Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 266 Breaking plan! Is profiling tiring? He's done it!


He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Lu Mingfei carefully perfected his overall envisioned and current breaking plan in his mind.

The requirement to hide traces in the "Silent Escape" mission is in line with what Lu Mingfei has in mind. After all, unlike the situation at the fire scene, in the face of the current crisis, even Lu Mingfei has to use some means that completely transcend human common sense and There will be no choice but to leave some traces.

If others pay attention to it, whether it will be sliced ​​up is another matter, but it will definitely cause a lot of unexpected troubles - this is definitely not something he can accept now.

Lu Mingfei pursed his lips slightly.

With the blessing of equipment and new skills, it is possible to hide the face and figure from being recognized by the kidnappers.

But the problem is that the target targets in the mission requirements are not limited to kidnappers, but also include the police and everyone who will know later.

So what needs to be faced urgently is that after the incident is over, it is inevitable for the police with super criminal investigation capabilities to intervene in the investigation.

So the situation evolved into what can be called the terrifying situation now - Lu Mingfei alone, fighting against both the kidnappers and the police.

Lu Mingfei thinks that he is not an arrogant person, otherwise he would not always choose the most conservative development method when playing online games in the past.

He knew that he could not easily hide his traces - footprints, hair, blood, etc. - in the hands of veteran criminal investigators. A single flaw could expose him.

Thinking about it this way, compared to a single difficult level where seven female ninjas need to be solved in a few minutes, clearing the entire mission is definitely a hellish level of difficulty.

This is something Lu Mingfei has never encountered before. It can truly be called a dual test of wisdom and strength!

[Fantasy, ever-changing], [immersive acting], [variety of false sounds], [transparent world], physical fitness beyond ordinary people, "silver", "butterfly" and "butterfly".

All the things you own are transformed into bright or dark points, and various clues are intertwined and entangled in your mind, leading to bright light.

Lu Mingfei's eyes became brighter and brighter,

Frankly speaking, it was impossible for him to completely erase the traces of "Lu Mingfei", but he did have an idea on how to reduce everyone's attention to him - to use the abilities that only he knew and possessed to do the opposite. And do it, so that more traces can be detected. Temptation! Misleading! Weave an illusory "truth" dream for everyone!

The general direction of breaking the situation is completely determined in the mind, and the rest is to adapt to the situation and fill in the details in the next actions.

The skill of [Protean Change] continues to be activated,

The hat turned into a wig, maintaining the spiky hair on top of the head that was completely different from the usual one.

The weight of the clothes has been adjusted, and the overall weight is about 2 kilograms heavier than before.

The texture and imprint of the soles have all changed.

Small details change, bringing about an overall earth-shaking change.

Lu Mingfei followed the newly acquired knowledge in his mind and whispered like a self-hypnosis,

"Now I am a 19-year-old boy who grew up in a poor place. I joined a mysterious organization by accident, and after fighting hard, I gained a passable ability."

"He is cautious, a little nervous, and has a shrill and cunning voice."

Lu Mingfei was talking to himself, his voice changing at the right time.

The back is slightly drooped, the legs are lightly pulled together, and even the body posture is slowly fitting into the fabricated imaginary image.

"The special ability is keen hearing, and the fighting method relies on sneak attacks and other methods."

"Weapon." Lu Mingfei aimed at the rope tucked into his waist, took it off and wrapped it around his left arm.

He picked up the steel pipe on the ground and knocked it on the palm of his hand.

"Just the sap and the rope."


The slight trembling in his lower abdomen spoke of an instinctive hunger that could not be ignored.

Lu Mingfei swallowed softly and frowned slightly.

Speaking of which, whether it was a fire escape or a kidnapping escape, this day was enough.

Not to mention the unblocking of his bloodline, which was in urgent need of energy supply, Lu Mingfei was not satisfied for an entire hour in this day.

Not to mention the far excessive amount of exercise today, which is probably enough for a professional athlete to drink a bottle.

It’s natural to be hungry.

"I used to eat a lot, but now I've really become a big eater."

Lu Mingfei casually took out an apple rich in Rc factor and stuffed it into his mouth to satisfy his hunger. Lu Mingfei had never been so grateful for the reward he had received.

The bright red is crushed, the fragrance explodes, and the delicious sweetness dances on the taste buds, bringing indescribable satisfaction and comfort.

Lu Mingfei muttered as if in a trance, his somewhat unclear voice buried in the crisp sound of chewing, and casually added his personality settings,

"I like eating apples."

"A name, or a code name would be better?"

He lowered his head and looked at the pattern on the dark mask in his hand. The noble silver-gray flickers intertwined into the pattern of a mouse - the lines between his eyebrows are extremely cunning, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, extremely playful.

