Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 127 126 Kriska

Chapter 127 126. Kriska

The name of that steam train is Tonatiu, which has been in operation since 1941. At that time, the central station was only under construction and not in use. The big American capitalists from the north funded the construction of this independent railway. The track circles the entire old town of Rio de Janeiro, and there are even a large number of military posts along the way.

Tonatiu is the god of the blazing sun in Aztec mythology and the ruler of the last era of the five-solar cycle, the so-called fourth change.

The people who built it were obviously not short of money. Maintaining an independent railway track with a total length of more than 300 kilometers is absolutely an astronomical figure, but this train has been running in Rio de Janeiro for more than half a century.

The rich have more luxurious entertainment for their entertainment, but the poor will not spend a lot of money to ride a steam train just to enjoy the scenery of Rio de Janeiro's old city.

Neo the Boar knows who is paying for the operation of this train. Compared to that group of people, even Al Qaeda is considered a good person.

Among the people who provided funds for Tonatiu were several whom Neo the Boar had heard of. Those people were named Gattuso, Gaotingen and Laurent. Even with his shallow knowledge, he knew what kind of people were in the mixed race society. What does a last name mean?

That is absolute violence and absolute rule creator.

In the world of ordinary people, the families represented by these surnames mean the financial empire that controls the lifeline of the country, but in the dark side world that ordinary people cannot reach, they are the leaders of the secret party today.

Being an enemy of such an institution is the most unwise thing in the world, so even though Boar Neo knew that what he had done was probably exposed, he just didn't dare to go against the academy's requirements.

"Dear Kristina, no matter what happens later, please stand by my side." Although the little man was wearing hip-hop clothes, he walked dignified and restrained, as if he was walking on the grassland. Lion.

Their behavior was not close, and it could even be said that they were somewhat respectful to each other, but it could be seen that the boar Neo really cared about this Indian-blood girl named Chrisga.

The marble floor as smooth as a mirror reflects the girl's flower-like skirt. Her skin is pale, her ankles are slender, and she stands evenly like a lush tulip.

"I will, dear Neo, you are the only person I trust in this world. If the person coming off that train is a guest, we will hug him warmly and kiss him cheek to cheek, and if Those who got off that train are enemies. I am standing by your side and I will always be with you." Kriska's voice was as soft and graceful as a lark, but her tone was cold and she couldn't hear much. Feelings.

She was indeed grateful to the man next to her, but Kriska was a person with a cold nature. She was a true loner, as if all the joys and sorrows in the world had nothing to do with her. So I won’t express my gratitude.

In fact, this girl was not like this a long time ago.

She is a descendant of Mexican Indians who was born on an Indian reservation. She has been taught as a traditional Indian girl since birth.

When Neo the boar found her, she was wearing a men's long windbreaker that could almost cover her completely. The collar and hem of the clothes were almost covered in blood.

At that time, Krisga had two long braids and slightly rough skin, huddled in a garbage alley in the city, clutching a large-caliber revolver in an attempt to protect herself in the dark.

She really needs to do this, because Kriska is such a beautiful girl. Her facial features are exquisite, her skin is rough but as white as precious jade, and her body is slender and slim. Every part of her body is like a drop from the gods to the earth. Authentic.

That small town was full of drug addicts, robbers and black rap artists. The crime rate was one of the best in the entire western United States. A delicate girl could disappear into the chaotic night at any time if she was alone.

But Kriska's life was pretty good, except that she had no money.

Her family raised her until she was eleven years old and then abandoned Kristka, not only because of poverty, but also because her father from Mexico died in a mining accident, and her mother came from a traditional and feudal Indian family.

It was raining that day, and a group of Mexicans devoured the goods of Neo the boar. He was so angry that he led his younger brother to kill the small town.

In the darkness, the boar Neo and his friends rode a roaring motorcycle and smashed the rain curtain that covered the entire town wantonly, patrolling the land where his enemies were hidden.

