Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 271 The question of crime and punishment? Lu Mingfei’s answer!

Bad words hurt June Han!

The words originally used to deny the girl, at this moment, turned into a sharp knife that questioned Lu Mingfei's own heart.

It penetrated hard into the throbbing hot chest, melting out the weird shape of a question mark, pricking blood, gouging out the flesh, and the question was mixed with sorrow - did she really deserve to die?

Ask yourself, you have committed so many crimes and slaughtered so many people! She deserves to atone! This is an unquestionable reality!

What she says is out of her control, what she has no choice about, and what she says is not at fault, all of which are just different concepts! It's like an ugly debater who seizes on the irrefutable absolute advantage in a debate and cheats to win or lose in his arms without any regard for human feelings. He is a garbage who denies the existence of the debate itself!

It's like Lu Mingfei himself, who overgeneralizes and clings to the point of sin and evil, refusing to let go.

What he did was no different than what she did, why the result was her death.

The reason is that Lu Mingfei is stronger and more domineering than her, so there is no room for survival?

"Hahaha!" Lu Mingfei suddenly laughed, and his blood-stained hands slid heavily from both sides of his head to his forehead.

Counting simulations and reality, the first life he took away with his own hands was actually in such a ridiculous way?

It wasn't out of naivety and resistance. Lu Mingfei was already prepared as soon as he woke up and realized the current situation.

Goons, ninjas, etc! If necessary, he would thrust the blade into their chests without mercy.

But only! It shouldn't be like this!

His first life should not be so absurd, so entangled, so ridiculous!

The palm of his hand slid down gently, leaving a twisted red color on the dark mask, flowing with silvery gray.

The lights on the top are intertwined with black and white, and the purple and white light shines with the power of God.

He is less like a god than a god, and less like a devil than a devil. He is a self-deprecating person with a suppressed and hoarse smile.


Lu Mingfei looked at his trembling hands, and doubts flashed in his heart.

Why are your hands shaking?

Is it fear? How can it be?

Is it discomfort? This shouldn't be the case!

Is that really dirty? Go to hell!


He is.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Lu Mingfei walked up to Ye Shen Shumu like a demon, pulled the prank-like trap and threw it to the ground, and kicked him out when he was caught off guard.

He no longer has the childish idea of ​​continuing to threaten this scumbag!


One after another bloody footprints circled the ground, and Lu Mingfei stood in front of Hayami Liyi, pulling down the blood-stained rat face in front of him, revealing his burning eyes.

He is.

"Did I give you permission to die?"

He is angry! ! !

Anger at his own indifference, anger at the girl's unauthorized death, anger at many, many, many things!

Lu Mingfei knelt down, held her chin, and straightened her head, which was tilted due to death.

Want to end your short life with blood and death?

How can it be so easy!

Want to escape to hell with all your sins?

It's not that simple!

Want to use death as a way to escape and live life in a shell of illusory meaning?

What a cowardly thought!

Taking demons and gods for granted as salvation?

What a joke!

"You want to die like this? What a joke!"

Lu Mingfei stared at her eyes that had almost lost all luster. How could he see any sign of peace of mind?

The golden eyes were burning, and Lu Mingfei was questioning!

The last thing you want to say is that you don’t want to die, right?

Then continue to stay in this dirty world!

This is the greatest punishment for you and the only path to salvation that exists.


Zaojian Liyi saw the fall of Thunder and two rounds of the sun in his hazy vision.

He couldn't help but grab the palm stretched out in the blurry dream, and heard the angry and domineering call of the god in his ears.

Three bytes!

Mixed with flashes of malice and cruel tenderness.

No one is allowed to die without Lu Mingfei's permission!

Stay alive! See you soon Li Yi!

Rather than die like this! It is better to spend the rest of my life destroying everyone who gave birth to this miserable life! Everything organized! Everything!

Instead of dying like this, it's better to be his knife!

April Fools' Day, keep going!

That morning I met Li Yi on April 1st.

Crime and punishment?

Lu Mingfei also had his own answer.

[Crime and Punishment (long-term mission):

Details: The world is divided into heaven and earth,

A crime with traces! What punishment?

Traceless crime! Which punishment to choose?

Can you keep your pure heart?

Request: Law? Lynching? Please listen carefully to your heart and choose to whom will you hand over all the evil you encounter from now on?

Reward: Red Word (permanent version); mysterious gift (issued depending on the host’s choice). 】

Seeing what Li Yi asked, asked, and did, that self-cutting knife made vigilante justice extremely ridiculous!

Whose lynching? Whose justice? Even if the agent is really a god or a demon, this seemingly hot way of dealing with it is actually a carnival that belongs to one person alone, and there is an inhumane coldness hidden behind it!

Hand over all future sins to lynching?

This arrogant behavior is a sin!

Although it was very satisfying, Lu Mingfei found it difficult to fully accept it.

This is not the voice in his heart!

Then hand over the sin to the law?

But the existence of Ye Shen Shumu also broke Lu Mingfei's concept of national territory, prosecution and evidence collection, and restricted protection. How can there be supreme justice among thousands of different sets of orders, and how can there be absolute fairness among the vast black and white holes in Skynet.

