Trembling sobbing and screaming came from the video. Su Jingtian couldn't help but tremble all over and didn't dare to watch anymore.

He knew it was her precious daughter's voice.

"Damn it!"

The father couldn't help but grit his teeth, thoughts of anger, regret, and madness flashed in his mind.

Why? Why did he ignore his daughter's safety like that! Just because you feel that in this land, no matter how much you go too far, you can’t go too far?

Why? Why did he completely trust the bodyguard and feel that he would not betray him! Is it because he has always been so conscientious in his work over the past few years that he has become the person he trusts most in his heart besides his family and Brother Liu?

Boom! Boom! Su Jingtian's teeth gritted loudly!

damn it!

Why didn't he expect that the bottom line of that group of people was so low! So low that you don’t care about the law! Regardless of morality! regardless of costs!

It’s so low that you can no longer be considered a human being!

damn it!

He obviously trusted the person he sent there so much.

Betrayal of someone you trust! The despicability of the enemy! The pain that my only daughter is going through!

Stab in the lower back! Cut it in the neck! Prick it in the chest!

The Suxiao Jiuxin Pill seemed to be working. Starting from his pale lips, Su Jingtian's whole body began to tremble, his eyesight turned black, and he almost fainted again.

When the company and industry were about to declare bankruptcy that year, he never lost his composure like this.

It's just a project, just some money, and it can actually reach this level!

Xiaoqiang and Mingfei, no matter how sensible they are, are just two children!

Two kids of 16 years old! How dare you do it!

If you have any tricks, just come at him!

Nothing against his daughter! What to call a child! ! !

"Beasts! A bunch of them."

His throat was sore and his voice was suffocated. The phone with a broken screen fell to his feet, stained with red blood. It was the impatience of a father after seeing his daughter being tortured.


With a roar, Su Jingtian wished he could suffer for his daughter. He wished he could chop up those bastards with a knife and let them die for once! Die ten times! Die a hundred times! Ten thousand times!

But he can't do it, it's impossible, it's even more impossible!

So. So. Just.

The feeling of powerlessness surged from the bottom of my heart, swallowing everything in front of me like an endless black wave.

In the dazzling sight, even the rain outside the window was not as soft as the liquid, but twisted into dazzling threads.

Su Jingtian couldn't help but raise his head. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but the dark and furry roof of the car was flashing an irritating red.

So he closed his eyes tightly and tried to calm down his trembling body.

call! call! call!

He can't faint! Don't faint! Absolutely don’t faint!

Su Jingtian resisted the fainting cry in his mind and opened his eyes with great effort.

But even if he is awake, there is nothing he can do. There is really nothing he can do.

"Brother Liu, please quickly ask the company's finance department to draft a contract for that project."

"Damn it! No more!"

"Except Xiaoqiang, I don't want anything else!"

Su Jingtian closed his eyes again, cursed and swallowed all the anger, all the regret, all the self-blame, but he could only swallow the fear, and light leaked from the corners of his eyes.

"It's worth it! It's worth buying two children for that little bit of money!"

"Hurry! Brother Liu!"

"The only way to save the lives of those two children is by doing this!"


Suddenly, Lao Lujia, who was following behind, didn't check for a moment and crashed into the stalled commercial vehicle.

Lu Gucheng was just about to get out of the car and ask Su Jingtian about the specific situation, but he saw the vehicle in front of him restarted in an instant, the engine hummed loudly, and the wheels roared away.

"Dad!" The little fat man stuck his head out from the back seat of the car and asked nervously, "What's wrong! Aren't you going to the police station? That's not the direction of the police station!"

"Gucheng! I'm afraid something really happened, right?" Her hands began to tremble like Parkinson's disease, and her eyes flashed with a confused light. Auntie moved her dry lips and shouted in fear,

"Gucheng! Speak!"

"Lu Luming must be serious. If something happens, how can we explain it to his parents?"

"Gucheng! Gucheng!"

"Don't mess up! What's the use of messing around at this time?" Lu Gucheng exclaimed subconsciously, then looked at the woman huddled in the passenger seat and spoke in a soft voice,

"Don't be anxious! Don't panic!"

"You don't risk your life if you seek wealth, not to mention that Mingfei is just a licker. Nothing will happen. Nothing will happen."

With this murmur, he started the engine again and was about to turn the corner and catch up.

Uncertainly, Lu Gucheng did not pay attention to the vehicles on the side.

Then in an instant, the person fell on his back and the airbag was suddenly deployed!

In the dark tunnel, a series of collisions occurred!

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

In the cold rain, the firing pin was crisp and the bullets were whizzing!

Gunshots resounded and audible roars resounded throughout the building!

Stab, stab, stab! The hoarse communication sound came from the walkie-talkie in his hand.

Fujiwara's eyes widened, and before he could react, he heard the intercom ringing,

"Boss! Here on the fourth floor, bang, bang, bang!"

Bang bang bang!

