Red flames like thorns burst out of every window and every crack vividly, and suddenly there were high-pitched screams!

The snake-like black mist wraps around the top of the red thorns, twisting and expanding, dispersing the pungent smell into millions of rain and tears, accompanied by the burnt smell of burning human tissue.

The silver-black firefighters with airtight equipment worked hard until the last moment to tumble out of the fire vent on the first floor, only to bring out a corpse covered in muddy yellow tar.


The flashing lights stopped in unison, and everyone stared at the last scene - the life that was alive not long ago, fell apart like a biscuit under the impact of landing, and could not be put back together.

And compared with other people who can't even collect the last tomb, how lucky he is. Seeing lives like their own shattered there, everyone felt a creeping fear.

Sadness comes from the heart, and the unspeakable emptiness and complicated emotions that arise at first are like heavy liquid wrapping around the mouth and nose, burrowing into the organs, invading the lungs, and flowing in every blood vessel.

Even though I was still breathing, I felt an unforgettable feeling of suffocation that I couldn't get rid of.

The living are still alive, the dead can no longer open their eyes, and the destroyed can never be restored to their original state. Some people call this kind of thing "the end".

Squeak! Squeak!

The building with a height of dozens of people screamed and screamed. The afterglow of life was shattered in the rain like a toy carelessly pushed down by a child.


The three of them, Lu Mingfei and Lu Mingfei, sank heavily into the air mattress, which exploded into tiny sparks that were scorching hot.

The majestic cool water sprinkled down, extinguishing the flames around the three people. The mist suddenly turned white, but the people remained motionless, which made everyone feel nervous.

Still alive? He must still be alive, right?

They could not confirm whether the people who escaped from the bell ringing at the end of the death banquet were actually alive.

The air was stagnant until Lu Mingfei, who was pressed at the bottom, tried to get up, and there was a sudden movement - "Hiss! It hurts me to death!" "Some buddy come and give me a hand!"

The panic in her heart stopped, and Su Xiaoqiang clenched her fists, her happy voice was drowned out by the gentle shouts of men and women, "Okay!"*n

Seeing that the three of them had managed to escape from death, the female reporter who initially interviewed Lu Mingfei was relieved and couldn't help but secretly said, "Great, it was a success."

Climb tall buildings! Enter the fire! Even after the only escape route was cut off, he was still racing against death! Finally a gorgeous escape?

She recalled what Lu Mingfei had done from beginning to end, and couldn't help but swallow her saliva. Two words, "Absolutely awesome!"


"A miracle! This is a miracle!"

"Big news! Big news like never before!"

"Half an hour! I want all the information about that person!"

The sound of flashing lights again in her ears and the noisy discussions among her peers awakened her instincts.

The female reporter opened her arms and waved like a hen protecting her chicks, "Stop! No filming is allowed!"

"That's my person. He agreed to let me interview him exclusively!"

"You are not allowed to film! If you continue to film, I will sue you for copyright infringement! Do you understand the copyright infringement? Hey! Are you still filming?"

Ignoring the noise over there, doctors and nurses in white swarmed over and examined him carefully.

"If the man is fine, leave him alone. The woman is slightly unconscious and should be taken away immediately!"

"No! This child has inhaled too much carbon monoxide! Prepare for oxygen! It may be accompanied by symptoms of cerebral edema! Prepare mannitol! Lift him away! Lift him away quickly!"

"Men, give way."

The dark-faced Lu Mingfei was pushed aside by a pile of white clothes, his face full of confusion.


He didn't even get knocked unconscious when he was used as a meat mat, so why did Kirishima Touka just pass out?

Scared? Isn't she very courageous?

The three firefighters put away the water cannons that sprayed water on Lu Mingfei and the others, and gathered around them out of curiosity.

They looked at Lu Mingfei, who was unharmed, squeezing him and patting him, talking all over the place.

"The one who is risking his life is you, right? At your age, you don't seem to be older than my son." The firefighter with a dark face couldn't help but admired, "Tsk! But you are so courageous! You are older than us! With Let me tell you what you think, do you really dare to climb up?"

Lu Mingfei, who had narrowly escaped death, felt the fiery gaze that did not seem to be fake. After careful examination, he realized that this was not the kind of gaze that classmates, teachers and parents used to look at Senior Brother Chu, looking at "other people's children"?

So I couldn't help but straighten my back with pride, what else could I think?

Asking is confidence in strength! Contribution to society! The fearless spirit of being responsible for life!