There was a Russian man among them. The guy was built like a polar bear. He was the gold-medal thug of the biggest gang in Rio de Janeiro. He was cruel and perverted. He found Kristina in the garbage.

The gunfire roared and exploded with a thunderous sound, tearing through the darkness of the deep alley under the rain.

The bullet was stimulated by spinning and shattered a few falling water droplets, but it only scratched the Russian's arm. This in turn aroused his ferocity. The bear-like man was about to tear Krisja's arm into pieces almost immediately. Jacket.

She was still a thirteen-year-old girl at that time.

When Krisja was lifted up by the Russian's waist, the blood from the injured area on the man's arm flowed down his arm and onto Krisja's body.

She didn't say a word, just stared at him. The pain of almost breaking her spine did not make the thirteen-year-old child shed tears or show the slightest expression of pain.

At this time, in the darkness at the end of the deep alley, the bright light tore through the dead darkness. The beast-like motorcycle braked at high speed, and the tires made a screeching sound as they rubbed against the ground.

He was a small man with a lot of personality. His eyes were hidden under his eyelids, but the sound of a bullet being loaded was clearly audible.

"That's it, Kolewski, just a child." said the still young boar Neo.

He was an iron-blooded leader in his organization. As he spoke, he had already got out of the car, and something was held in his hands and held up. It was definitely a gun, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed at Kravus. Ji's back. Russian men have no doubt that if they do anything drastic, a bullet will pierce their heart in the next second.

More engines roared, and the little man stood in front of her, blocking the rain and the menacing gazes of the gunmen.

He stretched out his hand to wipe away the mud and blood on her face, and looked directly into her golden pupils that shone slightly with anger and hatred.

It was one of those rare moments in her life when she saw that chilling joy in a man's eyes.

Neo the boar happily hugged Kriska, but it was not because of the usual lust in the past, but rather as if he had seen a rare treasure or found a treasure cave hidden by pirates.

Krisja's golden pupils that lit up involuntarily did not scare him at all, but that kind of violence made Neo the boar ecstatic.

She was hated by the tribe precisely because of the pair of vertical pupils that looked like some kind of ancient reptile. Even her family members thought she was the reincarnation of the devil because of the pair of golden pupils. Her mother stayed away from her, leaving her with a child when she was young. Living on the streets.

The awakened hybrids among the Indians are mostly like this. They were abandoned when they were very young because of unknown reasons.

A hundred years ago, there was a girl like this in the first generation of Lion Heart Club, her name was Ghost.

The difference between Kriska and the ghost is that the ghost always wants to do something for her family to prove that she loves them, so that she may be able to gain their love and she will not be so lonely.

As for Kriska, she left her hometown when she was abandoned. She didn't love anyone who didn't love her, so her mother became a stranger. Since then, she has never seen her tribe members again, and she lives alone. Life.

But the guy in front of her gave her a different feeling, because the man's eyes actually lit up with a golden glow.

Although Krisja is sure that there is something else hidden in those eyes, it is nothing. People must be valuable to others. People who are worthless are abandoned. Only those who are valuable are qualified to become partners with others. .

Only worthy people are qualified to break away from the loneliness of fate.

"Are you willing to come with me? You will get the best education, you will change the world, and even become..." Neo the boar lifted Kristen up. The expression on his face was terrifying, but it seemed Trying hard to suppress it, suppressing it into the kind of gentleness that hides evil spirits,

"Emperor of the world," he said.

Kriska didn't understand what he meant, but she stared blankly at the man's eyes that exuded a faint golden light, and nodded after a long time.

When boarding the flight to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Kristina looked through the small porthole at the brightly lit New Mexico, her hometown that was getting farther and farther away.

It can’t be considered a hometown, because a real hometown should have people that one misses. Krisja has no one that she misses anymore. The last person who truly loved her died four years ago, and that scene killed one person. One hundred and thirty-one people were killed in a mining disaster.

