Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 144 143 Miss Xia Mi’s Final Strategy (End) (10,000 words please subscribe)

Chapter 144 143. Miss Xia Mi’s Final Strategy (End) (10,000 words please subscribe)

Section 6: Brother Baigou’s loyalty value

This bustling and hurried city suddenly blew a strong wind tonight. The traffic lights on every street were flashing in disorder. The scaly dark clouds that were about to cover the whole city were torn apart from the west and the sea of ​​​​stars surged into the city. Above, a heavy rain was about to fall without warning. But in fact, the last heavy rain had just ended.

The most obvious external manifestation of the elemental turbulence stirred up by the Dragon King is the violent wind and rain that do not follow the laws of nature at all.

There was a rock band from the United States holding a concert in front of the venue. The venue was very low and would be easily flooded if it rained heavily. At this moment, the crowd was running wildly to hide back home.

Lu Mingfei stood against the crowd of people running in one direction. He looked up and looked in the direction of the dark clouds. Thick white lightning crossed the sky, like a giant dragon across the world. There was a lot of noise around him, and the shouts of children and the screams of women mixed into a manic symphony.

The city seemed to spread out in front of him, and mountains and seas of lights gathered together, rushing towards him like a tide.

Some people looked at the man in surprise who was walking against the crowd like a small boat in the direction of the heavy rain. He was too young, but he also had such a decadent and repulsive temperament all over his body, even though his whole body The sum of his attire seems to be enough to buy a luxury car, but his expression is dull and sad.

At this time, there was a sudden sound from the middle of the crowd, which was quite abrupt. The people running wildly dodged aside in fear, fearing that the brakes of the thing behind them would fail and knock them down.

Lu Mingfei also stepped aside. He thought there would be someone riding a three-wheeler into the crowd at this time? This guy is really big-hearted, and he can blackmail anyone he touches.

But then Lu Mingfei's expression became shocked, because the crowd parted in front of him, like a wild river suddenly diverting at a sandy embankment, and everyone's expressions were horrified. He slowly tightened the shoulder straps that fixed the mountaineering bag to his back. Under his lowered eyes was a golden light like a will-o'-the-wisp that even the shadows could not completely cover.

Hybrids from all over the world gathered in this ancient city today. They naively wanted to kill the King of Earth and Mountain who woke up from the throne of God. Even the monsters that had not appeared in the world for a long time roared one by one. Today, ghosts are roaming the city at night, and monsters and evil spirits are coming one after another. Lu Mingfei would not be too surprised if an alien appears on the street and hurts people.

Because he is now the biggest monster. Even the gods can only kneel down and sing conquest when he tries to be cruel. President Lu is not afraid of a hundred ghosts walking at night.

The muscles all over Lu Mingfei's body were kinked, like the undulating waves of a river. The crowd in front of him parted, and the crowded crowd crowded on both sides with frightened faces, leaving at least a three-meter-wide path for those behind. Their expressions were all frightened. It felt like quails in the heavy rain, and like seeing an evil ghost in the forest.

Lu Mingfei wondered if it was Nibelung and the Weasel Queen inside who ran out. Damn it! His expression became more and more serious, the hilt of the lustful knife was held tightly in his hand, the blade of the knife was close to his forearm and was about to slide out of the cuff, and his body squatted down slightly. The terrifying power in his seemingly thin body was aroused, like a vigilant cheetah.

Could it be that the churning sound was the heartbeat of the thing behind? Lu Mingfei was a little surprised. It was rare for dragons and dragon subspecies whose heart beat at such a frequency and made such a sound. But the sound of the heartbeat can actually travel such a long distance, so it is probably a very dangerous next-generation species.

A long, narrow and twisted shadow appeared from the corner of the crowd, and a dazzling light was projected from the top of the shadow, sweeping over the crowd like an evil spirit picking out food. Lu Mingfei felt that he couldn't delay it any longer, so he started to jog. The handle of the lustful knife was still in his hand, but his upper body was already in an Iai posture.

His mind flashed over and over again with Iai's starting hand, which was a sword technique he had practiced thousands or tens of thousands of times. The color field had slipped out and clung to his waist, and he could swing out a sharp arc at any time. He finally I heard an evil roar coming from the direction of that thing.

The guy with the heartbeat finally turned the corner, with a metal head and rather cyberpunk-style horns...

Lu Mingfei stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

It was indeed a three-wheeler, but the guy who was pedaling hard and rushing through the crowd was very muscular. He was wearing a plaid shirt that was bulging with muscles, and he had the same frightened expression on his face.

It's Fingel.

