Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 193 Suspicion, attention, familiarity, executioner!

"Mr. Fujiwara, please keep your voice down." Ms. Aso glanced at her subordinates who seemed to have heard something and reminded them carefully,

"The group of people at the back are not our direct subordinates. No one knows the secret of the hybrid."

"If this continues, it will be very difficult for me."

Fujiwara suddenly fell silent and looked ugly, as if he had swallowed a dead fly.

Project No. 1 has turned into such a disgusting look, why don’t we let people talk about it?

"Besides, you really misunderstood. Just now I was simply ruling out all possibilities of the failure of the plan."

"It is impossible for a Dragon King-level figure to appear in this mission. But judging from the judgment just now, compared to other high school students of the same age, there is something wrong with that boy, isn't it?" Ms. Aso said softly. My own opinion,

"Just the fact that he rushed to protect Su Xiaoqiang in the face of sudden danger is worthy of our attention."

"After all, not everyone has that kind of courage."

"Anyway, if such a person is always around Su Xiaoqiang, the lack of security will have an unpredictable impact on our next plan."

"So even to avoid that, we have to raise the profile of this person."

Fujiwara glanced at Aso, hugged his chest and snorted coldly.

"What's the use of paying attention to a child who doesn't even have hair? It's making a mountain out of a molehill!"

Ms. Aso frowned slightly, finally realizing the obvious bad attitude behind Fujiwara's expression and words.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, knowing that this was the reason why there was such a big flaw in the plan from the beginning.

The unfavorable start probably made the man in front of him very angry, and it was understandable that he would vent his anger on others.

To be honest, every time Ms. Aso goes on a mission, she is most afraid of meeting people like Fujiwara.

Macho chauvinism tolerates no rebuttal and just gives orders from a high position.

His attitude is as arrogant as the emperor's. If he doesn't think of a way to solve the problem, he will forget about completing the task.

For a person like Fujiwara, every time something goes wrong, no matter what, he will start a fight based on his temper.

Discounting the fact that Yan Ling can still beat him, he is simply a teammate like a pig.

If there is a place where fighting is needed, it goes without saying that Fujiwara is indeed a valuable fighting force who can charge into battle.

But the problem is that for this mission, they have all the people behind the scenes and Fujiwara is not needed at all.

To put it bluntly, Fujiwara is just a useless decoration now. He has no use at all except causing trouble.

It's just a drag bottle!

Ms. Aso complained in her heart, hoping that after completing the mission this time, she would not encounter Fujiwara again.

But no matter what she thought about the man in front of her, she couldn't take him away.

If there is a powder keg in a team and there is no one who can control the powder keg, even if there is a spark, the result will only be an explosion.

In the final analysis, all they have to do is complete the task. Faced with this situation, someone has to make concessions.

So Ms. Aso lowered her head and whispered, swallowing her anger.

"Mr. Fujiwara, please be patient."

"As far as the results are concerned, there are just some mistakes in Plan No. 1, and they are not irreversible."

"This is indeed my fault, and I hereby apologize."

Ms. Aso’s waist was sincerely bent ninety degrees.

"But please rest assured, those who implement Plan 2 will not make such low-level mistakes again."

Ms. Aso whispered in her heart.

If there are no hybrids.

It is indeed impossible for a strong man at the Dragon King level to appear.

But if there are two or more hybrids with calculation and hypnotic speech spirits, it is possible to reproduce the theoretical prediction just now.

But no matter what, you need to pay more attention to your next actions.

"No. 2?" Fujiwara frowned slightly, obviously not remembering who No. 2 was.

Aso sighed in his heart, pulled out a stack of information from the side and presented it, explaining slowly,

"No. 1 is just someone I randomly found on the Internet. I have no experience in doing this kind of thing. I just used it to test the security situation around Su Xiaoqiang."

"But No. 2 is different. His resume is very 'excellent'."

"Mr. Fujiwara may have heard of the website 'Hunter', which is considered the dark web of our mixed-race community."

"The 'Hunter' website also has countless branch websites, which are relatively well-known in the world of ordinary people. Number 2 is a veteran I found carefully on one of the websites."

Fujiwara took the information from No. 2 before Ms. Aso's eyes and introduced it softly.

"The person No. 2 studied abroad and was a top student at a well-known chemical engineering university in Japan. He should have had a very good development after returning to China, but perhaps this is a common problem among highly educated people. Instead, he found excitement after returning to China and started working underground. Got the black fist."

"Later, for some unknown reason, I killed someone and went to jail."

