of the word, he is not the kind of person who is willing to wait too long for something like this."

Lao Li shook the wine glass in his hand and showed his leisurely mood again.

He grabbed the rim of the wine glass and raised it to his eyes, just holding the shiny ice ball inside, not even intending to look at Fujiwara again.

"You may not know it well, but I already sent you a letter to urge you yesterday."

"Fujiwara, if you delay this too late, it will not be easy for your family and the rest of the family."

"Don't talk like it's none of your business, Li Sang."

Mediterranean Fujiwara couldn't help but panic when he learned that the adult had already urged him once.

He raised his head, waved his hands randomly and made various gestures with unclear meanings. His mouth opened and closed, saliva flew everywhere, and he was extremely ugly.

"You were assigned as the contact person here, weren't you?"

"You were asked to join us on this mission, weren't you?"

"If the adults are not satisfied, it will not be easy for you and your family!"

"Fujiwara, have you forgotten something?" Lao Li Gujing's unwavering eyes reflected the wine in the glass, and his voice became calmer, without any panic at all.

"I am over sixty years old. Strictly speaking, a person as old as me can no longer make much noise. The main person responsible for this mission is you, just because you haven't I am not qualified to contact you, so in the end I have to be responsible for conveying your orders."

He put down his legs and solemnly placed the glass in his hand on the coffee table. There was a jingling sound between the bumps, which made it feel slightly empty.

Lao Li crossed his hands and placed them across his chin.

He tilted his head slightly, raised his eyebrows and smiled, very relaxed.

"In this mission, I am, at best, just a non-staff person assisting you in your operations."

"I admit that I was a little forceful just now, but that's what you asked for yourself, Fujiwara."

"But no matter how strong I appear, Fujiwara, in the final analysis, the main actions of this mission are not my responsibility, and the main credit will not fall on me, so there is no reason why the main responsibility should be placed on me." Lao Li shrugged nonchalantly, with a relaxed look on his face.

"It's really a failure. I just need to cut some blood. I believe that the adults won't make it too difficult for me because of my hard work for so many years."

"As for other people, such as you, Fujiwara, you have just been with me for a few years and have not made any achievements. You are still young and energetic. I am afraid that in my eyes, your current value is much higher than mine. Otherwise, , why am I entrusting you with this mission?”

Mediterranean Fujiwara looked astonished, and at the same time, a touch of fear involuntarily rose in his heart.

Although he has never had contact with adults, he has heard from others that in the minds of adults, if the value is too high, it is not necessarily a good thing!

Fujiwara swallowed unconsciously.

According to Lao Li, if this mission fails, he may have to take full responsibility. By then, it will not just be as simple as being shot in the head by dozens of wine bottles or having a dagger stuck in the eye!

Lao Li immediately noticed his little movements and guessed his little thoughts.

He couldn't help but reveal a meaningful smile,

"It seems, Fujiwara, you understand something, right?"

"That's right, if your actions and performance this time are not worthy of adults' assessment of your value, what may happen next is not something you can imagine just by imagination." Old Li shook his head sadly, regretfully Looking at Fujiwara, he kept clicking his tongue, as if he had seen something breathtaking.


Lao Li stood up gently and arranged his clothes slowly from top to bottom.

He calmly straightened his tie, tied his cuffs, and smoothed every wrinkle on his suit in front of everyone.

In the huge space, apart from the breathing of everyone, the only sound was Lao Li adjusting his clothes.

The screeching sound of leather boots running over broken glass is enough to make anyone's hair stand on end.

Lao Li walked up to Fujiwara, who looked indifferent, and tapped him on the shoulder, again and again, harder and harder.

At the end of the filming, Lao Li exerted all the invisible pressure on it and squeezed it gently.

"However, I will try my best to help you, Fujiwara. The first piece of information is that according to reliable internal information, Miss Su will spend an afternoon in a certain shopping mall tomorrow. The address is on the back of the photo. While the weather is still bright, It’s not bright, so you might as well get ready and see if there’s anything you can do.”


Suddenly, the phone rang, followed by melodious singing.

Lao Li didn't take out his cell phone, but his face was full of smiles in an instant. He must have known who was behind the call.