Lu Mingfei muttered casually, "Let's tentatively name him Mouse."

"Now I am a 19-year-old boy who grew up in a poor place. My code name is Mouse."

"Now I am a 19-year-old boy who grew up in a poor place. My code name is Rat."

Lu Mingfei kept repeating and repeating as if he was out of his mind, until...

[Immersive Acting (Blue) activates! "Rat" personality generation! 】

Lu Mingfei faintly heard such a voice, and his expression completely changed for a moment.

From the inside out, everything is turned upside down.

The door opened with a creak, and he ran along the corridor, facing the patrol route of the female ninjas!

"Hehehe, ninja, I've never seen this before."

The mouse took silent steps and disappeared into the darkness, and a cunning voice sounded,

“Let’s play a game of hide-and-seek~~”


There was the sound of nibbling an apple.

A mask engraved with silver-gray patterns was gently covering his face.

The bright and magnificent eyes, the flowing golden starlight slowly disappeared, and in the dim corridor, the rat pattern shone with a mysterious luster.

If you want to deceive others, first deceive yourself.

This is the most important point in the process of clearing this grand game.

Lightning flashes!

The car that had been modified to be bulletproof flashed on the road to Lu Mingfei's building.

The four-leaf clover earrings are hidden under the long bright red hair, and the figure is reflected in the dark car window embroidered with rain streaks.

The lightning dissipated, and the dark red eyes reflected the dilapidated building opposite.

Chen Motong said boredly, "Is this place really suitable for being a kidnapping den?"

A squeak!

Ye Sheng, who was driving, couldn't help but slam on the brakes.

The co-pilot, Shutoku Aki, spoke first and seriously asked the same question.

"Nono, did your profiling ability discover anything?"

Chen Motong remained silent, leaving only the sound of rain, and Ye Shengbu lowered the speed of the car.

"No, profiling is very tiring. Who would leave it open all the time?"

She curled her lips and leaned lazily on the back seat.

"I just suddenly came up with this idea, and I just said it without thinking about it."

"Let's go, let's find a hotel quickly, I'm so sleepy, ah~~"

"That's right. You need to explain this kind of thing in advance next time, otherwise we will worry in vain." Shude Aki rolled his eyes slightly and said angrily, "You are obviously a night owl, why are you worried about the hotel?"

"It's different. This morning's horoscope divination said that if Scorpios don't go to bed early today," Chen Motong muttered, "they will be involved in a lot of chores. It's a lot, and it will be exhausting."

"Being sent to investigate the sudden disappearance of the storm is considered to be involved in chores. Who asked you to suddenly run out of the preparatory class. Don't worry, the execution department will not assign non-emergency matters to us who are performing tasks." Jiude Aki threw a soda can back, "How can things like hybrids going berserk and Deadpool appearing happen to us so easily? My voice is hoarse. Let's have a drink first."

"If I had known that I would encounter you two and be captured for a mission, then I would have run out of the preparatory class!" Chen Motong muttered, opened the drink and drank half of it, then wrinkled his face and complained, " It’s so bitter, what kind of drink is this?”

"My coffee." Ye Sheng, with a reddish complexion, added in a deep voice.

Chen Motong's face froze.

It’s over!

It seems destined to be a sleepless night.

Wow! The sound of rain!

The closed corridor was covered with messy bricks and tiles. There was no sign of light in the long section, and it felt inexplicably cold.

There were a few wide open doors, and the thunder light from the window of the room illuminated the darkness. The light flickered from time to time, and the writhing shadow of the withered and yellow ivy that covered the walls and windows fell to the wind and rain-blown dust ground, stretching very long. long.

Crystal rain stained the window sill of a certain room.

The wind was very strong, tearing away the withered yellow flying in the window, making a crisp sound.

The blade was drawn out, and the cold light cut through the refreshing smell of rain.

The petite ninja stared at the room where the strange noise came from with piercing eyes, his eyes reflecting the purple color leaking from the crack of the door, and he was approaching silently like a cat.

She couldn't remember wrongly. Even though it was just a crack, the originally locked door was indeed opened - someone was inside!

The opening and closing of countless doors have already been carefully designed and memorized by them.

Those are silent sentries. If the intruder cannot find it, the price will be fatal!

Kicking open the iron door, the petite ninja stepped in sideways, his pupils falling, but he couldn't help but be stunned.

Up, down, left, and right, there was no one around!

Is it an illusion? Or hiding out the window?

She guessed carefully, but she didn't know that the crack in the door was also just a bait.

And she has fallen into a carefully laid trap.

A few steps behind the petite girl, at the originally wide doorway, dust rippled all the way, leaving footprints one after another.