"After I was released from prison, I lost my original job due to black marks on my resume, and I was not asked by any other companies. I came into contact with the dark web by chance, and since then I have been helping people of this kind to make a living in the dark side."

"Arson, kidnapping, poisoning, causing car accidents, etc. No. 2 can be said to be very experienced in this area."

"But that's not No. 2's main advantage."

"For us, the most important thing is that person No. 2 can handle things well. No matter what kind of request you make, he can use disguises, create accidents, etc. to complete it properly."

"In addition, even if the mission fails and is accidentally caught, No. 2 will hide all information about his employer. His mouth is well-known in the industry for being strict."

"And this is exactly what we need most."

Ms. Aso bowed lightly,

"In terms of force, No. 2 may be a little inferior to Mr. Fujiwara, who does not use word spirits, but among ordinary people, there are not many people who are his opponents."

"He has both civil and military skills, a ruthless heart, and a strong professional ethics, so please rest assured."

"The plan that No. 2 will be responsible for executing next will definitely not go wrong."

"Hmph, I hope so." Fujiwara snorted coldly, but couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Just a little inferior?

Aso is kidding!

You must know that he has received various trainings since he was a child. Even without using the word spirit, he can reach the level of a special soldier. Even without weapons, he can be as good as ten.

No matter how experienced an ordinary person who was a boxer ended up in jail, he could never be his opponent in terms of force.


Fujiwara glanced at Ms. Aso and felt slightly calm.

For this mission, enough!

Fujiwara's eyes fell on the big screen with boredom, and he couldn't help but touch his chin in a daze.

Looking at it now,

The boy who was protecting Su Xiaoqiang looked more and more familiar.

He has not been in China for a long time. Where did he meet him?


Suddenly, Ms. Aso's phone vibrated.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and spoke softly,

"Exactly, I think No. 1 will tell us what happened just now."

"Everyone, continue to monitor." Ms. Aso said loudly,

"In addition, strengthen surveillance of the young man around the target. Also pay attention to whether there are other people around the target."


"Huh? Others?"

Mr. Fujiwara couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

From Ms. Aso's last few words, he realized the possibility of multiple mixed races being involved.

So he sat upright and glanced at the surveillance cameras in all directions with his piercing eyes, trying to find out any other suspicious persons.

As for Lu Mingfei, an ordinary high school student, he had forgotten about it a second ago.

But Fujiwara was soon attracted by the call beside him. After all, from No. 1's mouth, he might be able to get some information that was not available in the surveillance.


Ms. Aso dialed the number with a click of her finger.

She was curious as to why the plan executed by No. 1 had such flaws as before.


No. 1 hit the wall of the narrow alley with his head covered in blood and roared into the phone,

"damn it!"

"It's all because of your mission that I'm like this!"

"No. 1, you need to calm down." Ms. Aso's cold voice echoed in the alley.

"Calm down, how can you tell me to calm down!?" No. 1 roared ferociously,

"What the fuck, you know me." Taotao's constant curses followed, without any repetition of the curse words.

"What, 100,000? Even if you send me another 100,000, what's the matter?" No. 1 suddenly fell silent, feeling the vibration of his phone, and stared blankly at the payment information.

"Have you calmed down?" Ms. Aso's whisper sounded, "If you have calmed down, tell me what happened at that time."

"Did you lose consciousness in an instant?"

"Then what did you see before you lost consciousness?"

"What happened to you after you lost consciousness?"

"After you wake up, why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

No. 1 was stunned for a moment.

Did he lose consciousness just now?

Why doesn't he know?

What did you see?

Did he see anything?

No. 1 subconsciously frowned and thought deeply, trying to remember.

But just when he was about to remember it, his body suddenly became cold.

I feel dizzy and the pain is terrible!


No. 1 gritted his teeth and moaned unbearably.

Got a concussion?

But he always felt that he had forgotten something.

If he thought about it deliberately, he would feel palpitations for no reason, as if his brain had sealed some memories in order to protect his consciousness.

His intuition told him that it would be a good thing not to dwell on it and not to explore it for the rest of his life.

"Did you remember anything?" Ms. Aso's cold voice came out.

"Ask me! Ask your mother!" No. 1 had a splitting headache and cursed, "I just drank a little too much and was distracted."

"Really?" Ms. Aso pondered for a moment, realizing that she would not get any information from No. 1, so she explained coldly,

"No. 1, your mission failed."

"The four hundred thousand I'll call you will be used as your medical expenses and compensation."