"I also have to say that this kid had good luck with his last jump. The angle of the relay. How can we, professionals, jump hundreds of times to get out like this once? Even if it was a little bit close, the three of them would have been left half disabled! We couldn't even save them. Come back!" The burly man patted Lu Mingfei's shoulder, looked up and down, and said thankfully, "Okay, it looks like everything is fine."

Lu Mingfei curled his lips slightly in displeasure,

Ignorant humans!

Aim to build a course of action through the world! Breathing method refines and squeezes the body's strength! Physical coordination realizes the miracles in the mind!

If that doesn't work, there is also "don't die" as the ultimate insurance, which is foolproof!


This is strength! Proper strength!

I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I tell you!

"It must be fine. Didn't the doctor just check it out?" The younger firefighter was envious for a moment, and his tone was a little sour, "But no one else is in the limelight! I didn't see all the reporters over there. Are you like a wolf and a tiger? I guess you can be on TV?"

"Captain, how many years of hard work do you think we can get on TV and show our faces? My country mother will be so happy to see it!"

He pinched Lu Mingfei's thin arm and said, "How much merit does this have to give? Is there a lot of bonus?"

"If you really put it on us, we will definitely have first-class merit. The social impact is probably not small, and the bonus will be tens of thousands. But just think about it, kid, don't really hope that this kind of thing will happen again." Black-faced fireman The officer stabbed the junior, and when he recognized Lu Mingfei's face, he couldn't help but click his tongue.

"To be honest, I have never seen you like this in my whole life! After graduation, will you consider joining our fire brigade? Our third brigade is in need of talents like you!"

Covered? Who is covering whom?

Lu Mingfei frowned alertly.

This black face is not a good person!

Is the third team covering him, or is he covering the third team? You didn't say it clearly on purpose, right?

"Why haven't you spoken? Are you scared?" The young general came over again and muttered in a mean voice, "Little brother, you said I was going to tell your parents about this, and they would beat your ass. No?"

Lu Mingfei looked helpless. These three chattered one after another without giving him a chance to speak.

As for his parents.

"What are you doing here!? Which team are you from?" Fire Brigade Captain Tang Zhenguo walked with extraordinary momentum.

Looking around at the faces of the three of them, he frowned and shouted sternly, "It's your third team again? How many times has it been? You're looking for a punishment, right?"

"You're still smiling! You can't see the fire scene on one side, right? You've forgotten all about your responsibilities, right? Okay! Okay, okay!" He nodded repeatedly, "After you go back, you three teams will train 20 kilometers separately! Every day!"


"Ah what! Why don't you get out of here?"

"Yes!" The members of the third team suddenly trembled, turned around and ran away!

It’s not okay to be disobedient! No one in the entire fire brigade disobeyed him.

Tang Zhenguo, captain of the fire brigade.

He has been working for 21 years and has participated in more than 3,200 fire-fighting and rescue work of various types, and more than 300 social rescue and public services.

More than 620 people were rescued! ! !

During a typhoon rescue operation, he walked 36 kilometers round trip in 15 hours to complete the rescue mission of a lost village.

There were more than 70 large and small wounds on the body and 6 steel nails! ! !

"National Outstanding Firefighter", "First Class Team Merit" twice, and "First Class Individual Merit" 6 times. There are countless honors, all of which are earned through hard work.

One of the ten outstanding figures in this province, he is strict with himself and distinguishes between public and private affairs.

One time, I was taking wedding photos with my wife when I saw a familiar fire truck passing by. I was dressed in someone else's photo studio clothes and grabbed the back of the car and followed it.

One time for a child's birthday, I had asked for leave in advance, but unfortunately there was a fire. When I got home, the child had fallen asleep on the table.

He had a strict upbringing, and he only wanted to be number one since he was a child. He was very demanding of the firefighters in the team and even the people around him. He was once recognized by everyone as "except myself, there is no one in the world that Tang Ge can like." people!"

The three teams slipped away in despair, leaving only the fire brigade captains Tang Zhenguo and Lu Mingfei, staring at each other.

Click! Click! The flashing lights kept coming.


Tang Zhenguo glanced at the reporter over there and put his hat on Lu Mingfei's head, revealing an uncle's face with full beards.

There was a flash of complexity in his eyes. He took a deep breath to suppress the emotions in his heart, and subconsciously kept a straight face and a serious tone.

"Climbing high-rise buildings, entering fire scenes, being a rescuer, and even jumping out at the end. In all these years, my whole brigade has never had such a person. You guys are really capable!?"

