The long-legged girl pursed her lips tightly and made plans in her mind.

That potato chip guy should really keep her away from things like alcohol.

This time, I'm afraid she was so greedy for potato chips and wine that she wanted to throw them away quickly, so she made such a mistake!

It was the same thing just now. I was definitely drunk, so I didn't notice the little lion's voice at the first time.

You even pinch your throat and pretend to be a girl, I really have you, potato chips!

If the potato chip girl knew what the long-legged girl was thinking, she would definitely cry out that she was wronged.

After all, if you give a long-legged girl a sports car or motorcycle to follow in the middle of the night, let’s not mention the cool headlights and eye-catching flowing shape.

The terrifying sound alone is more eye-catching than the KFC with its lights on.

Tracking with that thing is no less than running naked on a crowded street at noon when the sun is shining brightly, with "Come and see me, come and see me!" written all over your body.

Rather than that, it would be better to just let the long-legged girl drive Mingzhao and follow Lu Mingfei.

The only person who can wander around the streets in the middle of the night and also has the effect of hiding is a taxi!

Potato Chip Girl has wasted a lot of effort in building such a mediocre and low-priced car, okay?

Only the devil could predict that Lu Mingfei would suddenly think of taking a taxi!

No matter how Potato Chip Girl arranged it, one thing is known.

On the street where the night wind was blowing, the two people inside and outside the taxi fell into a strange state of silence.

Lu Mingfei just waited for the long-legged girl, but couldn't wait for a response. He felt inexplicably weak and couldn't help but confirm out loud, "Are you not accepting guests?"

The long-legged girl stared at Lu Mingfei for a long time, almost making him run away.

Lu Mingfei didn't expect that there would be such a star-level beauty in the taxi.

Being stared at by such a beautiful woman in the middle of the night would make anyone a little panicked.

Lu Mingfei's expression still maintained a polite smile, but he was already on the verge of tears and wanted to go crazy.

Sure enough, he was better at dealing with those high school students or those who had just entered society.

At least it doesn't matter whether it's Su Xiaoqiang or the KFC girl just now.

He speaks and acts quite easily and naturally.

As for the people in front of me,

Lu Mingfei felt the scrutinizing gaze on his cheek, feeling a little hot, and kept smiling bitterly in his heart.

No, sister!

It doesn't matter if you want to accept guests or not.

What does it mean to stare at him like this?

Could it be that he just finished eating and got something on it?

That’s not right either!

There was nothing unusual about the girl in the store just now.

"Excuse me," Lu Mingfei really couldn't bear the sight of him and felt his whole body tighten.

He gently bent down to apologize and looked around to show his inner embarrassment and panic.

"You can go on to rest, I'll check if there are any other taxis."

Looking at the situation just now, the lady in front of me seemed to be lying on the steering wheel to rest.

Although it is a bit strange that such a girl or woman, who has brought disaster to the country and the people, ends up driving a taxi in the middle of the night.

But that's not the point now. He thinks it's better for him to run quickly.

The person in front of him, no matter in terms of figure, eyes or temperament, was not someone he could deal with.


Just when Lu Mingfei wanted to slam the door and run away, a cold voice suddenly sounded.


Lu Mingfei paused before leaving, and looked back subconsciously, with a trace of bewilderment flashing in his eyes.

"I said take it," the long-legged girl turned her head, and under the dim light of the street lamp, she freely revealed the whiteness and softness of her sleeves.

She put her hands together and neatly tied a high ponytail that was full of sass, and the back of her head was extremely full.

For the high ponytail hairstyle, its fatal flaw is the danger of the back of the head collapsing, but Mai Shutoku does not have the biggest flaw that ordinary girls cannot control.

Rather, she is suitable for all hairstyles in the world, probably even bald heads.

In an instant, the ponytail took shape, and Shutoku Mai's body gained a bit of youthful and beautiful temperament.

She was like a cool silver-gray Maine Coon cat, stretching out unscrupulously after waking up.

