Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 205 Three doubts behind the favorability score! ! !

"Host, please explore on your own." The system's cold voice sounded ruthlessly.

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but tighten his lips, and the three fingers that were holding the handle of the cup turned a little white from the exertion.

Even the veins near my temples suddenly popped out, and my breathing became quickened as a matter of course.

"Doesn't the favorability mean that my father is dead?" Lu Mingfei asked anxiously in his heart.

"Host please explore on your own."

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it.

The three fingers that were clenching slowly loosened. After he calmed down slightly, he had a new guess.

"System," he lowered his eyes slightly, a complex emotion of loss and hope flashed in his eyes, and finally turned into a gentle question from the bottom of his heart,

"Can you check the favorability of others besides these six people towards me?"

"Return to the host, yes." The system's answer gave Lu Mingfei a little hope, but then poured cold water on it the next moment, "But targets with a favorability below 85 need to be within the host's field of vision. Calculate.”

"Really?" Lu Mingfei murmured, unable to describe the sudden surge in his mood at this moment, "I know."

To be honest, Lu Mingfei's mood is a bit complicated now.

In the days when he could be regarded as being dependent on others, although he did not experience the vicious experience in fairy tales where the stepmother whipped the children of the previous wife, nor was he so miserable that he did not have enough food and clothing to keep him warm like people in the medieval era.

Moreover, his uncle was indeed indescribably kind to him. Lu Mingfei thought that he could not do that in the same situation.

But there is something unusual in the corners of life.

The voice I heard in the morning was no longer the familiar mother, but the loud and urging voice of my aunt.

The four of them gathered at the dining table, and Lu Mingfei always felt that what really accompanied him was the chopsticks and rice bowl at hand. His uncle's family was clearly close at hand, but he still couldn't fully integrate into it.

So over time, when shopping in the mall, he would always subconsciously take a few steps behind the other family. He would take a walk from time to time after dinner, but he would always procrastinate until he stayed at home alone.

There must be some resentment, after all, Lu Mingfei is not a saint.

But when I think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with my uncle's family. On the contrary, there is something wrong with him who was forced into someone else's family.

Even though his biological parents would get some money back from time to time, he was the one who was unusual after all.

My aunt is usually a bit biased, but this is human nature.

No matter who it is, it will happen.

If someone said that she could treat other people's sons equally as well as her own, and that she was not biased in terms of money, material and spiritual care, then Lu Mingfei would think that person was either a person with no worries about food and clothing, or a hypocritical guy to the extreme. , or, from the phone call.

What's more, after several years of getting along with her, Lu Mingfei knew that her aunt was not really bad at all, she was just a talkative little woman with a philistine personality. There's no point in competing with her. What's more, if he really encounters something, his aunt is an adult who will definitely step forward. Of course, being extremely strict about money management is also unfair. What my aunt did was indeed a bit unethical. This is indeed not the case, just deductions.

My uncle couldn't say anything more. Apart from being a bit cowardly and a bit poor, he really had nothing to say about being nice to him. His high favorability was the most powerful proof.

Little Fatty. He's fat, lazy and lustful. He eats a lot and snores loudly. In the past, he was always ordered to do this and that. There is absolutely nothing good about him.

But no matter what, he is still his brother who is one year younger than him. If he changes his personality and appearance, he will voluntarily dote on him.

So in the end, after thinking about it, Lu Mingfei would always find that there was nothing big about his uncle's family to be resentful about. At best, he could only complain a few words in his heart.

On the contrary, it would be an understatement to say that he is resentful towards his parents who left him alone.

So Lu Mingfei always thought in the past that it didn't matter what happened to his parents who were irresponsible and left him to run around the world.

It doesn’t matter if you are doing archeology somewhere, or if you are imprisoned by some mysterious organization.

What's more, Lu Mingfei even thought that if his parents died, that would be the same. The only thing he worried about was what impact it would have on his life if the cut off "alimony" stopped coming.

He originally thought that he would not have such a big mood swing when he got the news about his parents.

But Lu Mingfei had to admit,

When I saw my mother's name, my favorability level was almost full after that.

His eyes also became sore subconsciously.

This is no different than a mother who has not seen him for many years whispering softly in his ear, "Mom loves you."

That silent touch could even be said to be the best gift Lu Mingfei received today. It couldn't be compared to the Japan tour ticket worth hundreds of thousands.

