"We are indeed confident that we can recover all the deleted surveillance videos, but the problem is that it will take a lot of time. Those videos and various evidences were actually actively fed by a skilled hacker." Say this After saying this, the head of the technical department couldn't help but bow his head again and said no more.

"What! Hackers? What level of hackers are better than the 30 people in your department put together? If I remember correctly, several of them have won first prize in international competitions, right?"

"No? Lao Wang! Have you watched too many movies? We are having a meeting? Stop joking!"

"That's right! If you do great work, you will do great work. Honestly admit, the most we can do is kill you a few times."

All the captains didn't believe it.

Boom, boom, boom!

Tang Yungang knocked on the table hard, looked around at the incredulous crowd, and tried to regain control of the situation. To be honest, he was stunned for a long time after hearing the technical department's report on the matter.

"Okay, everyone, calm down. Captain of the third team, too. Don't joke around at this time."

"Although it is suspected that the other party directly hacked into the arsonist's information to obtain all the information so quickly. But it is undeniable that what the technical department said is true."

Tang Yungang sighed softly,

"Whether it's a poisoning case, an arson case, or an armed kidnapping case, these incidents that took us several months to solve have indeed been solved by a mysterious force without leaving any traces at all."

"While it is a good thing for everyone that the case was resolved so quickly, it is also the main reason why I called you here."

Tang Yungang tapped the analysis board with a serious look on his face.

"What we are going to do next is not just review the arrests of the criminals we have targeted."

"More importantly, we need to understand the membership structure of this huge mysterious organization, and most importantly, their purpose! Whether this organization will cause some harm to our city and the public is what we need to determine most importantly."


Jingle Bell!


Tang Yungang's cell phone rang again!

He frowned and took it out, subconsciously wanting to hang up. When he saw the series of numbers, he couldn't help but was stunned and his expression became serious.

Tang Yungang answered the call uncharacteristically. After talking for a few words, his eyes fluctuated and he looked at everyone with his lips pursed.

"The situation has changed. The kidnapping case has been split up and handed over to the commissioner sent from above."

"The captains will be disbanded and all police forces will be assembled to handle the follow-up of other cases and the impact must be reduced."

"Yunrou, please stay for a while."

Not far from the conference room, under the sight of Lu Mingfei, the people who had been in the meeting just now came out in full force.

They looked strange, spoke confused, and didn't understand what was going on.

Meetings are gathered in a hurry and breaks up in a hurry, and everyone can notice that something is wrong.

Seeing this, Lu Mingfei couldn't help but sigh.

If he guessed correctly, there was only one reason for the sudden end of the meeting.

This case indeed attracted the attention of the mixed-race organization.

But he has done everything he has thought of and done. I hope the hidden tricks and misdirection he has left so far will work as he wished.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the police station.

"Mingfei! Mingfei!" Uncle's shout was clearly audible.

"Lu Mingfei! Lu Mingfei!!" Auntie's loud voice was hoarse.

"Brother!! Brother?? Where are you? Say something!" Only the little fat man was too scared to speak loudly, but he was also panicked.

With Lu Mingfei's confused expression on his face, the three members of the wet old Lu family rushed into the police station wrapped in various bandages.

With such a anxious and panicked look, you didn't know, you thought you were going to blow up this place?

"Lu Mingfei! You little brat!" Auntie, whose head was wrapped in gauze, was far away. Her red eyes spotted Lu Mingfei not far away before anyone else.

She rushed up with a quick stride, first looked Lu Mingfei up and down, and then slapped him one after another.

"You little bastard! What a little bastard!"

"You want to scare me to death, right? You want to scare me to death, right?"

"Son of a bitch! If something happens to you, how should I explain it to your arrogant mother? Tell me! How should I explain it? I will owe her my whole life! Do you know? Ah? Do you know!"

The aunt cursed and vented her emotions as a woman.

The little fat man with the swollen green bump on his forehead was relieved to see that Lu Mingfei was fine. At the same time, he couldn't help but return to his previous attitude and stopped calling him "Brother". He rolled his eyes and recalled the gossip.

"Lu Mingfei, um, what is your relationship with Su Xiaoqiang and Chu Zihang? Tell me about it?"

"It's okay! It's okay!" The uncle looked at the three people in front of him, and his tense heart burst out. He couldn't help but fell on the chair next to him, his whole body collapsed into a ball, and kept murmuring,

"As long as it's okay!"

