"Damn it! Are you stupid?"

"Just because of this reason? Just because of this reason!"

"Am I really that fragile? You have to have a certain level to save face! You stubborn donkey!" Li Jia hit Su Xiaoqiang's back hard, making a clanging sound, which made Su Xiaoqiang groan in pain.

"Ten years!! Su Xiaoqiang, do you know how many decades we can have?"

"Will you die if you tell the truth?"

Turning his fist into his palm, Li Jia gently caressed Su Xiaoqiang and murmured with choked sobs,

"Do you know? We are supposed to be the best friends, Su Xiaoqiang."

"Kindergarten! Elementary school! Junior high school! High school! Those days when we should be together."

"Handcraft classes, graduation photos, blackboard newspapers, final exams, program ceremonies! Those times should have been better."

She cried with regret,

"It's all destroyed! Just gone!"

"Nothing special, just because you're a fool, just because."

Li Jia rubbed herself in Su Xiaoqiang's arms with tears in her eyes.

"I'm a fool too."

"Su Xiaoqiang, tell me, ah~," she opened her mouth to question aggrievedly,

"Tell me, are we at a loss?"





Li Jia's favorable impression of Lu Mingfei: 78!

Lu Mingfei calmly arranged the lottery tickets in place and watched as the black energy on Li Jia's body dissipated and turned into a light gold.

He sipped the warm black tea and breathed a sigh of relief.

Two golden lights, one bright and one dark, shone brightly in Lu Mingfei's eyes.

At this moment, the arrogant young lady is like a bird that has been flying aimlessly in the fog for ten years. After clearing the clouds and seeing the day, she has found her childhood nest and reaped the glory of her eyes.

Su Xiaoqiang pursed her lips and patted her friend's back, listening to the sound of a little girl acting coquettishly to her mother.

Rotten green plums cannot turn back time, but they turn into nutrients and form new buds under the soil of truth.

No one can forget the grudges of the past ten years, but because of this, the next ten years will be more worth looking forward to.

Huan: "Master (* ̄3 ̄)╭!"

"I can't tell, but you still have good intentions."

"It's just going with the flow."

"It would be really sad if because of a lie, two stubbornnesses, a little hesitation and a few words, two people who could have been sisters for life are reduced to enemies fighting to the death."

"Similar things definitely still happen. If you don't encounter them, forget it. If you encounter them, why don't you draw your sword to help?"

Lu Mingfei whispered in his heart, "Aunt Cui's situation just now requires someone to push her."

"I can't stand the pretentiousness anyway." He complained uncontrollably, "Who knows what will happen to these three people if they miss this opportunity."

"But I didn't expect that Li Jia's favorability would change so much."

"Aiwujiwu, is this the light that allowed her resentment for more than ten years to suddenly disappear?"

Lu Mingfei sighed with emotion, thoroughly seeing Li Jia's character.

"Although this pampered eldest lady may place a higher value on class, she doesn't seem to be a good person. However, her attitudes towards 'us' and 'others' are simply horribly different."

"Tsk!" Huan pouted, "She has already done that to you, and you still say that?"

"Then you want me to be as knowledgeable as a little kid?" Lu Mingfei rubbed his chin and commented secretly,

"If I must say it, Li Jia is the type who can make his enemies so angry that they commit suicide, but he can also go to hell for his own people."

"The skyrocketing favorability is the biggest evidence."

"To be realistic, just because I am today's 'matchmaker', this little girl will have to be grateful to me in the future, and there will inevitably be benefits."

"She looks like a child who has never grown up."

Lu Mingfei chuckled and shook his head, then cast a heart-wrenching look at the "paper ball" on the opposite table.

"It's a pity for my trophy."

The lie from ten years ago was solved and everyone was happy.

But there is always one person who silently bears all the sorrow,

That was Lu Mingfei who lost half of his loot.

1.8 million, just for the sake of other people's friendship.

He is indeed an out-and-out good man!

Huan: "╮(╯-╰)╭! Remind the master that this transaction will not be a loss."

"I've checked. The eldest lady of the Li Group can help you when I can't guarantee it."

Lu Mingfei shrugged lightly.

In the real world, there is no power and nothing to do. Everything has to be done by oneself, which is indeed what worries him now.

Aunt Cui wiped her tears lightly and cast a grateful look at Lu Mingfei.

If this young man hadn't pushed her, she would never have had a chance in this life.

I'm afraid that in the end, I can only die with the pain of regret!

Aunt Cui’s favorability score for Lu Mingfei: 84!

Under the puzzled gaze of the old woman, Lu Mingfei scratched his chest in pain and bumped it on the table, taking advantage of it and still acting like a good boy.

Take a look.

In the end, he was the only one who got no real benefit this time.

