Dragon Clan: No one wants me, Lu Mingfei

Chapter 325: Go join a mixed-race family named Chen

"Although I don't think there is any friendship between the two countries, after all, there is still a group of elite Japanese thieves working hard to help you launder the land. Seeing how hard they take the money, I still reluctantly confirm it again. , do you stick to your point of view?" Xia Di supported her chin with one hand, and the smile on her face was meaningful.

Sakurai Kogure was horrified when she saw this. Although she knew that there was no true friendship between countries, only exchanges of interests, after all, that was what the textbook said... So she still insisted on her point of view: "After the establishment of diplomatic relations in the last century, Haven’t we all turned enemies into friends?”


Listening to the girl's innocent answer, Xia Di chuckled and tapped her finger on the table: "Since we are friends, would you mind if I grow some mushrooms in Japan?"

As he spoke, the projection screen behind him changed. In a spacious white room, twenty large torpedoes were neatly placed. Each torpedo was painted with a different cartoon pattern, including pink pigs, The Powerpuff Girls, Cardcaptor Sakura's summoned beast Kerberos, the white cat with a gold collar on its long pink ears, the sheep with a daddy hairstyle standing on two feet...

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that these big guys are not torpedoes. They have a more formal name - "Trident II" submarine ballistic missiles.

Each Trident II ballistic missile can carry eight nuclear warheads, and each nuclear warhead is five times as powerful as a "Little Boy", which means that these 20 missiles are equivalent to 160 Little Boys.

Not to mention the red archbishop, even God himself couldn't bear it when he came.

Looking at the comments floating on the projection screen and the man holding a palette and painting on the missile, Uesugi felt that his faith had become less pious at this moment.

Looking at the rows of ballistics, everyone fell into silence. There was no doubt that the mushroom in Xia Di's mouth was not an edible fungus, but a product of a nuclear explosion with high temperature, heat and radiation.

Sakurai Kogure's bright eyes were wide open at this moment, and her small mouth was half-opened, unable to say a word, giving people the beauty of a missing brain stem.

Yuan Zhisheng's pupils shrank suddenly, and with a hoarse voice, he corrected the error in the annotation on the projection screen: "Not all missiles carry eight nuclear warheads, and half of these missiles only carry four nuclear warheads."

"Oh, how do you know?" Not only Xia Di, but the other three people except Ying also looked at Yuan Zhisheng.

Looking at the man sitting in the trial seat, the young head of the Yuan family had complicated eyes, and his expression was a bit unbelievable and horrifying: "Because the US military is still looking for their whereabouts."

I still remember that in early August, a meteor crashed into the Pacific Ocean. The tsunami it caused did not cause any large-scale disaster, but the transport ship of the Sheqi Eight Family and the US military nuclear submarine were destroyed by it.

At that time, the Sheqi Eight Family concluded that the sound of the falling meteor awakened an ancient dragon sleeping in the deep sea. The pure-blood dragons who were extremely angry after waking up went to kill them wherever they went. But what puzzled them was that the Sheqi Eight Family The smuggled arms and the nuclear bombs carried by the US military nuclear submarines have disappeared. The search scope has almost expanded to the East China Sea, but nothing has been found.

"Who are you?" After all, unable to suppress the doubts in his heart, Yuan Zhisheng asked this question that the whole world was paying attention to.

Miraculous means, unheard of abilities, weapons that reappear in the sky, and a traveler from China. If the man in front of him is the ancient dragon that ran rampantly from the Pacific into the Chinese waters, Yuan Zhisheng doesn't think it is unacceptable.

Unfortunately, he was destined not to get the answer he wanted. Xia Di just glanced at him and banged the gavel again, signaling everyone to return their attention to the case:

"My identity does not matter. If there is any diplomatic dispute, I can dismantle the Japanese cabinet and parliament and reorganize it, ensuring that one hundred people can put together one hundred and twenty corpses.

The top priority is to get a verdict quickly, and I can’t wait to get off work and take a break. "

No one responded.

After a long silence, the ninja girl stood up and spoke: "President, China has a saying about atonement. You are behind the chaos that Minamoto Girl created in Tokyo. It can be seen that you are afraid of the world... and you are happy to see it. to such a situation.

