In autumn, he died of poisoning.

The sister who stepped on the ginkgo leaf only repeated her own death process twice. I don't know if it was because she came from a large and intrigued family and had speculated on her own destiny since she was a child, but the reason she used was...

"The fact that he is dead cannot be changed, and I will not be angry with the knife I was ordered to use."

"If it's just poisoning, at least it will be much better than the kidnapped cousin in the family." She couldn't help but pursed her lips as she thought of her cousin's last miserable state of being naked.

If her sister suffered the same fate as her cousin, she would definitely repeat this inhumane death process a hundred times! A thousand times! Thousands of times!

But it’s simply not the case, and it’s a good thing it’s not.

"Instead of wasting time in this painless punishment, I personally would like to do something more meaningful." Looking around the crowd, the elder sister touched her younger sister's head and murmured soberly,

"Like, hugging your parents again."

Compared to the catharsis of crime and punishment, haven't these people noticed that this is a unique opportunity given to the undead and the living?

Without saying anything, my sister looked at the 17-year-old soul trapped in death with a complicated expression.

"Twice, that's it."

In the winter snow, a family of four looked at each other in shock. The mainstay of the family raised his head and spread his hands helplessly.

The wry smile twitching at the corner of his mouth was so gentle and elegant, as if he was a scholar.

"I was doing research and dreaming of successfully publishing it and winning the Nobel Prize, and I didn't even feel a thing when I died."

"My wife and my children are probably about the same."

He sighed helplessly and looked at the girl who was constantly switching between life and death with a somewhat confused expression. He knew he shouldn't, but he still felt unbearable.

"I know that group of people. Many uncooperative seniors from the institute have died at their hands. This little girl's methods," he shook his head slowly, "can even be called kind."

If his children lived a life like hers, men could not even imagine what it would be like.

"That's it, there's no need for both emotion and reason."

After all, he is just a child after all.

But human nature is complex and humans are diverse.

Even if some people call for justice to be vindicated, even if no one can deny that Hayami Riyi's life is a tragic pantomime, even if all this will arouse people's compassion, not everyone will choose tolerance and forgiveness!

Catharsis! curse! Those who even feel that just experiencing their own death is not enough! There are a lot of people there too.

In the Golden Triangle, the assassinated drug tycoon repeated the same crime 72 times!

He jumped up angrily and yelled, "Go to the next stop! Go to the next stop!".

Because he was killed with one blow, he died without any pain, so naturally he could not inflict revenge on Hayami Riyi.

The whole thing is like a execution by firing squad, but there is no cold touch of the muzzle of the gun against the back of the head, no clanging sound of the trigger being pulled next to the ear, and no indifferent countdown by the executioner.

Just when you are sleeping, washing, eating, etc., a death bullet will be sent to you. It will tear your brain to pieces in an instant and your nerves will not be able to react.

Not only the pain of death, but also the mental panic and frustration in the few seconds before death are gone.

There is only the fact of death!

But what he couldn't accept the most was that he died like this!

After half a lifetime of struggle, half a lifetime of fighting, half a lifetime of scheming, beauties from all over the world, squandering wealth, and the power of life and death have nothing to do with him from now on!

Compared with death, the shattering of desire was more difficult for him to accept.

But this kind of pain could not be grafted onto Hayami Riyi's body.

But it doesn’t matter, he doesn’t believe it!

He didn't believe that this little bitch could stay like this!

He didn't believe that she wouldn't be abnormal in the endless killing, and wouldn't torture others to vent her anger!

He doesn't believe it!

"Damn little bitch, there will always be times when you feel better!" He murmured maliciously with red eyes.

Men, women, and children, innocent people, or the same desperate gangsters.

1 time, 3 times, 12 times, 89 times.

No one repeated their reincarnation to three digits, and the anger was dissipated by helplessness and other different emotions.

Because almost everyone does not feel the pain and despair before death. Everything is over as soon as their eyes are opened and closed.

I don’t know what will happen if life continues, I only know that until now, Hayami Riyi has not been as abnormal as the Golden Triangle Tycoon expected.

At the end of "Memories of Death", the bustling undead basically know the girl's training childhood and kill the boy.

Looking at the rough life, they fell silent.

Aside from the fact that she killed them, no one could find anything wrong with Hayami Rii.

In the cycle of pain, they have no way of starting, cleanly, decisively, and not sloppily, where will the pain and suffering come from.

Morally, they could not blame them. The killing methods of other ninjas in their memories were not cruel, only more cruel.

They have nothing to say.

Until the end, who would have thought that the villain who killed him turned out to be such a person.

"No! What the hell?"

The curly-haired girl teased the baby and complained speechlessly, "In the end, I am the only one who dies in the most uncomfortable way?"