The crowd was not afraid of a three-wheeler, but this truck was pulling a huge smelly excrement bucket, which was probably the excrement garbage cleaned up in a community where the water pipe burst.

What's even more frightening is that this guy is waving a wet and yellow mop in his hand. No one dares to get closer than three meters. He is so majestic and majestic that he looks like Zhao Zilong from Changbanpo. He can go in and out seven times without any problem.

No wonder everyone was frightened. Lu Mingfei thought to himself that this was the legendary mop that sticks to shit. Just like Lu Bu was alive, my senior brother Fingel was really invincible in the world.

The old-fashioned human-powered three-wheeler equipped with a motor seemed to be in a deserted land all the way, gold juice splashed, and curses came from the crowd. After Fingel passed by, it immediately closed up and continued to rush in one direction.

The tires of the tricycle rubbed against the ground, and the guy obviously tightened the brakes on the front and rear wheels. The churning sound became faster and the volume slowly dropped. Finally, the tricycle carrying a large bucket of gold juice made a beautiful flick. He stopped steadily in front of Lu Mingfei.

Fingel threw the mop away and combed his messy but somewhat silky long hair. For a moment, he actually looked like a nobleman.

"There's no time to explain, get in the car quickly! I'll take you to the nearest subway station!" Fingel shouted.

Lu Mingfei glanced at the excrement bucket in the car and hesitated a little, but Fingel stretched out his hand and scooped him up onto the footrest behind the Sanbengzi driver's seat.

This guy usually wears loose clothes, but in fact he has developed a lot of muscles. If he really works hard, Lu Mingfei may not be able to stabilize him without turning on the keel state and using violent blood today.

"What are you going to the subway station for? It will stop operating soon." Lu Mingfei held Fingel's shoulder steady with one hand and covered his nose with the other hand, "And where did you steal the car from?"

"You've eaten so many late-night snacks in vain. As the saying goes, raising an army for a thousand days and using it for a while, of course I have to step forward when my brother is in trouble! I've got this, and I can send you to where you want to go." Fingel looked filled with indignation. , and at the same time stretched out his hand in front of Lu Mingfei, holding a bus card between his index finger and middle finger, but the frame seemed to be flowing with a faint golden color, and looking at it through the light, it seemed that he could vaguely see someone in the mirror. The world, "What is stealing? What I call borrowing! In order to help your senior brother, I took out all my wife's money and gave all the living expenses I had saved for half a year to that old man!"

"Free? I thought I borrowed it from you! And what is this? The plus version of the bus card? Could it be that the effect is that you can summon the bus anytime and anywhere?" Lu Mingfei was shocked, but then he was a little moved, "You How much did it cost to rent a car from someone else? How about I transfer it to you?"

"It's the Nibelungen key. Although it can't summon buses, it can summon subways. Your senior sister said you might be able to use it. I helped you visit all the subway stations in one day!" Fingel said again! As soon as the parking space was turned, the three-bouncer started up with difficulty, rushing against the direction of the flow of people just like Lu Mingfei did.

"Also, what's the point of borrowing between my two brothers! What's yours is mine, and I also used your credit card to withdraw money and pay it to the uncle. This BMW must be brought back safely! "Fingel's voice was as heroic as the White-browed Eagle King when the six sects besieged Guangmingding, but the content of his words made Lu Mingfei vomit blood.

"I knew there must be something wrong with you. Not only could you find me, but you also knew how to enter the Nibelungs. Tell me! Who do you belong to!" Lu Mingfei suddenly said viciously.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm burning my loyalty points to run errands for you, but you don't trust me so much, right? As the big brother in the action group, of course I need to know the movements of all the members of the group, so every day There is a tracking device inserted into my clothes. As for how to enter the Nibelungen, your senior sister Mach, a medium-sized girl, didn't tell me!" Fingel was indignant.

Lu Mingfei was stunned. Then he touched the capsule-like micro tracker under his collar and crushed it with his fingers.

"Where's Senior Sister?" he asked suddenly.

"That's why I'm burning my loyalty points to come to you, junior brother! It seems that your idiot senior sister has entered the Nibelungen! If we don't hurry up, we will have to collect her body!" Fingel has already started to stand up. As he pedaled the tricycle, Lu Mingfei's pupils suddenly shrank, and he realized that he had made a fatal mistake.

In fact, Nuonuo has always been a girl with strong empathy. She can't bear to see her friends and brothers endure the same loneliness as her. Now the senior sister and Xia Mi can be considered very good friends. The younger junior sister is in danger. Of course, the character of the senior sister is to break into the dragon's den and the tiger's den.