And Uesugoshi also regretted what he had done afterwards, and even went so far as to kill the eight Sheqi families. When he rescued the young master just now, he did not forget to kill the priest again and burn the shrine again.

In Japan, there should be a lot of people you dislike and buildings you want to destroy. If you don't want to get your hands dirty, you may be able to let them do it for you, thereby reducing the punishment on you. "

Sakura, who grew up on the battlefield, understands the importance of killing with one strike. In the war-torn Afghanistan, a child killer can get very little remuneration. Even if she is the most powerful one, the price quoted is not high.

She doesn't have an agent to help negotiate business, and the guerrillas who call themselves jihadists are also very cunning. The targets given to her are often the type that are difficult to kill and pay little.

But Sakura has never been picky. If she completes an assassination and saves the money she earns, she can survive for seven or eight days. However, if she is injured or exhausted during the assassination, she will have to stop her rest early and continue to accept the assassination mission, otherwise she will Will be hungry.

She didn't have enough to eat for a long time after her parents died, so she hated the feeling of being hungry, so she was very careful every time she carried out an assassination mission, and was fully prepared to kill the target as quickly as possible. Kill and eliminate the possibility of injury.

Later, she awakened the spirit of words, and killing became a simple matter. However, she still adhered to the principle of killing with one strike, and over time she became a ghost assassin in the market.

But now, she was unable to use the word spirit to complete a one-hit kill, so she regained the observation and analysis skills that she had honed on the battlefield and was praised by the Fuma family ninjas. She successfully saw through the nature of Xia Dile's people and proposed to get a penalty that suits his wishes.

"Ying, strong, brave and smart Sakura, I really like you more and more." Xia Di looked at the beautiful girl with a cold face and sighed softly:

"Although I really want to give you a face, your young master may not agree. He is a friend of justice. How could he watch his father and brother kill innocent people and destroy them indiscriminately just to survive? Where is the city~

In that case, what does his persistence mean? Nothing is protected, right? "

After listening to his words, everyone silently looked at Yuan Zhisheng who lowered his head and said nothing.

During this half-day, the young head of the Yuan family was like riding a roller coaster in the Conan Theater. His mental journey was full of ups and downs, with the risk of collapse in the middle.

When he got off the plane, he thought he was the savior of the Sheqi family; when he arrived at the headquarters building, he was wrongly accused of being a traitor and a prisoner; after escaping from the shrine, he was found guilty of collaborating with the enemy and defecting; when he sent his younger brother to see a doctor, he accidentally learned His biological father is still alive, and his adopted father, whom he respects immensely, has an unknown side and is even suspected of leading their brothers to turn against each other.

The guy who caused heavy losses to the eight Sheqi families was sitting on the trial bench, wanting to execute his younger brother and father. If he wanted to let them live, he could only violate his own conscience and justice.

With his loved ones on one side, and justice he was determined to defend to the death on the other, Yuan Zhisheng felt that his soul and body were being pulled by an invisible force, as if it was about to be split in two, exposing his fragile inner self.

His upright body did not mean to be rickety, but his arms with bulging veins and slightly trembling shoulders exposed his inner struggle, making people know the terrible pressure he was under at the moment.

The red-gold eyes lit up, and the eyes like a trapped animal were looming under the messy broken hair. Yuan's childish face twitched, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and his brain was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

He knew that Xia Di didn't care what they thought, saw or said. This man just wanted to see their family's jokes, and the ultimate goal was to force him to make a choice.

If he chooses a family member and allows the young girl to redeem her sins, it will inevitably start a large-scale war between the fierce ghosts and the Sheqi family. Not only will there be countless casualties among the mixed-race species, but innocent civilians will also be involved in the war. This is definitely not in line with him. of Bushido.

But if you choose to stick to justice, what should the child do? He has already died once because of his justice. In the final analysis, he is just a child who is being used...

Yuan Jingnu has never seen her brother like this. Even when he stabbed her chest with a knife half a year ago, she had never been so painful and fragile. It seemed that as long as you put another straw on him, he could be completely destroyed. Crushed.

Just when he couldn't bear his brother's continued torture, Uesugi Yue, who was beside him, spoke: "Don't embarrass him. All the blame lies with me. If someone must die, let me die alone."

