Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 219 The inevitable trap is activated!


Seeing Lu Mingfei under surveillance pass all the levels in this way, the peaked hat, a member of the labor force, kicked away the schoolbag full of remote controls angrily.

There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. He had thought that someone could see through and pass through his trap.

But he never thought that there were people in this world who could pass the level like this! ! !

"Lu Mingfei, right? I want to see how capable you are." The peaked cap gritted his teeth and switched pages on his laptop with his fingers moving quickly.

Codes and pop-up windows were switching wildly. In just a few minutes, he successfully hacked into the official website of Shilan High School, cracked through the layers of barriers, and retrieved Lu Mingfei's admission file without stopping.

Name: Lu Mingfei.

Sex: Male.

Father: Lu Lincheng, mother: Qiao Weini.

High school entrance examination results:

Chinese: 81/120, Mathematics: 75/120, English: 96/120,

Physics: 61/100, Chemistry: 54/100, Biology: 72/100,

Geography: 57/100, Politics: 66/100, History 61/100.

Overall score: 623/960,

Grade ranking: 841/1500,

Class Rank: 41/50.

Physical test results:

BMI: 18, 5, (excellent).

Vital capacity: 1547ml, (passed).

Sitting forward flexion: 7cm, (failed).

Standing long jump: 173cm, (failed).

1000m run: 5min57s, (failed).

Overall: pass,

Grade ranking: 1331/1500,

Class Rank: 47/50.

"Hehe, hehe, that's it? That's it!" The top student in physical chemistry who has perfect scores all year round leaned his forehead speechlessly and whispered in a cold voice,

"Lu Mingfei! You talk so much, how capable I thought you were?"

"I didn't expect him to be a loser with poor academic performance and a trashy physique!"

"Besides that mouth full of nonsense, what else do you have left? Huh?"

Let’s not talk about the invisible results. Who passed the physical test and relied on BMI to get points?

Isn't Shilan High School a local aristocratic school? Why is it so easy to recruit students?

This person named Lu Mingfei couldn't have paid money to get in through the back door, right?

The cap switched to the internal surveillance of the commercial building and carefully looked at Lu Mingfei's whole body, trying to find even a tiny bit of brilliance in his appearance, so that he could feel more comfortable in his frustration.

With rotten shoes, torn trousers, dirty sweatshirt, chicken coop head, and holding a bottle of Nutritional Express, he looked like a beggar, and he didn't want to be rich and go through the back door.

Not to mention that Lu Mingfei looked like a drowned rat after being hit by the rain. Standing next to Su Xiaoqiang who was in the same situation, it was like the sky and the earth.

At least this girl has the natural beauty of being able to look at her?

But wasn't he the one who messed up his plan? ?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. There was a knot in his chest, and he couldn't express his pain.

"Hey! What the hell is this!"

"Ah Qiu!" Peaked Cap sneezed violently and rubbed his nose, not to mention how depressed he was.

The next moment, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated, causing him to frown.

"how come?"

Looking at the unknown number at the caller's address, the peaked hat subconsciously bit his nails.

who is it?

Who is it that can find his contact information that has never been made public?

You know, he used the ID card of a European friend to connect to RB's server and jump to a computer in a rural area in Russia, and finally applied for it remotely in an inconspicuous town in China.

Trying to find out his traces is simply nonsense!

Not to mention that every time he uses this phone, it will be encrypted!

So far, he is the only one who takes the initiative to contact others, and there is no time when he is contacted!

"Hello, who are you?" Peaked Hat answered the phone and whispered cautiously, implicitly asking, "Where did you get this contact information?"

"No. 2, it's me. Don't ask! The question is that our power is greater than you think. But it was because you cut off the original connection that I made a bad move." Ms. Aso's cold voice came slowly, There is no fluctuation at all.

"Then your plan is more terrifying than I thought." The peaked hat smiled fearfully, "With this ability, it is possible for Qin Mimi to sell me after the event is completed."

"I have no such plan," Ms. Aso said calmly, "Let's not talk about anything else."

"No. 2, it seems that your mission failed. What exactly happened?"

"I also paid attention to the surveillance in the mall. That boy behaved a lot strangely. Could it be that he discovered the mechanism you are proud of?"

"You're talking about that trash student? He found out! If he is really that awesome, I can feel more balanced." Hearing this, the peaked hat clenched his fists in a somewhat defensive manner, "The problem is that he is so fooled. of!"

"Boss, you don't know how annoying that kid is." The man vented his words and explained the cause and effect, his words full of resentment.

"Is that so?" Ms. Aso couldn't recover for a while when she learned of the bizarre development of the matter.

Now that I think about it, everything about today's events is weird.

She pinched her brows worriedly, sighed and ordered,

"Anyway, as far as the results are concerned, your action is basically a failure."

"No. 2, you also know the rules on the road. Remember to pay back the reward. This is all between us."

"I know that. If it really fails, I won't swallow your money," the peaked cap shrugged, a cruel blood red flashing in his eyes, "But it's too early to say failure now."

"Boss, what a coincidence, half a month ago, I took on other tasks in this mall!" He chuckled.

"The mechanism that was perfected yesterday will just come in handy in the mission you entrusted. The most important thing is, this time I can guarantee that they will not be able to escape this mechanism no matter how hard they try!"

The peaked cap narrowed his eyes and chuckled, "Of course, because it is not a mechanism tailor-made for you, the success rate of temporary execution is only 50%."

"I'm definitely going to do that task anyway. It won't be too late to return the money to you if it fails."

"Think about it, boss?"

Ms. Aso pondered for a moment and replied coldly, "Then I'll give you another chance."

"Deal! It's more comfortable to talk to the female boss," the peaked hat joked casually, "Don't give this contact information to that reckless man. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it afterwards and come to his door to fight with him."

There was a bit of coldness flashing in his eyes,

"You also know that I got in there as a black boxer. It would be bad if I accidentally killed my former employer."

"If you have this idea, you can give it a try." Uncharacteristically, Ms. Aso shook her head and stabbed him, then hung up the phone.

Toot toot.

"What do you mean?" The peaked cap looked at the gray screen in confusion, "That reckless man, what else is there that he can do?"

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