"Qian talks about love. In the days to come, you should know what to say and what not to say."

Is this bitch threatening him?

Number 1's face was like that of a demon, his whole body was sore, his teeth were grimacing, and blood was bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

damn it!

If he hadn't been wearing a helmet and happened to bump into a trash can to catch his breath, he probably wouldn't have been able to save his life?

He has suffered so much, so why should he be given so much money?

How many years can 400,000 be spent?

Sending beggars away!

"I know you damn well!" No. 1 took off his helmet with difficulty and lit a cigarette to relieve the pain.

"I'm calling you boss to give you face. Let me tell you, in order to complete your stupid mission, I was seriously injured!"

"Four hundred thousand is nothing, can it buy my health?"

"How much do you want to forget this?" Ms. Aso's voice came out slowly.

"No, one million!" Lion No. 1 said loudly. Knowing that the other party didn't want to be exposed, he couldn't help but feel at ease.

"Ten million! It seems that you also know that what you did is not serious and you will be sentenced."

"Boss, you don't want me to tell the police what you did, do you?"

Listening to the sound of people searching for him outside, No. 1 was frothing at the mouth, secretly thinking that those migrant workers were really sick.

He didn't hit their daughter, so why bother to catch him?

But he was injured, and he couldn't deal with the big man covered in tendons, so No. 1 got up with difficulty and walked deeper into the alley, shouting into the phone as he walked,

"You give me 10 million, and I'll pretend nothing happened."

"Don't worry, I'm a very tight-lipped person. As long as you give me money, I'll be haunted by this incident for the rest of my life."

"The desire to open the door is the best, and the most serious illness in life is the same!"

Ms. Aso murmured something in Japanese in a cold voice.

"What did you say?" No. 1 frowned slightly, then smiled heartily, "I didn't expect she was a Japanese girl!"

"Think about it, boss."

"Anyway, with my current injury, I will definitely have to go to the hospital. Then the police will follow the clues and find me."

"Half an hour, I only give you half an hour." No. 1 grumbled and threatened the person who was the boss just now.

"After half an hour, if there is not 10 million in my card, I will call 110 and everyone will die together."

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed out from the corner of the alley, knocking No. 1 and staggering.


"Are you blind? Didn't you see your father here?"

Number 1 stared back at the black shadow that hurt his wounds, and cursed,

"I really screwed you for eight generations!"

Suddenly, cardiac arrest occurs.


Number 1's eyes suddenly widened, and he fell heavily to the ground, clutching his chest and twitching all over.


The dark figure just now squatted in front of No. 1, with a very young face and a gentle voice.

"Let me introduce the latest research conducted by the inmates and I. According to theory, once the two injections are neutralized in the blood, even the medical examiner will only conclude that he died of heart failure."

"I have to say, you are very lucky to have the opportunity to be the first guinea pig."

He pressed his cap and inserted a needle into No. 1's arm again. While cleaning the needle to eliminate traces, he murmured to himself,

"Brother, I'm not talking about you. If you only want a few million, the boss might really give it to you. After all, my mission to kill you now is only five million. But you have to use chicken feathers as arrows to speak. Just ten million?"

"Do you really think that money comes from strong winds? Boy, have you not read many books? Didn't I tell you? Look in the mirror and you will know that you are not worth that much, right?"

"Also, what do you mean, do you want your boss to directly charge your bank card? With so much money pouring in, you really think the bank won't check you, right? Are you stupid?"

"Uh! Uh! Huh!" No. 1 raised his head with all his might, his weak chest squeezing the air, and what was left through his voice was just a vague whisper.

I don’t know if I’m begging for mercy or scolding!

Or is it fear?

After all, in all his life, he has never met someone who took away his life so easily.

The person in front of him was even talking to him leisurely, without any consciousness that he had committed the crime of murder.

No matter what he said, he was still a human being. How could someone kill him without blinking an eye? Are you still talking about your research and preaching like a normal person?

Executioner! An out-and-out executioner!

Number One glared at Number Two's face and roared in his heart.

What world has he been involved in?

"Since we have performed the same task, you are still considered a colleague. Let me translate what the boss just said in Japanese for you."

Rubber gloves patted No. 1's face and whispered softly,

"Greedy brings trouble, and not being satisfied even after getting ten points is a serious disease in life!"

"You will die this time because you want too much."

"In the next life, be smarter."

"I will officially take over your mission."

"Look carefully in the sky, what do you mean by professionals!"

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