The closed red-painted door trapped the two of them in a dark room. There was no way to escape, no way to avoid it. No matter who knew it, they would have to say a word to tie themselves up!

The water overflowing from the crack of the door touched the fierce fire, and instantly turned into balls of vast air.

Water vapor poured back from above, and damn it was mixed with thick, acrid black smoke!

Invisible carbon monoxide pushes the air out of the window without mercy!

With the lack of oxygen, the originally subtle feeling of suffocation became more and more serious!

This is why you can't hide in the bathroom at a fire scene. Human beings are waiting to die in a space with thin oxygen.

If this continues, Lu Mingfei and the two of them won't be able to survive in this remaining living space for long! !

The only good thing is that the restroom in this commercial building is located in the corner with windows for ventilation!

"Hey! Here!!!" Su Xiaoqiang tightened her windbreaker, opened the window and shouted to the crowd underground, "Here! There are people here!!"

"Save us!!!"

The people who escaped noticed the unexpected survivor and shouted in surprise, "Girl! Just hold on a little longer!"

"When the fire brigade arrives, let's remind them of your location first!"

"Well! Thank you! Uncle! Thank you!"

"Great!" Su Xiaoqiang breathed a sigh of relief, looked back at Lu Mingfei, with a face filled with joy, and couldn't help but murmur, "Lu Mingfei, now we are saved!"

Lu Mingfei glanced down and took in the details that Su Xiaoqiang had not noticed.

The regret on the respondent's face, the evasive eyes, and the regretful shaking of the head.

Obviously, people don't think he and she can be saved!

In other words, everyone thought that the two of them would die! ! !

"Don't get too happy too early, Su Xiaoqiang." After thinking for a while, Lu Mingfei chose to confess the current crisis situation to Su Xiaoqiang.

"If I remember correctly, the fire protection construction in our city is not that complete. The nearest fire department is more than half a city away from us."

"It would take an hour at the fastest to rescue us here, let alone the seventh floor where we are, which will most likely be the last place to be rescued."

In the water curtain of the gourd basin, Lu Mingfei looked around at the space where the water was getting smaller, feeling a little worried.

"The entire commercial building has lost power, and there may be some problems with the water supply facilities. Judging from the current water flow, I can't guarantee that we can survive until then."

"And the most important thing, oxygen!" Lu Mingfei took off his valuable coat, soaked it in the water at his feet without hesitation, and stepped on it up and down to make it fully absorb the water.

"It is not a good place to hide if you have no choice." He looked at Su Xiaoqiang, who was shivering from the cold and huddled by the window, and pointed at the smoke that was gradually filling the sky above the two of them. "It is true that this place can temporarily cut off the fire, but it cannot cut off the air. ."

"If this continues, we will both be suffocated here in a short time."

"We are lucky to have windows, but looking at the speed," Lu Mingfei looked at the sinking fog, "Conservatively, we only have thirty minutes left."

"In the remaining time, if you think of a way to escape, you will live. If you don't think of it, you will die!"

"Is that so?"

Before Su Xiaoqiang had time to be happy, she was poured cold water on Lu Mingfei's cold reality.

But people are creatures that can grow. Today's repeated dangerous experiences are not useless. Su Xiaoqiang also has her own growth.

At least at this moment, she still had the desire to escape and the energy to think.

"Then let's ask people outside to help find air mattresses and the like," Su Xiaoqiang suggested as she leaned toward the window, "If you jump down, you should be saved!"

"It's useless! Let's not mention whether there is an air mattress nearby," Lu Mingfei shook his head in denial, "Even if it is an air mattress specially designed for firefighting, there is a limit to the safe height. If we jump from the seventh floor, it will be the same as committing suicide!"

"Then let's find a way to extend the water pipe and climb down! We can't just sit here and wait to die!"

"Damn it!" Su Xiaoqiang looked around the wall with an ugly expression, "Except for the windowsills, there is no place to grab on outside."

In this situation, she definitely can't run away!

But Lu Mingfei.

Su Xiaoqiang suppressed her fear and looked at Lu Mingfei.

"Lu Mingfei, you should be able to do it, right?" She raised her arms and rested on the window sill to signal,

"Just like in the movies, lean on the window sill and climb down."

"If you can," Su Xiaoqiang bit her lip and made up her mind, "just leave me alone. It's more important to escape for your own life."

We can't let Lu Mingfei die here with her!

"Su Xiaoqiang, it's already this time, why are you kidding me?" Lu Mingfei muttered in disbelief, "My health has gotten better recently, but what's the difference between doing this and committing suicide?"

"If I'm not careful, I'll turn into a pulp!"

Lu Mingfei looked at Su Xiaoqiang with resentment, like a little wife who had not been favored for a year and a half, "My boss Su, there must be a limit to repaying kindness with hatred! If you think my death is not miserable enough, just say so! "

"How can I?" Su Xiaoqiang retorted sweetly, a little aggrieved, "Isn't this the best way to survive?"

"Even if only one survives," she lowered her head and bit her lower lip, "that's okay."

But the reality is actually not what Lu Mingfei said.

With his current coordination and arm strength, he really wouldn't have many problems using the escape method Su Xiaoqiang mentioned.

The only question is whether he should leave Su Xiaoqiang behind.

But he promised Uncle Su, and he also made a promise to Su Xiaoqiang!

That trust! That promise! To Lu Mingfei, it is the most precious thing!

There’s nothing wrong with working hard for this!

Even if something happens, it's his own choice!

"Stop thinking like that," Lu Mingfei lay rolling in the water under Su Xiaoqiang's puzzled gaze and reiterated what he had said in the most embarrassing manner.

"Didn't I say that? Even if I die, I will die first before you."

"Just leave the rest to me!"

"We can't just wait for rescue. The more times like this, the more we have to rely on ourselves." He put on a completely soaked windbreaker, covered his mouth and nose with a beret, turned around and ordered, "Su Xiaoqiang, stay here, I'll Go and look outside to see if you can find any life-saving gadgets.”

At this time, Lu Mingfei actually chose to rush into the fire again? ? ?

"In case I don't come back," Lu Mingfei took a deep breath, "then just lean against the window. In that case, if the rescue comes in time, the probability of survival will be greater."

"Wait a minute!" Su Xiaoqiang couldn't help but trembled in her heart, and subconsciously tried to persuade her to stay!

"At this time, just shut up your crow mouth!" She bit her lower lip tightly and did not say anything childish about going together.

Because she knew that if they went together, she would just be a drag.

Su Xiaoqiang took a deep breath, abandoned her useless shyness, put her hand on the black bow on her waist, and pulled it gently.

But there is something she can do!

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