Lu Mingfei looked at someone who didn't know when he came over. When he saw that it was a schoolgirl, he looked confused.

What does the river god speak for?

There’s also this hairstyle that is similar to Sadako’s. It’s hard to describe in just one word!

Xia Mi maintained a harmless smile and waited for the two's answers.

From time to time, she shook the third prize that somehow managed to cross two or three rows of green plants and flew to a distant place, like an experienced fisherman shaking his own bait, expecting the big fish to bite the hook. .

At first glance, it seems that there is an ulterior motive!

Su Xiaoqiang narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Xia Mi's whole body in the blink of an eye.

The unique English-style girls' school uniform of Shilan Junior High School.

A white shirt with a beige knitted outer lining tightly wraps her delicate body which is in the period of growth.

The twin peaks are still young, but behind the perfect waist proportions, there is a potential that even Su Xiaoqiang would be ashamed of.

Although I don’t know what she looks like, I guess in two or three years, there will be no problem for girls to enter the modeling industry based on their figures.

Compared to her figure, the clothes on her upper body are obviously one size smaller. There are some whitish corners, and it looks like it is not a new school uniform purchased this year. The family situation seems to be very poor.

Logically speaking, Shilan Junior High School can be considered an aristocratic middle school, and there should not be such students.

However, there are always exceptions. As far as Su Xiaoqiang knows, there are several parents who have gone bankrupt and still want their children to attend Shilan School.

Under the pleated skirt, a pair of long white legs were wrapped in thin pantyhose. The tight clothes locked in youthful beauty.

But what Su Xiaoqiang cares about more is not the thrilling lines, but the thickness of the clothes, which is shockingly thin!

In today's cold and windy weather, Su Xiaoqiang, who prides herself on being able to withstand frostbite, is wearing thicker clothes, but the girl opposite is wearing summer clothes nonchalantly.

I don't know if I should lament that the school girl opposite me is "beautiful and freezing".

Can't she feel the cold?

And what’s up with this look?

Su Xiaoqiang's eyes looked at Xia Mi with a little bit of weirdness.

What is the current trend among the younger generation?

Haven't you noticed that everyone nearby is staring at her?

Don't you feel a little embarrassed?

How big of a heart does this girl have when she can go out with this hairstyle?

Lu Mingfei tilted his head and glanced sideways at Xia Mi.

Strangely enough, when he looked at this girl he had never met before, the first reaction that arose in his heart was - kindness.

But it's no wonder that even though half of her face is covered, judging from the exposed nose, small cherry mouth, and face shape, we can tell that the girl looks pretty good.

At least they are at the level of Su Xiaoqiang and Liu Miaomiao, and they might even be able to compete with the red-haired beauties in that photo album.

There will be a cordial feeling.

hey-hey! (●''●).

Xia Mi seemed to have noticed the gazes of the two of them and grinned.

Eight white teeth, no more and no less, and a just right smile arc, making people wonder if she has undergone any professional training.

Lu Mingfei sighed slightly in his heart and continued what he was saying.

It should be considered a common problem among men to feel affection for beautiful girls.

After all, when he looked at the red-haired lady through the photo album, he felt a sense of intimacy.

Xia Mi looked back and forth at the two silent people:

Hey hey! (●ˇˇ●)

Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang looked at each other, wondering what the girl in front of them was trying to do, so they nodded tacitly.

With a swipe sound, Lu Mingfei pinched the "One More Time" card and shook it.

"I should have dropped this. Thanks, Sadako-senpai."

Su Xiaoqiang stood up gently, and with Xia Mi's confused expression, she took off the wet "Thank you for your patronage" from her red mouth, and squeezed her soft shoulders.

"Thank you, kid, this one should be mine."

The two of them sipped the coffee in silence, leaving Xia Mi messy in the wind amid the music.

Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang decided in an instant to use the right method to cope with the changes by remaining unchanged.

No matter what this suspected social cow wants to do, if it doesn't go as she wants, it's the key to the situation.

Xia Mi lowered his head at a loss, staring blankly at the "third prize" in his hand. His face looked like it had been covered with a layer of sour lemon, twisted, and he wanted to cry without tears.

its not right! Is this script wrong?

