Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 10 010 Chu Zihang

Chapter 10 010.Chu Zihang

"Actually, I was supposed to show you specimens of real dragons or something, but this trip is a little rushed. If you need it later, you can come to my office to find me." The principal and Zero stopped. Outside the station, the Maserati GranCabrio stepped on the accelerator, and this expensive and beautiful big toy roared onto the mountain road.

Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi looked at each other.

"I have a question I don't know whether to ask or not, junior sister..."

"I don't know if I should ask or not, so I suggest you don't ask." Xia Mi put his hands between his eyebrows to cover the first ray of sunshine in the early morning in Illinois, and his clear eyes reflected the fine gold cut by the leaves. The junior sister stretched her slender and graceful body in front of Lu Mingfei. Every line was youthful and beautiful, and her white calves were tight, drawing a beautiful arc.

There was a Lincoln parked at the corner. The elongated body was painted in black. Boys wearing white T-shirts and sunglasses and girls in school uniforms got out of it.

After seeing clearly who was coming, Xia Mi hid his entire body behind Lu Mingfei.

"You are 13 minutes late." Chu Zihang took off his sunglasses and helped Lu Mingfei take the box in his hand naturally and smoothly, "Why don't you use the college's gift and shipping service?"

"Can you please stop mentioning this..." Lu Mingfei covered his face.

"I'm Su Qian, the president's assistant." The tall girl next to Chu Zihang greeted Lu Mingfei Xiami gracefully, her high-tied ponytail bouncing slightly, and her delicate and somewhat heroic face looked like a sister. smile.

"Lu Mingfei, she is Xia Mi, and our senior brother and I were alumni before." Lu Mingfei said.

Susie nodded: "I know you, junior brother, the only S-level, the president often mentions you." "What about me, senior brother has ever mentioned me?" Xia Mi stood on tiptoe and asked.

The person who answered her was not Su Qian but Chu Zihang: "I mentioned it once or twice." "What about Senior Brother Lu?" Xia Mi asked again.

Chu Zihang: "Mention it every day."

Lu Mingfei: "..."


"Brother, why are you wearing sunglasses all the time?" Lu Mingfei said to himself as he watched Chu Zihang help him move all his things into the dormitory, and then carefully help him sort the gifts, make the bed, and fold the quilt neatly. He is such a good man, no wonder Junior Sister was so in love with him before.

Chu Zihang stood in front of Lu Mingfei. He did not speak, but slowly took off his sunglasses to cover his eyes, revealing a pair of never-extinguishing golden pupils. Deep in these pupils, there were tiny golden The flocculation resembles a dragon surging in lava. For a moment, a majestic light illuminated Chu Zihang's face.

"Something happened to my body, as you can see." Chu Zihang said while putting on his sunglasses again.

But Lu Mingfei nudged him with his shoulder: "You are very domineering, senior brother, very handsome. What does that assistant senior sister have to do with you?" Lu Mingfei's thoughts jumped like a toad on a lotus leaf, and disappeared as soon as he jumped. .

Chu Zihang said: "The relationship between superiors and subordinates is that I am the president of the Lion Heart Club, and she is the vice president and assistant to the president of the Lion Heart Club. I heard that you also want to participate in the Freedom Day, right?" Jumping in thinking In this matter, Chu Zihang was no inferior to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei looked shocked: "Brother, you are spying on me! Are you the FBI?"

Chu Zihang handed the phone to Lu Mingfei. It was the Night Watch Forum.

For quite a long time, Lu Mingfei has dominated the hot news on the Night Watch Forum. The first news that Lu Mingfei would join Free One Day came from more than three months ago in May. The following comments exceed Five hundred items.

"On the next Free Day, a new king will be crowned here. The destined leader and the only S-class Lu Mingfei will visit his loyal Kassel Academy."

The accompanying picture is a secretly photographed photo of him standing outside the door of Quanjude Roast Duck. Looking at that angle, it is definitely Nono.

Scroll down to see the latest news, six in a row, all produced by the Information Department.

"Monsters from the East Enter America."

"The unspeakable cannibal is approaching Illinois."

“Despicable Chinese set foot in Chicago.”

"Lu Mingfei boarded the CC1000 express train."

"The rising star of the hybrid breed, the only S-Class, rolls out of a Chicago train station."

"The new supreme king arrived in his loyal Kassel today, and his most fanatical press department is always waiting for the verification of His Majesty the Emperor!"

——"The Minister of Information, Fingel, is from the student union. According to the younger brother in the Information Department, he was coerced by Caesar, but the deterrent effect of this coercion is weakening with your arrival." Chu Zihang explained road.

Lu Mingfei held his forehead, thinking that Fingel was still Fingel, there was no change at all, and his moral integrity had probably really been thrown away.

Chu Zihang said: "The Lion Heart Club and the Student Union are very restless. They think you are too arrogant and they want to unite on Freedom Day and kick you out first."

"But senior brother, aren't you the president of the Lion Heart Society?"

Chu Zihang was silent for a moment: "I proposed it."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

Chu Zihang continued to help clean up the room. He explained: "I have been no longer your opponent a long time ago. It is unrealistic to defeat you alone. For this reason, I chose to join forces with the president of the student union." He was actually talking about himself. Before they awakened their bloodline, Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei fought with swords at that time. However, Lu Mingfei's two-sword style was the product of receiving devil training from the principal, and was certainly not the half-baked swordsmanship that Chu Zihang learned in the Children's Palace. Comparable.

But now that Senior Brother Chu Murasame is in hand, with three violent blood attacks, the next generation can't compete with each other, so how can he compare with the past.

Lu Mingfei had a sad face.

"You still have a week to prepare. You can apply for the Frigga Bullet at the Equipment Department." Chu Zihang said. He glanced at Lu Mingfei, "You can also join the Lion Heart Club. I am willing to give you the position of president." I'll give it to you, because you are stronger than me. This way you don't have to face the two biggest clubs in the school at the same time, and you can still compete for the victory of Free Day."

Lu Mingfei put down the broom in his hand, tilted his head to look at Chu Zihang, and smiled.

"Senior brother, you should know what we are going to face, right?" Lu Mingfei asked softly. He leaned against the wall, the early morning sunlight fell on the side of his face, and his eyes were hidden in the shadows.

Chu Zihang's golden eyes looked at Lu Mingfei through his sunglasses, and he nodded: "Dragon."

"A war is approaching. I need a greater voice and higher prestige. You and Caesar's status in the school is too high. If I join the Lionheart Club, even if I win, I will only be regarded as Senior brother, you are your vassal." Lu Mingfei's voice did not have too many waves. He was calmly stating a fact, "This is not what I want to see. As the Ministry of Information said, the new king came to Kassel, but the new king came to Kassel. The king's ascension to the throne will surely step on the corpse of the old king."

Chu Zihang was silent for a long time.

Lu Mingfei moved his eyes out of the shadows. Chu Zihang was not sure whether the golden color in his eyes, which was more dazzling than lava, was the color of golden pupils or the reflection of the sun, but he was suddenly stunned.

Lu Mingfei's expression was too determined.

Determined as if you were carrying a mountain that you couldn't put down.

"Then we are waiting for you to join the game, Lu Mingfei." Chu Zihang said that he would not let go, but he would be very happy if Lu Mingfei won.

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