Three more gunshots resounded from the intercom to the floors above!

Under the dazzling light, no one noticed that several bright shadows flashed across the window opposite Su Xiaoqiang.

They were bullet casings scattered messily in the yellow soil on the first floor. The sound was crisp and undetectable.

"Hey!!" Fujiwara also didn't notice anything unusual outside the window. Like everyone present, all his attention was drawn to the noise of the intercom.

There was confusion in his brows,

"What's going on? What happened!"

"Hey! Hey! Glasses? Fatty? Answer me!"

"say something!?"

He switched to different walkie-talkies in the headquarters one after another, and there was either blind tone or silence.

Puzzle slowly turned into impatience!

The incident happened suddenly, far beyond Fujiwara's expectation.

What's more, he didn't get any news at all?

That’s nearly twenty people!

Could it be that they have all been wiped out! !

No, no, no, how is that possible?

Fujiwara quickly shook his head to deny the suspicion that flashed through his heart.

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

At the same time, chaos broke out outside the room amidst the gunshots, which caused Fujiwara to subconsciously pay attention.

"Damn it! Did that bastard fire the gun!? Stand up for me! See if I can't kill you!" Some dissatisfied people looked around the floor and asked angrily.

"What's going on? Boss? Boss! Are the police here?" A keen person glanced out the window and turned the safety.

Later, the walkie-talkie in Fujiwara's hand could be heard hearing shouts of alarm or anxiety from all floors. Noisy discussions echoed from all floors outside the door, as well as several misfiring gunshots, signaling panic.


The iron handrail was bent out of shape by Fujiwara's slap.

Loud noises and hums came from the second floor, attracting everyone's different looks!

"Asshole, what are you doing?"

Under the bright light, Fujiwara stood on the railing and roared at the people upstairs and downstairs,

"Those old men! How many years have you been hanging out with me, and yet you still have a misfire?! And those young boys, why are you panicking when you have a gun? Don't you have a brain and a shooting hand?"

"Look at the guy in your hand. Is it fake? What are you afraid of when you have a gun?"

"Hold still on the first floor! Guard the outside! Especially the small woods behind the building!" Fujiwara, who suspected that a large number of vanguard SWAT police had infiltrated, waved his hand and arranged the most prudent countermeasures according to the situation.

"Everyone on the third floor is here, outflanking them from all the stairwells!"

"Every one of them counts. No matter who the other party is, just press them to death on the fourth floor!"

Then, he gave Su Xiaoqiang a sideways look on his face and felt like he couldn't help but feel angry.

As soon as the video was released, why did he do this?

good! Very good! Su Jingtian!

Do you really think he doesn't dare to be more ruthless?

"You bastard! How dare you call the police!" Fujiwara suppressed his anger and cursed, giving orders to the three people in the room.

"You guys, give her some color and be quiet! Take a picture of her and let Su Jingtian know the consequences!"

"Yes! Boss! But how to give it?" The tall and thin man licked his lips maliciously, not worried at all that something would happen to him here.

joke! ! !

There are people with guns and ammunition guarding the upper and lower floors. There is no safer place than here.

All the brothers here can join us and have fun with the eldest lady over there for a few rounds, and we will have a lot of time.


Suddenly, gunshots rang out, frightening the lanky man to jump back and hit the wall.

The bullets emitted white smoke at his feet. The man couldn't help but swallow in fear, and faced the boss who suddenly fired at a loss.


"Old man, if you really dare to do that kind of thing at this time, one by one, I will cut off all the things below you!"

Putting away the gun, Fujiwara scolded him angrily!

As he turned his head, even the golden eyes ignited uncontrollably, with a terrifying and fierce light.

A bunch of trash with only women in mind!

Don’t you know how much the Chinese value chastity?

What's the difference between really daring to do that kind of thing and killing this girl and tearing her apart completely?

He wants to make Su Jingtian and the special police who break in use a weapon!

Not until death do we part!

Even cutting off fingers, cutting off ears, gouging out eyes, at this time, is faster and more deterrent than doing that kind of thing, do you understand?

A bunch of trash!

"Use a soldering iron to leave two marks on her thighs!"

Fujiwara said this harshly, thought for a moment, stepped on the iron handrail deliberately and nimbly, and jumped up suddenly.

Under the astonished gazes of all the young men, he turned over with just one hook, and he reached the third floor directly from the second floor in an extremely rough way.

"As expected of Boss Fujiwara, he is so strong! Sometimes I feel like he is not a human being."

Seeing Fujiwara's move, the stones in the hearts of the kidnappers also fell successfully, and the chaos was extinguished.

While being vigilant according to the arrangement, they couldn't help but start talking.

"That's right. Do you know that sumo wrestler who weighs several hundred pounds? When he first came here a few years ago, he was very powerful. No one looked down on him, even Mr. Kazuma! Then guess what, Mr. Fujiwara got up and used one hand to He threw him away without even breaking a sweat. From then on, the fat man was as honest as a cat."