She secretly used her ability to win the third prize to her side, not just to see this scene.

Xia Mi complained crazily in his heart,

According to common sense,

The senior who looked like a rich woman should not be a kind-hearted elementary school girl. She was deeply moved. Then, with the encouragement of the junior classmate next to her, she treated this elementary school girl who looked very hungry to a big meal. ?

She has obviously hinted that she is a cute poor school girl, so she should have a somewhat similar reaction, right?

What kind of development is this now?

Sadako's schoolmate?

Xia Mi glanced at Lu Mingfei,

I really belong to you, an ordinary-looking senior!

If you end up alone, your mouth is definitely to blame!

Still a kid?

Xia Mi looked at Su Xiaoqiang aggrievedly,

Senior sister, what’s going on with your tone of coaxing fools?

She's not a lunatic who ran away from a mental hospital.

"I confess! Actually" Xia Mi looked at Su Xiaoqiang pitifully with a sad face,

"I just don't think the senior sister is a poor person. She wants to buy favors and have a meal."

She reached out and pulled out the pocket of her short skirt. It was terrifyingly empty.

"From yesterday to now, I rode a bicycle all night. But because I didn't have much money in my wallet, I ate nothing except a cup of coffee and half a piece of cake along the way."

She lay on the table dejectedly, her voice weak,

"I'm almost starving now."


The smooth lower abdomen sounds the cry of hunger at the right time.

Xia Mi raised his head, handed over the third prize he had "picked up" like a treasure, and looked at Su Xiaoqiang longingly.

"Just for the sake of my ability to pick up gold, please give me a meal, senior sister."

"The little girl will be repaid a lot in the future. She will act like a cow or a horse, and she will not hesitate to do so."

"What?" Su Xiaoqiang shook her head in confusion, "You came over sneakily, I thought you were going to do something."

"Waiter," she raised her hand and placed her order with Xia Mi swallowing her saliva.

"One of each of the six types of macarons."

"Two pieces of strawberry cake."

"A piece of chocolate cake."

“Six more cream puffs to finish off.”

"Senior, there are too many." Xia Mi stared at Su Xiaoqiang who kept signing up, wondering what kind of operation this was.

"It's okay," Su Xiaoqiang glanced at Lu Mingfei, who took the opportunity to put the first prize back into his pocket, and couldn't help but feel angry, "It doesn't matter if you eat, it doesn't matter if you can't finish it, because the senior opposite you is a foodie who can't get enough to eat. "

"If you can't eat it, just give it to him."

Lu Mingfei kept silent and continued to cook.

Finally, a school girl appeared, which eased the atmosphere just now.

According to Su Xiaoqiang's strong personality, if he talks about the special prize when there are people around, he might get into trouble.

Today, he, Lu Mingfei, would let Su Xiaoqian go for the time being.

A gentleman takes revenge, and it is never too late in ten years. Whenever he gets the chance, he will retaliate at all costs!

The outgoing and outgoing Su Xiaoqiang had a lively chat with the quirky Xia Mi, and soon they became like sisters. However, when she asked why Xia Mi looked like this, she prevaricated her by saying that she was riding a bicycle and a sudden strong wind blew. passed.

As the waiters came and went, plates of exquisite snacks were also presented. Xia Mi smiled and joined the team that was working hard on the meal.

Su Xiaoqiang gently stirred the coffee and looked at the two people next to and opposite her, relaxed and lost.

Until a certain moment, her eyes became strange.

Su Xiaoqiang finally understood where the slight dissonance had been since meeting Xia Mi.

She finally understood why the conversation between her and Xia Mi was so smooth even though they had never met before.

The derogatory meaning is "shameless", and the positive meaning is "the writing community is awesome".

When talking, there is a sense of familiarity that sometimes makes people unable to keep up with their thinking.

And this way of immersed in cooking without caring.

Su Xiaoqiang gritted her teeth, her eyebrows drifted back and forth between Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi, and she couldn't help but growl in her heart.

This is obviously the female version of Lu Mingfei!

