Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 244 Ability Exposed (Additional Chapter)

Orange-red and white clothes surged up, pulling up a long yellow-black isolation belt.

"Someone is unconscious here! It's arrhythmia!" the medical staff yelled, "Defibrillator! Prepare the defibrillator quickly!"

Water cannons clicked on, stretchers were put on beds, and rescue work began resolutely.

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Everyone move! Everyone move!"

"The fire extinguishers first suppress the fire on the first floor and the top floor. They are from dang.yuan. Those who are married and have children take the initiative to sign up! Let the two bravest ones go up the ladder to the fourth floor to save people!!! Hurry up! !”

Chaos ensues!

The store manager Fangcun was hidden in the crowd. He couldn't help but sweat in his hands as he didn't know what was going on inside.

It doesn't matter!

Even though he was unfortunately hit, with the ghoul's resilience, he wouldn't die in the collapse.

After all, their strongest advantage is that they are difficult to kill. But if things continue like this, they will definitely die!

What he is more worried about is that Kirishima Touka will misunderstand yesterday's instructions and voluntarily die in order not to expose the existence of ghouls!

Judging from her simple and impulsive character, this is not impossible.

"Dong Xiang, don't be stupid," he murmured worriedly.

It’s unknown how many ghouls have come to this world. If there are many uncontrollable people like Riyo, it’s only a matter of time before the ghouls are exposed.

He had said that he should remember to hide his identity and not expose his abnormality, but that was just to gain as much time as possible to act.

At the critical moment, you still have to put your own life first!

You must understand, right? Dong Xiang!

The gravel danced in Xia Mi's little hands, and the eyes hidden under the head curtain were flowing with majestic gold.

She slowly closed her eyes and felt the rhythm of the thick elements around her. The spirit of "power" whispered and sent endless messages.

The entire building has 140 load-bearing columns on seven floors! Nine hundred and twenty-four load-bearing walls! Thirty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty-one steel bars!

The force nodes in every place are extremely clear!

With what force and where to attack, and what kind of chain collapse effect it will cause, you can all think in your mind.

Where is the senior? The sound of footsteps suddenly sounded with force.

Hmm. It seems to be there!

Very good, my heart is beating happily, and it seems that I am still alive!

"But, that's all you can do." Xia Mi shrugged helplessly and tightened his grip on the stone.

Sure enough, she still needs to take action.

Look at her,

If there are no traces left, the whole building will collapse, but the seniors will not be harmed. Which one should be attacked?

But the next second, Xia Mi was slightly stunned and frowned in confusion.

"In this case, what else do you want to do?"

In the narrow corridor, tongues of scorching flames jumped out crazily, causing a harsh whistling sound!

"What's going on!?" Lu Mingfei hugged the unconscious Tang Yurou and met the purple-haired girl again at the intersection of the hall.

"The fire hose you climbed up fell down." Kirishima Touka pointed at the dilapidated paradise hall, with a very ugly expression on her face.

She lowered her head unwillingly, feeling extremely guilty, "I'm sorry."

If she hadn't controlled Yu He's destructive power, why would the collapse happen now?

"Hey! Tough luck!" Lu Mingfei looked around and couldn't help but curse.

At the same time, he couldn't help but feel a layer of gloom in his heart.

"This is really troublesome!"

The majestic flames danced, and the scorching footsteps spread, swallowing up the gravel and debris on the ground!

The smoke twists the body and is pungent! Dazzling!

Above the children's playground, the ceiling breaks completely in the middle, dividing the fourth floor into two triangular areas.

The light from the outside world was vaguely visible, but the hope of getting out was gone.

250℃! 300℃!

The temperature continues to soar! There was a sudden roar in the distance! The flames rolled like waves, soared into the sky, and beat wildly in all directions!

There is no way to heaven, no way to earth, a desperate situation! ! !

Just jump down with two people, and then use "Don't Die" to renew their lives?


If you expose your abilities in front of the public, you will most likely be regarded as a monster.

Moreover, the scope and strength of "Don't Die" have not been tested too much. The scope of the target and the strength of the effect are not known, so the uncertainty is too great!

"Kirishima Dongxiang, I'll leave her to you!" Lu Mingfei immediately handed Tang Yurou in his arms to Dongxiang, turned around and rushed into the fire!

As they approached, the fire suddenly started, forcing Lu Mingfei to retreat alive.

He gritted his teeth and rushed in again!

"What are you doing!" Kirishima Touka grabbed Lu Mingfei's body and yelled, "Do you want to kill me?"

"What else can we do?" With his eyes sore and stinging, Lu Mingfei raised his hand to rub his eyes that were filled with tears, and said with a sullen face, "Find another roll of water pipe, otherwise we will all die here."

"If I remember correctly, the fire cabinet on this floor," Kirishima Touka murmured softly, "seems to be on the opposite side."

If you go, you will die!

"I know! I remember it clearly."

"You knew and still went?"

"Time is running out, we must fight!" Sensing the rapidly rising temperature and the increasingly fierce roar in the distance, Lu Mingfei whispered fiercely, "It's better than doing nothing and waiting to die here, right?"

"I bet I can come back alive!"

Come back alive! How resilient do you think you are?

Are you a ghoul or am I a ghoul?

Kirishima Touka couldn't help but grit her teeth when she heard this, her brows were furrowed, and her face was filled with confusion.

It's only four floors high, so there's no difficulty in taking these two people out.

The only problem is that his abilities will be exposed! After being treated as a monster, he could only live in hiding.

