Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 149 148 The wandering man chases the phantom

Chapter 149 148. The wandering man chases the phantom

When I woke up, it was already around eight o'clock in the morning the next day. Chu Zihang's voice suddenly came from the corner of the room. "You woke up." Lu Mingfei grabbed a handful of messy hair and reached out to touch around on the bedside table. It took a long time to get the phone, and after checking the time, I struggled to sit up.

Chu Zihang was practicing his posture against the wall by the window. He had a copy of "One Hundred Chinese Life Etiquette" on his head and a piece of toast in his mouth. He was standing as straight as a pine tree.

Lu Mingfei rubbed his eyes and stretched and said, Senior Brother, you got up so early.

Chu Zihang said that he had just fried bacon, boiled eggs, and heated milk for his mother. Looking at the time, he hadn't woken Lu Mingfei up yet, so he could practice standing for a while.

Lu Mingfei gave him a thumbs up and ignored him. To be honest, he had become familiar with Chu Zihang's style over the years. Self-discipline, precision, and allocating daily time strictly according to the schedule made the day before. An aristocratic job like practicing standing postures is not suitable for Boss Lu. Boss Lu is more suitable for being a gangster.

Lu Mingfei got out of the quilt in his pajamas, tidied up briefly in the private bathroom, then opened the sky blue velvet curtain and looked outside.

The sparkling lake surface is like a huge gem embedded in the ground. A few big white geese flying from nowhere are paddling on the lake surface to look for food, mainly eating small fish and shrimps. The fragments of sunlight shine through. Passing the pointed leaves of several bamboos outside the window, stars falling on the window are very reassuring.

This is Chu Zihang's home. Yesterday Ling was picked up by a very pretty girl who said she had something to deal with at home. Lu Mingfei thought to himself at that time that he had heard Ling say that she was born out of a rock without a mother or father. Where did she come from? Moreover, the girl was obviously Chinese, and she also had some Jiangnan accent. , although she looks like a strong woman in a professional skirt, but she speaks softly and softly, and she looks a bit like one of Lu Mingze's girls.

Fingel actually got on the principal's list. Angers, who was driving a Rolls-Royce, showed up at the door of the farmhouse later in the day. After saying hello twice, he took Fingel away.

Lancelot and Caesar were both distinguished noble men. They were invited by a domestic mixed-race family to attend a night dance. They intended to bring Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang with them. Of course, Chu Zihang didn't care. , he couldn’t dance anyway, so he could eat melon seeds if he went there. Lu Mingfei was eager to see the world, but Xia Mi grabbed his ears and pulled him out of the car.

Since the junior brother didn't go, Chu Zihang didn't go either. Xiamin Nono and Susie came together to the big mansion of Shaobo's family. The three girls lived in a guest room, and Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang shared a room. between.

In fact, it wasn't that there weren't many rooms, but he was used to it, and Lu Mingfei didn't want to cause trouble to Aunt Tong and Aunt Su.

Furthermore, when he was studying at Shilan Middle School, Lu Ming stayed overnight at his senior brother's house. They all slept in the same room. There were even two sets of Lu Mingfei's pajamas in Chu Zihang's closet.

Seeing Lu Mingfei open the curtains and open the window, Chu Zihang neither spoke nor moved, but looked firmly at the wall in front of him, like a revolutionary martyr.

"Senior brother, why do you think we are so tired?" Lu Mingfei held the window, his drooping eyebrows reflected the tiny golden sunlight.

He is much taller than Chu Zihang, and his facial features are not inferior to anyone else. When he says this, he actually has the temperament of a melancholic male god.

"I'm not tired." Chu Zihang said.

Lu Mingfei was choked and waved his hand to indicate that he didn't want to chat with such a stupid person.

"Work hard for what you have decided to do, even if you die on the way to do it, you should not be tired." Chu Zihang said.

"Then will you regret some of the decisions you made?"

"Why should you regret it?" Chu Zihang ended his standing training, took down the book on his head with his left hand, stuffed the toast into his mouth with his right hand, poured it into his stomach along with the milk, and then stood up Lu Mingfei looked at the lake together,

"Regret is bullying your past self. Why would people bully themselves?" The senior brother said expressionlessly.

Lu Mingfei glanced at his senior brother in surprise, shocked that he could actually say such philosophical words from this guy's mouth.

"It's almost time. You and your junior sister have schedules today. I have to go on a temporary mission arranged by Professor Schneider. Get ready to go." Chu Zihang reached out and took off the clothes from the hanger and patted Lu Mingfei's chest. " Pack up, I'll take you to the nearest subway station, and then come back to pick up Su Qian and Chen Motong, they said they want to visit the Forbidden City today."

Lu Mingfei's heart moved. He thought of Fenrir, who looked like a big cat. When he died, he held the girl's white body in his mouth, staggering around to find a corner to hide himself.

No matter how you look at it, a naughty kid who likes to eat potato chips will not destroy the world.

When he was thinking this, he suddenly heard a low laugh. The laughter seemed to be ringing from his head and seemed to be surrounding him from all directions.

Lu Mingfei looked up and did not see Lu Mingze.

He felt that he might have some neurasthenia. How could the little devil appear at such a time?

It can be said that Lu Mingfei is the person who has the most contact with Dragon Kings in the world. Norton, Constantine, Jormungandr, and Fenrir, but none of the Dragon Kings really made him feel their kind of love for humans and the world. of hatred.

So there are different types of dragons. Some dragons with anti-social personality should be killed, and those dragons that honestly guard their one-third of an acre of land should not be disturbed.

"Okay, Xia Mi and I are going to buy some gifts. After all, we are meeting her family." Lu Mingfei put his head into his clothes.

