Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 197 Hit the target with one shot

"Hiss! Could it be that this is the world of humanity and sophistication in the adult world?"

Lu Mingfei lowered his head and muttered, retorting to himself,

"No, you can't say that. Most people will never be exposed to this kind of thing in their lifetime."

"If a poor guy like me from a fake middle-class family didn't come with you, I might never know in my life that such a simple lottery can really be such a big deal."

“I have never heard of it before, it’s really a great experience!”

He looked at Su Xiaoqiang with inquiring eyes, his lips moved slightly,

"Tsk, is this the good life of the upper class?"

Su Xiaoqiang, who was sipping her coffee, rolled her eyes angrily when she heard this.

The tone is like the sound of a mandarin duck, with a crisp and sweet aftertaste, hinting at a hint of anger.

"Lu Mingfei, listening to your tone, are you mocking me?"


The coffee cup was hit hard on the coaster!

The girl bit her red and translucent lower lip, and suddenly the remaining aroma of coffee exploded.

Su Xiaoqiang thought of her experiences from childhood to adulthood.

No matter which school you are in, there will always be some classmates who are nice when chatting, but as soon as they turn around, the warm look in the previous second will turn into contempt, and they may spread something in private.

Compared with them, Lu Mingfei was considered good in the past. Although he was a bit annoying, at least he had the same attitude in front of and behind him.

Su Xiaoqiang stirred the coffee, without looking at Lu Mingfei, and shouted perfunctorily,

"Yes, yes, as a nouveau riche family, I have been tainted by this kind of humanistic sophistication since I was a child."

"I'm so sorry for dirtying your eyes!"

"How could that be? My sour tone just now was clearly due to envy, right?"

Lu Mingfei was keenly aware of Su Xiaoqiang's anomaly. He blinked and spread his hands to draw a circle, depicting a virtual mountain of cash. His tone was full of exclamation.

"That's at least five hundred thousand dollars. Generally speaking, if I find a class after graduating from college, I won't be able to save that much in more than ten years!"

"Half a million dollars is my hard work for more than ten years. I don't want it if I don't want it. How can I not be envious?"

Su Xiaoqiang looked Lu Mingfei up and down, turned her eyes away, and lightly curled her red lips.

It’s weird to be envious!

Lu Mingfei is obviously a fun person just like he is now!

That was clearly an attitude held by children from families whose social status was much higher than theirs.

For example, a large family that has been walking in the light and dark side since a certain dynasty and a certain generation, and is still enduring to this day.

The depth of history and time have given the children of such families unusual confidence, so they naturally look down on such vulgar transactions.

The methods they adopt are often more straightforward. Even if they directly give each other some collections of famous paintings, no one dares to say a word.

There are also those behemoths with their own chain industries and characteristic fields in Europe, America, Asia and other countries. Their monopoly power and space prosperity have given rise to their condescending gaze.

They simply disdain this kind of exchange of interests, preferring straightforward share-holding cooperation for mutual benefit.

Of course, the above-mentioned people are simply out of reach of Su Xiaoqiang's social level.

At present, the highest person she can contact is just a politician from a certain province.

But even the children of those political figures still have similar characteristics to the above-mentioned characters.

Although they would never say it explicitly, the contempt revealed in their eyes was full of disdain for the "inferior human sophistication" played by people like Su Xiaoqiang.

Su Xiaoqiang glanced at Lu Mingfei and snorted slightly.

"I don't see the slightest bit of envy on your part."

Mingming Lu Mingfei couldn't compete with that group of people. He even admitted it to himself. He was a poor student who didn't even have access to high-end coffee shops.

But hearing Lu Mingfei's tone and looking at his attitude, Su Xiaoqiang had the feeling that where the boy was standing, the view he could see was inferior to hers.

How strange!

I don’t know where Lu Mingfei got his confidence.

Of course, Lu Mingfei didn't know what Su Xiaoqiang was thinking, just like Su Xiaoqiang didn't know where Lu Mingfei's confidence came from.

"Can't you see the envy?"

He just shrugged and continued,

"No way, I'm really envious, but it's not to the level of jealousy, so maybe I can't tell."

"In comparison, I'm quite concerned about another thing." Lu Mingfei looked at Su Xiaoqiang curiously.

"Su Xiaoqiang, I suddenly feel that you are also quite strange."

"You were obviously doing good deeds to a group of migrant workers just now. Judging from your familiarity, you must have done a lot of similar things in your life before."

"It's almost like a... Well, that's called a philanthropist."

Lu Mingfei touched his chin, recalling the past memories, and whispered softly,

"But I don't see any signs of that in school. With the dazzling appearance of a little goddess and the personality of a big sister, she really looks like a young girl in her best years, but it's just a little conspicuous."

Lu Mingfei took a sip of coffee and asked Su Xiaoqiang inquiringly,

"But judging from this lottery, you must have collected a lot of this and that kind of stuff before."