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the three people in front of him who had different reactions, and suddenly smiled.

The eyebrows are curved, capturing the hot golden color hidden under the contact lenses.

"Laugh!! Little bastard! You still have the nerve to laugh!" Auntie felt strong and slapped her harder.

But Lu Mingfei only felt no pain or itching.

No matter how snobby your aunt is, no matter how strict your uncle is, no matter how selfish the little fat guy is.

He won’t burn you, he won’t stab you in the chest with a knife, he won’t dig his claws into your chest, and he won’t shoot you without hesitation.

They are not enemies. They will not think of killing you. They are not strangers and do not care about your life or death. Instead, they will come to you in the rain when they hear that something has happened to you, and they will even scold you when they find you.

Even if I am hurt, I still care about you.

85, 81, 80

Lu Mingfei gently looked at the green favorability score in front of him and smiled foolishly.

"Isn't this good impression quite a lot?" He couldn't help but murmured.

Perhaps just like the group of real fake "family members" of Hayami Riyi, everyone's favorability has a completely different expression.

"Uncle! Auntie! Lonely greedy snake, I'm a little tired."

Lu Mingfei looked at the three of them one by one, scratched his head,

"Shall we go home?"

The aunt slowly stopped venting her emotions and silently wiped away her tears.

The uncle nodded tiredly, took out his cell phone and called a taxi.

Too many things happened today, including running to school, getting into a car accident, going to the hospital, and running to the police station. They were frightened for several hours, and they were tired.

Only the little fat man looked confused and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Lonely. Greedy snake——?

no! How did Lu Mingfei know?

oh! Yes! ! !

The little fat man nodded crazily in his heart, deceiving himself and others.

Lu Mingfei must have secretly seen his QQ account.

That must be it! Right!

The little fat man was about to cry thinking about the cruel truth!

"Let's go, Snake." Lu Mingfei smiled evilly and patted the little fat man on the shoulder, destroying his last hope.

"Sunset?" The little fat man was about to cry, but he reluctantly confirmed to Lu Mingfei, with resentment in his eyes.

"Uh-huh." Lu Mingfei raised his eyebrows shamelessly, enjoying himself a lot.

He used to dress up as Sunset, just to make the fat guy in front of him look better.

But I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I’ve grown up, or maybe it’s because the little fat guy has a pretty good opinion?

He suddenly felt there was no need.

After hearing Lu Mingfei's answer, the little fat man smiled suspiciously.

"Hehe. Hehe"


At this moment, he only felt that something was broken in his heart! ! !

Completely broken! It's more thorough than the shattered glass in a car accident.

The little fat man suddenly felt that it would not be bad to just die in the car accident just now? At least I can still live in a beautiful dream and leave.

If Lu Mingfei knew the little fat man's state of mind, he would only pat him on the shoulder again with emotion and say something meaningful,

"Brother, this is the price of growth."

Lu Mingfei quietly hid the smile on his lips as he followed the three members of the old Lu family as they walked toward the car.

A large family passed by another group of people

"Nono?" Shuode Aki looked at the girl who suddenly stopped in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Under the black rolling clouds, the wet road reflected the neon light of the city.

"No, it's nothing," Chen Motong stood at the foot of the steps with his hair blowing in the breeze. He withdrew his gaze, his eyes filled with golden light. "It's just that the bloodline suddenly lost control and the profiling started on its own."

"Did you find anything?" Ye Sheng couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

"A very cowardly person? No! Somewhat lonely? That's not right! A very determined person? I don't know, I always feel confused in my mind." Chen Motong pinched the bridge of his nose irritably, his head hurting a little.

"Maybe it's because he didn't get enough rest," Jiude Aji touched Chen Motong's hot forehead, feeling a little distressed, "It's true that the school suddenly sent out some investigation mission at night."

Outside the conference room, police officers from the inner and outer floors were dispatched, deliberately hiding something.

In the conference room, Tang Yungang glanced at the gradually extinguishing red dot on the surveillance camera and looked at the three people opposite.

"Kassel A-level commissioner, Ye Sheng." Ye Sheng, who looked capable and energetic, lit up his golden eyes and revealed his identity.

"Kassel's A-level commissioner, Shutoku Aki." The girl's soft eyes were filled with majesty.

"Tang family, Tang Yungang." "Tang family, Tang Yunrou."

When Tang Yungang and his daughter saw this, they also lit up their golden eyes to confirm their identities.