But the fact is that Lu Mingfei seriously underestimated the brains and stubbornness of Su and Li.

Having enough tea and food,

Lu Mingfei took the black card handed over by Su Xiaoqiang and went to the counter to pay.

The two women behind them linked their arms and were still close to each other, talking about whispers that had been accumulated for ten years.

Instead of complaining about each other, they began to ridicule each other for their insincerity since childhood.

After the tit-for-tat confrontation, we began to plan how the two companies would join forces to create brilliance in a few years.

"We agreed in advance that I'm going to treat you today. But I won't give up anything I win." Su Xiaoqiang murmured softly.

"You dare to ask me to rush you!" Li Jia puffed his beard and glared, without any sign of pain, "Shopping in a while! I'll treat you!"

She glanced at Lu Mingfei in front of her and shouted softly,

"And the guy in front of me can spend whatever he wants for a while, and it will all be credited to my account."

"I will also find someone to help with the campus forum."

Li Jia smoothed her hair.

"I dare not say anything else. Part of my family's business involves the Internet. Just wait for an opportunity, and a group of sailors will come down and bend even the straight ones for you!"

She gently stopped beside Lu Mingfei, her voice was like a mosquito,

"But just forget about crying and swearing."

"In exchange, if you have anything in the future, you can come to me! Whether it's relatives and friends studying abroad, returning to China to find a job after graduation, or children going to school in the future, there are many people in my family who can help you. , the kind that doesn’t charge a penny.”

"Okay, you don't need to talk about this." Su Xiaoqiang pinched Li Jia and sighed softly in her heart.

Her "daughter" is not a bad person, but she definitely doesn't look like a good person.

No reason, just because of her mouth.

Words that seemed like repaying a favor could make her say, "My sister's family background is very powerful, but you, the common people, don't accept this small gift obediently."

How could such a thing be said directly?

Don't you just wait for the other party to need it and send it to them in a roundabout way?

Where does this place a man's dignity?

"Oh, I understand." Li Jia nodded obediently and muttered with a blushing face, "Um, Lu Mingfei, I'm sorry just now,"

"And thank you."

After saying that, he took Su Xiaoqiang and walked out.

Aunt Cui followed quietly behind her, holding all the results of the battle in her hands.

The one hundred thousand reward that was rolled into a ball by Li Jia had all its wrinkles smoothed out one by one in the hands of the two women just now, just like today.

Huan: "Master! The opportunity has come! (#°Д°)! If you seize the right opportunity and hit two bases, you will have no worries in this life!"

"There's a show! There's a show!"

"Don't add drama to yourself, what does it have to do with you?" Lu Mingfei complained in his heart.

"Of course it does matter! After all, Master, you are a pauper who can't even afford decent clothes, let alone keep me fed (╯□╰)."

"Nonsense!" Lu Mingfei retorted loudly, "Your master, I can be considered a self-made millionaire!"

"Tch, what's one million? (︶^︶)." There was deep disdain in Xiao Nai's voice.

"How many kilograms of gold nuggets can you buy? How many taels of platinum can you exchange for? How many sips of uranium can I use to make nuclear bombs? For the sake of a better life in the future, of course I must help my beloved master find more gold-rich buyers. ”

"Admit it, Master. You are a little waste now that even I can't satisfy."

The fantasy was full of anger, and then he made a small expression of rubbing his hands.

"So Master, you must work hard and quickly find some rich ladies for me!"

"There is no restriction on nationality, as long as you have money."

"Don't worry, in order for the master not to follow Brother Cheng's footsteps, I will work overtime to evolve the ability to not be afraid of kitchen knives!"

"Women will only affect the speed of my knife swing, not to mention that I am just an innocent high school boy." Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes speechlessly, "It's better for you. You are less than a day old and you only want to eat soft food. Close it. With your emoticons, sooner or later, I will throw you into the mountain of banknotes."

Huan: "Yes!"

"Su Xiaoqiang, I forgot something," Lu Mingfei ignored this prop that had healed its scar and forgot about the toilet, shouted softly not far away, and showed off a "Do it again" card at the right time.

Mingfei smiled, his acting skills were on point,

"The last one, I didn't use it for anything."

"Look what's that one you threw in the corner?"

"What kind of valuable goods could it be? We still have three grand prizes here?" Su Xiaoqiang pouted her little mouth.

"Are you crazy about money?"

Despite saying this, she still obediently took out the final lottery ticket from her pocket.

Flexible fingers moved around to reveal the final reward.

His heart stopped, his eyes lit up, and a flush flooded his face in an instant!

"Ahhhh——! Is it true or false?"

Su Xiaoqiang jumped with excitement in disbelief.

She pulled Li Jia over and whispered in disbelief, "Li Jia! Look! Look!"