"Come on, Fujiwara-san, I hope I can see you alive after this mission."

"Oh no."

Lao Li looked around the audience, looked at each person one by one, and forced everyone's heads to lower one by one.

"I hope to see you alive."

Then he put a finger in front of his lips, signaling silence to the audience, and dialed the phone.

"Hello? My dear, what's wrong?"

"Hey, weren't we talking about business just now? Didn't I see your phone call and come out in a hurry? It's only a little late. Please forgive me, Dad."

"I didn't drink! How old am I, how can I still drink? I asked my subordinates to stop it for me."

"It went smoothly, very smoothly. Everything went according to Dad's ideas."

Lao Li's face suddenly felt like a spring breeze, and the smile on his face was not false at all, it was soft and touching.

His voice was also full of doting, and he didn't look like an orthodox gangster covered in tattoos at all.

"Oh? Do you want pocket money?" Lao Li patted his forehead without realizing it, making a continuous sound.

"Hey, my memory is really old and useless. I'll call you for forgetting this week."

"How much do you want, honey, just tell me, and daddy will call you right away."

Lao Li was talking to his precious daughter and opened the door in the corner of the box.

"My dear daughter, daddy wants to tell you something. How are you considering sending you to study abroad in advance?"

"Don't be willful, go out and see the world, it will be good for you."

The heavy door slowly opened, leaving Old Li's slightly stooped back behind.

No one could have imagined that the old man in front of him, who was talking on the phone with his daughter with a smile on his face, would just hit the same person over and over again with countless wine bottles without even blinking.

Even just relying on the previous statements can make other people's subordinates defect in battle.

Lao Li's cunning eyes tilted slightly and glanced behind him.

The cold and calculating murmur sounded in Lao Li's heart, which was terrifying.

You must be feeling helpless right now, Fujiwara.

However, even if you are alone, keep trying.

Like the previous waves of people, no matter what the cost, the mission must be completed successfully.

If I didn't use your best efforts to complete the task, how could you really let me go so easily, sir?

Struggle to your heart's content, Fujiwara, it doesn't matter even if you die, as long as you can advance the mission.

Old Li shook his head imperceptibly and sighed in his heart.

The master he followed was a master who would not give up until he devoured everyone's value.

Over time, why wouldn't his body gradually become stained with the shadow of that adult?

But after all, he, Old Li, could not compare to that adult. He did not have huge strength, sufficient rights, a ruthless heart, not to mention a body that was already too old to look like.

So he had no choice but to make use of the residual power and small calculations he had left in the past, and rely on pretending to be cruel, so that the waves of people could be used by him without knowing it.

But it worked very well. No matter how many families were killed in so many missions in the past, he was still one of them who survived until now.

The lights in the box were still moving slowly, but when they shone on them, everyone present felt extremely cold.

Colorful neon lights shine on the ground, rustling and flashing with countless dots of light - so far, no one has cleaned up the fragments that were opened through violence and power, mixed with wine and blood.

call--! suck--!

call--! suck--!

Fujiwara, who was extremely embarrassed, had a distorted face and was breathing rapidly.

He stared with blood-red eyes, staring at the photo in his hand like a demon.


Fujiwara lost all strength and suddenly knelt down, not even caring that the glass pierced his knees.

His fingertips were trembling with fear.

Until the end, all the fear turned into determination. Fujiwara clenched the edge of the photo tightly. The aura exuding from his body was extremely terrifying!

After experiencing anger, fear, and helplessness, he had completely entered the trap carefully induced and set by Lao Li, leaving only a crazy murderous intention.

The cup left by Old Li on the coffee table was silent. The ice ball inside showed no signs of melting and was floating steadily in the transparent liquid.


Dots of bubbles were churning under the ice ball, slowly breaking up from bottom to top.

Tick ​​tock!

A little bit of blood overflowed from Fujiwara's head again, followed the bandage across the middle of his eyebrows, trickled down the tip of his nose, and finally fell hard on the photo - staining Su Xiaoqiang's twisted face in the photo red.

"Is that Su Xiaoqiang?"

Fujiwara squeezed the photo tightly and let out a beast-like growl, which echoed and resounded in the space.