The group is higher than the individual, just as the law is higher than the lynching.

After waking up, Lu Mingfei should choose this answer!

But in his heart, he was also unable to accept this answer.

In the face of so-called sin, human beings' power is so limited. It seems that comprehensive punishment will never exist.

So to whom? Who can I deliver it to? Who is the right person to deliver it to?

All kinds of crimes appeared in Lu Mingfei's mind. The pain and despair of each deceased person was enough to pull everything into the abyss. There were also family members. How could they ignore their grief and pain, tears and regrets? !

The rope and blade that he had roughly removed were scattered around Yagami Shumu's body, and they wrapped softly around his neck.

Her whole body was covered in dark red, and her pretty face was almost bloodless. Hayami Riyi was motionless, with sadness and complicated relief on her face, and the blood vessels in her neck were beating gently.

The answers to lynching and law kept intertwining in my mind,

Lu Mingfei stood quietly among the alternating figures.


A fleeting roar of thunder exploded Lu Mingfei's mental prison, and inspiration mixed with indescribable insights poured out like a flood.

He laughed silently, laughing at himself.

What a fool!

Crime and punishment? law? Lynching?

Even though he was asked the question of who to hand it over to, why was he still thinking like an ordinary person? With a restrained heart? Worried about whether it can be achieved?

Let your mind expand! My mind is flying!

Go beyond the answer sheet and put aside materialism!

This is not a multiple choice question! It’s not even an open question!

Don't make it a problem!

Yes! Treat it as an opportunity!

This is an opportunity, an opportunity to realize your ideals no matter how lofty!

An opportunity to reveal concepts, rules, and everything in the world!

The natural earthy smell is sweet, the flowing blood is fishy and greasy, lights and shadows are intertwined, thunder and clouds are entangled.

The wet ivy was playing music and dancing in the wind, its mask soaked in red.

Endless inspiration emerged, and Lu Mingfei chose to answer silently at this moment.

The golden eyes of redemption are shining, and the fingers of killing are moving.

Delivered to whom?

Delivered to the dead!

Because that was their life that was ended and everything that was deprived of them! How can the judgment seat of punishment lack such an important seat?

Delivered to whom?

Delivered to the living!

The sorrow of parents who have lost their children, the hurt of children who cannot see their parents, the regret of not being able to kiss their loved ones, and the difficulty of embracing the true love of friends.

Teachers and students of all ages! Get close to the public! Let’s pick up the hammer of condemnation together!

Delivered to whom?

Glancing at the healed neck, thinking of the red color without any hesitation, Lu Mingfei narrowed his eyes slightly and tapped his five fingers.

Leave it to humanity!

Either you are stubborn or you turn back, everything starts with human nature, everything ends with human nature, a perfect closed loop, human nature ends with the final ending of a person.

"Dead", "living", "humanity".

law? Not something that specific!

Lynching? Not the product of such emotions!

Lu Mingfei came up with three concepts. At this moment, they were absolutely not dirty or biased.

The answer is clear!

Not only was it so unimaginable and horrifying, it was also clear that the "Crime and Punishment" interface was down for a moment.

Time and space stood still, as if something had mobilized countless concepts at that moment, and the world had come to a standstill.

The power is extracted and the elements are turbulent, causing countless suspicions and a series of unknown influences!

The bronze city at the bottom of the Three Gorges trembled slightly, and the broken bronze vessels like eggs buzzed and burned, stirring up the waves and heat of the Yangtze River water!

The girl who was huddled on the window sill enjoying the rain suddenly looked to the north. The children underground were irritable and restless, the potato chips were smashed on the ground, and there was an earthquake without warning!

On the Takamagahara at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, densely packed black eggs are trembling, resounding with the symphony of dragon language, and whirlpools appear on the sea surface. Dark shadows tremble in the lava deep underground, roads crack, and red and green traffic lights collapse in the night.

The beautiful singer who played the music lost her voice, the gangster who was cleaning the knife frowned, and the old ramen chef shuddered violently and fell from the recliner.

The red-haired girl hugged the little duck and shrank into the hot spring water. Her red eyes looked around in confusion, and she puffed up a bunch of fragrant bubbles.

In the stormy inner world, the legs of the eight-legged horse trembled slightly, and the spear plunged into the soil of death with fury.

The chasing Deadpool knelt down, and the escaping Ghoul suddenly became dazed.

The man in the secret basement burned his hand with a cigar. His son closed the microwave oven that was heating the milk, glanced at the phone that had received no reply, his eyes flashed with concern, and he unconsciously touched a hot spot on his body.

"Nono? Nono!"

The red-haired miko trembled and shrank in the back seat, unable to hear the shouts of the two people in front of her.

The heavy snow in Siberia is even worse, the dark sky is distorted by the storm, the mercury matrix is ​​broken, the laughter spreading deep in the soul is clean, and the alarm is buzzing over the base!

Chicago, Kassel, the sky is bright after five o'clock.

In the principal's office, several men who had been doing Tai Chi all night suddenly looked at each other and fell silent.