"Senior Xiaoqiang, do you still want to eat this half piece of cake? If you don't want to eat it, I'll take it away." A longing voice of inquiry sounded from the side, and Su Xiaoqiang, who was immersed in her own world, suddenly lost consciousness.

"Little Goddess, do you still want this half bag of snacks? I'll take it away." Once upon a time, someone asked her this in a crowded classroom.

How did she answer then?

Su Xiaoqiang waved her hands subconsciously and said nonchalantly,

"Whatever, don't disturb me, I'm busy thinking about something."

When she came back to her senses, Xia Mi had already hugged the strawberry cake in front of her and was eating it happily.

Su Xiaoqiang opened her mouth slightly and looked at the empty table.

She is considered the host, but she hasn’t spoken much yet!

These two people!

"Ah~, it feels so good! I have never eaten such high-end food, and I really ate it all in one go." Lu Mingfei took a sip of coffee and leaned back on the chair with a comfortable look on his face.

"Hiccup~! Well, that is to say, it's all thanks to Senior Sister Xiaoqiang." Xia Mi narrowed his eyes like a cat, swaying in a corner, humming an unknown tune,

These two people!

Su Xiaoqiang maintained her smile and clenched her fists lightly.

Some people believe that they are brothers and sisters.

They are simply carved from the same mold!

"But Senior Sister Xiaoqiang doesn't seem to have eaten much. Does she have no appetite?" Xia Mi asked curiously.

"God knows," Lu Mingfei closed his eyes, relaxed and spoke in a lazy tone, "Maybe she is losing weight. She will have a dance show at the party soon. It will be embarrassing to show too much flesh. .”

Su Xiaoqiang's face suddenly turned cold but melted away in the next second.

"Huh? Really! Sister Xiaoqiang?" Xia Mi looked at Su Xiaoqiang with admiration, "It's a party jointly organized by the junior high school and high school. I heard that the selected ones are all capable people from all grades. As expected. Sister Xiaoqiang!”

"It's not that exaggerated." Su Xiaoqiang's face turned red, and she subconsciously crossed her chest.

"It's just a little better than others."

"Also, Lu Mingfei, don't you also have a program for the Kendo Club?" Su Xiaoqiang said softly,

"I don't know how you got into the Kendo club when you first joined it. You couldn't have bribed Senior Brother Chu Zihang."

"To tell you the truth, I am actually a swordsman genius, and now I can compete with Senior Brother Chu," Lu Mingfei proudly lifted up his sleeves, revealing dense bruises.

"This scar is the best evidence."

"You've only been in the Kendo Club for two days and you've already swelled like this. I think you were beaten by Senior Brother Chu Zihang." Su Xiaoqiang rolled her eyes and didn't believe it at all.

Lu Mingfei shrugged, closed his eyes again, and made no rebuttal.

"I think so. Chu Zihang is a celebrity in our school. Senior Lu Mingfei should practice before bragging."

Xia Mi glanced at the two of them without leaving any trace, closed his eyes, and came up with nice words at his fingertips.

"But I really envy Sister Xiaoqiang."

"Not only is she beautiful, but she also has talent. I'm afraid the boys who want to chase Sister Xiaoqiang can already queue up from the gate to the playground for a few more laps."

"Not only that, he is also the only child of a wealthy family," Lu Mingfei closed his eyes and rested, immersed in the faint whiteness.

He murmured dreamily,

"My father loves me, my mother loves me, and I feel like I was born in Dubai."

"Women are envious, men blush, and you don't have to worry about enjoying it until you grow old."

"Ah, I'm so envious." Xia Mi sighed.

"Well, I'm not jealous." Lu Mingfei nodded in admiration.

"That's enough, you two!" Su Xiaoqiang couldn't help but blush a little when she heard the praise.

"Can a few pieces of cake make you two say such kind words that abandon your dignity?"

"What are you talking about, Su Xiaoqiang!" Lu Mingfei sat upright,

"Do you think a few pieces of cake can buy our dignity?"

"That's right, our dignity is not that cheap." Xia Mi nodded seriously.