She, Chen Motong, has never been a person who gives up, and she has never been an obedient and good child.


Section 7: God and God

The mobile phone in the bag vibrated, and the fierce wind blew her long hair like a hunting flag. The golden color in Xia Mi's eyes suddenly seemed to go out, and there seemed to be a light of hope flickering, replaced by Unexpected surprise.

The girl looked back brightly, and when she smiled, it turned out that everyone loved her, and the death that was coming towards her was driven away.

She didn't see such a blazing golden light bursting out of Ange's eyes, which was fleeting.

I didn't see all the immortals suddenly looking back, and every pair of dragon eyes seemed to be ignited into fire.

Only a slender shadow was seen waving in the darkness. The man stood on a high maintenance platform, holding a violent weapon almost as tall as a person in his right hand. His left hand gathered the long hair that had been blown away by the wind and tied it up again.

It was a long dark red hair, blowing in the wind, bringing a light sandalwood fragrance.

Xia Mi suddenly realized something. She almost hurriedly took out her mobile phone from her handbag, connected it to Bluetooth, and then put the Bluetooth headset into her ears.

"It's me." The girl's cold voice sounded from the other end of the earphone. Xia Mi suddenly laughed out loud. She said happily, "It's you, senior sister!"

When she smiled, it seemed like all the gloom had dissipated, and she was as bright as the spring light seeping through the crack in the door. Because she suddenly knew that she was not alone. At least at this moment, there was someone standing behind her. My junior sister, I am here to help you.

It's just that he's not the person Xia Mi originally thought he was.

The face of the eight-legged horse Lepreel was covered by an iron surface that was as rough as a knife or an axe. Thunder and lightning fragments were spitting out from its nostrils. His roar was not the neigh of a horse, but rather the roar of a majestic liger.

Its front hooves raised up, and then fell heavily. The ground shook, hot cinders jumped up like elves, the sound of surging current became more and more manic and dense, and a sound like a strong wind came from the throne. , that is Odin's breath. His mere breath is already stirring up the elemental tide in this world. The elemental turbulence caused by the immortals is almost negligible in front of Odin.

This is the real danger.

The twisted alchemy spear was held upside down in Odin's hand. The tip of the spear was filled with roaring thunder that seemed to be able to tear apart all darkness. The rippling field of fierce light was spherical, bursting out with dazzling brilliance, shrouding the god in it. , that is a powerful defensive Word Spirit. Its lower Word Spirit in the Periodic Table of Word Spirits is the Dust-free Land. Its name is Liguo Pure Land. It is one of the few that can withstand the defense of a world-destroying word spirit head-on. The spirit of style.

A few seconds after the realm of Li Zuo Pure Land opened, the brilliant light completely occupied every corner of the realm, like a fire-colored ball. The god immediately appeared in this fiery round light, feeling majestic and lonely. The energy of death rippled on the four walls, and the realm immediately changed towards the king's realm.

Xia Mi only had time to turn around in an instant, and saw the mottled iron frame of Odin in the fierce light. The slanting rainstorm was still falling from the darkness above the heads of the heroic spirits. The fierce light evaporated the heavy rain in the sky into mist, which was like a sea tide. .

Dazzling light spurted out from the tidal mist, as if tons of lava were surging. The blazing light flowed along the tunnel like steam. Odin rode his horse forward slowly, with only dark shadows, as if in the Out of the flames came the evil ghost who was left with nothing but charcoal.

The intimidating majesty of the god even oppressed Xia Mi. The proud Jörmungandr let out a sharp roar. Her body became harder and more ferocious. Although she bared her teeth, she was like a desperate ocelot displaying its claws in panic. . The voices of the immortals reciting the spirit suddenly became urgent and ferocious. The domain that could suppress the Dragon King was becoming more and more powerful. Xia Mi retreated step by step.

At a certain moment, she saw Nono suddenly raising his gun in this direction. The sound of the firing pin striking the bullet primer was crisp and clear, a huge fireball burst out from the muzzle, and the thunderous gunfire even covered the low roars of the heroic spirits suppressed deep in their throats behind the throne.

It was really an amazingly powerful weapon. Xia Mi had taken the course "Introduction to Mastery of Firearms" at Kassel College. She was able to identify almost any kind of firearm in service in the world, but the one in Noono's hand was The thing was as ferocious as an angry tyrannosaurus, and its appearance and various parameters were different from any gun Xia Mi knew, and that was indeed the case.

It was a modified M82A1, a large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle developed by Barrett Company in 1982. However, the power of the magical modifications made by the Equipment Department was much higher than the original version.

