The cool wind and swirling clouds accompany the passing night, blowing up the sky and blowing water and dew down.

It flows through the cracks of the rustling lawn, bringing a touch of autumn coolness in September.

The huge campus was deserted, with only a few dim lights lighting up the windows of several rooms, creating a few warm colors.

The quiet playground was deserted. In the mist, a stray tabby cat buried its paws in the belly and fell asleep with its head down in the corner, snoring softly and fluttering its soft whiskers.

There is no hustle and bustle of the world around, and there is no pressure of life at this moment. It is a quiet and lovely place. There is only yourself, the breath in your ears, and the excited heartbeat.

If anyone is lucky enough to encounter the same scene, Lu Mingfei feels that everyone will experience the comfort of a world that only belongs to you.

This moment, this night, this place, belongs to only one person!

Lu Mingfei was still smiling cheerfully, feeling the beating of every muscle in his body, feeling happy both physically and mentally.


This situation, as well as this feeling of becoming stronger that can be noticed by the naked eye, is really addictive!

However, the intensity of ordinary exercise is not suitable for digestion and blood vessel unblocking.

Maybe, he should take the time to apply for a fitness card.

With his arms in front of his eyes, the young man was carefully planning what he was going to do. He didn't notice that the black gauze in the sky had gradually faded away, revealing a faint hazy white.

Mai Shutoku sat on the high wall, swaying her straight legs, resting her cheeks on her palms, watching quietly.

So Lu Mingfei fell asleep lightly under the invisible Royal Sister's gaze.

Dong dong dong~

A crisp knock on the door echoed in the slightly empty space, mixed with indistinct words.


Eriki swayed on the soft bed and stood up from the pile of toys.

The little yellow duck stuck to the cheek slipped down and landed on top of other toys, making a crisp and unnoticeable "Gr" sound.

The girl's hazy sleepy eyes with water mist looked around aimlessly, and her face was slightly red. When she reached out, her cuffs slipped off, revealing a touch of soft color.



Eriyi's crystal lips kept opening and closing, her uvula and red lips collided lightly, making a crisp and crystal sound, as if she had eaten some delicious food in a dream - maybe five-eye fried rice?

She rubbed her eyes sleepily, wiping away the haze as she moved, rubbing in the highlights.

The ruby ​​gleamed brightly, and her mind suddenly became clear. After the girl came to her senses, she smiled full of energy.

Eriki leaned over and waved to her toys.


Good morning!


But the next moment, Eriko pouted unhappily.

Because Gen's childish voice sounded outside the door, it was no longer vague and at the same time, it brought bad news to Eri.

"Eriyi, get dressed and get up." Yuan Zhisheng knocked on the door again and recounted yesterday's arrangements, "We agreed yesterday that after washing, you have to go for a physical examination."

"If you're still very sleepy, you can come back and go back to sleep."

Surrounded by the toys, Eriki subconsciously sat in a ball, holding her knees tightly with her arms, staring straight at herself reflected in the mirror.

The displeasure in his eyebrows could be easily understood by even a kitten.

Hui Liyi: "Hui Liyi doesn't want to take an injection."

"I know you're awake, Eri, don't pretend to be asleep like before." Yuan Zhisheng had no choice but to persuade him. He could faintly hear the changes in the girl's breathing and heart in the room, which were signs that she was awake. Performance.

The experience of this investigation comes from a time when he was left hanging outside the door to dry for half an hour while pretending to be asleep.

"You have to hurry up, you and Sakura still have a date, don't you?" Yuan Zhisheng reiterated what he said yesterday.


Eriki raised her head subconsciously and pulled her chin away from her knees.

He gently turned his neck and saw the game console not far away. When he smiled brightly, his eyes lit up with blazing flames!


She has an appointment today!

This time, we must defeat Sakura!

What a bang!

Eriyi stood up neatly, full of energy.

The little yellow duck sunk into the pavement warmed up to the jade-like warm feet, its twisted face seemed overwhelmed, and it let out a long "Gah" cry in pain!