But before the comfortable feeling of happiness could be felt clearly, what followed was a blow to the head?

Lu Mingfei bit his lower lip and stared at the favorability panel with a complicated expression.

He has no idea now.

Is it better to believe that his father is dead?

Or do you admit that your father's love for you is not even comparable to that of your uncle?

The former is a tragedy!

The latter is often more unacceptable than tragedy - sadness!

In fact, the latter is more likely, because he saw the shadow of his parents in that "photo album".

But it's not necessarily true. After all, no one knows that the photo was taken a few years ago.


Under Su Xiaoqiang's surprised gaze, Lu Mingfei suddenly slapped his face.

"I don't have anything to think about."

Maybe the child is just an accident, and maybe the wife is the true love?

For example, if he meets someone and gets married and has children in the future, his love for his wife will always come first!

If it's a daughter, that's fine, but if it's a son, haha, he loves a hammer!

Besides, the father’s favorability level for his son is 84, which is acceptable.

Moreover, things like "love" and "favor" are inherently uncertain, and the standards for systematic measurement are unclear. A slight error is normal, right?

"Lu Mingfei?" Su Xiaoqiang looked at Lu Mingfei, her eyes full of worry, "Are you okay?"

"Ah? Angry!" Lu Mingfei responded listlessly a few times, then stood up with a slight support on the table.

"It's just that I suddenly felt sleepy." Under Su Xiaoqiang's puzzled gaze, Lu Mingfei chuckled and waved his hand, gathered the pile of "One More Time" in front of the girl, and walked out.

"It's okay. I'll help you replace these with new ones and ventilate them again."

"It'll be nice to come back."


The cold wind slapped his face hard, and Lu Mingfei walked quietly, his expression slightly dazed.

"I don't want to think about it anymore. It's useless to think about it. If I have a chance to contact my mother, I'll ask about the specific situation." He shook his head, looked at the dark sky, and exhaled a breath of white mist.

Looking straight ahead and looking at the favorability panel, Lu Mingfei had new doubts.

"System, what's going on with this little devil?"

The favorability is higher than his mother's, what's going on?

This is full value! Do you understand full value?

In some strategy games, almost all of them are the ones that don’t hesitate at all to kill him!

"Host please explore on your own."

Lu Mingfei twirled his fingers, licked his lips and made an uncertain guess.

"My mother gave my father a nickname?"

An old couple, a little interesting.

It should, probably, be considered a normal thing.

The system paused for a long time and slowly spit out two words:


"It's strange, I don't know this person either." Lu Mingfei frowned, and while changing out the new lottery tickets at the door of the small room, he secretly noted this in his mind.

As he walked back, he murmured and asked,

"System, there is another person named Eri Uesugi here? What's going on? He actually has a favorability score of 92, which is not much lower than my mother's."

"Uesugi Eri, Eri's name sounds a bit familiar. Japanese name? Girl?"

"When did I know such a person?" Lu Mingfei rubbed his chin with a puzzled look on his face.


Lu Mingfei's footsteps paused, his eyes slowly widened, and he made a sound of surprise,

"That netizen I met yesterday?"

"No!" He slapped his forehead with suspicion.

"Some people really use their real names as their online names! Even elementary school students wouldn't do that, right?!"

A trace of uncertainty flashed in Lu Mingfei's eyebrows, and then he asked in his heart,

"System, is this girl named Eriki Uesugi the netizen?"

Lu Mingfei discovered very early that if you want to confirm something through the system, it is best to ask in detail and directly.

This way the possibility of having an answer is greater.

"Yes." The system replied affirmatively.

"No, so what's going on?"

Lu Mingfei stared at the favorability score of 92, second only to the little devil and his mother, with a confused look on his face.

"System, did you make a mistake?"

"Do you want to retest?" the system asked coldly.

"Nonsense, give me the accuracy to three decimal places!"

Ding dong!

[Object of action: Eri Uesugi, favorability: 93.127 (↑). 】

Seeing the obviously changing values, Lu Mingfei opened his mouth slightly.

"what's the situation?"

"Why has the favorability level increased?"

"Because it has been re-tested," the system replied seriously, "In addition, the system has corrected the sensitivity panel to a real-time updated version."

"My system, are you talking about the sneer flower?" Lu Mingfei didn't know what to say for a moment.

