He may seem like a harmless person, but in the world of Red Word, the crimes committed by the person in front of him in just ten years cannot be covered up by any lies or disguises.

Lu Mingfei stared at the words above the head of the man under the blade, and various tragic images continued to hit his mind.

He is easily able to empathize with others, and every part of his body reacts subconsciously!

[Yakami Shumu was buried alive on July 3, 2007]

It's windy and rainy, and the moist cold soil buries the rosy face

An unknown sadness made Lu Mingfei's heart tremble slightly.

[Yakami Shumu was killed by Nugan on December 21, 2006.]

It was a beautiful spring day, but the delicate body frozen in the hard cement was cold and silent.

Unexplainable suffocation, Lu Mingfei felt a little hard to breathe!

[Yakami Shumu was brutally murdered on June 21, 1997]

At midnight, the girl struggling to survive cried and let out her last sob of pain.

Lu Mingfei's hands were shaking with such uncontrollable anger!

The bright red words flashed with white thorns, flowing like the blood of a corpse, over and over again.

Each one indicates the loss of an innocent life and the end of a future life.

Each piece symbolizes the fragmentation of a family and the annihilation of warmth and happiness.

The evil intertwined with naked malice, through the words in front of him and the pictures in his mind, filled Lu Mingfei's heart with deep sorrow and majestic anger like erosion.

Infarction in the chest!

No one in this world knows better than Lu Mingfei that the guy in front of him, who looks like an ordinary person and is at best a lawless gangster, turns out to be a scumbag who has no regard for other people's lives after taking off his human skin!

A selfish sinner!

Little did they know that Lu Mingfei already knew everything about Ye Shen Shumu, and just thought that he was a plainclothes man who came to rescue the hostages, but that he was just mentally abnormal.

Although he accidentally fell into the hands of Lu Mingfei, Ye Shen Shumu still believed that he would be sentenced for assisting in kidnapping at most, which was not harmful at all.

What's more, he has no intention of cooperating honestly.

"I'll tell you! I'll tell you everything!" Hiding his little thoughts, Ye Shen Shumu struggled to squeeze the blade from his mouth and spoke with difficulty,

"Apart from the two of us, there are three other people on this floor."

"Even though they are all women, none of them are simple. They are different from people like me who sneak in. Each of them has at least ten lives in them."

Ye Shen Shumu spoke very fast, and looked as panicked as an arrested coward prisoner, trying to trick his teammates into being quick.

"They are all ninjas who have received professional training since childhood. It is not a problem for one person to fight four or five."

"It's hard to detect footsteps. Many times, you don't know when you are behind you." Before Lu Mingfei could continue to ask, he spoke one after another, fearing that if there was any conflict, he would be sent away by Lu Mingfei first, "Everyone Your hearing is very keen, so you’d better keep your voice down, otherwise you’ll be discovered accidentally.”

"They have knives on their bodies, hidden under their thighs. They cooperate very well. If we go together, even you will definitely not be able to deal with them. They will only be killed."

"Oh! Three female ninjas!" A hint of disdainful ridicule flashed at the corner of the mask's mouth. Lu Mingfei nodded seriously, glanced at the door, and lowered his voice fearfully,

"That's it! I understand. I didn't expect you to be quite cooperative."

"Very good. I haven't seen you so obedient in a long time. You are just like a dog."

Ignoring Ye Shen Shumu's expression as if he had swallowed a fly for a moment, Lu Mingfei asked again, his voice was cunning, but his words were very cute, like a harmless white rabbit.

"Then think carefully, do you have anything else to explain?"

Boasting that he had successfully laid the trap, Ye Shen Shumu's eyes flashed with a trace of ridicule.

Is this a fool? Are you here to save people? What else are you asking? Don't know how you died by then.

"I don't know what will be useful to you. Do you have anything to ask?" Pretending to cooperate, he said uncertainly, "I will definitely cooperate and strive for a reduced sentence."

"Yes." Lu Mingfei pondered for a moment, nodded seriously, and said solemnly, "It's true."

"You're Japanese, right?"


"Then you should have read Keigo Higashino's book, right?" Lu Mingfei stood up and bent down, staring directly at the boy who was tied up with a patterned mask.

The unexpected question made Yagami Shumu confused.

But after a short period of contact, he has concluded that the person in front of him has something wrong with his brain, and the best way to deal with it is to brush it off, "Ah? Ah! I've seen it. Of course I've seen it!"

"That's great?" A specious laugh sounded from underneath the mask. Lu Mingfei stretched out a finger and placed it in front of the mask. His tone became slightly heavier.

"one question!"

"Keigo Higashino once said something."

"There are two things in the world that cannot be looked at directly."

"One is the sun."

He pointed to the black sky outside the small window and tilted his head, "Oh? The weather is not very good today."

Lu Mingfei then looked at Ye Shen Shumu with a playful tone,

"Excuse me, what is the other one?"

Ye Shen Shumu looked confused, not knowing what to say. He couldn't understand the brain circuitry of neurosis.

"What's the other one?" The question gradually became louder and louder. Lu Mingfei's suppressed emotions broke through, and a faint red color flowed out.

["Fear of Ghosts" activates! 】

[The enemy is blessed by a specific debuff - "Fear"! 】

The mask engraved with patterns flashed under the distorted lightning, which caused the Yinye God Shumu to feel an uncontrollable fear in his heart.

A burst of cold air came out, and my whole body was freezing!

It was like facing the ghosts and gods in folklore stories, or the subjects kneeling to worship the emperor on the throne.

Under indescribable pressure, the answer blurted out of his mouth involuntarily.

"Yes, people"

"That's right! It's the human heart!" Lu Mingfei suddenly clapped his hands and interrupted the answer.

Keigo Higashino once said, "There are two things in the world that cannot be looked at directly. One is the sun, and the other is the human heart!"

Lu Mingfei squatted down suddenly, and the mask suddenly stuck in front of the boy's eyes. He was even more frightened!

The cold dagger pointed at his chest.

Lu Mingfei slowly used force to pierce the fabric layer by layer, and the bright red overflowed slightly, which suddenly evoked the fear of the person on trial.

"Your heart is so ugly."

Under Ye Shen Shu Mu's blank gaze, Lu Mingfei spoke slowly.

"Yakami Shumu, 19 years old, born on July 3rd."

When Ye Shen Shumu was told this information, although he was surprised, it could not be said to be unexpected.

It was nothing more than that the rescuers had prepared them in advance.

But what followed completely detonated the fire in Ye Shen Shumu's heart, and plunged him into an endless abyss of fear and unspeakable fear.

He looked at Lu Mingfei in disbelief, his eyes widened, and he thought he was dreaming!

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