"Special prize! This is the last special prize!"

She shook the object on her fingertips and pointed at the tip of her nose,

"I took it out! I took it out!"

Li Jia rubbed his eyes blankly and licked his dry lips.

"Su Xiaoqiang, we don't have any grudges now. Just tell me the truth. This time, you really didn't cheat?"

"How many times have I said this!" Su Xiaoqiang raised her eyebrows proudly. "It's luck! Just pure luck!"

Her luck today is overwhelming!

Not only make millions! He also found his childhood daughter again.

"I always feel like there's something inside you." Li Jia whispered dully.

"If you don't do anything bad, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door." Su Xiaoqiang was not used to her childhood sweetheart coming back from home. As she stepped out of the door, she murmured softly,

"When you go abroad, you have to put this little temper behind you!"

"That's a place with a gun license. Whatever you say or do, please take it easy."

"Okay, okay, I get it. You are really more annoying than my dad, my Su Da Obasan!" Li Jia looked up at the sky, subconsciously sarcastic.

"Huh?" Su Xiaoqiang glared, "Are you seeking death?"

There was a soft ding.

One old man and two young men stepped out of the door.

Lu Mingfei chuckled and looked away from the three of them, throwing out the black card.

"Hello, checkout."

"Okay, tables 98 and 99 cost a total of one thousand and forty-two. Please enter your password." The lady at the front desk grinned.

"It is indeed the most famous coffee shop in this city," Lu Mingfei sipped his saliva, "One word - expensive!"

If this meal continues, one-eighth of my uncle's monthly salary will be gone.

However, it doesn’t matter whether you have money or not. What matters is whether you can have sex for nothing.

Lu Mingfei was filled with emotion and stretched out his hand to enter the password, but was stunned.

If he remembered the flowers correctly, Su Xiaoqiang would not have told him the password at all.

Suddenly, a grinding sound came from outside the door.

Before anyone could react, loud noises came one after another from outside the door!


The ground shook violently, and the clean glass also trembled and screamed!


Coffee was poured and china was broken.

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

At the main entrance of the coffee shop, all kinds of lottery tickets were scattered on the floor, flying in the wind.

A gray-haired old woman fell to the ground in a panic, murmuring in horror, "Xiaoqiang, Miss"

The bricks and tiles directly in front were shattered and splashed everywhere. The heavy metal signboard hit the ground hard, and there was no trace of the two women.

The peaked cap turned slightly, and someone smiled playfully, opening and closing his lips without making a sound - "Mission accomplished."

"Ugh!" The baby's cry!

"What's going on?" The customer was puzzled!

"Did the sign hit someone?" The landlady was in a daze, shaking her head in denial and murmuring, "Impossible! This is impossible!"

The scene was a mess!

damn it! how come?

Lu Mingfei's eyes widened, not expecting what was happening in front of him.

At the same time, a trace of alertness flashed across his eyebrows.

Something's wrong! Something is definitely wrong!

Surrounding the rubble and debris, people were moving, densely surrounding the entrance of the coffee shop.

"There must be someone crushed down here."

"They seem to be two little girls."

"It's so miserable! Look at the exposed calf here, there is no blood at all."

In the whispers, someone with good intentions picked up the phone and recorded the video as a matter of course.

"Miss! Xiaoqiang!" Aunt Cui rushed to the side in a panic, leaned down, and shouted anxiously,

"How's it going? Say something!"

Su Xiaoqiang recovered from her panic and gasped in shock.

"Aunt Cui, don't worry, we have nothing serious to do."

call! call!

She tried to calm her breathing, twisted her neck with difficulty, and secretly called out her luck.

Billboards are not light in weight, but fortunately they are placed. This also makes it welded with an iron base, leaving a triangular space between it and the billboard body.

This small space is scary, but at this moment, it becomes the glimmer of life.


Su Xiaoqiang just lowered her head with great effort, and hit the iron plate directly in this small space.

She turned her gaze to the little head clasped in her lower abdomen, which was full of complexity.

If Li Jia, who was the first to notice the abnormality, hadn't pushed her, the two of them would have fallen to this position.

This billboard will definitely hit them on the head!

I don’t know if he will die, but he will definitely be seriously injured.

"Li Jia, tell me, did you touch anything?"

"Hiss, it hurts!" Li Jia cried out in pain, "Aunt Cui, Xiaoqiang! It hurts!"

Tears were streaming down her face, and her shoulders were only numb. She struggled painfully, but found that she could not lift her arm at all.

It's like disappearing!

Li Jia shouted in panic, her pupils contracting uncontrollably.

"Arm! My arm!"

"Oh! Xiaoqiang! My arm is gone!"

"My arm is gone!"

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