She rubbed her neck, and the pain of the glass's penetration engraved itself into her soul, causing her body to shiver violently.

"Is it still too late for me to ask for a do-over?"

Under the silent eyes of the trapped boy, the curly-haired girl looked up at the sky like a drama queen, looking as if she had no love left in her life.

"That's right!" the long-haired girl sarcastically said happily.

"Did you do this on purpose?" Seeing the completely different scene from next door, Lu Mingfei couldn't express his specific feelings.

He just stood in the corner and shook his head with emotion.

Lu Mingfei suddenly admired Hayami Liyi who grew up in such an environment.

Although they have fallen into the abyss full of garbage, they still adhere to such a useless principle that can be said to be "ridiculous"!

Do you not care at all and just want to complete the task more efficiently and happily?

Is it because the fighting style is so non-sloppy?

Or is it just the repressed nature of girls?

I don't know if it was because he also recognized himself as a criminal, but Hayami Riyi even treated criminals equally, and carried out the principle of killing without leaving any pain to this day.

The actions of that scumbag Yagami Shumu are completely opposite. She can be said to be a holy spirit, but she was born in a hell without any light.

Maybe this is the arc of human nature?

If she had the same life trajectory as ordinary girls, such as being born into a mining family like Su Xiaoqiang, living in a rich class like Liu Miaomiao, or a peaceful middle class like Chen Wenwen, she would definitely

Lu Mingfei frowned slightly.

To be honest, he couldn't imagine what it would be like.

So I had to quote the words that the curly-haired girl kept repeating.

Presumably, it will only be unimaginable "gentleness".

The world of "Memory of Death" gradually became distorted, and Lu Mingfei couldn't help but lower his eyes, his thoughts were confused.

People often say that there are absolutely fair things in this world.

Such as birth, such as death, such as time

But one of those answers, those two words, may disappear from Lu Mingfei's heart.

"The wrath that arises\

,"The truth was revealed nakedly, and after the most furious undead souls gave helpless forgiveness, the anger of the living was naturally extinguished a lot.

I wonder if there is a reason why curly-haired girls "get in the way" of this.

In this case, people gradually agreed with the view that "every wrongdoer has his debtor, and that organization has two hundred and fifty."

The trap boy raised his forehead helplessly, "You guys, it would be a pity not to become a diplomat and politician!"

The hatred was transferred to a bigger target, which was obviously a karma that was four times larger in number than Yagami Shumu. However, the punishment that was vented on Hayami Riyi was extremely small.

The night god Shumu next door is still wailing and begging for mercy in the new reincarnation. He fell into mental disorder countless times, but was pulled back to normal state in the blink of an eye. He couldn't survive or die!

Here, Hayami Riyi is just at a loss, struggling to understand the incredible situation.

hell? It doesn’t seem that painful?

Or is this not hell, just a dream before death?

Human nature is complex, yin and yang coexist,

So naturally, there are a few extremely vicious people who die extremely happily, motivating their parents, children, and brothers to take action.

What's more, there are undead people giving orders to their younger brothers,

"Damn it! But you made me wait! Brothers, come on, let me kill this little bitch!"

The unexpected development made Lu Mingfei raise his eyebrows slightly and saw a dispute break out among the crowd!

"A mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire. She will be cut into pieces by five horses. You can punish her at will. This is the crime that Zao Jian Liyi should atone for! I won't stop her!" The curly-haired girl stood there with a knife, full of murderous intent.

"But I never think she is at fault!"

"If you dare to insult Li Yi in this way, you must first try to see if you can pass me!"

The 24 reunited island "partners" looked at each other, either indifferently, taking it for granted, or helpless. They also stood up from the crowd and protected the person behind them.

The younger sister, who was less than 1.4 meters tall, pulled out the bloody sharp blade from the waist of her gentle brother. She grinned in despair and wiped the blade with the hem of his clothes as if she was being avenged.

Her little face still had baby fat, she smiled and waved her little hand to the girl behind her - a weird scene.

"Is it hell or a dream before I died?" Hayami Riyi, who was huddled in a corner, looked around at his friends and murmured.

She was completely confused about the situation.

She couldn't survive that kind of injury!

How could the door of heaven be opened for the executioner?

But if this was hell, how could anyone stand by her side and protect her?

It shouldn’t be!

Looking at the backs of the people who had been together for three years, Zao Jian Liyi shook his head in disbelief.

So it is a dream, a beautiful fantasy before death.

Not to mention Hayami Riyi who was kept in the dark.

What is even more concerning is that in this world, a conflict between the undead and the living has actually begun!