At this moment, the girl ignored the screams of the partner who used to accompany her in the bath, and opened her arms and suddenly picked up a bunch of toys.

Her hair was flying, and Eri's bare feet were running briskly around the room. There was a crisp snapping sound on the tatami and the floor.

The little duck couldn't bear the squeeze of many toys and fell to the ground lonely.


Eriyi braked suddenly, hooked her little foot, raised her red eyes lightly, pressed her forehead firmly against the little yellow duck, and stumbled away without looking at the road.

On the short journey,

Rilakkuma, ragdoll, Godzilla and other Eri's treasures can be run away or picked up!

A squeak!

Yuan Zhisheng pushed the door open and saw his sister fighting with a bunch of toys in a furious manner. He couldn't help but hold his forehead and shake his head.

"I've never seen you so anxious before, Eri."

Eriki, whose body was covered with toys, was startled subconsciously, with Rilakkuma's ear in her mouth.

She looked back at her brother at the door, took out her hand with difficulty and shook it, as if to say "Good morning, brother."

Yuan Zhisheng said in his heart that he was perfunctory. He didn't know where his sister, who used to hold up a notebook and say "good morning", had gone.

Then, he watched as Eriki stuffed the toy into the box fiercely, although she may not have realized that this action was no longer as gentle as she used to treat treasures.

Unprecedentedly, Minamoto Chisei said something he had never thought he would say on the day when Eri needed a physical check-up.

"Slow down, Eriyi."

Yuan Zhisheng frowned and couldn't help but touch his chin.

Really, with this look, you can’t tell that you have to pack away the toys one by one as soon as you get to the physical examination in the past. Is this the reason why Sakura was mentioned just now?

But at this moment, Eriki had no intention of answering what Yuan Zhisheng was saying, and had already rushed into the bathroom.


Wash, scrub—!

Puff, puff —!

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the girl who was washing her face quickly, brushing her teeth at the speed of light, and randomly patting her face with a towel, and frowned helplessly.

"I told you, you can go slower, Eriyi."

"It's still daytime, no matter how anxious you are, you won't come early in the evening!"

Eriyi ignored it, Gululu took a sip of mouthwash and rolled her eyes.

My brother is a big fool! Slob!

Although she didn't remember it clearly, she remembered a comic saying - when you see the opponent you want to win, you must run!

In just a few minutes, Minamoto opened the door with Eri, who used to take two or three hours to prepare.

Eriki was in a daze, waiting for her brother to open the annoying iron doors one after another, but Yuan Zhisheng stood beside her, motionless.

"Why don't you leave? Eli Yi?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned and turned back.

"Did you forget something?"

Eriki suddenly pointed at the empty front, tilting her head in confusion.

The meaning is easy to understand - brother, where is the door.

"The door? I ordered Yaksha and Crow to dismantle it. It seems that they worked very efficiently and didn't disturb you who was sleeping." Yuan Zhisheng touched Eriyi's little head and spoke softly.

"You won't feel comfortable if there are so many things around."

In fact, Yuan Zhisheng was very conflicted in his heart.

In the past, he would definitely have approved of locking Eri in the room.

In this way, it is in line with the "great righteousness" for both everyone and Eri Yi.

Even if Eri slipped out a few times, it didn't lead to any big mistake, and he was still within the range of contact.

But yesterday, when I saw Erika chatting with Sakura, her heartfelt excitement and joy after the battle, and her longing for the next day, Minamoto had a little hesitation.

He thought about how Eriki suddenly disappeared from the room on a rainy day at some unknown time.

The news spread in an instant, and the alert level was instantly full!

The major families of the Yamata no Orochi came out in force, and the commissioners of the Tokyo Territory also put down all manual tasks. Everyone's goal was unified in an instant - before the "weapon" goes wild, it is bound to be locked up in their hearts. .

The major families have even ordered that if the "weapons" are mastered by organizations such as the Fierce Ghosts, they will be wiped out at all costs to prevent immeasurable consequences.