"Who doesn't know? But I heard that Boss Fujiwara's most powerful skill seems to be swordsmanship, right?"

"Whatever." The man clapped the gun in his hand, "Just remember, with these guys and Boss Fujiwara leading us, even if we have a reinforced company, we will win!"


His footsteps surged, and regardless of the admiration and admiration of others, Fujiwara managed to stabilize people's hearts and rushed up to the fourth floor before everyone else.

He wanted to see who dared to make such a big noise here!

The three men in the room looked at each other, noticing the flash of disappointment in each other's eyes.

Crackling, the charcoal basin is filled with flames.

"You're not coming, are you?"

After a long silence, the monkey face with a sharp mouth and cheeks chuckled and rubbed his hands with interest.

Amidst the crackling sound, he pulled out the soldering iron with a flushed face and swallowed maliciously.

"If you don't come, I'll come."

"I love hearing screams the most, let alone hearing such a top-notch girl, it's rare to see her in a hundred years!"

Due to his hidden illness, he can't even get up, but he can still leave marks on all women, and can also make them have stimulating reactions that other men can't do in their lives!

not to mention,

Getting closer and closer to Su Xiaoqiang, now the monkey can see more clearly.

These legs, this waist, this face.

hiss! I always feel like that hidden disease is almost cured!

It’s amazing to think that you can leave your own traces on such a girl, which will never be erased in her lifetime.

Monkey face, laughing silently.

"Tsk," another bald man pursed his lips in disdain, "This damn eunuch is sick again, and you don't stop him."

"Dare you stop the boss's order?" The tall and thin man walked away from the bullet hole in shock. Hearing this, he curled his lips and turned on the video.

"Tsk, what a pity for this girl." The bald man couldn't help but shook his head and looked at the naturally beautiful girl with pity.

What a great life

The monkey face was seen walking around to the front of Su Xiaoqiang, half removing the towel from her mouth.

"Are you ready, little sister?" He swallowed,

"Don't worry, it just hurts a little bit. It just hurts a little bit."

It just hurts. This kind of top quality will make you think of him whenever you see your thighs.

How wonderful it is to be like this all your life!

Perverted thoughts flashed in his heart. He playfully turned the red soldering iron in front of Su Xiaoqiang's eyes, licked his lips, and said excitedly,

"I'm coming! Hehe!"

The smoke was rising, and the dazzling white and red moved under Su Xiaoqiang's eyes, getting closer to the fair and round thighs inch by inch.

Even if she didn't understand, Su Xiaoqiang had already realized what the person in front of her was going to do!

don't want!

Manipulating her thighs to retract back, she shouted in her heart!

Avoiding it won't help, the heat is getting closer and closer to your body!

"Get out! Get out!"

Su Xiaoqiang spit out the loose towel and cursed at the monkey face, but she never thought that this would make him even more excited. Hehe smiled triumphantly - "That's right! That's right! That's it! Great! Louder!"

His ugly face kept magnifying in front of his eyes, his wretched eyes were as disgusting as a rat in the gutter, and his crazy and perverted smile made him want to have his head shoved into the toilet.

The blood-stained hands kept struggling, and the cold body kept resisting and twisting.

But Su Xiaoqiang's power was so small, so small that it was only a few turns of rope.

Then I couldn't struggle or escape.

The scorching heat and hotness were approaching, Su Xiaoqiang shouted in her heart,



Uneasiness, disgust, hatred,.

All kinds of emotions were mixed in the heart of this ordinary girl who had not suffered many grievances since she was a child, but she completely eliminated the previous useless and useless pleas!

The mental barrier, under the pressure of the increasingly urgent current situation and the unacceptable future, makes a crackling sound, and thoughts that have never been seen before are overflowing.

The pupils were trembling and flashing with different colors crazily!

Why? Why her?

Su Xiaoqiang didn't know how she was spurning and resisting the person in front of her. She only knew that thoughts that she would never touch in the past suddenly began to flash in her mind for no reason.


Why should I let others slaughter me here?


Why don’t I even have the strength to resist!


With her panic gradually extinguished, Su Xiaoqiang caught sight of the five nails in the iron dish not far away. Su Xiaoqiang had made her own small movements to them countless times - either gently rubbing them, or flicking them out of boredom, or pressing her lips against them in thought. , dyed with fragrance.

But now the increasingly scalding heat on her left hand and the sweetness on the tip of her nose have engraved the cold reality in front of the girl's eyes and mind.

An unknown flame ignited in my heart, and instantly filled my whole body!

It's an angry light!


No longer flinching, no longer shouting in vain, Su Xiaoqiang no longer clings to the scar that might bring her a lifetime of humiliation, but instead stares intently at the monkey-faced man.

Why does this damn guy dare to treat himself like this? ? ?

don't want!

do not do that!

The pretty face is ferocious, but not ugly.

Raise your head, there is light, burning!

I just!

"This is not allowed!"

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