
Su Xiaoqiang frowned subconsciously, wondering why so many people suddenly called her.

what happened?

She turned her head when she heard the sound, her eyes widened, and her heart suddenly rose to her throat.


The jet-black gasoline embraces the blue-purple lightning, and steam rises as the fire burns. Heat and kinetic energy are converted under the rotating lever, turning into a roaring mechanical roar and a slightly dirty exhaust gas!

The person came with a tattered helmet, covering his face.

But Su Xiaoqiang could feel the malice coming towards her!

Done! About to hit!

Su Xiaoqiang's chest became motionless at some point, which was a sign that her breath was deprived of fear.

In the crisis of life and death, she felt cold all over her body, as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and her stiff limbs could not move!

At this moment, there was only one thought left in Su Xiaoqiang's mind, which was the judgment of ruthless reality.

If you were hit directly like this, you would definitely be doomed!

Even if you are lucky enough to survive

Being disfigured to the point where the face is distorted and ugly, and being paralyzed to the point of being bedridden is something Su Xiaoqiang cannot accept in this life!

Why did this happen to her?

Is this retribution?


Apart from being a little arrogant when dealing with others, she has never done anything bad that can be considered as bad character. It can't be because she said some bad things about Lu Mingfei in the past.

Moreover, is it true that doing good deeds and accumulating virtue are all lies?

Tough luck! Tough luck! Tough luck! Tough luck! ! !

Su Xiaoqiang's heart suddenly resounded with the signature cry of Uncle Long from a certain cartoon.


Now is not the time to think about those things!


Move quickly!

Get moving! Su Xiaoqiang!

Su Xiaoqiang hugged the notebook tightly to her chest and screamed in her heart, trying to regain control of this body.

But facing the danger of intrusion, she only felt that her legs were weak, and she fell to the ground weakly, leaving her whole body trembling.

At the same time, the roar of the motorcycle is getting closer and closer!

Su Xiaoqiang smiled bitterly at herself in her heart.

Do you still want to take over the old man’s class?

Do you still want to flex your muscles in foreign business where there are various dangers?

I didn’t expect that she would only be like this?

In the face of some sudden crises, I can't even calm down and deal with it.

It's so fragile and scary!

don't want!


I don't know if it was because of fear and despair, but little crystal tears gradually escaped from Su Xiaoqiang's beautiful eyes.

She doesn't want to die!

Who can save her?

Dad, Mom.

No matter who it is?

Who can come to save her!

Su Xiaoqiang's peripheral vision glanced at Lu Mingfei in the distance, and she murmured.



The ferocious force of his feet hit the asphalt road, and tiny gravels flew in all directions under his feet.

The moment Lu Mingfei discovered the danger, he dropped everything in his hands and ran madly towards her on the road.

The breath between the mouth and nose exploded under the pull of the lungs!

The heart is beating crazily at a much faster speed than usual!

The power in the cells was severely squeezed and gathered into the crazily flowing blood vessels, surging! Rushing! Most of it goes to the bulging muscles on the legs and soles of the feet!

In just a few seconds, Lu Mingfei made a preemptive move and overtook the migrant workers who were closer to Su Xiaoqiang.

If classmates or teachers from the Shilan High School sports team were here, they would definitely exclaim that Lu Ming is not a human being! Then he stuck to Lu Mingfei's side with excitement in his eyes. She shamelessly invited him to quit the literary club and kendo club and join the Shilan High School track and field team.

Don’t let this talent go to waste!

If Lu Mingfei joins the Shilan High School track and field team, the teacher in charge of this class may be able to inherit the reputation of discovering sports talents and cultivating them to an unprecedented level, and have a smooth road from now on.

Even athletes who are lucky enough to be on the same team as Lu Mingfei will feel honored and inevitably brag to others that he has trained with that person on the same team.

Without him, Lu Mingfei's current sprint speed has already broken the superficial historical record of human sprinting!

It may even be unprecedented and unprecedented.

Back to the present moment,

The thick, cold tires left darkness on the ground, roaring and exploding mercilessly.

The tar smell emitted by the burning gasoline was invisible, but it looked like a grinning horned devil laughing wildly, leaving behind a look of fear on the face of the delicate girl opposite.

Lu Mingfei estimated the distance and speed between the three, and was determined!

If this continues, it can be saved!

no problem!

As long as this continues,

He can save Su Xiaoqiang unscathed!

But at the next moment, the buzzing started again!

No. 1 twists the accelerator hard, and in an instant the speed is increased again.

The corners of his cold mouth spoke harsh words,

"go to hell!"

Su Xiaoqiang seemed to have heard this whisper, and her whole body trembled, with a bit of confusion in her eyes.