"This is the most exclusive coffee shop in the city, and it sells the most expensive cakes," Lu Mingfei waved his hand solemnly, "How can it be compared with the stuff from a small workshop?"

"That's right. For things like dignity, at least you need a higher-end cake." Xia Mi agreed halfway and couldn't help but pause.

She looked at Lu Mingfei with an expression of resignation - your shamelessness is above mine.

"Okay," Su Xiaoqiang shook her head helplessly.

"You two, stop playing tricks."

She took out two tissues from her side and handed them over.

"Xia Mi, wipe the cream from the corners of your mouth."

"And the bucket opposite, the mouth of your bucket is stained black with chocolate."

After hearing this, the two of them licked the corners of their mouths in unison, cleaning up the residue in this way.

"Senior Mingfei really accepted the title of a loser so easily." Xia Mi pinched the tissue and sighed.

"Childish, you know what it means to be a good man and don't fight with women. Can the prime minister hold a boat in his belly? To tell you the truth, things are different now. No matter how bad the boat is, I, Lu, can hold it." Lu Mingfei He wiped his mouth unmoved, "But your expression is very interesting. It's as if you regard Su Xiaoqiang as your cat owner? Why don't you meow a few times for everyone to hear?"

Owner? ? ?

"Senior Lu Mingfei," Xia Mi subconsciously narrowed his eyes with a hint of coldness, "What you said just now offended two people at once."

Su Xiaoqiang also cast a dangerous look at Lu Mingfei, "Good man, prime minister, Lu Mingfei, I'm so sorry that I accidentally became the ruin of your belly."

"Actually," Lu Mingfei sat upright and spoke righteously, "I was just joking."

The eyes of the two women opposite were not gentle at all.

Lu Mingfei wanted to cry but had no tears.

Why can't he control his mouth?

"Forget it," Xia Mi suddenly changed his face and smiled brilliantly, "Thank you, Senior Xiaoqiang, for the treat. I'll keep it in mind."

"I won't disturb you two on your date, oh, that's wrong. I should say here that I have something to do, so I'll take the first step."

"It's not a date," Lu Mingfei raised his hand to correct, "To be precise, I'm just eating, drinking and carrying bags today, so don't spread the word."

"Really?" Xia Mi clasped his hands behind his back and tilted his head to think.

"As for the senior who is carrying the bag, please remember to serve Senior Xiaoqiang well."

Xia Mi put the third prize in Su Xiaoqiang's hand and stuck out his tongue.

"Be careful with your things next time, Sister Xiaoqiang."

"Hey," Su Xiaoqiang subconsciously stretched out her hand towards Xia Mi who ran away.

"At least show your face."

"Ah? This?" Xia Mi pointed at the hair that still covered his face and smiled.

"No, no, I didn't even wash my face today. I'm embarrassed to show you. Maybe next time."

"Anyway, I remember what you two look like."

After saying that, he jumped away like an antelope.

There was a creaking sound, and the cafe's closed door cut off the temperature inside and outside.

A slightly cold wind hit her face, ruffling her hair and wearing thin clothes, but Xia Mi didn't feel the slightest bit of cold.

But she still shrank her neck in time and looked at Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang with shining eyes.

Are there new hybrids that have awakened or are about to awaken?

The story about the swordsman genius is probably true.

After all, looking at the bruises, it was obvious that her family Chu Zihang didn't hold anything back.

His speech and behavior are indeed no different from those of normal students. It seems that he still doesn’t know the truth about the world.

But, it's so strange.

Xia Mi's eyes flashed with confusion,

She went to Shilan Junior High School and went to the high school from time to time. Naturally, she was familiar with the conditions of the two schools.

If she remembered correctly, no one from the past few years would have stepped through that door except Mr. Chu, her sample.

But it just happened that two special cases came together today.

The timing of its appearance was also very coincidental. It happened to be during the two days when the authority was being leveraged and the elemental tide was changing.

Pure coincidence, or something else?

Could it be related to Odin?

It’s worth paying attention to!

Xia Mi's eyes revealed the aura of a beast for a moment, making the wild cat jump up in fright that had just landed from a high place.


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