
Lu Mingfei's figure appeared in Tang Qingyu's mind, and her nose felt sore.

His shoulders were so immature, but with a heart that he didn't know what to do with, he squeezed through the crowd of people who were denying and avoiding in the ice rain, and became the last ray of hope in the despair at that time!

The words "I will try my best, but don't have too much hope" echoed in her ears, and the woman couldn't help but breathe softly.

It is clear that there is no confidence in him, and he is even a little clumsy with low emotional intelligence, but the rest of the sarcasm and sarcastic remarks are completely ignored. And that child, the child who looked at their family of four with incomprehensible smiles, really foolishly risked his life for these two words.

What on earth was that child thinking? Now that I think about it, he is so ridiculously stupid, so pitifully stupid, and so impulsive that it’s heartbreaking! ! !

If Lu Mingfei were Tang Qingyu's own child, even if she had never taught her children a lesson, she would definitely spread the ass of this stupid son.

But thank you, kid!

With tears flowing down her face again, she murmured in her heart,

So, thank you, kid!

Tang Qingyu held her daughter's little hand and put it lightly on her forehead.

really! Thanks! Thank you very much!

"Mom?" Tang Yurou squinted her eyes slightly and looked around blankly. The last scene in her consciousness could not help but appear before her eyes, "I seemed to see a lot of fire, a lot of smoke, and the big rocks seemed heavy, but the big brother's eyes are very beautiful."

"Is that a dream?" she asked uncertainly.

"It's not a dream! It was that big brother who saved you!" Tang Qingyu touched her daughter's forehead with a gentle look, "But listen to your mother first, don't think about anything, and have a good rest first, okay?"

"When you get better, mom will take you to find him. No!" She shook her head violently, feeling a little excited, "No! We still have to bring dad and sister with us! Let's go together as a family with a thank you gift! Okay? good?"

"Go every year! Go every month! Do you agree?"

"Okay! So, um," Tang Yurou's chapped little mouth squirmed softly, and she murmured weakly as she fell asleep,

"Can I see my sister too?"

"Sister with purple hair and red eyes."

"The wings are also red."

"Really, really. So beautiful."

The eyelids were unable to hold the tired eyes, and squeezed out a few glistening lights, hanging in the corners of the eyes,

After letting out her last sigh, Tang Yurou fell into a deep sleep, snoring lightly.

"Wings?" Tang Qingyu couldn't help but wonder.

"I inhaled too much carbon monoxide and had hallucinations," the accompanying medical staff explained softly. "Parents, don't worry. Your daughter's condition is unexpectedly good now. It's as if she has received some kind of treatment."

"But to be on the safe side, I still need to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days."

"Okay, I'll listen to you! I'll listen to you." Tang Qingyu held her daughter's little hand and nodded firmly.

"By the way! Purple hair?" She subconsciously looked around, "Where is the girl who came with Xiaorou?"

The medical staff looked around alertly and spoke in confusion,

"Yeah? Where are the people?"

Were you still here just now? Why did it suddenly disappear?

"Could it be in another car?"

call! call! Well! Ahem!

Kirishima Touka moved while holding on to the wall. She felt a sharp pain in her body and coughed up a few mouthfuls of soft tissue with blood attached to it.

It was the lung tissue that was damaged by the smoke inhaled into her lungs when she was alone in the thick smoke looking for a way to escape. She endured it until this moment before choosing to expel it.

It was also thanks to Lu Mingfei that he saw that Dong Xiang was able to move and did not pay too much attention to her physical condition. Otherwise, he would definitely find out how strong the will of a monster who can act without changing his face despite such injuries is.

After the congestion and stinging pain in his lungs disappeared, Dong Xiang raised his hand gently, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth in a sassy manner, and said to himself,

"Really, why am I working so hard?"

My mind couldn't help but recall the very first scene.

The fierce flames rushed towards me, but there was a blood-red light blooming.

The sharp chips cut off the path and chipped away the gravel!

The fishy eyes looking back reflected the human child's sudden panic, unbearable and murderous intent mixed together in his heart.

"So beautiful!" The innocent eyes sparkled, and the girl's subconscious admiration still echoed in Kirishima Touka's heart. The memory was still fresh and lingering for a long time.