Its barrel and barrel are lengthened using special metal, and the initial velocity of the bullet is forcibly increased to 1100 meters per second. When it is fired, it is like thunder falling from the sky. Even the user of Time Zero can't do anything about it. Easily avoid bullets fired from this sniper rifle at close range.

The total combat weight of this gun can reach 18 kilograms, and the recoil when the bullet is fired is amazing, and can even overturn any well-trained adult male.

But it was so stable in Nono's hands, with only a slight shake in his wrist and shoulders.

Even with Xia Mi's dragon-like dynamic vision, which he concentrated on, he could only vaguely capture the trajectory of the bullet. The light and fire from the muzzle was still reflected in the depths of Xia Mi's golden pupils. The 12.7 mm mercury bullet The core alchemy armor-piercing bullet has easily penetrated the realm of the Emperor's Word Spirit built by the immortals and the royal realm released by Xia Mi.

The gun in Nono's hand could only hold eleven bullets when it was fully loaded. In addition, she also prepared a magazine for a total of twenty-two bullets. The lunatics in the equipment department are keen on breaking armor and penetrating, and are also extreme lovers of explosive art. Therefore, the cost of each of these bullets is far more precious than that gun. There are multiple precision alchemy engraved on their surfaces. Matrix, these alchemical matrices give the bullet terrifying properties, no less than an alchemical weapon made by a famous craftsman.

Such a mercury-core alchemical armor-piercing bullet, which is comparable to a sophisticated alchemical weapon, easily penetrates the realm of Yanling at three times the speed of sound. The light and flames that come towards the face are so dazzling that it is like a fire dragon occupying the entire tunnel! The core of the fire dragon is just a small bullet. It makes a harsh whistle when it tears through the air like a sharp sword. It has even penetrated the two realms, and the surface of the realm began to ripple slightly.

The scorching air flow brushed against Xia Mi's cheek, and the bullet passed through the hair that was stirred up by the strong wind. Xia Mi only had time to take a surprised look, and actually felt the breath of a certain brother on it!

The material used to forge this bullet actually contains the Philosopher's Stone! The Philosopher's Stone extracted from Dragon King Norton's Dragon Bone Cross! The violent fire element inside is restricted by a special alchemical matrix. Once the bullet hits the target, the fire element will immediately rise, like a heavenly fire that wants to burn the world. It will not be extinguished until it turns everything that can be burned into ashes. , if such a flame burns to the outside world, it will be a huge disaster.

Before she could even look back, the bullet had already passed her. The human weapon was actually meant to assassinate the king! It roared like the God-killing Spear of Longinus and aimed at Odin's heart. The moment it tore through the air, it was already tearing apart Odin's armor! But God's armor is the King's Realm with the defensive properties of the Pure Land. The armor-piercing projectiles that were carved with an alchemical matrix and are said to be able to penetrate the armor layer of the cruiser are actually unable to penetrate Odin's barrier. It's like gods and humans are forever separated by a vast ocean. Nor can it compare to the distance.

The warhead rotated and drilled inside, rubbing against the flowing glass-like fierce light on the air wall of the field, and then melted and splashed everywhere. The fragments of the Philosopher's Stone turned into fine crystal powder and were blown away by the wind, but the brilliant golden flames The place where the bullet smashed and scattered burned out of thin air, just like the scar left on the devil's armor after the spear dropped by God from the sky was broken.

Sleipnir's steps paused for a moment, but then he walked towards Xia Mi at the same speed and frequency. The dangerous twisted spear in Odin's hand drew a sharp arc, seeming to silently pronounce the death of the god. .

Although it seems to be ineffective, Nono has always been a girl who is ruthless and reckless. Since she is determined to replace the bad boy to save his girl, she will start directly from the end of the plot! There were still bullets in her gun. Although there were not many bullets mixed with the Philosopher's Stone, they were enough to hinder the god's progress for a moment.

So the gunshots roared one after another, and the recoil pressed Noonuo's shoulders wildly. Fine drops of crystal sweat slid down the girl's forehead. Her crimson eyes were still full of anger, probably the soul of the angry boy. She returned to Lu Mingfei's body again, angry at all the sorrows she had experienced in the world, and angry at why fate would never let go of the people she knew.

Nuonuo's actual condition was not as good as she showed. The recoil of the gun was astonishingly strong. Her shoulder blades ached, probably about to be shattered. Her arms and fingers were shaking slightly, but she remained stubborn. Biting a strand of hair tightly in his mouth.