But they, who mobilized forces in such a way, never expected that Eriki was not far away from Genji Heavy Industries at all, and caused a big blackout under the lights.

Yuan Zhisheng still remembers the scene at that time.

In the drizzle in Tokyo, Eri didn't hold an umbrella. She just squatted on the opposite side of the road and looked at the traffic lights quietly, letting the rain soak her red hair. Her red and white shrine-like shrine maiden costume made it seem like she didn't feel the slightest bit of coldness. , or in other words, she enjoyed it - she may have never had any memory of the feeling of being soaked by the rain.

Later, the countdown number reached zero.

But even if the red and green lights alternate, it becomes green enough to walk on.

Even though all kinds of people on both sides of the road have already stepped out and disappeared into the busy world.

Eriyi still squatted there motionless, as if there was a chasm in front of her.

Yuan Zhisheng stopped the others from stepping forward and quietly came to her side with an umbrella.

The girl also seemed to sense a familiar scent. She looked up at her brother. She didn't know whether it was warm tears or cold rain hanging in the corners of her eyes.

What Yuan Zhisheng remembered most clearly later was the tender words "Brother, the world is so big" engraved on the notebook she carried with her - like the Temple of Heaven overflowing with a fountain of sadness.

Several times in the following years, Eriki engaged in activities that the clan leaders severely denounced as "escape" but were actually a knock on the family, but each time she stopped at a different intersection and stopped moving forward.

It was as if she was looking into a cage that only she could see clearly, and her expression was incomprehensible.

Yuan Zhisheng originally thought that it was caused by the blood sorrow derived from dragon blood, but he finally discovered that there were some subtle differences.

Until now, Minamoto Chisei couldn't fully understand what that slight difference was. He only knew that after recently satisfying Eri's willful Internet request, the girl had made visible changes.

Therefore, Yuan Zhisheng now feels that it is not a bad thing to slightly change the current situation of Eri Yi and allow her to have moderate contact with the outside world, and it will not damage the "righteousness" itself.

So he made a move to confront his father, ensure communication between Eriki and Sakura, and even dismantle the iron gate in front of Eriki's door - these were things he would never have done before.

The root cause may be the sudden and subtle change in Eri's clothes - Minamoto instinctively thinks this is a good thing.

Minamoto Zhisheng pursed his lips, but in the end he did not say to Eriki, "If you want to knock on the house, you can come a few times." He just reminded her softly,

"Eriyi, when you have nothing to do, you can come out of the room and walk around."

"Let's go, Eriyi, we have to hurry up and get a physical examination."

Eriki blinked, nodded obediently, and followed her brother in front.

It's just that my steps became a little lighter unconsciously.


Eriki blinked her bright red eyes and thought involuntarily in her mind.

It will be easier to knock on doors in the future.

I don't have the consciousness that every time I go out, I will only go to the other side of the road and then stop moving forward.

On a certain floor of Genji Heavy Industries, the white ceiling is shining, the pure walls are cold, the clean floor is glowing, and even the noisy people coming and going are all wearing white coats.

As far as the eye can see, except for related equipment and machinery, it is all white - a strange space that should not appear in reality.

A squeak!

Steam filled the air, and the heavily locked door opened in response.

The noisy crowd was suddenly stunned, and all discussions disappeared in an instant.

People in white coats lined up in two tight rows and bowed to visitors, their voices and movements uniform.

"Clan Chief Yuan Zhisheng, good morning!"

"Clan Chief Eri Uesugi, good morning!"

"Good morning, everyone," Yuan Zhisheng waved his hand to signal everyone to waive the etiquette, and confirmed in a deep voice,

"I should have discussed with you yesterday about the physical examination for Eri, let's start now."

"Yes!" The leading medical chief stood at attention and nodded, motioning to several female researchers not far away to come forward. The next examination would be best done by women.