What is extremely clear is that,

The lights outside the corridor are bright, and the carpet under your feet is soft and crystalline.

With a kind smile, Lao Li chatted comfortably not far from the door, looking at ease - like a counselor waiting for the return of an expedition general. As long as he wins, it will be fine, no matter whether others are bruised or not.

The door completely cut off the sound and light inside and outside, leaving behind a silent sound of branches.

A squeak!

The dark car doors opened wide on the empty midnight street!

Lu Mingfei pushed open the passenger door, stood up and got out of the car.

The whole set of actions is completed in one go.

He turned back to look at the two men in the car and waved.

"Uncle Su, Uncle Liu, thank you for sending me here."

"It was a pleasure chatting with you. I'll talk to you again in the future."


The sound of his stomach exploding echoed, and even the two people in the car could hear it clearly.

Done! So embarrassing!

Lu Mingfei's face was a little stiff.

How could he have expected that the impact of unblocking the 1% seal would be so great!

The craving for food has reached this point!

If there was no matching growth, Lu Mingfei would feel that it was not embarrassing enough for him!

Lu Mingfei regained consciousness and scratched his head with a smile, "Sorry, I really feel like I'm going to starve to death now."

"Uncle Su, Uncle Liu, I'll leave first."

"Wait a minute," a pleading voice came, causing Lu Mingfei to stop subconsciously and turn around to look.

Su Jingtian slowly lowered the window, revealing a meaningful face,

"Thank you, young man."

Lu Mingfei subconsciously squinted his eyes to hide the strangeness in his eyes. After thinking for a moment, he blinked intelligently.

He stretched out his right hand energetically, said OK, and smiled beamingly.

"Oh, why are you so polite, Uncle Su."

"Don't worry." Lu Mingfei rubbed his hands, looking like he was trying to please his boss.

"Don't worry, Su Xiaoqiang. If anything special happens, I will definitely report it to you."

Su Jingtian shook his head and spoke.

"You don't have to pretend to be stupid. I know your intention just now. But if you encounter the same situation in the future, you'd better stay away. That's not something children your age can come into contact with."

"Children of your age should go to school honestly and have a good experience of youth campus. Don't get yourself into trouble."

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth slightly, looking confused.

After a long silence, he scratched his head and smiled bitterly.

"No, Uncle Su, what are you talking about? I don't understand why."

"How about you explain it more clearly?"

The streets are empty at midnight, the street lights are dim and the cold wind blows.

Lu Mingfei shivered at the right time, crossed his hands and rubbed his upper arms, as if this could warm him up.

Su Jingtian stared at Lu Mingfei for a while, then chuckled in relief,

"It's nothing. You, Uncle Su, and I must have drunk too much."

"Ming Fei, let's just say that you will take care of Su Xiaoqiang in school." As a father, the man specifically mentioned the word "take care of", which shows the slight hint of trust.

"On the other hand, if anything happens in the future, you can come to me."

"You, Uncle Su, and I are quite capable in this city now."

Lu Mingfei crossed his arms, curled his neck, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, looking like an extremely well-behaved student.

Su Jingtian maintained a smile and raised the car window.

The hum of the engine was very clear in the quiet place, and the faint exhaust fumes dispersed. The black luxury car carrying the famous mining entrepreneur in this small town slowly passed away and disappeared into the darkness in the distance.

Lu Mingfei looked at the car that was getting further away, his innocent eyes calmed down slightly, and he closed them gently.

He slowly put down his hands holding his upper arms, twisted his sore neck, and opened his eyes again, his eyes clear.

Lu Mingfei muttered to himself,

"Lu Mingfei! Lu Mingfei! I'm not telling you why you couldn't help but walk up to those people when you saw the knives in their clothes. You really have a bad temper."

"But," Lu Mingfei scratched his temples.

"Now it seems that I was really nosy this time."

The sad voice dispersed in the empty night.

Butler Liu has a head full of white hair, but his hairstyle is very particular.

He was not free today. He went to pick up Su Xiaoqiang in the afternoon and encountered a storm, so he drove cautiously.

As soon as he put the young lady down, he came to Su Jingtian's place non-stop and stayed outside the club until now.

If he hadn't been a soldier for several years, he would still be in high spirits at his current age.

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