Is this the point?

The point is why it’s so high for no reason, right? ! !

"Real-time update is another matter," Lu Mingfei pointed to the very obvious arrow, "The meaning of this arrow is not what I guessed, is it?"

"Yes, Uesugi Eri's favorability towards the host is on the rise. In contrast, the blessing effect of the host's koi aura on Uesugi Eri is gradually increasing."

"So, this is not the point at all, okay!"

"The point is why! Why!"

Lu Mingfei gritted his teeth and pushed open the door. After a creak, there was a crisp sound from the door device.



In the sky above the Japanese-style room, coins danced against the light.

In a quiet hut, Eri Uesugi closed her eyes, held up her hands, and tossed the spinning coin!


Bronze rolls across the floor.

A vibrant red color stared at the rolling coins, accompanied by brisk pursuit.

Looking at the front of the coin on the ground, Eriyi's eyes flashed with excitement.

When she picked it up, the girl's excitement subsided and turned into a crooked smile.

I can’t play games, and I’ve run out of time to watch anime this month. When she was bored, Eriyi tossed a coin to play.

But she accidentally discovered something interesting! ! !

I don’t know why, but the coin will be on whichever side she thinks of!

How amazing!

It's not the effect of the word spirit called "Judgment" that his brother told him.

Thinking about it this way, could it be that she has the superpowers in the animation?

Little did he know that "judgment" was already considered a superpower. Uesugi Eriki, who didn't know what criteria to use to distinguish words and superpowers, tossed the coin again.

Throwing up, pursuing, confirming, squinting and smiling are obviously boring personal games, but they are played again and again by Eriki Uesugi.

That's a super power that appears when you throw out that side!

Although I don't know what it is used for.

Eri Uesugi was inexplicably happy,

But my brother would be surprised if he knew it.

Emotions of joy that are difficult for ordinary people to understand surged until Uesugi Erika watched the coin accidentally hit the game console, and suddenly there was a cold empty echo.

Game console? ? ? time!

Her footsteps suddenly stopped, she turned back to look at the clock, and couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

Sakura is so slow.


Coins are flying.

"Why did it go up again?"

Lu Mingfei sat on the sofa, looking at the favorability score that jumped up again after the decimal point, with confusion on his face.

The uncle who gets along day and night has a favorability score of only 85, which is the standard line for being shrouded in a koi halo.

Even Su Xiaoqiang, who was saved by him personally, only had a favorability score of 86, although the system explained that it was due to an emotional delay, and that it would slowly increase in the future.

But that's not important!

The important thing is the relatives who get along day and night, and the classmates who "share life and death" can only reach this level.

He really didn't understand what he had done to this girl named Eriki Uesugi to make her favor him so highly! ?

Lu Mingfei rummaged through his memories and confirmed that he had never met any Japanese girls since he was a child, nor would there be any bloody plot like in TV dramas about forgetting childhood sweethearts. He murmured uncertainly in his heart.

"If I remember correctly, I just played games with her for a few hours."

If this is really the only reason, then what kind of little angel is this girl?

"Yes, host," the system said silently. It was unclear whether it was Lu Mingfei's illusion. There seemed to be a subtle pause between its two words, "you just played games with her for a few hours. That’s all.”

"But host, please understand." The system responded with a voice that had insight into human nature.

"For villains and scoundrels, saving their lives is no more than getting two taels of money."

Ding dong!

"The system is just giving examples to explain the current situation. It does not mean to ridicule Miss Su Xiaoqiang. Please don't show the expression of 'If she knows this, you will be finished.'"

Lu Mingfei scratched his head and thought to himself that his expression was so obvious?

"For ordinary people in the world, a helping hand in times of difficulty is enough to make them burst into tears of gratitude." The system went on to elaborate,

"In a child's heart, one word can teach her to remember it."

“What may seem insignificant to some may mean the world to others.”

"Just like Chu Zihang, the host only had a brief encounter with him on swordsmanship and other matters, and his favorability has reached a level that some people cannot reach in their lifetime."

“Sometimes, the less you have, the more you have.”

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, carefully savoring the words the system used to explain.

The less innocent you have, the more you have.

The girl named Uesugi Erika is truly an angel.

Lu Mingfei whispered softly in his heart,

"That little girl, what is she doing now?"

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