Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 295 Everything is played by one person?

Ye Sheng, Jiude Yaji, and Tang Yungang are the same.

The one who can solve all this is not an organization, but one person! ?

The conjecture in Chen Motong's mouth was really too wild!

"My guess is based on reality." Chen Motong crossed his arms, looked around at everyone, and then said,

"There's one thing you may not have noticed, but whether it's the little gangster rat, the ninja snake, or the leader dragon, they actually all have subtle similarities."

With that said, Chen Motong turned around and waved, leading a few people around the place where the seventh-floor female ninja was attacked.

She pointed to the remaining footprints on the floor and ceiling, and explained based on her own ability,

"Whether it's making noises and attacking in the east or west, or hiding in the ceiling for sneak attacks, you will find that the gangster rat adopts an ambush fighting method at the beginning. But later you will find,"

Chen Motong stretched out his right hand and pointed at a series of different overlapping footprints in a corner of the corridor.

"He actually followed the female ninja openly without being noticed. Observe these footsteps and traces carefully. Did you find that the silent steps used by the mouse were almost learned from the kidnapper female ninja on the spot?"

"Learned it on the spot?" She couldn't help but murmured. Policewoman Tang Yunrou looked at Chen Motong with an increasingly strange look. The footprints she left were indeed somewhat similar, but was it too exaggerated to learn it on the spot?

If you insist on saying so, does that person also have the ability to copy and learn? For example, Jingtong?

Are there too many buffs?

Without paying too much attention to the female police officer, Chen Motong raised her legs and strolled to the sixth and fifth floors, pointing at different traces and giving evidence one after another.

"Not only that, look here, is the pace of the mask organization ninja 'Snake' exactly the same as those of those people? This proves that the possibility that the mouse and the snake are the same person is not completely non-existent."

"In addition," walking a few steps quickly, Chen Motong pointed to the place where the sumo wrestler fell to the ground, "here, there is a big fat man whose arms were forcibly broken off. The ninja 'snake' embodies the strength far beyond ordinary people." , and have something in common with the power of their leader, the dragon."

Moving down one level again to the fourth floor, Chen Motong stood in front of several people, raised his head and gestured towards the chopped-open door of the technical department,

"And here, the leader dragon who uses a knife to kill the opponent's firearms through the door seems to be able to 'see' everything in the room."

She looked around at the people and asked in a deep voice,

"Don't you think this ability is somewhat familiar to you?"

"It seems to be somewhat similar to the mouse with closed eyes?" Shuudoku Aki thought about it and couldn't help but speak.

"Yes," Chen Motong nodded and spoke again,

"And in the battle with Deadpool and the subsequent battle with the sneak attackers, their leader Long was injured and healed on his own many times. On the seventh floor just now, there was a kidnapper who should have died, but he was also there. The rat is now back from the dead.”

"Can the ability to see through things and heal really appear in two people from the same organization by such a coincidence?"

"So, I think these three people," Chen Motong looked at the four people seriously and expressed his conclusion, "are played by one person!"

"That organization doesn't exist at all!"

A large number of examples and information were mixed together, echoing in the minds of Jiude Aji and others. At this moment, they suddenly felt a numb scalp when they listened to Chen Motong's conclusion.

"Let's not talk about anything else. Assuming your guess is really correct, why did that person do this?" Tang Yunrou frowned tightly, raised her hand and asked Chen Motong, "I don't think he did this. reason."

"To hide." Chen Motong looked at the female police officer without flinching, explaining what he was thinking, "Hide the real self inside, this is the only reason I can think of."

"Hide. Hide? Hide!" Tang Yunrou couldn't help but muttered, slowly widening her eyes, the lake and the sea were flooding, and she was very frightened, "Do you think that person is Lu Mingfei?"

"Wait! Wait!" Tang Yunrou waved her hands quickly and looked at Chen Motong with a strange look.

"Nono, right? One thing you may not know is that Lu Mingfei was actually drugged. The test results from the testing department showed that under the effect of the drug, he could fight fiercely, let alone fight violently. It was barely enough to wake up after it was over.”

"No," Ye Sheng had similar mission experience, shaking his head and refuting this point, "Drug has different effects on ordinary people, hybrids, and stronger hybrids."