"Don't give up, junior sister. The world wants us to die in this way, but we won't. We will never admit defeat to the enemy. Even if we die, we will die in a way they can't think of!" Nuonuo growled, her voice and The thunderous gunshots overlapped and sounded deafening to Xia Mi.

Every shot penetrated the emperor's domain, and the golden ripples were like the calm lake surface at the beginning of the rainstorm. Large drops of rain fell down and rippled in layers. Then those bullets crashed into Odin's domain. But it couldn't penetrate or even penetrate. The molten iron splashed and flames rose, and the scattered molten iron left ancient iron-colored patterns on the surface of the royal domain.

Xia Mi looked blankly in the direction of Nono. She still pretended to be strong and majestic, but finally there was a trace of emotion on her face.

The girl after transforming into a dragon is still slender and exquisite, but her whole body is iron gray. The iron gray is mixed with gorgeous platinum patterns, like tulips blooming among dead leaves. Her breathing gradually becomes steady, but the sharp scales begin to slow down. Slow relaxation.

Just as Lu Mingfei entered the third degree of violent bloodshed, the scales on Xia Mi's body were opening and closing at this moment, and white steam evaporated from the bottom of the scales.

She realized why Nono did it even though he knew it was useless to shoot at Odin, because every bullet penetrated the emperor's domain, and cracks appeared in the cage constructed by the immortals.

The turbulent power slowly returned to Xia Mi's body, like surging magma.

The nerves all over her body were burning, and the weakness in the depths of her mind seemed to have been torn apart by the gunfire just now, and light overflowed from the cracks like a blazing white tide.

When Jormungandr's eyes reopened, the majesty on the throne returned to her pupils!

Success, it will take a long time for the immortals to repair the loopholes in the field. After all, they are only cooperating to develop the emperor's word spirit, and are not the real owners of this word spirit. The power of the first generation species has temporarily returned to Xia Mi's body.

At the same time, both Xia Mi and Odin disappeared at the same time. Blades, swords, shadows, hurricanes and flames came and went in the tunnel. The figures of the king and the king disappeared at high speed. Their speed was too fast for humans to imagine. If you really want to say... ...Sixth level moment? Or the seventh level moment? In short, human vision is completely unable to capture it. Only the most advanced high-speed cameras can restore the scenes of the monarchs fighting.

The iron-colored sickle almost appeared directly from Xia Mi's hand. When she waved it, the steel on the surface of the sickle peeled off, leaving a faint shadow of the sickle in the air. That was the steel powder that had not completely fallen due to the high-speed movement. In a short period of time, it collided with the twisted spear in Odin's hand countless times. A powerful dragon alien like Sleipnir, which could almost trample three generations to death, could not participate in such a struggle. The monsters with dragon blood flowing in their bodies were all dormant. During the fight between the king and the king, they were not even prepared to tear into pieces the girl who was still watching from a distance.

Perhaps it’s not because he doesn’t want to, but Nono is keenly aware of the scope covered by Fenrir’s majesty. Within this scope, king-level things will certainly not be affected, but semi-deadpools or pure deadpools such as immortals and heroic spirits will. She didn't have the guts to get close. The fear of the real king was engraved in the bones of those despicable things and in their souls. At least she was safe until the outcome was determined.

It's just that Nono's tiger's mouth was split open, and the blood flowed like an unstoppable spring, falling drop by drop on the cinders, making small splashes.

The air is filled with wild tides of elements. The terrifying confrontation ended in a few seconds. Xia Mi and Odin stood with their backs facing each other. Everything under their feet was cracked and broken. The originally twisted rails became red-hot due to the terrifying friction at this moment. The cinders were burning fiercely, and the red-hot iron filings suspended in the air were rising and falling due to some force.

Xia Mi kicked Ange in the abdomen, who was lying on the ground unable to move due to serious injuries. The principal was immediately kicked dozens of meters away, but he did not suffer any damage. The dust raised caught him, and then it was obvious that he was thrown away. The old guy, who could only be regarded as a burden, was sent to a safe place.

She didn't know what she was thinking, why she wanted to protect someone who wanted to kill her. Maybe she still had hope for someone's arrival, maybe she felt that she hadn't given up yet.

But suddenly both Xia Mi and Noonuo's expressions changed, because the sound of another Shen Xiong's horse hoofs sounded in the passage at the other end, and the fragments of lightning in the darkness were like sword lights that were about to tear the world apart, making Noonuo frightened.

According to the Nibelungen route map detailed in the mission report of Kassel Academy in the previous period of time and space, this place is still a few kilometers away from the hiding place of Dragon King Fenrir, but something descended in that tunnel. .