"What the hell!" Lu Mingfei finally had a chance to speak and couldn't help but smile, "Luck! It's all luck! I almost died in there."

"Where? Lucky?" Tang Zhenguo asked again and scolded him sternly, "You know you almost died and you're still laughing? Why are you laughing! Do you really think I'm praising you?"

He looked across the crowd and reporters not far away, cursing,

"That group of people really can't stop you! They all have no brains. They just watch you, a student, climbing up? Are you rushing in?"

Under Lu Mingfei's confused expression, Tang Zhenguo slapped him across the orange helmet, making him shine brightly.

In a daze, he thought of how when he was a child, he climbed to the fifth floor to test whether he could fly with an umbrella, but was dragged down by his mother. The sour memories - "Lu Mingfei! Do you have common sense? Take a handful of Jumping off a building with an umbrella? Tell yourself! Tell yourself, have you grown up?" "Lu Lincheng! Why are you laughing! You have the nerve to laugh when you're not watching your child! Let me sleep in the living room this week!"

Then Mr. Lu of his family, with a mournful face, explained aerodynamics to him who couldn’t get off the sofa.

Lu Mingfei looked up and saw Tang Zhenguo's eyes wide open with anger, very much like Qiao Weini that day.

"What are you looking at! Tell me! Tell me why you have a student of yours here? Ah——?"


He asked and knocked at the same time,

"Do you have common sense? You rush up when your brain gets hot. Have you thought about the consequences?"

"Climbing stairs? What if I fall and become disabled?"

"Save someone? Do you know how painful a first degree burn is?"

"What if the last jump didn't fall into the air mattress?"

"Look back!" Tang Zhenguo's fear had not yet dissipated. He pointed behind him and clicked,

"Did you see it? If you were a few seconds later, you would have been buried in this ruins!"

"Dead!" He shouted loudly, with a hint of ruthlessness, "When a person dies! There is nothing left!"

"How old are you? How long is the future? If you die here today, do you think you will regret it?"

They are obviously two completely different people, even their genders are different, but the words they hear in their ears after so many years are so similar.

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth, and for a moment he didn't know what to say or who to say it to. In the end, he just whispered like then, "I'm sorry."

"We are here when it's time to fight. When will it be your turn to be a student?"

Tang Zhenguo looked at Lu Mingfei with a complicated expression.

"Have you considered how your parents felt after the accident?"

"If you encounter something like this again in the future, how far should you hide? Do you know?"


Lu Mingfei nodded wildly like a chicken pecking at rice. When encountering someone with such a cold face and warm heart, stroking her hair was the best solution.

As for encountering similar things in the future, eh

I'm sorry, he, Lu, plans to actively admit his mistake and never repent!

Otherwise, I feel sorry for myself who has already figured it out.

But Lu Mingfei didn't expect that things were far from being as simple as they seemed.

Tang Zhenguo finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Mingfei nodding obediently and repenting of his past mistakes.

"It's good if you know, it's good if you know."

Staring deeply at Lu Mingfei, his tone gradually softened,

"The above is what I have to say to you as a qualified firefighter and a qualified adult."

"The next thing is what I really want to say to you, what I must say to you."

Under Lu Mingfei's surprised gaze, Tang Zhenguo grabbed his shoulders and looked at him with an expression of extreme fear, his lips trembled slightly,

"As a late brother."

In just a moment, his emphasis was filled with a choked and nasal sound that had been endured for a long time.

Very sour, very sour!

Ever since he knew that the child trapped in the fire was his only sister's child, he had endured it for a long, long time.

If it weren't for the influence of family education from childhood - putting public before private, how could he have managed to survive until now?

"Young man! Thank you! Thank you very much!"

Under Lu Mingfei's blank expression, a broad and warm embrace surrounded him.

Just like his mother who had taken care of his butt before, that frightened hug was so sudden, so sincere, and full of different but absolutely full emotions.

Tang Zhenguo's red eyes spoke of panic,

"Thank you for saving Yurou and their family!"

"Really! Boy! Really!"

He kept shaking his head, and his emotions rarely fluctuated wildly.

"Without you, I really don't know how I would explain to my father! My mother! My brothers and sisters!!"

"Really! Thank you! Thank you"

Bang bang!

Having never fallen in love with many people in his life, he couldn't help but pat Lu Mingfei's back.

"Thank you for being here! Thank you for being here!"

Tang Zhenguo let go of Lu Mingfei, bit his lip and looked at him, nodding his head.

"I can't thank you enough! Boy! I really can't thank you enough!"

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