"With the name Rabbit, it doesn't kill the child, okay?" Qiang Tu said to himself suspiciously.

Zhen Shang stood beside him, pouting slightly.

She thinks plum blossom sounds better.

Giyu Tomioka touched his head that was hit by something, looked at the white substance on his fingertips, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This... couldn't be what he thought.

Why only him?

Is he really hated?

Shi Tingfei looked gently at the blue sky, feeling in a trance.

It doesn’t matter if you are bullied or excluded.

It doesn’t matter that it’s useless to resist, it doesn’t matter that you are still weak, it doesn’t matter that you have thought about giving up or something.

At the very least, live and go on forever and ever


At least

He watched the black shadow flying away against the sun from a distance, and subconsciously murmured his wishes to it.

"do not die."


The little heart beats, and the two bright red bloods merge and then flow rapidly.

The wound healed slowly in an incredible way, and the broken wings grew fine down in the blink of an eye.

Broken bones, in an instant, connected!


The dead child suddenly made a sound, flapped its wings suddenly, waved down the wooden stick tied to its right paw, let it fly over the treetops, and lightly hit the ground, sending up dust and smoke.

The pure black pupils were faintly ignited with a faint golden light.

[The encounter with the dead child brought a change to your boring exercise life.

At the same time, you understand that insisting blindly is not efficient. Perhaps each of you has to find your own way.

Qiantu chose to meditate on knife meditation on the boulder, and experienced the breath of water in the sun and smoke shining through the mountain forest.

Zhenji was sitting on a branch not far from him, swaying her little feet, and her ethereal eyes reflected the mist in the distant mountains.

Giyu Tomioka found a very quiet remote lake and waited quietly. Sometimes he stood there for a whole day, with birds occasionally landing on his shoulders.

Butterfly Ninja had some enlightenment after that day. He studied the combination of herbs and almost found his own way.

Standing among the familiar waterfalls, you may feel the rush of the rapids behind the curtain, or you may be immersed in the tranquility at the bottom of the lake, watching the fish in the coolness.

Meanwhile, you’re all competing!

See who is first and make greater progress! 】

[Teacher Lintaki’s figure is wandering everywhere, with an extremely satisfied smile on his lips.

He knows that your final leap is coming soon. 】

【Breath and Bond·Epiphany under the Spring Waterfall·? ? , the finale unfolds! 】

One morning,

The eyes that slowly floated up from the bottom of the pool were sometimes transparent but not bright.

He saw it and saw an unforgettable scene in this life.

Slightly moist mist enveloped the Sawu Mountains, and the warm and cool sunshine broke the clouds and smoke in the sky.

The treetops rustled in the wind,

Cunning rabbits are swaying in the green grass, and gravel is flowing in the water.

Shi Tingfei opened his eyes wide, feeling that he was really in this world, but also seemed to be somewhat separated from the world.

It's like being in a fairyland!

The waterfall falls and the sound is vast.


The fish come out of the water, splashing in the water, and jump between the eyebrows and eyes that are so transparent at times.

It was an epiphany!

The feeling of catching it again is like a fish jumping over a dragon's gate!

"Water Breath·Zero Type·No Mist!"

Shi Zhifei closed his eyes tightly, and between his fingers on the blade, his whole person disappeared from everyone's perception.

It was pure silence!

Although he was in front of him, he couldn't feel the slightest breath at all, as if he didn't exist at all.

The blade trembled slightly, and the fog lingered.

The ghostly figure flashed in front of the boulder, silently.

The boulder was split open!

Although, only half!

But it was indeed cut open in front of Teacher Lintaki and the butterfly ninjas.

The young man named Shi Zhongfei slowly put away his sword and stood up quietly!

Two months!

Not two years! Not a year!

It only took two months!

Shi Guangfei graduated, ahead of everyone, at an incredible speed.

But many people feel that he can be stronger.

Teacher Lintaki stood on the top of the tree, hands behind his back, looking at the foot of the mountain in the distance to say goodbye to Butterfly Shinobu, and quietly watching Shi Xingyue as he left with the letter in his arms.

"Teacher Lintaki," Qiotu gently landed on his side and spoke in a low voice,

"Ming Fei's Wuwu move combines the breath of rock and the breath of water, right? It's really messy."

"I can feel that it is a very powerful sword move. If I can master one or two, I can definitely cut through the boulder easily."

"But why?" Qiang Tu tilted his head, a little confused,

"But why is Mingfei still unable to completely cut through the boulder with this technique?"

"I don't understand. He should be able to cut through boulders easily."

Teacher Lintaki lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then spoke softly,

"First, that sword move is not focused on attack and power. Defense, concealment, and a desperate blow are its main features. If Mingfei had mastered this a few months ago, the ghost at Sister Yiyong's wedding would have been , will be eliminated in an instant."

"Second, and the most important one, although it's a bit unbelievable to say this. But in fact, it's not that the sword move is bad, it's the child's own problem."

Teacher Lintaki paused and spoke uncertainly,

"In the past, there were indeed swordsmen whose bodies and temperaments could not adapt to water breathing, but this time it is really different."

"This time, it is not the Breath of Water that is rejecting the child, but the child is rejecting the Breath of Water. Does it feel like the Breath of Water is being rejected?"

Teacher Lintaki took off his mask and pinched his brows.

"Actually, the Breath of Rock and Breath of Flame that Mingfei has mastered also have a similar situation. Yanzhu and I originally thought it was due to age, but now it seems that it is more than that."

"I always feel that it's not him who is rejecting the power."

He relaxed his brows and felt the warm sun falling on his cheeks.

"However, the specific reason is no longer important. What is important is that Mingfei's road here has come to an end."

"Summer has arrived before I know it. I hope that child Mingfei can make new progress in Purgatory."

"Ha~? Can we still make progress?" Qiang Tu became rarely decadent.

"That guy Mingfei won't wait for a while before killing him directly, right?"

"It's not that easy. Just a string can kill ordinary ghosts with vampire skills." Lintaki knocked Qiu Rabbit's head angrily, but no matter how angry the expression on that gentle face was, To give a big discount,

"I was already over thirty when I reached the point where I could kill someone."

"No matter how perverted he is, it will take a while."

"Teacher, how long do you think it will be?"

"It has to take two years anyway. Even if you can kill Xioxian, you can get the title of Pillar. The most talented swordsman in these years also spent nearly ten years."

"What, so slow?"

"Why are you slow? I don't think about his age. I remember he is the same as you. Are you both twelve years old? By the way, Yiyong and Zhenshen are here, why don't they come to see Mingfei off?"

"Are they?" Qiang Tu shrugged and said in an inexplicable tone, "They are stimulated and are working hard to practice more?"

"However, Teacher Lintaki, what you said may not be accurate. For example, Mingfei only spent two months on this training to chop boulders, which is far different from the one or two years you expected."

Lintaki put on the mask and remained silent.

This was indeed beyond his expectation.


A dark shadow flashed across the treetops, and the dead child was hovering among the treetops. Its slightly stronger body seemed to say that it had not been idle during this period.

"Teacher Lintaki, these kids are training, so I can't sit idle here anymore."

Qiang Rabbit looked at the dead child who started to fly and hover. As he looked from top to bottom, his eyes fell on the boy who was drifting away, and he smiled with emotion.

"Although I am lagging behind, I am the same. I don't want to be pulled too far behind by him."

【Breath and Bond·Epiphany under the Spring Waterfall·? ? , the ending is over. 】

[Breath and Bond·Fireworks blooming outside the courtyard in summer·? ? , the curtain opens,]

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