"Life, school, and society are three aspects and three aspects, and there are even some completely opposite aspects. Don't you feel contradictory?"

Su Xiaoqiang stirred the coffee absentmindedly, with thoughtful eyes and silence.


This topic seems to have crossed the line!

Just when Lu Mingfei was about to reveal this somewhat puzzling topic, Su Xiaoqiang looked away and let out a heavy breath.


His eyes were bright at first glance, implying the aftertaste of a little thought.

Su Xiaoqiang's mouth showed a sweet smile like cotton candy, but her tone of voice switched back and forth between serious and joking.

"This question essentially asks why people behave differently or even completely opposite in different places."

"Lu Mingfei, life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills!" Su Xiaoqiang raised her beautiful and lively eyebrows, clasped her hands together, and placed them on her delicate chin like a sculpture by a famous artist.

"When we are young, everyone has a different attitude towards classmates, teachers, parents, relatives, colleagues and bosses, right?"

"The same goes for you, Lu Mingfei. You will have different attitudes toward different people, right?"

Listening to the girl's explanation, Lu Mingfei nodded gently and did not deny it.

This is indeed the case. In the house he lives in now, he has three slightly different attitudes toward his uncle, aunt, and cousin.

If you include Chu Zihang, Su Xiaoqiang, Chen Wenwen and other classmates, the difference will be even greater.

This does not include the bond with Demon Slayer. If that were included, the code of conduct he adopted would be as if he was suffering from schizophrenia.

"Yes, everyone is the same." Su Xiaoqiang pursed her lips and smiled,

"So when we expand in a broader direction, I have different behaviors in the three aspects of life, school, and society you just mentioned. There is nothing to contradict, right?"

"It's not weird to give everyone steamed buns."

"Because whether it was out of selfish 'self-movement', philanthropic 'kindness' or sudden interest, it was what I wanted to do at that time. By doing this, they were happy, and so was I."

"This is also my true side, but few people know it."

The girl tilted her head slightly and pointed at Lu Mingfei as an example.

"Just like you, Lu Mingfei, haven't you hidden your swordsmanship well now? Not many people know about it?"

Su Xiaoqiang stared at the lines on her palms,

"As for being at school."

"When facing my classmates and teachers, most of the time, of course I do whatever makes me feel comfortable. I have a strong personality, and over time I got the title of a little goddess. Being treated as a big sister by others is beyond my control."

"As for dazzling?" Su Xiaoqiang puffed up her chest proudly, "For me, isn't that what it should be?"

"It's a little weird to accept those so-called 'bribes' because a lot of the time I don't really want those things myself."

Su Xiaoqiang frowned slightly, then wagged her finger,

"But it's not surprising if you think about it from another perspective."

"I am the daughter of an old man. The things given to me will always be returned by my father in another way. This should be regarded as Chinese euphemism."

"I understand." Lu Mingfei nodded lightly.

"Different identities, different occasions, and even reasons for different moods."

"Bingo! That's it." Su Xiaoqiang snapped her fingers.

Then she realized something was wrong and looked strange.

The girl moved her lips and muttered silently,

"That's not right. Why am I analyzing myself with you inexplicably?"

"Su Xiaoqiang?" Lu Mingfei waved his hand in front of the girl's face,

"What did you just say?"

"Huh? No, no, I didn't say anything."

Su Xiaoqiang was shocked and shook her head, classifying the conversation just now as a chat among friends.

After all, she and Liu Miaomiao also talked about similar topics.

"That's right! Let's not talk about anything else! There are other things to do next!"

Su Xiaoqiang touched the bag on one side and couldn't help but smile when she thought of the "third prize" that was a good start.

Obviously she didn't lack that little money, but when she thought that she had taken out that thing all at once, she felt inexplicably happy!

So the girl hummed a song and opened the lottery tickets.

If the sofa in the coffee shop hadn't been too high and Su Xiaoqiang's legs weren't too short, she might have been swaying from side to side.

Not only that, Su Xiaoqiang also read the contents on the lottery ticket with great interest, looking like a little girl who loves to play.

I don’t know if reading it to Lu Mingfei on the side would give her more pleasure in showing off her luck, or if simply doing it would double her happiness.

"Consolation prize: a pack of snacks."

The tone is high-spirited and playful, leaving the excitement of a good start.

"Thank you for your patronage."

"Thank you for your patronage."

The words gradually became calmer, and Su Xiaoqiang had an unknown premonition in her heart.

"Thank you for your patronage."

"Consolation prize: a pack of snacks."

"Thank you for your patronage."

"Consolation prize: a pack of snacks."


Su Xiaoqiang's voice became smaller and smaller, and her high-spirited emotions gradually calmed down.

For a long time, she kept her mouth shut tightly and didn't say a word.

The only sound beside Su Xiaoqiang was the silent opening of lottery tickets.

In addition to the melody of the music, the only sound left was the sound of Lu Mingfei sipping coffee and adding sugar cubes to it piece by piece.