The curves under the black evening dress spread an eye-catching warmth, which confused Lu Mingfei's mind and made his eyes wander.

"Get in the car." Mai Jiudoku hooked her hand boredly, causing Lu Mingfei to swallow subconsciously and wonder in his heart what kind of monster this was.

Jiude Mai didn't care about Lu Mingfei's specific thoughts. One hand casually supported Jingying's chin, and the other hand lightly held the steering wheel, with a flash of thought in her eyes.

In any case, the car and herself were exposed after all.

If he continues to follow the lion cub like no one else, it will definitely arouse greater suspicion.

It would be better to just put him in the car and see what he wants to do.

The only thing that needs to be worried is whether the little lion has any suspicion at this moment.

And how to allay his suspicions.


Damn potato chips!

Leave any trouble to her!

"oh oh!"

Lu Mingfei nodded obediently, and after getting in the car, he huddled tightly against the car door, eight feet away from Jiude Mai.

He hugged the large pile of warm family buckets and couldn't help but think about it.

This girl is so cool, she doesn't look like a taxi driver at all.

Isn't it someone from some secret organization?

Lu Mingfei glanced sideways, subconsciously wanting to open the transparent world to observe.

Some things can be known by observing muscle density.

But before the golden light under his eyes ignited, he was frightened away.

I saw Mai Shutoku looking like a fox who hadn't eaten dinner yet, staring at him, a customer like a little white rabbit.

"What? What's wrong?" Lu Mingfei swallowed subconsciously and shrank his body further away.

Perhaps he was a little panicked because he was suddenly discovered when he was about to do something bad.

"Address!" Mai Jiude said coldly,

Although she has never been a taxi driver, she still understands the basic common sense of asking for an address.

"Also, you don't have to be so afraid of me, I won't eat you."

Lu Mingfei smiled and reported a list of addresses, but still kept close to the car door.

It's true that he is a bit worthless, but he really can't deal with this type of person.

Mai Shutoku remained silent, released the handbrake, shifted into gear, stepped on the accelerator, and finished in one go. It was so easy!

But looking at her like this, Lu Mingfei felt that she didn't look like a taxi driver anymore.

"Master, no. Don't you wear your seat belt? There is a traffic light in front of you, and you will be deducted points." Lu Mingfei put on his seat belt on his own, like a weak mouse seeing a cat, and softly reminded Jiude Mai. .

Mai Shutoku frowned subconsciously, thinking to herself that this was really troublesome.

She put the cigarette in her red lips, and then with one move, she prepared the seat belt.

The speed of the car does not drop even with every move of the hand and foot, showing that it is very easy to do with ease.

When Lu Mingfei saw this, he moved his eyes in a panic, staring straight at the night road ahead.

Without him, Mai Shutoku, who already had the figure of a royal sister, was so restrained that she looked even brighter in this narrow space.

The faint warmth suddenly rose on his side, forcing Lu Mingfei to tighten his legs and move closer to the corner again.

Now he wished he could have some of the physical characteristics of a slime, preferably directly attached to the glass.

"Why don't you check the clock?" Lu Mingfei asked with his lips pursed, still staring at the road ahead, intently.

"No need, I'll just give it to you." Mai Shutoku answered every question with a calm tone.

The car fell into silence again.

The scent unique to mature women seems to have turned into gentle waves, eroding Lu Mingfei layer by layer, with both the softness that has turned a thousand times, and the beauty that uniquely belongs to Shutoku Mai, mixed with it. A little bit of fragrant smoke was diffused in the small space.


Lu Mingfei coughed uncontrollably. He was not used to the smell of smoke in a closed space.

Jiude Mai clearly didn't look at Lu Mingfei, but she didn't pay attention at all.

Being extremely attentive, she put out the cigarette and reached for the button to lower the window beside her, but her face was stunned for a moment, with a trace of helplessness flashing across her face.

Immediately afterwards, Mai Shutoku rolled down her car window, and the squeaking sound was very obvious.