Chen Motong remained silent. Apparently, she thought so too.

If her suspicion is true, Lu Mingfei cannot be ruled out as a drug addict.

"Little girl," Tang Yungang, an old man who had been silent all this time, just finished sorting out Chen Motong's thoughts, looked up at Chen Motong, and spoke, "do you really know what you are talking about?"

"If you think those three people were played by one person, do you know how terrifying the person you constructed is?"

"Things like clairvoyance and reconnaissance, words that amplify the body, words that involve time, the ability to heal oneself and even resurrect others, as well as fire and thunder."

"What if these abilities are concentrated in one person?" Tang Yungang stared at Chen Motong and said in a serious tone, "Do you know what this means?"

"For a person with such ability, does he still need to do such a hiding thing?"

Without waiting for Chen Motong's answer, Tang Yungang shook his head and asked himself, "No, there is no need for him to do such a thing. So instead of believing in the possibility you mentioned, I am more willing to believe that the organization has other masters." People with different spirits were at the scene to assist in the battle, but their traces were completely erased."

"As you said yourself, since the other party can decide what traces to leave behind, it is very simple to eliminate what you want to eliminate."

After carefully listening to Chen Motong's conjecture, Tang Yungang came up with an idea that was more in line with the public concept. It was not that one person played three people, but that the traces of multiple people were eliminated.

Chen Motong glanced at Tang Yungang lightly and said nothing. She just muttered in her heart, who knows?

Seeing this, Shutoku Aki quickly opened his mouth to smooth things over.

"What Nuonuo said is just a situation. If you can ignore some specific conditions, from a logical point of view, there is no big flaw."

"That situation can't exist," Tang Yunrou suddenly said. Her expression had been wrong ever since Chen Motong named Lu Mingfei as "that person".

"First, if Lu Mingfei is really that person, according to your speculation, shouldn't his purpose be to hide himself? But one thing you may not know is that in the police station, Lu Mingfei took the initiative to help Offers a portrait of the arsonist.”

Tang Yunrou looked at Chen Motong and asked, "Could it be that the person you think can do such an eye-catching thing? Besides, the fox in the mask organization had already sent the kidnapper's information to the police station. Lu Mingfei Even if you have even the slightest connection with that organization, you won’t do such unnecessary things like drawing a portrait again, right?”

"Maybe he did this just to make you think that way?" After thinking about it quietly, Chen Motong muttered silently, if there is really someone who can guide the situation to be like this, who has such an idea Isn’t it surprising that the separation between each other is strengthened?

Tang Yunrou couldn't help but ponder for a moment, thinking carefully about this possibility.

"Yes, it is indeed possible, but everything you said is based on the premise that Lu Mingfei is an awakened super hybrid." Tang Yunrou nodded and admitted, but then sighed, Looking at Chen Motong with burning eyes, he denied, "But unfortunately, Nono, let alone a super hybrid, Lu Mingfei is not even a hybrid."

"His shadow was involved in both cases, and I also felt that something was wrong with him. So I also launched some investigations on him, but soon I no longer had any suspicion. The reason is very simple. I forgot to mention it from the beginning, My spirit of speech."

Tang Yunrou slowly lit up her golden eyes, "It's a blood-tie knot!"

She tried to test Lu Mingfei's bloodline in the police station, but did not sense any feedback. This is why she did not doubt Lu Mingfei from the beginning to the end.

"How can a person who is not even a mixed race be the person you are talking about?"

Chen Motong's face froze, and she scratched her head irritably. She had already said all the evidence and rebuttals she could provide, but she didn't expect that there was another piece of evidence waiting here that could overturn everything.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Motong confirmed again, "But what I said is indeed the possibility of minimizing or even eliminating all kinds of doubts. Can you guarantee that your speech spirit will not make mistakes?"

"Of course!" Tang Yunrou was very confident.

"Then" Chen Motong lit up her golden eyes and looked at the confident girl, "give it a try, can you sense my bloodline?"

Tang Yunrou looked at it subconsciously, but her expression froze.

She couldn't sense the blood of the girl in front of her, but the golden eyes that symbolized mixed race couldn't be faked.

