Dragon Clan: No one wants me, Lu Mingfei

Chapter 321 A family of three emperors, both father and son are idiots

The sudden pure love warrior did not give the fierce ghosts who had survived the accidental injuries of their teammates any time to explain. After introducing themselves, they began to call their names one by one.

"Urobuchi Gaku! Ono Gen! Nishikori Pei! Isayama Chuang!"

"Yoshiki Asai! Reiki Miyajima! Kohei Horikoshi! Kodachi is shocked!"

The heads of the eight lucky people all exploded into fireworks, and white, red, green, black, yours, mine, and his were mixed together to form a bloody picture.

Seeing several headless corpses crashing to the ground, Sakurai Kogure, who had not yet recovered from the surprise and confusion of escaping from death, blinked her watery eyes and looked up at the cow hunter warriors who suddenly came out. Only then did he discover that the other party was the partner of Lord Dragon King.

The king of hell called the killing scene like a roll call, making her forget to say thank you first: "Xia...Master Xia Di, do you know these people?"

Xia Di shook his head: "I don't know, I was just reading about the guys on the hunting list."

Sakurai Kogure was a little stunned when he heard this. Although he knew that the situation was wrong, he still said weakly: "Are those tauren warriors?"

After all, she is a Japanese girl. She is beautiful and was sent to the Dragon King as a maid, so naturally she has been exposed to some relevant knowledge.

"Um..." Looking at the girl who seemed to have suffered brain damage in the explosion just now and whose IQ has declined, Xia Di rarely showed her lower limit, but pointed to the rooftop door and politely reminded:

"Um, are you really going to leave the wounded covered with wounds alone?"

Hearing this, Sakurai Kogure quickly got up from the ground and ran quickly to move the Dragon King. After all, a group of fierce ghosts had just rushed into the building. It would be terrible if someone was crazy enough to fire cannons or throw grenades upstairs.

At this time, Yuan Zhennu was half leaning against the wall. The blood oozing from the wound on his back slid down the wall and condensed into a large pool of blood on the ground. He was seriously injured and now felt weak all over and his brain was dizzy. It seemed like he could faint at any time, but he still managed to hold on and not fall down.

The back of the drooping right hand was empty, leaving only three shallow marks, proving that there had been a contract command spell.

Hearing the familiar male voice outside and the urgent footsteps of Sakurai Kogure, his tense nerves that refused to relax finally relaxed, and he almost lost his breath:

"Hmph, I almost thought you would say that there was a traffic jam on the road and I would be late."

Just now when Sakurai Kogure dragged him into the rooftop door and chose to go out alone to meet the enemy, he used the last command spell.

Although Xia Di did not show up at the first moment, she was not as late as Zhengyi and protected Sakurai Kogure at the critical moment.

Just when Sakurai Kogure ran closer to check whether his injuries had worsened, the fierce ghosts who were noisily rushing downstairs suddenly stopped in their tracks. After a few curses and scoldings, they screamed again and again. It seemed that they had encountered an invincible enemy. of enemies.

Turning her head with all her strength, Yuan Zhennu clearly saw Xia Di standing on the railing at the edge of the rooftop. The arm holding the gun kept moving for a few breaths before pulling the trigger. It looked like he was playing a mutated version of whack-a-mole.

So who's downstairs?

Is it Master Yue of unknown origin, or...

Without thinking too much, Minamoto's head was straightened by Sakurai Kogure. The girl's anxious eyes stared at him closely: "My lord, I can't sleep. I'll take you to the hospital later."

His movements just now were a bit weak, and the girl mistook them as a sign of fainting. Sakurai Kogure knew how to give emergency treatment, but it was hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. She didn't even have a bandage or iodine on her hand, and she didn't even have a substitute for Minamoto's child. I couldn't even clean the wound.