It's not an accident, it's just for her!

but why?

At the same time, she didn't know if it was because the desire to survive ignited the potential in her body, but she suddenly felt that her body was very warm, and it was like a kind of flame burning in her heart!

After the shouts and roars that linger in my ears, there seems to be the sound of running water deeply hidden?


A deeper puzzlement flashed through Su Xiaoqiang's mind.

Why would she hear the sound of running water in this situation?

The roaring motorcycle was getting faster and faster, and the approaching murderous intent extinguished the possibility that Lu Mingfei could save her unharmed.

What's going on with this rider?

Lu Mingfei gritted his teeth.

Smell of alcohol? Did you drink too much?

Damn it!

He didn't have the first move, so he was a step too late after all.

Even if the breathing method has been used, if it continues like this, the best result is that Su Xiaoqiang and Su Xiaoqiang will be knocked out together.

It doesn't matter to him, he has the power of "not to die" to protect him.

But Lu Mingfei didn't know whether the power of "Don't Die" had any effect on Su Xiaoqiang. After all, he had not done any experiments in reality.

If used as a back pad, can it protect Su Xiaoqiang?

Most likely you can!

Lu Mingfei narrowed his eyes slightly and subconsciously thought of ways to harm himself.

wrong! Be calm!

Although it sounds cool to sacrifice oneself for others, Lu Mingfei! Think about it carefully and think about other ways!

With sharp eyebrows, Lu Mingfei suppressed the panic in his heart and thought hard.

What you have, what can you do!

Damn it! Time is so tight that I can’t even think of it!

Lu Mingfei kept running, his brows furrowed, and his heart was extremely eager to use a more perfect method to solve the current emergency.


Heart beating hard!

As if responding to the king's call, the nameless power hidden in the blood - awakened!

Lu Mingfei's eyes flashed with bright golden flames.

The noise and shouts in my ears were stretched out, and the motorcycle wheels speeding in front of me also circled slowly.

Even the speed and curvature of the clouds in the sky and the hair blown by the wind are extremely clear.

Time suddenly slowed down beside Lu Mingfei! The world suddenly became clear!


Lu Mingfei denied it softly in his heart,

It’s not that time has slowed down, or that the world has become clearer.

But his thoughts are faster than before!


Under Lu Mingfei's heartfelt call, when he was searching for one million in the stock market yesterday, the ability to turn the world into a flow of information appeared again!

Lu Mingfei didn't know why this ability reappeared, and whether it was the help of the sleeping system, but he knew that now was not the time to explore the reason.

With this ability to turn events and everything into information, the current situation couldn't be more clear.

Not only now, but also the virtual future in a few seconds was completely controlled by Lu Mingfei, relying on the sudden increase in computing power in his mind.

The young man rushing out from behind?

exclude! They are not the key to solving the problem!

That motorcycle and its owner with a murderous expression on his face!

locking! He is the key to solving major problems.

Su Xiaoqiang, who was frightened, locked on! how to save


Lu Mingfei seemed to have seen something incredible, and his thoughts suddenly diverged.

Although it was very small, Su Xiaoqiang's eyes seemed to be lit with golden light?

And it seems to be getting brighter and brighter!

This situation is exactly the same as what happened during Brother Chu's sparring session this morning.

Will the seeds of water breathing in Su Xiaoqiang's body also awaken?

Can this power resolve the current crisis? No!

Can't bet on that!

Lu Mingfei immediately denied the dog betting plan. He could not only look at the present, but also think about the possible future.

It would be okay if Su Xiaoqiang's ability was just to increase body functions, then it would be a way to turn danger into safety, and everyone would be happy.

Although it is not clear what form the power of the breathing method will take in reality, it would not be a good idea if the ability was directly exposed to the public and the motorcycle guy on the opposite side flew away with a concrete water fan!

Lu Mingfei didn't know whether Uncle Su's ability could protect his daughter who had super powers.

Now that I think about it, I really shouldn’t just scatter the seeds of the breathing method casually.

It's troublesome enough to take care not to expose yourself on a daily basis, but even in this situation, it takes a lot of brain cells to take this into consideration.

No, now is not the time to think about this. In short, the plan that relies on the power of Su Xiaoqiang's breathing method is completely ruled out!


Lu Mingfei frowned fiercely, his thoughts spinning wildly, and he processed the information in an orderly manner!

The difficulties of the current situation have been clarified, and the principles of action have been confirmed.

The first priority is to save Su Xiaoqiang.

The second priority is to stop Su Xiaoqiang's awakening to the breathing method even at some cost. In addition, you should also expose your abnormalities as little as possible.