"Chief Uesugi," the female nurse suppressed a trembling whisper and motioned for Eri to enter the testing room. It was not surprising that she was like this. After all, there were many people present, but she had seen the video of Eri going crazy, so she couldn't help but feel worried. fear.

"this way please."

Eriki blinked, nodded and followed, entering the enclosed space.

Check whether there are any abnormalities such as scales anywhere on the body, CT, MRI, blood draw, ECG

Numerous routine and irregular comprehensive examinations are carried out by leaders in various medical fields.

Various analysis results were suddenly transmitted with efficient and accurate standards - this was a medical team that belonged to Eriki Uesugi alone.

"Young Master Yuan Zhisheng," the medical chief read through the dense test reports. He changed his private conversation to a less serious title, and his tone couldn't help but bring a hint of joyful smile from the heart. It is the smile of a doctor born for his patients. ,

"Ms. Uesugi's statistics are all incredibly good."

He looked at Yuan Zhisheng inquiringly, with deep curiosity.

"Did your parents develop any new medicine?"

This kind of data has broken past records in every sense!


Yuan Zhisheng shook his head thoughtfully, looking at Eli Yi who was blinking and looking around not far away, he also showed a faint smile,

"Maybe that's why Eri is in a better mood."

"Really?" The medical chief nodded suddenly, looked at Eri Yi who was looking around, and explained to himself,

"Yes, that's right! Miss Uesugi's physical condition is basically caused by her inability to control her bloodline. Emotional stability does have the possibility of slowing down the deterioration of Miss Uesugi's body."

"It seems that Miss Uesugi is in a really good mood. She used to resist all kinds of medical equipment and methods, but today she is so cooperative and even observes this laboratory. I really didn't expect it."

"Sorry, I'm rude!" The medical chief suddenly woke up and realized that he was actually gossiping about the clan leader. He apologized to Yuan Zhisheng in a panic, but Yuan Zhisheng waved his hand without any surprise.

"Thank you, Master, for your forgiveness, but no matter what," the medical chief asked Minamoto Chisei seriously, "I also ask Master Minamoto Chisei to allow Miss Eriki to continue to maintain this situation."

"I will," Yuan Zhisheng promised, secretly saying that yesterday's decision was indeed a good one. Then he turned around and asked, "Since the condition is good, is there no need to inject serum?"

"It's best to continue the injection," the medical director thought for a long time. During this period, he continued to search for various data and compared it with the past, and finally suggested this,

"Strike while the iron is hot can effectively reduce the concentration of dragon blood in Miss Uesugi's body. However, it may also reduce the strength of Miss Uesugi's ability. If the family has no use for Miss Uesugi recently." The medical chief said this and remained silent. .

"I understand, then let's continue injecting the serum," Yuan Zhisheng nodded lightly and made a decision, "For a long time recently, there will be no emergencies in the family that require Eriki's intervention."

"Yes! I understand! Let's arrange it now!" The medical chief nodded and bowed, turned around and walked towards Eri Yi.

"Ms. Uesugi," the medical director who came closer subconsciously lowered his voice.

"You also need to inject serum today, please be prepared."

Eriki Uesugi nodded. Just when the medical chief was about to leave, he found that a small hand was holding the hem of his clothes.

He raised his eyes and in an instant found those red eyes looking for him.

"Ms. Uesugi," the medical director looked away in panic, and cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

His thoughts were spinning wildly, but he couldn't find what was wrong with him just now to offend the person in front of him.

Eriki pointed to the items in the silver metal cabinet next to her and raised her notebook towards the medical chief.

Eriyi: "What is that?"

"Oh, this." The medical director secretly breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the silver machine that the girl pointed to.

There was a faint air of air-conditioning lingering in the freezer. From bottom to top, dark pistols, submachine guns, and sniper rifles were densely displayed, but they had undergone many specific modifications.

The top two floors are tightly packed with small transparent boxes.

The pitch-black soft sponge in the box is wrapped in one stream after another of sparkling liquid, as if it is alive.

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