And, some energy needs to be replenished to activate the sleeping Yu He in the body.

She cast her eyes on Lu Mingfei's shoulder and pursed her lips slightly.



Time and space stand still!

400℃! The temperature in the center of the fire suddenly reached the critical point!

The monstrous flames suddenly retracted!

"Dance of Angels" breaks out in the next second! ! !

boom! ! !

The sudden wave of force in the center of the building slapped everyone outside in the face!

The orange clothes who were putting out the fire at the entrance were hit by the scalding fire waves, and the strong wind knocked them down.

Boom! The sound of Jin Ge!

A firefighter who climbed up the ladder accidentally fell down and hit his teammates on the roof of the car, causing a dent. It was difficult to get back on track.

Under the unexpected impact, many people even on the outside of the isolation zone became unsteady and fell on their backs while screaming in panic.

The burnt taste is even richer!

Amidst the deafening sound, the sky fell and the earth collapsed, and the layers of glass shattered into crystal flowers, and orange-red waves sprayed out!

Facing the rain and darkness falling from the sky, the rolling flames spurted out from the glass dome, and the gorgeous stamens bloomed in front of everyone!


A series of crystal fragments were mixed among them, forming clusters of parabolas and falling disorderly from all directions!

The broken fire stuck to it slowly extinguished under the erosion of the impact and autumn rain, leaving only the transparency reflecting the dark sky.

Sounds echoed all around,

Ding Ling Dang!

Ding Ling Dang! !

Inside the building, rubble also fell like rain! It hurts!

Kirishima Touka, who was holding Tang Yurou, watched the boulder hit Lu Mingfei's head. All his attention was attracted for a moment, and his eyes widened. "Little"

"Be careful!" Unexpectedly, Lu Mingfei also yelled at the same time!

The figure rushing in front of the rolling fireball was the last thing Kirishima Toka saw.


The huge stone slab fell vertically on the place where the two women were originally!


There was a clicking sound and a grunt of pain, barely detectable under the sudden disaster.

But Kirishima Toka knew that it was the sound of human bones breaking.

Waves of fire dissipated like ebbing tides, and in the calm before the storm, the next power that could destroy everything was condensed!

A lot of air pours in from all directions,

410℃! 425℃!

The temperature soared completely out of control! The disaster that will devour everything will come soon, and it is impossible to stop or avoid it!

Orange-red fire elves surrounded the three people and the huge stone on Lu Mingfei's back.


The stone creaked and trembled, falling to one side.

Just as soon as the body emerges, the water in the clothes turns into the surrounding water vapor, sizzling out!

"Hey!" Lu Mingfei, with cold sweat on his forehead, stood up in disgrace, his voice trembling and hoarse, "Are you two okay?"

"Ugh!" Tang Yurou felt pain and struggled to open her eyes, then closed them tightly. Only the burning red eyes and a pair of soft eyes filled with concern remained in her mind.

Kirishima Touka subconsciously felt for the girl's pulse, "Everything is fine!"

She aimed at Lu Mingfei's calf bones, "But you"

"It doesn't matter, it wasn't hit, it was just stained with some soil." Lu Mingfei calmly patted the clothes at the broken bone and replied calmly, but his voice was trembling.

"It's completely burned. Take the time to think about how to escape. A few minutes! Only a few minutes left!"

"In the final explosion, no matter how lucky we are, we will only become three charred corpses!"

With that said, Lu Mingfei gently picked up a piece of glass from his side and found an angle.

What about the liar?

Kirishima Touka frowned fiercely,

Do you think she is a fool?

She could never mishear that voice just now!

Lu Mingfei's bones have been completely broken, and he has no ability to move at all!

Although with the ghoul's physique, she would not have died if she was hit just now, but being unable to move now is no different from being dead. Lu Mingfei saved her life just now.

Looking around at the flames and collapse, Kirishima Touka recognized the reality.

Now, whether he can go out or not depends on her.

Expose it! Expose it! We can't let these two people die here because of this problem!

The worst case scenario is to go back to the old days of pretending and hiding.

Kirishima Touka touched Tang Yurou's little head, looked at Lu Mingfei with a complicated expression, and made a decision in her heart.


In fact, I have a way to survive, but I may need to bite you a few big or small bites!

Kirishima Touka's unfinished words were interrupted by Lu Mingfei, who was staring at the mirror!

"do not die!"

A sentence in Chinese that Dong Xiang didn't understand came from Lu Mingfei's mouth.


Dong Xiang felt that his body suddenly went stiff, and even the Rc cells were huddled in a corner, unable to move!

No! Not just your own body!

She tried to move her eyes,

The beating feet of fire in my peripheral vision stopped! The rolling sound buzzing in my ears disappeared!

Even the unbearable heat was swept away! Suddenly I can no longer smell the pungent smell of smoke!

It's very similar to the last feeling when you suddenly disappeared from your original world!

Only the purple eyes were still agile, filled with surprise and confusion, reflecting the only movement in the still world - Lu Mingfei's flame-dried hair, flying in the air, scattering the orange-red light!

And the flash of gilded gold in his eyes made it impossible for anyone to dare to take a second look! ! !

Under Kirishima Touka's shocked gaze, Lu Mingfei stood up like a normal person.


Time begins to flow and perception returns.

The sound of footsteps was very small, but it hit Dong Xiang's heart hard, making him suddenly suspicious.

how come? !!

What just happened?

Si Fei finally finished the damn exam.

I have been updating from time to time recently, with 3k updates already added and 2.7k owed.

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