"Sister! Are you an elf? Huh? The ears are wrong! They're not pointed."

"That's an angel? But where is the halo on your head?"

"Sister! She is so beautiful. Can you let me touch her?"

Then he didn't care about her reaction at all, just pounced on her and touched her.

"Haha, what?" he laughed at himself and dispersed.

In the rain, the narrow alleys were cold and dark, and the smell of sewers was pungent.

A few rats crossing the street stopped, sniffing their beards, and stared at the girl who had the same aura as them not far away for a long time, wandering through the garbage.

The wet Kirishima Touka was hiding in the darkness, her purple eyes reflecting the dim light from the outside world.

Staring at the ambulance going away, she seemed to see the eyes of the child who were excited, admiring, and curious but without a trace of fear.

"Are you beautiful? Elf and angel"

Dong Xiang caressed his left shoulder, inadvertently staining his white skin with injured blood.

Recalling the warmth of the little girl's gentle touch on Hezi, and feeling the bone-chilling coldness of the rain on his shoulders in reality, Dong Xiang couldn't help but laugh at herself, and her words contained a little disgust.

"How can such a murderous thing be beautiful!"

"How could a man-eating ghoul be an elf? An angel?"

"Tang Yurou, right? If you knew what I am," she murmured complicatedly, doubting sadly, "would you still be able to say those words?"

"How dare you." The nails dug into the shoulders, causing blood to bloom on the fingers. "Are you going to touch such a thing?"

"Dong Xiang."

Yoshimura Kozen, who did not know when he appeared behind the girl, put a striped vest on her body.

Looking at the crowd dispersing, he said softly,

“Strength is neither good nor bad, both good and evil are hidden in the heart.”

"We cannot choose where we are born, but the path we walk on is made by ourselves."

"Don't think so much. In this new and unbiased place, we can decide whether our power should be used for killing or saving."

"Maybe." He murmured privately, "It's not just your Yuhyuk who is beautiful. That's why we were sent to such a world that has not been distorted."

God gave ghouls an unprecedented opportunity, a chance for the guilty to atone for their sins, and for the innocent to be treated as human beings and to live as human beings.

In this blank space, maybe humans and ghouls can really explore a new path.

It is not about attacking each other, but about communicating, understanding and living in harmony.

Rather than drawing swords upon each other when they meet, someone may use a more positive approach to solve the problem.

For example, researching food that they can eat?

Fangcun Gongshan couldn't help but shake his head, feeling ridiculous for his overly idealistic thoughts.

He slowly stretched out his hand and handed an umbrella with little rabbits painted on it to the girl, making a pun.

"Dong Xiang, what's more important is actually. No matter how heavy the rain is, you can now hold an umbrella openly."


Kirishima Touka took the umbrella lightly and held it tightly in an instant.

She stared at the little rabbit above - that was her favorite animal, lowering her head and saying nothing.

I didn't even hold an umbrella, just letting the rain soak all over my body.

No one knows what this girl is thinking in her heart.

Suddenly, Dong Xiang raised his head and said guiltily, "Sorry, manager, for being exposed in front of so many people. If we are found out now, it will be very difficult for us."

Apologize when you open your mouth.

Not to mention they are visitors from another world, even if it is just a simple cross-border crossing, it would be difficult for these undocumented stowaways to do anything.

"It doesn't matter. The situation here is not like before. No one will check us casually."

"It's just a child who sees what you're capable of, and people won't believe her words too much."

"There are indeed some problems with media reports, but fortunately you are the rescued person in front of people. Everyone's attention is on the boy, but you yourself did not attract much attention."

"I have also solved the identity problem." Fangcun Gongshan shook his head lightly and reassured Dong Xiang, "Although it will take a long time to perfectly forge information across borders, now we can live in this country and work without fear. Anyone check.”

He went on to explain, "Not just you and me, Sifang, Kaneki, and Irimi and Furuma who just contacted us are also in charge."

"Is it done?" Dong Xiang was a little surprised, "Store manager, we just got here yesterday, right?"

No matter what, it’s too fast!

"There is an old saying in this country that money can make all the difference, not to mention that I accidentally found the underground black market." Fangcun store manager smiled.