The sound of the horse's hooves was like an evil ghost urging death, and every time it fell on Xia Mi's soul, she even felt that the emperor's domain was close to being restored.

This is really a place of death.

Determine the place of death.

Bang bang bang, there was originally deep darkness in the tunnel, but suddenly street lights from nowhere came on, one after another, one after another!

The Nibelungs belonging to Odin are connected to the Nibelungs belonging to the King of Earth and Mountains in two places at the same time. Nuonuo suddenly realized that no one knew who the prince was. Maybe he was Odin. The secret party, the hunter website, and the hybrids swarming from all over the world were all things that were being used in his hands. The one named Angers The old man was still seriously injured and unable to move.

Natsumi spat, thinking that humans were indeed stupid, and the cunning of dragons was something that even she, as a dragon, found troublesome.

A long road lit by lamps suddenly appeared in the tunnel. Another Odin led the horse forward, and the bright light around him trailed behind him, like a huge battle flag, or like thousands of troops following him.

The thing was wearing the same dark golden armor as the previous times I saw him. The eyes and mouth of the silver-iron mask were gushing lava-colored light. The blue wind cloak was fluttering behind it, but it was not miraculous in its hands. The weapon Kungunir was an imitation twisted spear. Under the dark golden armor, Odin's body was tightly wrapped in a shroud. The decay and divine majesty rushed towards him, so contradictory and irresistible.

It is almost the same as the Odin just now, but seems to be more powerful.

He is the god who uses Time Zero, able to kill fellow gods with rapidity.

But the new god just held his flag high and moved forward. For a moment, Odin's power was like a slowly advancing tsunami. Xia Mi's blood ran cold, and she felt like she was about to be burned by the fierce light.

The patter of rain sounded from all directions, as if what followed the arrival of the new Odin was not the blazing light, but the raging rain. Xia Mi slowly retreated towards the tunnel wall like an angry lioness. Only in this way Only then can she avoid being attacked from both sides.

Every Odin can fight against the true First Generation, even if it is only the larvae of the First Generation.

The torrential rain began to wash away the tunnel, and there was a faint sound of thunder. Nono stared blankly at the god walking in front of him, as if mortals were of no importance to him, even Angers, who had been stained with Norton's blood. God didn't even bother to trample on him. The thing that stood immediately in the fierce light just held a spear and slowly walked towards Xia Mi who was on guard.

Suddenly, Nono felt as if her eyes were pierced by a bright light. She bit a strand of hair, knelt down in pain, and covered her eyes.

It was a flash of lightning, like the first flash of lightning when the world was created. It shone so brightly, rising from the ground, accompanied by a sharp whistling like a sword piercing it. There was really a violent, sharp wind sweeping from this end of the tunnel to the other side of the tunnel. That end.

The Odin who came slowly has disappeared.

The restless iron filings in the air disappeared, the red-hot rails cooled down, and the cinders no longer burned. The immortals floated silently like evil and holy crosses, the heroic spirits knelt down, and the whole world was silent for a while. There was no sound, but countless blood flowers exploded on Xia Mi's body. There was still a look of shock on her face, and she still maintained the posture of waving the sickle in her hand, but the weapon that could bring together the concept of death had disappeared.

Then, the girl staggered and knelt down, cinders were splashed, the dragon-like features on her body were slowly dissipating, and blood was flowing all over her body. The plain white skin no longer shed fluorescence, but contrasted with the bright red, The conflict between colors is so intense, reminding people of the ultimate topic of life and death.

Of course she did not die, but her heart was pierced in an instant, and her body was injured in many places. Even Jörmungandr could not recover in a short time.

Losing the power to resist at such a time means death.

She is going to die.


Section 8: Desperado

The god immediately stood in the brilliant light, and they stood side by side, looking down at the fallen ancient king from a high position, with the flames spitting out of his one eye jumping.

Nono's voice sounded in Xia Mi's Bluetooth headset, but she could no longer hear what she was saying because Jormungandr had fallen asleep, and now she was just Xia Mi.

How could Xia Mi fight against God? In front of God, she was like a bird impaled by an arrow, with no way to escape.

But I still think of a boy who once vowed to tell her that he would stand by your side even if she was the enemy of the whole world. It was so cruel. Now she was about to die, and the boy didn't show up. Xia Mi felt so wronged that he wanted to cry, and stubbornly bit his lower lip, as if he was about to bleed.

The world is always so cruel, and people are always pressed so hard that they cannot breathe. Everyone does not go into battle lightly, but is trekking with a heavy weight on their backs.