After a while, dozens of lottery tickets were piled up on the corner of the table next to Su Xiaoqiang.

As the lottery tickets were opened one after another, Su Xiaoqiang's face, which was originally in a good mood, turned darker and darker.


Under Lu Mingfei's playful gaze, Su Xiaoqiang slammed her head on the table.

She looked at her hands aggrievedly, with a hint of tears in her eyes.

What's going on.

There are more than fifty pieces, just one third prize is enough, and the remaining forty pieces are just thank you for your patronage, and they don't even come with a comeback!

Is she so non-Chief today?

It was obvious that he had just escaped death from a car accident.

Shouldn't her luck be at its peak now?

Just a third prize and that's it?

Goddess of luck! Did you make a mistake?

Didn't you agree that you would stand by her side today?

"Let me help you."

Lu Mingfei shook his head lightly and spoke slowly. Without waiting for Su Xiaoqiang's reaction, he took out a sign from the bag and opened it.

Just Su Xiaoqiang, how long and how long will it take for him to be demolished!

If we have that time, we might as well end it all quickly and go back to our respective homes and find our own mothers.

He has been hungry for a long time!

"No! You are not allowed to open it!" Su Xiaoqiang raised her head in confusion.

She stared angrily at Lu Mingfei, noticed the lotus that he had opened, and growled angrily while gritting her teeth,

"Ahh! Didn't I tell you not to open it?"

"If you drew the last special prize, what's the point?"

Like a female cat that had just given birth, Su Xiaoqiang gathered all the draws to her side as if protecting her children, and stared at Lu Mingfei warily.

"Let's talk about it first! This time, I must take it out myself! I really don't believe that I am so unlucky today!"

She secretly glanced at the one opened by Lu Mingfei, as if looking at her boyfriend who was forcibly taken over by other girls, with disgust in her eyes.

"I'll give you the opened one. Consider it your reward for rushing to save me just now."

After saying this, Su Xiaoqiang blushed.


She was so impatient just now that she said those words!

A pack of snacks that can be exchanged for a lottery ticket or a thank you review as a reward for saving a life?

I really belong to you, Su Xiaoqiang!

What a price drop!

"Are you sure?" Lu Mingfei blinked and looked at Su Xiaoqiang with a strange look.

"No! I said the wrong thing!" Su Xiaoqiang subconsciously raised her voice, curled her hair beside her ears and muttered,

"Although you didn't save me, you did rush in desperately. For this reason, how can my reward be so simple!"

She patted her plump chest confidently, and with a dazzling flick,

"Whatever you want later, just say it."

"Decent luxury clothes, brand-name watches, the latest mobile phones, and high-end computers suitable for playing games are all covered by me."

"As long as you want, just ask. This time, money is not an issue!"

In and out of words, it was as if he had taken care of Lu Mingfei.

That heroic look makes people sigh, she is indeed a little goddess, and this point of excellence covers almost every aspect.


The next moment, Su Xiaoqiang seemed to realize something was abnormal.

She looked at Lu Mingfei, who had been silent, in bewilderment.

"Lu Mingfei, what's your expression?"

Reading his expression carefully, the girl's eyes slowly faded from positive repayment to deep resentment.

"Don't tell me, if you just open a piece, it's the special prize I dream of!!!"

Su Xiaoqiang almost said this through gritted teeth.


How could something so outrageous happen?

That’s a winning rate of two out of ten thousand! Why did Lu Mingfei hit them all?

What the hell!

She hasn't experienced the fun of today's lottery yet, is this the end?

Could it be that the person that Lady Luck was following was not her, Su Xiaoqiang, but Lu Mingfei.

And she just enjoyed a little bit of the aftertaste?

Don't be so playful!

"Special prize? That's not the case." Lu Mingfei lowered his eyes and looked at the text in his hand, scratched his cheek, and replied sheepishly,

"I'm sorry to disappoint you."


Su Xiaoqiang sighed with relief,

"That's good."

Disappointed, not at all! It’s better to say that this is just right!

She glanced at Lu Mingfei's expression and guessed in her mind.

Judging from the reaction, it's probably a second or third prize or something.

It's not a big thing, just perfect for him.


The delicate Su Xiaoqiang realized the blind spot and couldn't help but shake her head.

The second and third prizes are basically discount coupons. Lu Mingfei probably doesn't have that much money on hand to spend, so he won't be able to use them at all.

Let's ask him if he wants to discount it or what to do. I just hope that Lu Mingfei won't care too much about it.

Having made up her mind, Su Xiaoqiang planned to talk about this matter, but before she could speak, her face froze.

"But Su Xiaoqiang, just like what you said, the organizer is really a perfect person with a sophisticated personality."

Lu Mingfei scratched the back of his head, twisted it between his two fingers, and pointed the lottery ticket he opened towards Su Xiaoqiang.

The corner of his mouth lifted up into a smile at the right time, showing a hint of youthful youthfulness.


"It's the first prize."

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