"Thank you." Lu Mingfei thanked him softly.

"You're welcome," Mai Shutoku said concisely, "You can also open the window on your side."

"Also, let me say it again, you don't have to be so nervous, I won't eat you." Mai Shutoku's eyes flashed with helplessness.

Lu Mingfei laughed a few times and subconsciously pressed the button for the lift window, but it was empty.

He was surprised to find that this car was an antique, but it was still hand-cranked?

But he also understood why Mai Shutoku had that expression just now - this car was obviously not the kind she usually drove.

It’s even more suspicious!

"Ahem! This car is quite old, isn't it?" Lu Mingfei concealed his doubts and asked tentatively.

"Yes, quite old." Mai Jiudoku answered calmly, but she never took the initiative to talk about the topic, which was in line with Lu Mingfei's impression of the cold and aloof sister.

Lu Mingfei felt awkward and uncomfortable, then shook his head hard and muttered to himself.

Lu Mingfei! Be more promising!

Are you no worse than anyone else now?

Why are you acting like a coward?

Show off your superpowers! !

Lu Mingfei's eyes were dazzling, he actively gave psychological suggestions, and slowly sat up straight.

"Master, are you Japanese?"

He skillfully switched to Japanese, with an authentic tone and a vague sense of inquiry.

This time, even Mai Shutoku was a little surprised and couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly.

She didn't remember that the little lion's file mentioned that he mastered the Japanese language, or even that it was so authentic.

"Indeed," Mai Shutoku also switched to Japanese and took up the topic for the first time, but she spoke very quickly, testing Lu Mingfei's mastery of Japanese.

"Did you notice it from the accent?"

"But I didn't notice that you knew Japanese."

"Because I always like to watch some Japanese anime and TV series, I learned it over time." Lu Mingfei responded to the situation with ease and retracted his lies at will.

"Really?" Mai Shutoku nodded slightly, a flash of thinking flashed in her eyes.

"But Master, you are not a taxi driver, right?" Lu Mingfei lowered his eyes and finally asked directly, which was quite revealing.

The words were calm, but a little more aggressive.

Whether it's her face that is enough to amaze the world, her figure that is bound to bring disaster to the country and her people, or the temperament that appears in every gesture, or the priceless cigarette, it all proves that the woman in front of her is no ordinary person.

Not to mention she seems to be Japanese!

In the middle of the night, a Japanese lady would drive a taxi in an evening dress. What kind of international joke was she kidding?

Mai Shutoku: "."

So, a normal person would be able to spot a lot of doubts.

Mai Shutoku sighed in her heart, not wanting to explain.

For someone like her, instead of spending time explaining to others, she would rather wipe the dagger out of that person's throat, which would save a lot of trouble.

But the boy next to her was not someone she could wipe her throat with.

"No, I never admitted that I was a taxi driver." Mai Shutoku replied in a buzzing voice, her expression and movements very calm.

"Strictly speaking, I should be regarded as a personal secretary. I will do whatever the boss asks me to do."

“I will go wherever my boss tells me to go, all over the world.”

"I've been to Russia, France, Italy, Portugal, New York, and London."

Mai Shutoku yawned a little boredly, then changed several languages ​​and said a few words casually.

Even though Lu Mingfei had never been exposed to other languages, he vaguely knew that the driver just now probably spoke no less than five languages.

Mai Shutoku curled her lips, looking disgusted.

"But the boss is a psychopath and loves to torment people."

"Today I will be there in the middle of the night. The boss and the finance manager are also crazy. They have to experience driving in the middle of the night and even call a taxi by name."

Mai Shutoku's tone was filled with deep resentment.

"After they finished, they went to the alley to have fun, leaving me alone outside."

Mai Shutoku calmly made up lies,

"Later, I fell asleep while listening to the phone call with my daughter."

Lu Mingfei's expression became increasingly strange.

He always felt that the person opposite was talking nonsense, but she could really speak several languages.

And if he concentrated, he could still hear the beating of Mai Shutoku's heart.