In desperation, she looked at her relatively clean clothes and grabbed the hem of her shirt to tear it off. However, just as she exerted her strength with her hands and the pure cotton fabric made a "squeak" sound, a man suddenly appeared at the door. The slender figure quietly observed the movements of the two people with his slightly blue eyes.

At the same time, the battle downstairs also ended quickly. The sound of hurried footsteps came in an instant. A man holding an ancient sword slowly walked out from the corner platform of the stairs below. His face was cold and complicated, and a pair of black eyes stared blankly at Yi Qiang. The young girl sitting there.

Sensing the strange movement on her side, Minamoto's head was held by Sakurai Kogure, making it difficult to move. She could only turn her eyes and saw the familiar figure who had been thinking about it day and night.

"elder brother……"

After softly reciting the name of the person who was buried in her heart and didn't know how to face it, Yuan Zhinu felt at ease that her eyesight went dark and her body collapsed limply.



Seeing Minamoto's body trembled and her bloody body sliding down the wall, both Sakurai Kogure and Minamoto felt anxious. The latter even rushed forward in two or two steps and half-crouched in front of his younger brother. I wanted to give him CPR.

Just seeing Yuan Zhennu's body that was so thin that her ribs could be seen and the bleeding wound on her back, she didn't dare to act rashly for fear of aggravating the injury, so she could only tear off her own clothes to stop the bleeding.

Upon seeing this, Sakura at the door took out a small and exquisite flashlight with strong light to provide lighting for the emergency scene.

Downstairs, Master Yue has gone crazy. Wearing a long black trench coat, he shuttles through the crowd with a Tang-like sword. Every time he passes a person, a line of blood will be drawn, and either the head will fly up or the person will be cut off in the middle. The body slowly split into two.

On the other side, Yasha wielded a two-meter-long naginata and pushed forward slowly, inflicting blows on all the fierce ghosts who had not yet died. Many of them were hybrids who had been knocked down from upstairs by their teammates and had taken the evolution potion. Physically powerful like Deadpool. He fell more than 20 meters high and didn't die.

The two of them joined forces with Xia Di, who was playing whack-a-mole upstairs, to exterminate the incoming fierce ghosts. When the two of them on the ground were about to go to the rooftop to meet Yuan Zhisheng, they saw him holding a blood-covered person in the posture of a princess. The thin boy rushed out.

Because of the smoky smoke, Minamoto's face was dark, and the sky was dark at the moment. Uesugi couldn't see clearly what his shirtless son looked like, but when he saw his miserable appearance covered in blood, he didn't bother to care about anything else and hurriedly greeted him. He went up and said with concern:

"How is he? Is the injury serious?"

It's just that Yuan Zhisheng was concerned about his brother's safety at the moment, so he was not in the mood to talk nonsense. He just nodded and walked past, picked a car at random and stuffed Yuan Zhisheng into it.

Sakurai Kogure, who followed closely behind, sat in the back seat to take care of Minamoto Chi-nu, while Sakura sat in the passenger seat. As soon as she fastened her seat belt, the car started. Minamoto Chi-chi drove anxiously towards the black doctor's address given by Xia Di. Drive away.

Before they could get into the car, Master Yue and Yaksha looked at each other in disbelief at the taillights of the car, and finally grabbed a car and followed them.

Silence returned to the streets strewn with corpses. After waiting for a long time, the residents who were disturbed by the sound of gunfire got out of bed in fear. They did not dare to turn on the lights. After opening the doors and windows and looking outside for a while, they all rushed into the toilet with disgusting expressions and vomited. Very vomiting.

Not long after, the Japanese police arrived at the scene, and many people also directly or indirectly stated what they had eaten last night.

On the other side, Yuan Zhisheng drove quickly to a single-family house without any signs or signs. He got out of the car and picked up his younger brother. Sakura had already knocked on the door of the house, and a man in a black coat and a butterfly wave came out. man with tie.

The opponent had long hair that was half black and half white, and there was a long and narrow scar on his face from his right forehead to the base of his left ear. If it weren't for the wrong color on half of his face, Yuan Zhisheng would have almost thought it was the strange doctor Black Jack.

