"I hate that umbrella of yours. You are obviously a boy, but you use such an ugly thing."

"I hate your bad temper. I've learned it several times and haven't learned it yet. Why do you hit me on the head?"

"You who hate spring, look at my favorite cherry blossoms!"

“You who hate summer, you and I snatched my sister’s hot tea!”

"You hate autumn and you don't do anything to help but only wield a knife, which makes my sister and I do all the cleaning work!"

"You hate winter, why do you have to celebrate your birthday at that time? We have to prepare gifts for you and waste a lot of pocket money!"

As he spoke, Butterfly Ninja lowered his head and couldn't help but move closer to his sister's arms.


"In this world, I hate you the most, damn Shi Zhifei!"

But, but.

It turns out that without realizing it, his shadow has appeared all year round.


Shi Tingfei gently stood beside Sister Butterfly and couldn't help but chuckle:

"Really, do you hate me so much?"

"However, I don't hate you, let alone you."

"not at all."

The butterfly sisters were shocked and looked up again. The deep purple gems and gentle pink gems were already overflowing with warm crystals.

Shi Zhifei put his hands into his arms, took out the small bundle, and slowly opened it.

The two pieces of jade pendants had disappeared from this world, and Shi Guangfei asked the craftsmen to forge them into eight small safety buckles.

He took out two jade pendants tied with red ropes and hung them gently on the necks of the two sisters.

Looking at the word "明" on the two jade pendants, shining brightly in the sunlight through the paper window, Shi Tingfei chuckled and said:

"This is the best parting gift I can think of."

He put the remaining jade pendants with "Fei" and "Fei" engraved on them into their hands, and asked them to hand these two jade pendants to the missing Butterfly couple. After giving them a gentle hug, he turned and left. .

"Shinobu, Sister Kanae"

Shi transparently waved his hand,

"Bye now."

Anyone could notice that at this moment, his voice was trembling.

"Idiot!" Butterfly Ninja held the safety buckle tremblingly and yelled at the top of his lungs: "Big idiot!"

"So," Butterfly Kanae hugged the tearful Butterfly Ninja, pursed her lips and looked at the figure disappearing in the sun.

Shi Zhifei slowly closed the door, but the paper window illuminated by the sun faintly revealed the shadow of the young man leaning outside the door without leaving.

Butterfly Nin's slightly watery eyes fell on the slightly wet floor not far away,

"So Xiao Mingfei, you are really bad."

Under the setting sun, Tokito and his family were sitting on a carriage.

Mr. Shitou took advantage of the sunshine and looked at the safety button with "succession" and "country" engraved on his hand, and he was very emotional.

"Have you made the jade pendant into a safe buckle?"

"Well, it's made into a safe buckle."

Shi Zhifei dragged his chin, but his eyes glanced behind the carriage, as if he was expecting someone,

"It's also a coincidence that the eight characters are exactly made into eight pieces of safety buckles."

"Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Uncle Butterfly and Aunt Butterfly, re"

"And everyone, just one person each."

"Well, it is indeed a perfect coincidence." Mrs. Shitou rubbed Shitou's small head and said softly:

"You did great, Mingfei."

"I can only do this." Shi Zhifei put the safety buckle with "Ji" engraved on it into his arms, feeling the coldness, and slowly closed his eyes.

"It's time to go!"

Outside the carriage, the voice of Yanzhu Mingyu and grandpa came.

Then with a gentle swaying, it officially set sail.

The horse's hooves are crisp and clear when stepped on, but not in a irritable mood.

The wheels squeaked loudly, and Transparent couldn't help but frown.

He opened his eyes, lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked into the distance.

The white snow has not yet completely melted, and the gaze of dusk fell on the vast ground—empty!

Inexplicably, Shi Zhifei felt that the soft sun was very dazzling, and the cold air felt a little oppressive.

Just when he pursed his lips and was about to close the curtain.

The sound of crisp footsteps suddenly sounded, shattering all oppression.

Shi Tingfei turned around suddenly, a bright light suddenly appearing in his eyes.

Mirror-like black eyes reflected two familiar figures in new clothes, running towards the carriage.

"Idiot!" Butterfly Ninja yelled at Tokihiro Fei while holding something in his arms.

"Xiao Mingfei!" Butterfly Kanae walked side by side with her sister, both holding something in their arms,

Ding dong——!

The two safety buckles that ran out of the arms shook gently, making a crisp sound during the inadvertent collision.

"I'm going to catch it!"*2

They suddenly increased their speed, and their steps were brisk, like two fluttering butterflies, as they approached the not-so-fast carriage.


Shi Zhifei smiled brightly, bent down and stretched out his hands.



Two crisp sounds, accompanied by dusk, hit the black and white scarves flying around the three of them.

The slightly exposed starlight shone on the three people who successfully held hands.

Invariably, the three little ones recalled the clumsy hook under the cherry blossom tree a few years ago and the promise to be together forever.

Shi Zhifei gently pulled Sister Butterfly into his arms.

The scene suddenly freezes, echoing with the young man's chuckle:

"Of course I will accept such an expensive parting gift."

Yes, there is no such thing as a banquet that never ends, because people will always meet again.

However, compared with those jade pendants, reunion is indeed the best parting gift!


Three little ones hit the carriage hard.

Silent for a long time,

"Is it really okay to just come out like this without telling uncle and aunt?" Shi Tingfei, who had fallen on the ground, came back to his senses and looked at the two sisters beside him.

"That pair of parents can go as far as they want!" Butterfly pouted unhappily.

"Yes, Shinobu-chan and I have decided," Butterfly Kanae smiled sweetly and stretched out a finger: "Ignore those two bad guys for a week!"

Just when the transparent monk was confused, a sound of light driving caught his attention.

He opened the curtain and saw two carriages appearing again behind the Tokito family's carriage.

Mr. Butterfly and Mrs. Butterfly popped up and greeted the Tokito family.

"Oh," Mr. Butterfly laughed loudly, "I have been exhausted from trying to sell out the medical clinic these days. I finally have time to rest."

Mr. Tokito poked his head out from behind Tokihiro Fei, and greeted his son's confused expression: "When we get to the place, let's have a drink."


Shi Zhifei was shocked, his eyes widened, and he scanned the faces of several adults.

The faces of father, mother, uncles, aunts, grandfathers, and even Uncle Wei Mingyu, without exception, had a happy and successful smile on their faces!

Some readers said that the second chapter of Demon Slayer was poorly written and even a bit watery.

Sifei just wants to say that as a newbie, Sifei really doesn’t have any subjective ideas about hydrology and has tried his best.

Maybe Si Fei is too good at writing exciting articles from beginning to end, but Si Fei is always learning and growing. I hope that while making up for the regrets of the original work, it can bring excitement and laughter to everyone, just like Lu Mingfei in the book. Same, some slow but serious growth.

All the tentative preparations in daily life are just to light this bomb that doesn’t know whether it will explode or not at this moment. I hope everyone will like it.

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