Although Lu Mingfei saved her just now, if something was really discovered, he would have no choice but to kill her, right?

Kirishima Touka thought calmly, with no major fluctuations in her twisted emotions.

Of course, the murderous intention surges in my heart!

It's hard to understand, but it doesn't contain the slightest malice.

Although they clearly have human hearts, they must feed on humans. Ghouls are a species that distorts love and hate, and they have always been so.

"It seems that your response was pretty good just now. Have you learned anything?" Lu Mingfei chatted casually and glanced at the girl's favorability value: 0.

"Reaction?" There was still coldness in his eyes. Kirishima Touka tilted his head calmly at first, looking confused.

"Oh! Was it just now? Actually, I didn't learn anything!" She hurriedly denied it and lowered her head in embarrassment.

After hesitating for a moment, Kirishima Touka pretended to blush and spoke hesitantly.

He stuttered a little and his voice was very low.

"I just had a few fights, but it was just for self-defense."

The cold light still fell on Lu Mingfei's body, and the heat on his shoulders became hot!

Hello! enough! Let’s stop there!

Stop asking! Is it annoying?

Kirishima Touka was very irritable in her heart.

She doesn't want to kill anyone at all!

so! Stop asking!

If you don’t want to die, stop asking!

"Really?" Lu Mingfei nodded lightly and withdrew his feelings thoughtfully.

The heartbeat was not chaotic, and even the pace and tone of voice were not abnormal at all.

If Kirishima Touka hadn't been lying and pretending since childhood, what Kirishima Touka just answered couldn't have been a lie.

Lu Mingfei didn't think there would be too many people like that in the world, yet he just let himself meet them like this.

What's more, the increase in favorability from 0 to 4 also proves that she has no ill intentions towards him.

So is he really overthinking it?

Kirishima Touka has nothing to do with the Japanese group last night.

She is just an ordinary Japanese girl, with at most some practical fighting experience.

"Sorry," Lu Mingfei looked away and scratched his head, "I seem to have asked too many questions."

"it does not matter."

Kirishima Touka shyly shook her head and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Do you still know it yourself?

But it's finally over.

But the wave just calmed down.

Wave after wave!

Lu Mingfei reached out to touch his wet neck, and the wound suddenly stung a little.

No matter how well the protection was done, when the window was broken, broken glass still hurt him.


A certain substance in the bright red blood was crushed on the fingertips, and a fragrance that ordinary people couldn't detect bloomed and spread.

In the blink of an eye, this hot space was filled.

boom! !

It was as if a nuclear bomb exploded in my mind, sending up thousands of meters of fire clouds and igniting the sky of desire!

Boom! Boom!

Heart racing!

It’s the feeling of being so excited that you want to become one with the other person!


Kirishima Touka stared at Lu Mingfei's wounds, her mouth was trembling, and her eyes were trembling wildly.

damn it!

What a smell!

His whole body trembled with uncontrollable desire.

Her legs were weak and she couldn't help but hold on to the wall!

It smells so good! It smells really good!

It was like a person who was buried in the ruins and was about to starve to death without eating for seven days, suddenly smelled the fragrant soup!

Want to eat!

It's like a refugee who couldn't find a drop of water in the desert and suddenly found a cold Coke!

Want to drink!

Kirishima Touka gritted his teeth.

The years of experience in suppressing the desire to eat people suddenly collapsed under the stimulation of the taste of Lu Mingfei's blood!

The bloody eyes were shining greedily in the darkness!

She couldn't help but stretched out her claws towards Lu Mingfei!

One step, another step!

Good. I really want it.

Kirishima Touka's instinctive longing murmured in her heart.

As the two of them went deeper, the acrid smoke became thinner and thinner.

Until a chill hit him, Lu Mingfei shivered uncontrollably and looked back!

"Huh? What's wrong with you?"

Noticing something was wrong with the girl, he frowned and asked.

"It's okay! Don't worry about me!"

He no longer bothered to pretend to be shy.

With his right arm tightly locked on his left wrist, Kirishima Touka lowered his head in pain and tightly clasped his exposed left eye in his palm.

The voice is trembling, the breathing is rapid,

"Just hoo! I'm just a little dizzy."

Really want.

She leaned against the wall and pointed tremblingly towards the depths of the corridor.

"The girl is inside, go ahead, I have to wait here for a while."

Although Lu Mingfei was clearly being persuaded to leave quickly, Kirishima Touka's heart was flashing with completely opposite thoughts.

It smells so good! I really want to eat him!

There's no one around anyway, so there won't be any problem if he eats it, right?

Just hurry up! Just hurry up and you won't be discovered!

Afterwards, throw it into the fire and burn it cleanly, and no one will find it.

Right! Right! Dong Xiang!

So just eat him here!

Under the stimulation of Lu Mingfei's scent, the girl's pressed eyes became scarleter and filled with murderous intent!

No! ! You can't do this!

The nails of his left hand dug into his right arm, and he tried to stand up rationally, raising a shield against desire!

remember! Dong Xiang! He just saved himself once!


Moreover, he is a staff member of the special department. If you kill him, you will most likely be traced!


So you absolutely can’t do that! Definitely hold back!

Kirishima Touka lowered her head, her delicate body trembling!

Reason and desire are madly entangled! fight! Attack! Seconds are like years! ! !

There was a faint sound of sprouts digging out of the soil.

Rustling! Rustling!

The Rc cells screamed crazily, traces of scarlet overflowed from the eye sockets, and slowly grew from the corners of the eyes towards the temples!

Extremely coquettish!

Sensing Lu Mingfei ahead who was still wondering whether to leave, Kirishima Touka roared in her heart!

asshole! What are you still doing?

Are you waiting to die?

Let’s go!

Do you have any idea how terrifying the taste of your own blood is to ghouls?

For a ghoul who is extremely hungry, even ordinary meat will be a fatal temptation like a drug.

That kind of temptation is enough to distort the ghoul's reason - if you don't eat, it's like being in hell all the time!

But the smell permeating Lu Mingfei's blood was even worse. It could actually twist the normal Kirishima Touka out of control! !

You know, her self-control ability is considered top-notch among the ghouls!

But now, just trying to suppress the thought of walking towards this person was already several times more painful than the hell she was in when she was extremely hungry!


It's like there are ants burrowing back and forth in the bones! Drill back and forth! Drill back and forth! ! !

Severe pain!

My body felt like it was being pricked by thousands of needles! Stab as hard as you can!

pain! !

Someone cracked open the skull and slowly stirred her brain! One lap! One lap! Another circle! ! !

Ever since she was a child, Kirishima Touka has never experienced this kind of pain.

I can't hold on any longer!

real! How embarrassing!

I won't be able to hold on any longer!

Tears overflowed from her eyes, and Kirishima Touka's clenched lips kept trembling in great pain.

What are you still doing standing there? Want to die? I definitely want to die!

He was looking for death himself! No one else is to blame! No one else is to blame! ! !

The blood was surging, and bits of illusory red gathered on the shoulders, gradually overflowing from the body!

wrong! no! Lu Mingfei saved her! She can't do this!

Kirishima Touka leaned against the wall in panic, crushing her shoulders, biting her lips, and roared in her heart.

roll! Get away!


Why don't you get out! ?

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