"It is indeed Gattuso's treasured wine!" The sloppy young man lying on the ground blushed and laughed, "It's so exciting!"

"Virtue! Hiccup~" The night watchman swayed far away and kicked Paparazzi No. 2 at his feet. He also looked drunk and shook the empty wine bottle. "Pompei, are there any more?"

Uncharacteristically, the saucy man did not say, "You old guy, stop drinking the wine I use to pick up girls!"

"I'll bring it to you next time. It's getting late, so I won't stay any longer." Pompeii regained consciousness, patted his stomach, opened the door, yawned and left, "Ange, this time, the executive department I’ll leave the red-eyed monster to you, but the school director also wants some information, so don’t forget it.”

The footsteps gradually faded away, and the night watchman kicked the door with a bang and asked the old guy who had just given him the signal, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Ange, why did you suddenly compromise? The same goes for that old stallion in Pompeii, who didn't even leave a time limit for delivering the documents."

Noticing the old coquettish girl's solemn expression, the night watchman couldn't help but glare.

"What happened?"

"Don't ask yet," Angers put out the newly lit Cuban cigar in his hand, suppressed the hot feeling caused by the subconscious release of Time Zero, pinched his brows, and said in a deep voice,

"Hurry up and call everyone in the Information Department, activate Norma's personality Eva, and immediately investigate the anomalies around the world!"

"I'm afraid there will be a lot of unexpected gains." He murmured.

"Hmm! Good wine! Another bottle! Cheers!" He mumbled in his sleep.

"Okay! Fingel, stop pretending!" The night watchman took off his boots and threw them in the young man's face, "Don't you hear? Move quickly!"

"We've called it together a long time ago!" Fingel stood upright, rubbed his fingers, and chuckled, "Is this the overtime pay and midnight snack?"

"According to the highest standards!" Angers generously poured out a large amount of the school board's dragon-slaying funds.

"Come on! Long live the principal! A thousand live the vice-principal!" Fingel slapped the flattery casually and disappeared in a flash, with a strange light hidden in his eyes.

The mission panel suddenly went dark, and then Jin Mang flourished! Diffuse dazzling light.

Time resumed its beating, and the wind blew gently.

alright! How will the system answer the difficult questions he gave?

With slight expectation, Lu Mingfei heard a series of sounds in his ears.

Ding dong!

[The mission ‘Crime and Punishment·Initial Choice’ has been completed. 】

【Rewards distributed! 】

【Red Word has been fixed! Please confirm it yourself! 】

[Reward now: ‘Mysterious Gift’! 】

[The answer to the detection host is, "Dead", "Living", "Humanity", and the reward draw is in progress. 】

【Notice! Notice! Extraction failed! ! ! 】

The warning sound sounded. Before Lu Mingfei could frown, he saw a new turning point.

[Open reward registration S "On the manifestation of fields under the mutual influence of multiple verbal spirit powers" and try to provide reward customization services. 】

Ding dong! ! !

In Lu Mingfei's slightly puzzled eyes, countless words and codes flashed in front of him.

[The authority is being released, the release is successful, the time limit is 120s, the countdown begins! 】

[The release of words and spirits, plan formation, effect prediction, and error elimination. 】

【Double-language spirit attempts,】

[Plan No. 1 does not satisfy the "dead", "living" and "humanity", so it is excluded! 】

[Plan No. 2, not satisfied., excluded! 】

[Plan No. 127, satisfying the "dead", not satisfying..., excluded! 】

[Plan No. 327, excluded! 】

【warn! The power release countdown is 62 seconds, and overload computing is enabled! 】

[Three-word spirit, four-word spirit, synchronized experiment starts! 】

【Plan No. 1324,】

【Plan No. 5431,】

[Plan No. 7723, which satisfies the "dead", "living" and "human nature," has a success rate of 7% and is excluded! 】

[Plan No. 8762, success rate 32%, excluded! 】

[Plan No. 9213, success rate 71%, basic direction confirmed! Start mediating and improving! 】

[Plan No. 9527, the success rate is 99.4%, and the countdown to power release is 10 seconds. This plan is judged to be the current optimal solution! 】

[Release the Spirit of Words·Dream Tapir: Dream construction, virtual and real communication. The release was successful and the basic area was successfully established. 】

[Release the spirit of speech·Tianyan: high-speed computing. Yan Ling·Jing Tong: Analysis and Replication. The information transmission and computing platform was successfully established. 】

[Release the spirit of speech·Atrium gate: Call the souls of the dead. The release is successful and the "dead" invitation conditions are met. 】

[Release the Word Spirit·Blood Tie Luo·Change: Lock the location of the living. The release is successful and the "living" invitation conditions are met. 】

[Release the spirit of speech·Huangu: Create an illusion.]

[Release the spirit of speech.]. [Release the spirit of speech.]

[Proposal No. 9527: "On the possibility of using the 'Dream Tapir' as the basis, supplemented by a variety of spiritual powers, to select and improve abilities, and build a specific field" was successfully implemented! 】

Ding dong!

[Rewards for "Crime and Punishment Domain" are distributed! 】

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