Lu Mingfei walked out silently from the corner of the opposite room where his figure could easily be hidden, and gently raised his right hand.

The lightning flashed, black and white intertwined, and the tall shadow on the ground covered the alert little man.

The sky was as bright as flowing water, passing over the common steel products on the construction site from top to bottom.

The petite ninja's eyes widened, and his slightly trembling eyes reflected the figure at his feet who raised his weapon.

I was so excited that I had no time to cry out for help, my body subconsciously lowered my head to dodge.

Who knew that Lu Mingfei had already expected this!

Just listen to the hand rising and falling, and the clear ringing in the empty ears.


Thunder fell, and she fell heavily on her hands, already fainting.

Buzzing buzzing~~~, the steel pipe left an unstoppable lingering sound.


"Hey, hey, hey." Lu Mingfei, who had no mercy for women, shook his numb palms, stared at the steel pipe in his hand with dissatisfaction, tilted his head and pretended to be disgusted, "Isn't the sound a bit loud?"

After simply handling the scene, he inadvertently glanced at the ground and smiled.

The first one is to attack the east and west and solve it.

More importantly, the cunning mouse gets a new weapon*1.


Lifting the mask lightly, a new apple fragrance lingers on your lips.

It's dark around the corner, making it difficult to see. Only sharp hearing can give people the confidence to navigate with ease.

The dust in the corridor was dispersed, and his breathing was light. The tall ninja threw his sharp senbon, and his ears picked up all the movements around him.

The wind howls, the rain whispers, and the belly of the sky is rumbling, which may be said to be the hunger of God.

There was no unusual sound, and she felt very at peace inside.

Until she turned the corner, a dark mask stuck in front of her abruptly!

The tip of my nose slightly touched the silver-gray pattern on it, and I felt a feeling that it was colder than autumn rain, and I was surprised that it was even colder than a few winter snows!


His heart skipped a beat, his whole body trembled, and a turbulent wave arose in the heart of the tall ninja!

How can it be! when?

Forget it if I didn’t hear the footsteps, my heart is beating! breathe! None!

Is it a human?

Or a ghost?

Even though her eyes were full of disbelief, the instincts honed through years of training and missions faithfully responded on her behalf!

The wrists are tight and the sleeves are broken and there is a sound in the air!

The gleaming blade whizzed straight towards his chest, and a dazzling flower of blood was about to bloom before his eyes.

Even if it doesn't kill him, it doesn't matter if it just leaves a wound.

She was confident that the poison smeared on it was enough to make the person in front of her fall down in a few seconds!

Unexpectedly, Lu Mingfei grasped her wrist precisely in the pitch-black environment. His grip was so strong that no human could match it. The tall ninja couldn't help but guess whether the other person was a person who was good at throwing.

He moves silently, no less than a trained ninja!

Its strength is difficult to predict, and its combat power, equipment, and teammates are all unknown! !

Several thoughts flashed through the tall ninja's mind, and his immediate response was extremely correct.

Chest heaving, she opened her mouth to call out, trying to gather people on the same floor

But all I heard was a bang, exploding in my ears!

The next second, deprived of consciousness, she hit the corner dizzily and closed her eyes weakly.

Lu Mingfei supported the "corpse", looked at the bricks in his hands, nodded with satisfaction, and his cunning voice was unspeakably mean,

"Sure enough, for a silent sneak attack, bricks are better."

The second one, sneak attack on Banzhuan, solve it!

The quiet water was like a mirror, reflecting the scene beneath the ninja in short skirts.

Black leather boots, white short socks, slender calves, plump thighs, and the inner parts are smudged with dangerous darkness and smell - the glistening blade and the faint scent of poisonous wood are wrapped in leather.

Her footsteps fell and she left without warning. She swept the door back and forth with cold eyes.

The rippling water distorted the silent black shadow on the ceiling, and it was vaguely visible - the mask of the rat.

tread! The figure falls!

Boom! "Hmm??"

The third one, ambush bricks, solve it!

The fourth and fifth times, under the observation of the transparent world, Lu Mingfei gradually learned the steps of a ninja.

Using an alternative method of breathing, he controlled his breathing and heartbeat. By following two or three steps behind them to keep pace, he "gently" put the two ladies into a coma in the place where it was easiest to hide people.

Outside the wind and rain, amidst the lightning and thunder, the air is filled with the smell of dust and paint, but mixed with the freshness of autumn.

A way to deceive, a way to hide.

Sap and Brick are cunning and insidious. No experienced criminal policeman would detect the shadow of Lu Mingfei, an innocent high school student.

A one-on-seven hide-and-seek game was going on silently, and the one who had the upper hand was the mouse who faithfully played his role.

Until the last two, the endings were more difficult than the last, and the mouse...

Some of them are gone!

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