Just when Lu Mingfei frowned irritably, thinking that the "field of crime and punishment" could only reach this level.

Not only is this the rule of "human nature", but it is also a chain reaction caused by the displeasure and contradiction on the faces of the undead and the living present.

"Detection and judgment! The current punishment violates the basic 'crime' of the field! It does not comply with the three basic rules of 'humanity'! It is not an idea born independently in the heart of the living." The words that sounded from the soul echoed in the ears of everyone except the person involved. Majestic and cold,

"If enforced, allowed."

"But! The executor and relevant personnel need to immediately enter their own 'realm of crime and punishment', no matter the undead or the living, they must exit before execution can be carried out."

The party headed by the curly-haired girl was secretly relieved, and even the neutral crowd couldn't help but nod.

The one who ordered his younger brother to take the wheel was like swallowing a fly, silently giving up the plan.

As the leader of the Golden Triangle village, he has committed as many crimes as anyone here.

If he really goes in, he can't get out.

Therefore, the "Wrath of Death" was unprecedented and became a meeting between the dead and the living.

Mother and daughter hug each other, lovers kiss.

Only Zao Jianli Yi still looked confused. The pain of countless deaths so far was not as painful as the pain of breaking muscles and bones during training.

Not to mention the despair of sliding the sharp blade across his neck in front of Lu Mingfei, causing blood and life to flow away.

"Is this really a dream?" She murmured again, and her silly look made the undead and the living who knew some of the truth and current situation sigh,

"How on earth did this girl survive until now?"

They couldn't help but shake their heads secretly in their hearts.

It's so unbelievable that even if you can explain it, I'm afraid it will only be regarded as the last fantasy after your death by Hayami Riyi.

It would be better to see if she can get out of here, whether she is worthy of the forgiveness of the dead and the living, and whether she is worthy of the rest of her life.

Some friends gathered together to chat, or a family went on a spring fishing trip, or an undercover agent shared information about his death with his wife and colleagues.

Although the boss of the Golden Triangle occasionally instructs his younger brother, where does he hide the treasure? Where is the police hidden line in the village? If it is not removed, it must be removed immediately.

But unlike Yagami Shumu next door, the "crime and punishment" of Zaijian Liyi has become a warm dream-realization place in another sense.

The aperture of the next stop "The Return of Humanity" opens. Zao Jian Liyi steps into the vast white light amid the various emotions of hesitation, doubt, anger, etc., between the dead and the living, pushed by his friends.

Lu Mingfei didn't stop and turned around to return to reality.

No need to hesitate! Enough of witnessing here!

The force with which he grabbed his arm not long ago, his unhesitating suicide and his bright red eyes are still vivid in his mind.

Different from the return date of Yagami Shumu, Zaojian Liyi's rebirth is an undoubted necessity.

The only thing that can restrain her now is herself and time.

The two figures disappeared in different lights,

Waving goodbye can be vaguely seen, and bowing and thanking can also be heard.

The weirdest thing was the undead at the beginning. The curly-haired girl yelled at Lu Mingfei,

"Hey! Lord God, Li Yi has nothing, just"

The light is vast, the ripples are faint, and the illusory reality is mixed with the real reality.

There are 24 young residents who stay in this world to truly relive the warmth of family. With the baby, accompanied by the baby's parents, they play grid, play cards, hide and seek, and pester the knowledgeable teacher to experience the youth and miss of going to school. life.

The only bloody one is the youngest sister, who never forgets to give the gentle brother a knife every day.

In a blink of an eye, a hundred years passed, and the curly-haired girl married the trap boy, and so on, and so on.

A tearful wife and daughter were urged to wake up to reality with the undercover information. They called the police station and revealed the information that had been buried for many years with extremely accurate information, waiting for verification.

There are tattooed guys who remember the treasure location and various information designated by Big Brother in the Golden Triangle, but wake up with a muddy face. They just feel that they have had a dream that they cannot remember. Who is the Big Brother in the dream that they should be careful about?

There are also people who have done many evil things. They are stunned and cursed as they fall into their own "crime and punishment". No voice guarantees that they can escape.

Just like the ideal Avalon, when the end comes, only happiness is allowed to sleep here, and only the beauty of humanity is allowed.

If evil does not overflow, sin will circulate.

Taking "the dead", "the living" and "human nature" as answers, supplemented by saving the root of tragedy, this is the world Lu Mingfei is trying to build.

Not just crime and punishment, but a realized utopia!

The ivy begins to dance, making a crisp and lively sound.

Seeing that Li Yi showed no signs of waking up early was not the reason why he returned to the "memory of death".

Due to the speed of time, Lu Mingfei set the earliest end time of the domain in a few days.

Ding dong!

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