Cos Strange Doctor Black Jack's doctor took off his mask, revealing a handsome face with a solemn expression. Xia Di stepped aside to open the door and commanded: "Hurry, carry the patient in quickly. If you wait any longer, the wound will be healed. We must hurry up." Take out the shrapnel before that!"


Why you again? !

Resisting the strong desire to complain, I used my body of words to hold my brother and rush into the black clinic.

Although the clinic is small, it is well-equipped with all kinds of surgical instruments. The moment Yuan Zhongnu was put on the operating table, Xia Di appeared. Putting on surgical clothes, he held a lancet and completed the cleaning with a snap of his fingers. Create.

Then, all the sterilized iodine in his hands was poured on the back of the young girl, regardless of whether the surgical field of view was blocked, and the onlookers were not even dispersed. There was no thought of a sterile surgical environment or preoperative anesthesia.

Witnessed by three family members, Xia Di began his illegal medical practice.

He used his hand to tear open the wound with the knife, used a hemostat to pinch out the metal fragments stuck in Yuan Zhenyu's body, and then sutured the wound with lightning speed, so fast that only an afterimage of his hand was left.

After only 10 seconds, the surgical operation came to an end.

After the wound on his back was properly treated, Xia Di turned Yuan Zhisheng over, raised his hand and took a rag and wiped it on his face, instantly revealing a delicate face that was 70% similar to Yuan Zhisheng's.

Then, under the stunned gazes of Yuan Zhisheng and the other three, he took out a pack of plasma disguised in ketchup packaging from the refrigerator filled with snacks, and quickly transfused Yuan Zhisheng's blood.

The blood transfusion treatment took effect very quickly. The comatose boy woke up almost as soon as the blood flowed into the blood vessels of Yuan Zhongnu's arm.

Her brain was still a little dazed. As soon as she opened her eyes, she was almost blinded by the blinding light. She wanted to raise her hands to cover her eyes, but found that her whole body hurt, especially her back, which felt like it was being burned by fire.

Not allowing him to think too much, a yin-yang head poked out from beside him. The doctor, who looked exactly like his unscrupulous partner, had a smile on his face. His tone was as gentle as the spring breeze blowing on his face, but his words were as cold as the cold wind in the winter moon:

"Are you awake? The operation was successful. You are a real girl now."

After hearing these words, Yuan Zhinu, who had felt numb and sore all over her body just now, and her brain was extremely drowsy, suddenly regained consciousness and raised her hand to touch her little friend.

He just likes kabuki dramas and wants to become a very good kabuki actor. He doesn't really want to become a girl.

However, as soon as he raised his hand, he was held by someone, and then Sakurai Komu's slightly excited voice sounded in his ears: "Sir, please don't worry, Master Xia Di has already treated all your wounds. I was just joking with you,"

Hearing the familiar voice, especially the reassuring words, Minamoto Chime finally breathed a sigh of relief. Just when she was about to raise her head and ask where she was now, she heard the door of the operating room being pushed open suddenly, and then there was Uesugi Yue's hurried look. the sound of:

"Who? Who turned into a girl?!"

Turning around, he saw Master Yue, who was wearing a long black windbreaker, nervously approaching him. His eyes glanced back and forth on him. After seeing that he was intact, with no extra baggage or missing important parts, he felt relieved. tone.

But then Master Yue's expression changed again. He raised his eyes to look at his left side, and then returned his gaze to his face, as if he was comparing something carefully.

Sensing something was wrong, Yuan Jingnu looked to her left, and saw the longing man standing aside with his arms holding a sword. The incandescent light only illuminated half of his body, and the remaining half was still hidden. In the shadows.

Yuan Zhimu looked at her brother's tattered clothes and the blood stains that had not yet been cleaned, and an imperceptible joy flashed in her eyes. It seemed that her brother still loved him.