"I have finally found you, Kristka. My dear Kristka, I have finally found you. You are the crown that I have been looking forward to. You are the legendary Holy Grail, and you are the greatest secret in the world." , I have been looking for you for three years, and finally found you." Neo the boar slowly turned his head, and for a moment Krisja seemed to see the evil ghost buried deep in his soul from the eyes of this little man.


The moment the boar Neo and his dear Kristina walked out from under the arch, huge fireworks burst out above their heads, and the entire sky was illuminated. Such huge fireworks covered every inch of the sky in the city. .

It seemed as if the whole of Rio de Janeiro was cheering to welcome the distinguished guest.

But suddenly something fell from the sky, and the thing leaped out of the white steam, like a leaping eagle.

Boar Neo's pupils shrank slightly, and he turned his head to look up at the sky. All the muscles in his body tensed instantly, and his bones made crackling sounds.

Violence has never been the only way to become a god, but it is relatively complete. The technology used by Boar Neo comes from a mysterious organization, but it is also dangerous and powerful and will not be used until the critical moment.

That was a very young boy, he fell from the sky, his eyes were lowered, he was tall and slender, but he had destructive power hidden in his body.

He held a short knife in his hand. The knife reflected the color of the fireworks, was gorgeous and sharp, and revealed a coquettish beauty in its coldness.

He stood in front of the boar Neo and Kriska, less than five steps away, with drooping eyebrows and drooping dagger, as if he was completely off guard.

"Who are you!" A thug from Neo the Boar's gang roared. At the same time, the AK47 slung behind his back slipped into his hand, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed directly at the boy's face. "Put down the weapon! Put down the weapon!"

The boy with drooping eyebrows continued to move forward, seemingly not hearing the roar of the thugs at all.

Boar Neo did not stop his men's actions. He frowned slightly, also wanting to see if the messenger from the academy was worthy of his serious treatment.

On the other hand, Krisga's calm eyes seemed to have changed a bit. She seemed to realize something.

The thugs raised their weapons one after another, and the dense forest of guns pointed at Lu Mingfei.

These people are desperadoes from all over the world. Everyone has blood on their hands. Their crimes are enough to be imprisoned for a lifetime in any country.

No matter how distinguished they are, they will still shoot.

Sharp light accompanied by misty steam suddenly crossed in front of them, and a fox-like black shadow flashed in front of everyone, and then all the guns were broken in the middle.

The fracture is smooth without any burrs.

There is such a sharp knife in the world, which can cut off the barrels of dozens of guns in an instant. Sparks are flying, and the fierce thugs don't even see the direction from which the knife was struck.

An upright old man appeared next to the boy. He was Japanese. He pointed a one-meter-long curved blade in his hand and locked his eyes on the throats of the seven or eight thugs.

At the slightest movement, the knife would cut their throats.

The old man's aura was as terrifying as an evil ghost. A dark golden light shimmered on the surface of the knife, and the sound of mechanical operation came from inside.

It was an ancient alchemical knife that used very ancient technology. The blade was affected by gear transmission and could be lengthened or shortened.

The old man's face was hidden in the long steam, and only the golden color could be vaguely seen in the slightly narrowed eyes. The golden color was so magnificent that it looked like a demon in front of ordinary people. These thugs had also seen the eyes of Neo the boar. His originally dark brown pupils would burst into a dull golden color when angry.

But compared with the brilliant light in the old man's eyes, the little man's golden pupils were like candlelight next to the bright moon.

Inuyama Ga's bloodline level reaches A level or even A+ level, while the boar Neo is just a waste that was forcibly catalyzed to A level by the evolution drug.

In the silence, the young man who appeared earlier stepped forward and stood beside the old man. His expression did not change, as if the relationship between them was just equality, and the young man even had a higher status than the old man.

"Neo the boar?" the young man said softly. He lifted the knife. The smooth blade suddenly reflected red and golden light like the sun.

The client invited me to go to the hot springs, and I didn’t have much time to write, so I owed four thousand, which I will make up later, eight thousand tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

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