Very calm, no sign of lying at all.

So after struggling, Lu Mingfei could only sigh,

"Your boss is really difficult to serve."

"Yes, he is very difficult to take care of," Mai Shutoku nodded in agreement with a melancholy look on her face.

"But there's nothing I can do about it, who makes me unable to live without him."


There is a story in this tone and sentence!

Lu Mingfei had a strong desire for gossip in his heart, but he finally put it out without asking any questions.

"But is it okay for you to just leave them in the alley?" Lu Mingfei licked his lips, "How about you put me down. It should be too late to go back now."

"It's okay, they will find a way on their own." Mai Shutoku's face was extremely cold.

"I have convulsions when I have nothing to do. This time, I didn't even let him finish his food, so he suddenly did this."

"Let them reflect and reflect in a corner where the cold wind blows. Maybe they can cure his mental illness."

Mai Shutoku smoothed the ends of her hanging hair, "The main reason is that I don't want to stay there now. It would be nice to go for a drive."

So, the implicit meaning of this sentence is probably that it was just a way to give it to him?

But, this girl has a really fierce temper.

Lu Mingfei glanced at Jiudoku Mai, and imagined in his mind an ethical drama of love, hate, and hatred that only belonged to the rich.

The boss in the alley - the male protagonist.

Alley Finance - Heroine.

Royal Sister Secretary - the heroine.

The person whom Yujie's secretary is calling - the supporting actress, is suspected to be her and the boss's daughter?

Love triangle, office romance, secretary doing something, nothing

The thousands of words in Lu Mingfei's heart could only be condensed into one sentence.

Your circle is so chaotic!

"Is there anything else you want to ask? Little brother?" Mai Jiudoku stared at Lu Mingfei with interest and showed an amazing smile. When it touched people's hearts, she turned her back on guests.

"If you want, you can tell me my name, height, weight, and even my measurements."

Lu Mingfei's face turned a little red.

Thinking back on it, there was indeed something wrong with the question he just asked.

"By the way," Maihao Shutoku muttered, "if you want to know, I can also tell you about my relationship history."

"But talking about this may take a long time. How about I take you to a room, take a shower, and we can talk slowly?"

"No! No need!" Lu Mingfei shook his head without tears.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked so many questions."

Wake up! Lu Mingfei!

How on earth do you have the brains to suspect that the woman in front of you is plotting against you?

This kind of beautiful sister with a cheeky face, a royal sister with a good figure, a beautiful woman with temperament, a talented woman who seems to be able to speak multiple languages, and a person who also works as a secretary for a rich man.

You should be grateful if you can see him once in your life.

Stop your meaningless thinking, Lu Mingfei!


Suddenly, Mai Shutoku sighed and whispered softly,

"Forget it, in order to prevent the boss from suddenly saying something, I have to hurry up on this ride."

hurry up?

Lu Mingfei was confused.

How to seize the time.

Under Lu Mingfei's puzzled expression, one of his hands flew up, and the clicking sounds of shifting gears continued one after another.

The engine hummed violently and exploded in an instant! ! !

The orange-red ferocious beast broke out of the cage, roaring in the dark night, running over the dead leaves of the flowing water, and scattering the smoke and dust in the breeze!

The old taxi was suddenly stepped on by Mai Shutoku!

What's more, the speed is still increasing!

In an instant, Lu Mingfei was slapped hard on the back of the chair. The strong wind blew in through the open window and narrowed his eyes.

He could clearly feel the trembling under his feet!

Also, it can really drive the taxi up!

Lu Mingfei now believed a little more about Mai Shutoku's statement.

The next moment, the faint smell of wine lingered on the tip of Lu Mingfei's nose.

He widened his eyes in fear and roared,

"No! Master, is it possible that you are still drinking?"

"A little bit." Mai Shutoku said calmly, "Although the boss is a lunatic, driving a taxi in the middle of the night, even if it is perverted, requires the help of some alcohol."

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