In fact, it might be better if he didn't show up. Xia Mi is not a person who can start over again like Nono, but she has experienced mountains and seas, years and tides of destiny, and she can see what that child is carrying, that is the mountain called fate. , he might have tried to yell, but no one cared.

The only one who cares about him is her, and maybe Nono.

But so what, he didn't care about them, he only cared about the girl named Uesugi Eriki.

Xia Mi's eyes turned red when she thought of this, and she realized that she had always been lonely. Her loneliness penetrated into her bones like all the other Dragon Kings, but she was so afraid of lonely people, so she hoped that someone could accompany her. She, who could wait for her to hug her after a thousand years of death, and tell her how good it is to see you again and I miss you so much.

Norton said she didn't look like their sister, and Xia Mi felt the same way.

She is like the blind girl played by Yang Qianchan in "Subway". She puts on headphones and listens to music wherever she goes. Even in the rumbling subway, she imagines herself standing in a flower field, composed of gray, black and white blocks. The sea of ​​flowers swayed with the wind.

It's also like Tony Leung in "Ashes of Time". The blind swordsman can only see the person in front of him clearly when the sun is the strongest. He always sits on the sand dunes and looks into the distance, letting the clouds fly above his head. He told Ouyang Feng that I have to go home. I will go home after finishing this business. The peach blossoms in my hometown are blooming, and I want to go back before the flowers wither.

Whether it is Yang Qianchan in "The Metro" or Tony Leung Chiu-wai in "Ashes of Time", they are both lonely people. One of them has never seen the flower field, and the other can only stand on tiptoe to see his hometown. .

But the flower field is in the dream, and the hometown is also in the dream.

The flowers Yang Qianchan saw were not the color of flowers. How can people who have never seen colors imagine what colors look like. The peach blossom that Tony Leung misses is not the peach blossom, but the wife waiting for him to return home in his hometown. That is a woman named Peach Blossom, who fell in love with his best friend on their wedding night.

Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory. Norton once said to Xia Mi, we have to live, we have to raise the battle flag in the wasteland and return to our hometown. But to this day, she only feels that it is such a lonely wasteland. She couldn't escape her whole life. It was precisely because she couldn't get rid of this deep-seated loneliness that she pretended that she was loved.

The name of the person who loves her is Lu Mingfei.


The signal on the mobile phone flickered on and off intermittently, like a candle that would be blown out by the wind at any moment. Xia Mi looked up, with thin tears flowing down the corners of his eyes. The overwhelming light and fire seemed to be reflected, giving off the gradual dimming of the sky at sunset. ripples.

She couldn't hear what Nuonuo was saying, but she just wanted to be tough. She said, "I don't care, senior sister, I don't care if he comes or not, because abandoned tribes like us are always lonely. Living alone is also lonely." The earth dies.”

When I said this, something sour came up, from my heart, from my soul, and the silhouette of time was touched together with a soft place in my heart.

She thought about those real moments again. The boy who rode for two hours on a rainy night to accompany her looked like he was scratching his head; the boy who appeared at the door with ice cream in the midsummer dusk, the afterglow of the setting sun was reflected in the boy's eyes at that time , so bright and touching; and when I returned home alone after escaping from the neighborhood committee that day, I felt lonely like a tide, and the boy wearing a crooked hat with a silly smile on his face knocked on the door carrying cakes and gifts. .

That boy, that boy, he really said it, he said he would be with me, he promised, he said he would stand by me even if he was the enemy of the whole world...

Xia Mi suddenly laughed, as if she was very happy, but Nono clearly saw her crying through the sniper scope.

What a tough talk. Nono felt sad for no reason. She felt that the wind coming from the end of the tunnel was indeed a bit too cold.

It was cold to her heart.

On May 5, 2010, at 23:49, where the tragedy happened, fates reunited, and Lu Mingfei made his choice.

"Some people say that a person will die three times. The first time is when his heart stops beating, and he is biologically dead. The second time is when he is buried. Friends and relatives come to his funeral to remember his life, and then He died in society and no longer had his place in the world. The third time was when the last person who remembered him forgot about him, and that's when he really died."

"I just hope you don't forget me. Xia Mi is not the phantom dreamed up by Jormungandr. I am who I am, a living person who once existed."

Xia Mi is such a stubborn girl. Although the majesty of Jörmungandr is gone in her weakness, she just looks towards the distant place through the realm of the Emperor of the Word Spirit, and the layers of ripples are in front of her eyes like a golden layer. The boundary wall of the field appeared, so that her eyes were blurred, and she just felt wronged, lonely, and sad.