Obviously he had done so many things that were sorry for his brother, even more egregious than the murder of his female classmates, but his brother did not kill him immediately, but sent him to the hospital for treatment. No matter what the reason was, Purpose, but at this moment, Yuan Zongnu feels very happy.

When Yuan Zhisheng looked at his emaciated brother lying on the operating table, all the anxiety and anger he felt just now dissipated, leaving only mixed emotions in his heart.

He didn't look at Yuan Zhongnu's eyes that were as eager as a little rabbit, but also worried and hesitant. He just looked quietly at the shallow scar on the left side of his brother's chest, which was a penetrating wound left by his own hands.

And Yuan Zhennu seemed to be aware of where her brother's gaze was. She raised the hand that was transfusing blood with difficulty, covering the scar that was like a natural chasm separating life and death.

For a moment, there was only silence between the brothers.

And Uesugoshi's surprised eyes glanced back and forth between the two brothers. Before, he felt strange why Sakurai Kogure appeared at the scene of the attack. Only now did he suddenly realize that the boy named Sakurai Ruri in the hospital was him. 's youngest son.

So the question is, is the story told by the younger son about being saved by the older son true or false?

If it is true, where is the priest buried? He was going to whip the corpse.

If it is fake, where did Yuan Zongnu’s creative inspiration come from?

And there is another question. He clearly sees that the two brothers look so similar now. Why did he not associate him with "Sakurai Ruri" when he met his eldest son at the shrine, and they fought at close range for two or three minutes? I haven't noticed any similarities between the two, so what's the problem?

Is it because his old eyesight is dim, or is someone obstructing him?

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a man combing his wig. Uesugoshi immediately understood who was behind the scenes and glared at the innocent-looking Xia Di angrily.

If looks could kill, then Xia Di might have died thousands of times at this moment.

The old father's anger successfully attracted Xia Di's attention. His eyes wandered between the father and son for a moment, and then he suddenly clapped his hands and gave Uesugi a look that said, "I understand you, please feel free to leave it to me." Then he cleared his throat and said:

"Well, everyone's eyes are on me. I have something to announce."

As soon as these words came out, both the three subordinates who were watching the show silently and the two brothers who were silently looking at each other all focused their attention on Xia Di, wanting to hear what this mysterious man had to say.

Uesugi Yue heard the evil intentions in Xia Di's words, and was about to rush forward to stop him from saying anything sarcastic, but just when he was about to take action, he found that his hands and feet were not obeying him at all, as if he was rooted to the ground and couldn't move. If he wanted to speak, he couldn't open his mouth at all, so he could only stare at Xia Di with splitting eyes.

"Before announcing this matter, let me introduce the characters." Xia Di stepped forward and stood under the shadowless lamp, raising his hand and pointing to the young girl Yuan who was lying on the operating table with one hand covering her chest:

"This is Yuan Zhennu, a stupid brother who was deceived and became lame."

Then he turned around and pointed at Yuan Zhisheng, who looked cold, and said with ridicule:

"This is Yuan Zhisheng, an idiot brother who was deceived and became lame."

Under the unkind gazes of the two brothers, he raised his hand and pointed at Uesugoshi, who was fixed in place and unable to move, with a sigh on his face:

"This is Uesugoshi, an idiot father who was deceived into a fool, and finally came to his senses and decided to die alone."

After he finished speaking, for fear that both parties involved would not understand, he added: "Yes, he is the biological father of a pair of idiot brothers who were deceived and became lame."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked. Both the Genji brothers and the three subordinates looked at Uesugoshi in disbelief as he stood expressionless, with Unbelievable written on his face!

After a brief shock, Yuan Zhisheng categorically denied: "It's impossible, our biological father is dead, and the parents personally admitted that he died in a gangster struggle!"


I recommend a friend's book "Douluo: Martial Soul Gengar, Soul Palace Protector". The author is cute and easy to bully. You are welcome to tease him!

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