"Forget it," when the question came to this point, Chen Motong was the first to put it down, losing much interest in her heart.

She yawned out of boredom and didn't want to say anything more, "I didn't sleep well today, maybe there's something wrong with my abilities."

In fact, it's the same situation. Tang Yunrou's spiritual speaking ability will make mistakes. There is no reason why her ability must be accurate.

"How about leaving it to Norma to make the decision?" Suddenly, Ye Sheng, who was contacting the college from the side, suggested, pointing out a plan that could break the current deadlock, "We have almost collected the information. Relying on the logical judgment ability of artificial intelligence, it is better than ours in It’s a lot more troublesome to guess around here.”

"It will be more efficient to leave it to Norma to make the decision and then determine the direction of the investigation based on the results."

As he said yes, he passed on Nuonuo's conjecture and another possibility Tang Yungang added.

In the distant Chicagoland, the bright morning light cast a faint white shadow on the edge of the entire city. Norma quietly analyzed the conjecture from Ye Sheng.

"Nono's conjecture is in line with basic logic, but it goes against the basic principle of a single spirit of mixed race. On the contrary, Tang Yungang's conjecture is more likely."

"The probability is 0.001%."

Just when Norma was about to type back the answer, she was suddenly stunned and couldn't help but flicker.

She detected the name "Lu Mingfei".

"The probability is 59.999%."

The possibility of soaring in an instant symbolizes an invisible crisis.

This judgment will definitely lead the police and enforcement team to strengthen their investigation of Lu Mingfei.

But just when the judgment was about to be sent, it was suddenly intercepted the next moment!

A faint blue light lit up underground, passing through the endless darkness in an instant. Stimulated by the activation of the underlying code principle, the girl's body flashed desperately as if something was malfunctioning.

Kaka! Kaka!

Eva's personality was suddenly briefly separated from the task of investigating global changes, and took over the conjecture that Norma was dealing with.

The illusory little hand moved slightly and directly brought the possibility back to 0.001%.

By the way

Eva touched her delicate chin, picked out one of the global mutation points that had been searched, and threw it to Ye Sheng's trio!

Ding dong!

Information transfer.

Ye Sheng opened the incoming report and his expression suddenly froze.

"What's wrong? Ye Sheng?" Jiude Aji leaned over with concern, his face also turned pale.

Chen Motong blinked, stretched out her little head, looked at the screen, feeling dizzy.

Norma: "Nono's conjecture, the probability is 0.001%, Tang Yungang's conjecture, the probability is 72.664%, it is recommended to postpone the latter to continue the investigation."

But that wasn't what made the three of them so upset.

Norma: "Also, a large number of Deadpool death and injury cases were found in the suburbs of the city. The task level is prior to the current task. The task handover will be carried out immediately."

"Please ask Ye Sheng, A-level commissioner of the Executive Department, Jiu De Aji, and preparatory student Chen Motong, to go immediately."

"No, can we still let people sleep tonight?" Chen Motong leaned tiredly on Jiude Yaji, rubbing against him, very irritated, "Obviously I am not even a student of the school, Are you just going to arrange so much work for me?"

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have skipped class!"

"Sister Aki? Can I go back to sleep?" Chen Motong looked at Jiudoku Aki pitifully, "As you can see, my ability seems to be a bit out of control today, and I will definitely not be of any use."

Jiude Yaji touched Chen Motong's little head heartbrokenly, and then gently shook his head under her expression of joy,

"I can't, Nono."

Under the night, the cold moonlight shines through the slowly dissipating black clouds.

The cold wind, accompanied by drizzles of rain, whistled through the path that was filled with pungent blood and covered with Deadpool's limbs and traces of battle.

"There are a large number of deadpools who have lost their minds, but they act collectively. They are very strong, and they even retain some of the instinct to use the spirit of speech before death. It is a terrifying power."

With bright eyes, Chen Motong looked around quietly, pictures and information flooding into his mind, and his small face looked at Jiude Aki unnaturally,

"Sister Aki, maybe there is something wrong with my profiling ability."

Chen Motong pinched her sore brow and whispered softly,

"I feel a monster, very different from Deadpool, but not like a hybrid, sane, immortal monster!"

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