Then, Tang Yunrou glanced at Chen Motong, who was sitting on the chair and spinning around blankly.

"Her name is Chen Motong, and she is a student in the preparatory class." Jiude Aki saw this and added.

Chen Motong, who suddenly came back to his senses, looked at the two of them and nodded lightly.

The Chen family?

Tang Yungang and Tang Yunrou couldn't help but have the same doubts flashing through their minds, but they also understood that this was not the focus at the moment.

"I'm afraid the two commissioners already know the general situation. You must have come here because of the non-human battle traces and the organization suspected to be composed of hybrids." Tang Yungang went straight to the point, turned over the analysis board, and revealed Densely packed with text, graphics and photos.

"Let me directly introduce the newly obtained information."

"After some of the kidnappers' confessions and on-site analysis, we have roughly restored what happened."


Tang Yungang pointed to the fourth floor location painted on the panel.

"First of all, in this kidnapping case, the mask organization's chosen breakthrough location was the kidnapper's fourth-floor headquarters. From the mouths of several sober witnesses, we learned about the two members of the organization whose codename was "Snake" "With "Rat", and confirmed a lot of information about their leader."

Tang Yungang circled the dragon's face on the analysis board, wearing a black outfit and climbing the stairs.

"The leader of the mask organization, whose code name is suspected to be Dragon. He is about 20-25 years old. He is good at double sword style, modern weapons and firearms, and serves as the main frontal combat force in the team. His sword skills are very strong, and many kidnappers are too late. He was taken down as soon as he fired. Not only that, there are traces of sharp cuts all over the floor, which is not the power of ordinary mixed-race species, so I suspect that he has a word spirit that increases physical strength."

"Like Yan Ling Gui Sheng?" Ye Sheng thought about it and couldn't help but interject.

"I don't know, but I personally feel that the strength of Guisheng's increase is not enough." Tang Yungang shook his head and tactfully denied, and then went on to elaborate on the information obtained,

"After the mask organization captured the fourth floor, they launched a simultaneous attack on all levels of the kidnappers. The leader broke through to the second floor and successfully rescued a hostage without finding many traces of the battle."

"On the contrary, we found many traces of the 'snake' on the fifth and seventh floors."

Tang Yungang gently clicked on the photo of him jumping out of the window wearing jeans.

"Snake, female, about 25 years old, is a ninja who has been trained for many years. She is known to be good at silent sneaking and joint skills. Most of the kidnappers on the fifth and sixth floors did not notice anything about their opponents before they fell into coma. Those who seemed to be struggling were immediately removed from their jaws."

"She is also good at using throwing weapons, most likely long steel nails. Her attacks are very ruthless! The limbs of the two levels of kidnappers have basically been removed. They are also a mixed race, but their speaking ability is unknown."

"Ninja?" Shude Aki couldn't help but whisper. She didn't know if it was an illusion. She could vaguely see the shadow of her sister in this "snake".

Tang Yungang didn't know what the commissioner was thinking, so he clicked on the picture of the seventh floor and the gangster pretending to be a rat.

"There is a little bit of information on the seventh floor, so we can only estimate it based on some traces."

"Rat, male, about 19 years old, he rescued another hostage. It was found at the scene that he mostly used non-face-to-face fighting methods such as attacking in the east and attacking in the west. The weapon was..."

Speaking of this, Tang Yungang's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Weapons are bricks, steel pipes, and ropes."

Chen Motong blinked and looked at the picture. An idea flashed in her mind and she couldn't help laughing.

Isn't this just a little gangster and a hooligan?

"Ahem! After enlarging the only few pictures that our technical department recovered, I found problems one by one." Clearing his throat to cover up his embarrassment, Tang Yungang pointed to the blurry mask,

"The mouse's mask is not sealed like other people's, so I suspect that he has a detective-type word spirit such as a kama itachi or a snake."

"There is also a fox who is good at hacking. He has the least information. We only know that he is most likely a logistics worker."

"In addition, I suspect that one of the two snakes and the fox has a hypnotic or hallucinatory spirit, because after relevant tests, most of the kidnappers have fallen into a deep sleep and cannot be woken up no matter how they are called."

Hearing this speculation, Ye Sheng and Jiude Yaji couldn't help but become serious.

Nearly seventy kidnappers have fallen into a coma. Behind the strength and range of this high-risk word spirit, it symbolizes a bloodline that is far beyond A-level!

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