Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 60 Enlightenment! its name?

"But in fact, Mingfei, you don't need to worry, because you are already great. At this age, you are already ahead of too many people, and you will be the same in the future."

"But you have to be clear. Sometimes, the more you want to do it, the less you can do it. At least when it comes to water breathing, that's the case."

Because of the lack of still water breathing, it can never be fully displayed in this world.

Teacher Lintaki gently rubbed the messy hair, which was not transparent, and whispered:

"I know that years of anxiety cannot be easily eliminated in a short time, because meditation is so difficult."

"It doesn't matter. When you admit it, changes will begin quietly."

"Even if you can't meditate, can you first calm down the body that surrounds your soul?"

"My child, feel the water and understand the water. Why do you want to stop at the surging waterfall in front of you?"

Lintaki pushed gently, pushing down the transparent eyes that he didn't know when he closed his eyes.

"Why don't you go and listen,"


The body fell into the water, and Teacher Lintaki's soft voice penetrated the air and flowing water, and slightly changed into a dull and quiet tone.

"Why don't you go and listen to the calm waves under the waterfall?"

"That is the best gift we can give you together!"

The swimming fish hovers lightly, and the tip of the nose becomes transparent when itches.



Shi Zhifei's body fell, and the noise of the waterfall gradually moved away.

He landed gently on the bottom of the pool, feeling the coldness and flatness behind him.

The rubble there was moved away by everyone.

His eyes opened and closed, sometimes transparently.

Under the blue sky and clear yellow sunlight, the water ripples and everything is clear.


Bubbles rise from the tip of the nose and fly leisurely to the water.

The swimming fish danced with the sunshine held by the water, and the water plants were leisurely, swallowing up all the sounds from the outside world.


Unprecedented silence!

It turns out that even the waterfall that shakes the mountains and forests, the bottom of the pool at its feet is so quiet, enough to slowly soothe all the anxiety in the world.

Pure tranquility calms the hustle and bustle of the world and brings peace of mind.

I don't know how long it took, but the body wrapped in soft water slowly floated up, and the noise returned to my ears.




Deep in the soul, a flash of inspiration!

"Ha ha!"

Shi transparently broke through the water surface, grinning while gasping for breath, closing his eyes and listening to the loud sound of the waterfall falling, which was enough to cause cholera in the heart.

And the silence at the bottom of the pool has completely stayed in Shi Zhifei's mind.

"I found it!"

turn out to be!

The mountain in front of him that cannot be climbed or circumvented was built in his heart from beginning to end.

turn out to be!

What has been bothering me is just the word "urgent".

An epiphany!

The distant mountains suddenly collapsed, and the vision suddenly opened up!

It's night, and the silver light is like a thread, dancing in the bright dark sky.

Water Breathing·One Type·Water Surface Strike!

Water Breathing·Two Types·Water Wheel!

Breathing of Water·Ten Shapes·Transformation!


Unprecedented fun!

Jing, who had an epiphany in the daytime, made up for the missing key point. This time, the sword dance that flowed under the moonlight was smooth and natural.

Get twice the result with half the effort!


When the dance is over, the sword returns to its sheath.

Panting slightly, Shi Guangfei looked back at the red tengu masks showing figures on several sides, and smiled brightly:

"Teacher Lintaki, thank you!"

"Everything is realized by yourself." Teacher Lintaki shook his head slightly and did not take any credit.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Lintaki?" Shi Zhifei stretched out his waist, his eyes reflecting the bright moon in the sky,

"I'm referring to carrying me back to my room every day, Nintaki-sensei."

"Huh, do you still have the nerve to say that?" Teacher Lintaki crossed his chest uncontrollably and said angrily: "You brat, you made me unable to sleep well for a long time!"

Of course, the corners of his mouth were raised uncontrollably.

[The problem that has troubled you for many days has finally been solved. Having learned how to breathe water, you quickly followed the pace of Qiu Tu and others and began the final trial of chopping boulders. 】

[But soon you couldn’t laugh anymore, because when you looked at the dejected Qiu Tu and the others, you knew you had encountered a new difficulty. 】

[Can this boulder in front of me, which is thicker than seven or eight people, really be cut open by human power?

You know, even if you have the ability to use the sword move Rock Flame and Flame Fallen that you learned during the crisis, it will only shatter the surface. 】

[In response to your question, Mr. Lintaki commented angrily.

A sword move that randomly combines the breath of fire and the breath of rock based on inspiration. Not to mention that it does not hurt your body, it is a miracle. In terms of power alone, how can it be compared with the breath of water that has been passed down for hundreds of years? .

Most of the power of the rock flames and so on is dissipated in the air, and it is somewhat flashy without perfection.

If you honestly deepen your understanding of water breathing, you can definitely do it.

Yan Bi, under your bewildered gazes, casually cut open the boulder with a knife. 】

[But you always feel that Teacher Lintaki uses his sixty or seventy years of practice experience to ask you, and after all, he is deliberately preventing you from passing the trial and participating in the team assessment.

After all, you are only teenagers! 】

[But no matter what, it is inevitable to disobey the teacher's orders. The four of you can only chop up the rocks in pain. Amidst the sour sounds, you can feel the goosebumps on your body kissed by the backlash. 】

[Time passes in a boring attempt. If you want to say something interesting, maybe you can mention the crow you met. 】

【Breath and Bond·Epiphany under the Spring Waterfall·? ? ·Interlude·‘It’s Name’, unfolds. 】

The sun broke through the clouds and mist, shining on all the cultivators.





The harsh sound resounded, and a sour feeling came from the handle of the knife, arousing goosebumps from the tailbone to the Tianling Gai.

Ding Ling clang!

"No more practice!"

Butterfly threw the knife away viciously and slumped on the ground angrily:

"Looking at how old Nintaki-sensei is, by the time I split this boulder, I think my sister's grandson will be able to run!"

"That's not right, Shinobu-chan." Masaki squatted cutely in front of Butterfly Ninja, took out his right hand buried in his lower abdomen, and shook his fingers:

"I heard that members of the Demon Slayer Corps who are above the second level can cut through boulders. Not to mention pillars."

Two small, crystal-clear fingers slowly stretched out,

"Two years, no matter how difficult it is, everyone will learn it again in two years. Qiang Tu and Mingfei may be able to do it a little faster."

Butterfly Nin rolled his eyes,

Two years is not a short time!


Tomioka Yiyu silently sheathed the knife, and after thinking about it, he spoke indifferently and said a sentence that was extremely misleading:

"Two years? I'm different from you."

Butterfly Ninja and Masaki subconsciously stared at Tomioka Giyu, speechless and helpless.


Qiongtu smiled and put his arm around Tomioka Giyuu's shoulders, trying to smooth things over.

"Yiyong, you are obviously saying that you think you need more time, why can you use such a tone that others are rubbish?"

The sunny boy scratched the scar at the corner of his mouth, "You can be more confident, and if you always talk like this, you will be easily disliked."

Tomioka Yiyong looked around blankly, "I, I didn't."


The sound of the blade chopping the boulder exploded, interrupting Tomioka Giyu's persistence.

Immersed in the understanding of the breath of water, Shi Zhi transparently waved the sword non-seriously, without any distractions.

"Idiot," Butterfly Ren bit his lower lip, complaining a little.

"You should take a break once in a while."

It was as if the Butterfly Ninja's desire alarmed the sky, the treetops shook suddenly, and several black shadows flew across.

Discussion post:

Sifei is here to solicit relevant analysis of the dragon clan’s combat power from readers.

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