"Even if no one loves me, I have lived before..."

Xia Mi fell to the ground. Her skin was as pale as death because the blood seemed to have drained away.

The gods are about to raise their spears, and death is inevitable.

Xia Mi thought this was fine. A person like me should endure thousands of years of darkness in a thousand years of death, and then drink in a thousand years of loneliness in a thousand years of life.

She slowly closed her eyes, but at this time she heard something. For a moment, she thought it was an auditory hallucination before death, but the gods also looked in the same direction. Obviously, she was not the only one who heard the sound. !

Sleipnir's mouth and nose spit out lightning fragments, and the snort they made was like thunder in the sky. But amid the deafening roar of the monster, a passionate song emerges! That was the tunnel behind the heroic spirits. Accompanied by a song that even the roar of thunder and all the violent storms could not suppress, there was a harsh sound of metal friction coming from that direction!

Something huge is approaching, it's very fast and heavy, and the person driving it is very angry, because Shen Xiong's war drums are already ringing in this tunnel!

This is not the sound of war drums, but the sound of a beating heart!

That song was so majestic, as if a desperate swordsman was going to carry everyone's hopes on the battlefield where he was destined to die. The guy who came with this song must be prepared to die here.

You and I, riding the sky

Keeping the fire bright

From another time and place

I know your name

I know your face

Your touch and grace

All time can not erase

What our hearts remember stays

Xia Mi knew this song, "Star Sky", so passionate and surging. With the determination to die, a man came with a sword in his hand to cut through the heavy rain and strong wind.

But who could that person be? Who could it be.

The phone in her arms suddenly started to vibrate, and Xia Mi answered the call.

On the other end of the phone was a song as generous as the sea breeze, and the sound of a whistle. The wind whistled around another person's hand, and Xia Mi heard the heavy breathing.

Two seconds later, the man said,

"Junior sister."

Xia Mi stared blankly at the majestic lights that were getting closer and closer in the depths of the tunnel. The war song that followed the swordsman to death echoed in his ears. So many grievances broke out at this moment. He could finally take off his hard armor and expose himself unscrupulously. Showing his softest side, tears fell silently, mixed with the blood on his face, like a dirty doll.

She flattened her mouth, held the phone with both hands, and cried loudly, like a heartbroken child, "Lu Mingfei, you are a big liar, you are a bully, you promised to always stand by my side..." …”

"Xia Mi." Lu Mingfei's voice was so hard. He was rapidly turning into an angry dragon, but he still said slowly in his gentlest voice with his vocal cords that were now as sharp as steel,

"let's be together,"

"Together we will……"

"On the run!"

The subway roared like an iron dragon and ran over the crazy track without slowing down at all. The heroic spirits roared forward, but they were all crushed, all crushed!

The man stood on top of the wild dragon-like thing, his windbreaker rustling, and his golden eyes seemed to be lit with eternal lights.

He had already seen Xia Mi, and he threw away the still shining mobile phone, and forced a smile on his face.

The fierce car lights illuminated Xia Mi's eyes and also illuminated Nono's eyes. The Odins all turned around on horseback. The monster made of steel began to fall apart the moment it touched the king's domain, as if it had hit him head-on. A4 paper shredder, but Lu Mingfei leaped high like a attacking lion! The air wall of the royal realm burned him like flames, and the sharp wind blades cut his body.

But in this desperate situation, a man must not be afraid of death. Only if you are not afraid of death can you stay alive and be with your girl!

Come on, fate!

Come, God!

See if I can cut you apart!

Lu Mingfei roared, and the iron-green scales instantly emerged from his skin, and his muscles rippled in response to the call to kill the god.

He bleeds and heals and bleeds again, and the scarlet liquid behind him is like a battle flag that reflects the fierce light behind Odin!

He roared and leapt into the air, the sword clenched in his hand finally unsheathed, not for that ridiculous god.

It is for the fate that must be cut off!

The next second, Lu Mingfei passed by the gods, and the sound of metal roar shook the entire Nibelungen. His pupils were full of angry wildfire. He looked at Xia Mi but was so firm and gentle. At this moment, the girl's eyes The man is as dazzling as a star.

It was quite difficult, and I made some revisions. As a result, more and more changes were made, and this chapter could be used as three chapters by others.

However, it was sent out anyway, and the number of updates in the next few days will probably remain at 5K to 6K.

In fact, there is still a little bit left unwritten, but at this point, the image of Long Er in my mind is almost complete. I will consider tonight whether the related plots should be written along the timeline or in the form of memories.

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