"Just the wallets of those gangsters I beat up yesterday? Is it so easy to solve the identity here?" Kirishima Touka was very confused, "No, I used most of the money to buy coffee, right? Damn it!"

She gritted her teeth and cursed, "The coffee and money were all lost in the fire."

"It's okay, there's no need to blame yourself." Store manager Fangcun said to console him, "The money I borrowed from the bank has a lot of money left after finishing the identity issue, which is enough for our short-term consumption."

"It turns out that the store manager borrowed some money." Kirishima Touka nodded lightly, and then couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes.

Borrow from the bank? How can these people borrow money from banks?

"I had no choice but to do it at the right time. I will pay it back in the future," Fangcun store manager narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "I won't talk about it anymore."

"Dong Xiang, although I don't know exactly how long I will stay in this country. But I have already rented a shop near the school."

Having said this, even he couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "The name of the store is still called "Antique", it can be regarded as our new home here."

"But Dong Xiang, when you faked your identity, you used to transfer schools." He took out a mobile phone from the lining. "To avoid suspicion, choose one of these schools."

"Do you still want to go to school?" Kirishima Touka frowned irritably.

Put aside your poor grades for now, in a foreign country and with a language barrier, there will definitely be more troubles.

The curriculum has basically become a bible, and it is impossible to make any friends. Apart from pretending, there is no point in going to school at all.

Thinking about it this way, she might as well just work in the cafe until she can return to Japan. At least it would be more comfortable.

ah! Not right either!

Kirishima Touka pinched her brows irritably,

There is another guy in the store who claims that he is human!

There is nothing more disgusting than "I am not a damn murderous monster like a ghoul" and so on, the kind of malicious denial, let alone in person!

If I had known that this situation would lead to this, I would have ignored Nishio Nishiki who secretly occupied the Rishi Ghoul Arena yesterday and just asked him to kill that annoying guy!

The same goes for Li Shi, if you want to die, just die! What do you call leaving such a mess? And that doctor who randomly transplants organs from patients? Don't you have a brain?

Yoshimura Kozen noticed Kirishima Touka's dissatisfaction with Kaneki, secretly saying that it was indeed the case. After all, what Kaneki said last night was simply poking at the most sensitive and vulnerable part of the girl's heart.

"Dong Xiang, do you still remember the principles of stable areas?" He could only remind him.

"Remember," Kirishima Touka replied glumly, "ghouls should support each other."

"Just remember, Jin Mu is now considered one of us, not to mention that it is fate that he lives in this world with us."

"Although he is still immature and has some misunderstandings about ghouls," after a pause, the store manager Fangcun said softly, "but Kaneki will grow up. Maybe in this world, we will have to rely on him more."

"Tch! That guy? It's good if he doesn't cause any trouble!"

Kirishima Touka snorted, took the phone silently, and stroked it around casually.

What misunderstanding? How to grow?

Obviously, I was just a human who regarded all ghouls as monsters!


She pressed the screen with great force as if to vent her anger.

No matter what, ghouls are monsters! Could it be that they themselves want to become monsters?

Kaneki himself is lucky. He was born as a human being who can taste all kinds of food and can choose to be picky if he doesn't like it.

But what about them? Since they were born, they can only survive on one thing. Do they have any choice? !

Are you a monster if you want to survive? Do you want to die if you want to survive?

Who wants to become a monster who can only hide if there is something else that can keep them alive?

Dong Xiang gritted his teeth angrily,

It doesn’t matter if it’s misunderstanding or hatred.

If you think ghouls are damned monsters, then starve yourself to the limit and experience that kind of hell!

That is to say, he suddenly came to this world, otherwise who knows whether the guy who claims to be human will be so hungry that he will eat his former friends when he goes to school tomorrow!

Thinking of the word friend, Kirishima Touka's hand suddenly stopped and her eyes were slightly red.

She thought of her best friend Yiko Kosaka, the girl who always shared lunch boxes with her.

Will he, his only friend, be sad after knowing that he suddenly disappeared?

"I will," Dong Xiang couldn't help but murmur.

After all, Kirishima Touka completely disappeared as a human in Kosaka Yiko's world.

Compared with finding out in the news that his friend turned out to be a ghoul, this ending should be considered a kind of happiness.

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