A kind and kind smile appeared on the face of this old man who had been escaping for nearly sixty years. His eyes swept over Minamoto's child, Sakurai Kogure... Yabuki Sakura one by one, and finally landed on Minamoto's child. There was no trace between his eyebrows. Regret, only satisfaction:

"I have done many wrong things in my life. I should not have left my mother, I should not have coveted comfort and enjoyment, I should not have supported the war, I should not have deceived young people into going to the battlefield, I should not have killed innocent family members, and I should not have run away from the people on my shoulders. Responsibility, the only right thing to do may be to cut off the royal blood in my generation.

In fact, I really want to say that the genetic samples should not be sent to Germany. Then the two brothers would not be born, and they would not have to suffer so many painful things. My years of self-defense would not be in vain.

But seeing you appear next to me, so beautiful and handsome, with the same stubbornness and persistence as me, makes my heart feel warmer than ever before. "

Raising his hand to open the gate of the dock, he took off his night-like long windbreaker and put it on his younger son, covering his thin body. Then he gently held the slightly helpless young man in his arms, venting his absence wantonly. For more than ten years of fatherly love and warmth.

The young girl was hugged tightly by two thick and powerful hands, leaning stiffly in her father's arms, her head was pressed on the not-so-strong chest, and she could hear the clear and powerful heartbeat in her ears. The shadow at this moment The emperor is no longer a monarch who visits all living beings, but is just an old father who expresses his love.

"I'm a little too thin. I need to eat more in the future." He gently stroked his youngest son's back with his big hand. Uesugi said no more sensational words. He just left a simple warning and let go. With a hug, he walked towards the boy who was still struggling with himself.

The seventeen-year-old boy was almost as tall as his old father. Uesugi raised his hand to push away the messy bangs from his eldest son's forehead, revealing his handsome face with frowning eyes and a slightly ferocious look. .

He reached out with his thumb and crushed the word Sichuan between his eyebrows. Master Yue showed a hearty smile: "No girl will like it if you keep frowning."

He reached out and patted Yuan's strong shoulder. The old man, who was a father for the first time in his life, didn't know what experience to impart to his son at the last moment of his life, so he decided to show off his best skills.

He winked at Sakura who was sitting next to him and said earnestly: "Don't waste bad girls, don't let down good girls. If you like it, be brave enough to say it out. Holding it in your heart will only become an eternal regret."

After wandering around flowers all his life, Uesugi felt he deserved to be called the Saint of Love. He could tell at a glance that his two sons were babies. Although the younger son looked weak and pitiful, in his heart he had a slut like his biological father. personality, and seems to have made a lifelong commitment to the girl named Sakurai Kogure.

And this eldest son, who seems to be more likely to attract the attention of the opposite sex, is the kind of idiot who has an awkward personality, is not good at showing his heart, and likes to hide things in his heart.

If no one gave him a push, he might never take the initiative to take a step forward in his life.

Then he looked at the two beautiful girls and said in a tone as if he was explaining the funeral affairs: "The two beautiful little girls, the infant and the infant, will be left in your care."

After he finished speaking, he seemed to remember again. He took out an envelope from his pocket and put it in front of Yuan Zhisheng: "Here are all my savings. Although your father, I am just a ramen seller, I have been selling ramen for more than fifty years." You have also saved a lot, enough for you to leave Japan and start your life again.

Your grandma is half Chinese, and she comes from a medium-sized mixed-race family with moderate strength. If she hadn't been annihilated in the fire, she might have become a powerful person.

If you really don’t know where to go in the future, I recommend you go to China and join them.

Well, your grandma's name is Charlotte Chen. Just go and ask about the mixed-race family with the surname Chen. "

Just as Uesugoshi was doing his best to plan for his son and daughter-in-law, Xia Di from above suddenly interjected:

"Well, I'm sorry to interrupt you. The mixed-race family you mentioned may or may not be around anymore. Even if you go to China, there's a high chance that you won't be able to find anyone."

Hearing this, Uesugi Yue looked at Xia Di in surprise and had a bad feeling in his heart: "How do you know?"

Xia Di smiled shyly and rubbed her hands in embarrassment: "Hehe, I found someone to kill him."

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