The third priority is to avoid possible harm to nearby people.

The fourth priority is to reduce the harm you suffer as much as possible.

Choose in order. If the plan cannot perfectly achieve all the important tasks, make way for the one that comes first!

It was impossible to save Su Xiaoqiang without injury simply by relying on her current speed.

But, calm down! Lu Mingfei, think about what you have and what you can do.

Talents, achievements, titles, weapons, environment and even life!

Everything he owns is organized and listed in his mind in his rapidly spinning thoughts.


The golden eyes became more and more terrifying. Relying on the sudden power, Lu Mingfei frantically calculated and combined all possibilities.

Countless threads of various colors connect different abilities and talents, forming a dense network.

Each thread connected in series is the plan that Lu Mingfei can take now, accompanied by a virtual future that is 99.99% accurate with powerful computing power.

At the same time, in this slowed-down space, there were finally other sounds.

"Don't be afraid! I'm here."

The voice in her ears and the reliable warm embrace behind her interrupted Su Xiaoqiang's abnormal state.

The first half of the second priority, suppressing the use of Su Xiaoqiang's breathing method, is tentatively completed!

Lu Mingfei also followed the slowing down of the world and finally arrived at Su Xiaoqiang's side.


He also faced the buzzing motorcycle so close at hand, as well as the ferocious and crazy face of the man on the vehicle.

So, what to do next?

In this situation, no one noticed that Lu Mingfei's face was extremely cold, like a machine built to complete its mission.

Various plans are still being calculated. Judging from the speculations that have been completed, the current situation is a choice between two at a time!

The key to completing the first priority and rescuing Su Xiaoqiang is to use the accumulated inertia.

Should he give up the power of one leg and continue to rely on inertia to roll Su Xiaoqian out of danger, and pay the price of the motorcycle running over that leg and breaking it?

Or just rely on inertia to pull Su Xiaoqian out. I bet that when facing this iron bump that soars to 126 miles, I can rely on my current calculation power, body coordination, and focused mind to perfectly relieve the pressure, and then go to the hospital and lie down for a few days. months.

First of all, with the power of "don't die", he will definitely not die. And it can shorten the recovery time to a certain extent, as long as the degree of shortening is slightly controlled and does not attract the attention of the doctor.

There is an uncertain factor in the former, that is, Su Xiaoqiang's possible reaction will affect the results of the virtual calculation and lead to failure.

Looking at it this way, the latter is the one that achieves the most important tasks and is the most stable among the many plans in front of us.

But if this is the case, Lu Mingfei may not be able to participate in the physical examination normally.

Under the chain reaction, only grades can be used, and campus public opinion incidents and entering the student union may have many obstacles.


Lu Mingfei coldly changed the angle of his feet and was ready to adopt the last plan.

never mind! At this time, I was still wondering what the campus forum was called.

Sacrificing yourself for others sounds really heroic.

Just like a computer with multi-core processing, Lu Mingfei, who is checking the current problem and frantically confirming various solutions so far, not only has the energy to think about other things, but is even constantly calculating new solutions.

I thought that the measures taken now were already the most perfect ones.

But perhaps it was because God favored Lu Mingfei that he actually thought of a better solution.

Got it!

Hot golden flames burned in his eyes, and the transparent world suddenly opened up. Lu Mingfei tried his best to hug the delicate body in front of him.

While locked tightly to prevent Su Xiaoqiang from having an unexpected reaction, Lu Mingfei's ankle dislocated with a click.

Twisting to a specific angle, he completely transformed the reserved inertia into the direction he needed without any waste, and turned his body violently.

Although he didn't know how effective it would be, relying on his soaring computing power, he had a method that was perfect enough to complete the first to fourth priorities!

Even if he failed, it would only be his own injuries that were more serious.

Taking some risks to bet on a perfect solution sounds more in line with Lu Mingfei's heart than the one he just planned to adopt!

That’s it, give it a try!

Under a strictly controlled turning speed, Lu Mingfei perfectly protected Su Xiaoqiang.

At the same time, his neck and eyebrows rotated in reverse direction with his body.

In the process of pointing his back towards the direction of the tire, for a moment, the bright golden pupils were branded on No. 1's eyes.

Title: Fear of Ghosts, Activate!

Let me see how effective your debuff will be in real life!

Lu Mingfei roared in his heart!


A loud noise like the opening of the sky suddenly erupted in No. 1's mind!

The high-rise buildings, the dogs and men on the zebra crossing, and the roaring motorcycles are a bit dark gray under the perspective of goggles.

But what worries No. 1 even more is that No. 1's goggles seem to be broken.


To be precise, the world in front of him was shattered!

Under the gaze of those golden pupils!

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