Chu Zihang seemed to hesitate to speak.

"Senior brother, I've told you many times. You can't pretend to be hesitant to speak. It's obvious that you have something you want to ask but can't take the initiative to ask, so you want me to say it first." Lu Ming Not a complaint.

"You and junior sister are together, right?" Chu Zihang also got straight to the point. Lu Mingfei glared, "How did you know?"

"Xia Mi told me last night that when we were roasting chicken wings, she asked me not to tell anyone else." Chu Zihang said, but he hesitated, "But Fingel seemed to be eavesdropping, but I think He should be a person with professional ethics and would not spread this matter everywhere."

Lu Mingfei's eyes darkened, "Senior brother, you should just kill that guy and silence him." The corners of his mouth twitched.

It is better to believe that Fingel has professional ethics than to believe that Chu Zihang has enlightened and took the initiative to give roses to Susie.



"I wish you a baby soon?" Chu Zihang said cautiously.

Lu Mingfei felt that the veins on his forehead were throbbing and hard, and his fist was already hard.


The subway rumbled all the way towards the apple orchard, like an iron dragon swimming in the rock formations. Micro seismic waves spread in all directions, but they did not affect the real world.

This is a subway that runs between Utopia and the real world. As long as you sit on it, you can go to Nibelungen, the country of the dead that countless alchemist masters yearn for until their death. For those alchemist masters, it is a long road leading to death. At the end of the long road is the killed metal, which is piled up into a throne of miracles.

"Brother, why did you buy so many potato chips and Cokes? Children who eat too many snacks will be stunted." On the subway, where it looked like there were only two people, Xia Mi sat next to Lu Mingfei and winked at Yuanyuan. With his eyes open, he reached out and groped around in the hiking bag on his back. First he took out a bag of potato chips, and then a bottle of Coke. He rubbed his little face on the shoulder of the boy next to him, but did not take his hand back. , still fumbling around in the bag.

"So you ate a lot of snacks before, junior sister." Lu Mingfei yawned. He actually slept a little late last night. Chu Zihang was a poor kid with few hobbies. Ludo was one of the few real things he had done. One of my favorite entertainment activities.

Last night, Lu Mingfei played chess with him late into the night.

Xia Mi pretended to be vicious and showed a small tiger tooth, "Senior Brother, please tell me later."

Lu Mingfei smiled sarcastically and stopped talking.

The junior sister glanced at her chest in frustration, the expression on her face was somewhere between aggrieved and annoyed.

"Brother, do you like the Kim Kardashian type?" Xia Mi pouted, looking a bit like a duck from the side for some reason, "But what can I do? It's all a genetic problem. My parents gave it to me, and I don’t want it either.”

Putting a hand on the top of her head and gently rubbing her long hair, which was smoother than silk, Lu Mingfei finally couldn't hold back the smile on her lips, "Kim Kardashian is probably Fingel's type. "

"Senior brother, what kind of girl do you like? Is it Lin Chiling's kind?" Xia Mi wrinkled her nose, it was a very cute expression, her tiger teeth were flowing with fluorescence, and her eyes were also flashing with fluorescence, as if she had just The kitten, which jumped onto the lap waiting to be petted by its owner after being adopted, was alert and cautious.

Lu Mingfei was stunned. After a few seconds, he said very seriously and slowly, "I don't like Kim Kardashian, nor do I like Lin Chiling, because they are not you, and You have all the qualities I like in a girl." He carefully considered every word he said, as if this was the only way to answer the girl's question.

"Why?" Xia Mi's eyelashes trembled slightly.

"what why?"

"Why do you say I have all the qualities you like?" Xia Mi slowly approached him as he spoke.

"Because you are Xia Mi." Lu Mingfei's voice was very soft, and the subway roared like an iron dragon, smashing the oncoming convection air, making a huge sound like a steam train traveling in the biting cold wind of Siberia. The roar and the scream of the air being torn apart.

But everything else disappeared in Xia Mi's ears, leaving only the words spoken by the man in front of him with his Adam's apple rolling.

There are indicator lights on both sides of the tunnel, and there are two corresponding lights at regular intervals. Those lights flicker on and off in the carriage, as if the girl's face is flashing with seductive fluorescence.

The girl next to her smelled very girly, like the fragrance of flowers, but she couldn't tell what kind of flower it was. Lu Mingfei felt something in his heart, and a soft place in his heart was touched. He suddenly remembered that one summer night, Xia Mi quietly took him to the rooftop of the old building. They sat side by side on the edge of the rooftop, overlooking the CBD in the distance and the river with flashing headlights on the national highway. In the traffic flow, Xia Mi looked up at the night sky and said, Brother, look there are shooting stars there, make a wish quickly, make a wish.

The girl with her eyelids lowered in prayer was quiet and beautiful. Lu Mingfei looked at her secretly and felt that her eyelashes were very long and curved, and the sky was very high and far away.

The memory of that day is a little blurry. What I can still vaguely remember is that Xia Mi’s eyes were so clear that they reflected the sea of ​​stars in the sky. She said, Senior brother, what wish did you make? When Lu Mingfei said it without thinking, the girl stretched out her hand again. An index finger was raised to his lips, "You can't just say your wish," the girl said.

At that time, there was also this kind of fragrance, like the fragrance of grass, trees and flowers flowing all over the mountains and fields, gathering in the valley, rippling with the breeze, so beautiful, so beautiful that people hope that time can stop there forever.

Xia Mi raised his head and looked into Lu Mingfei's eyes. They met each other in the flickering light. The girl's brows and eyes were like ripples of broken ice, like pebbles thrown into a frozen lake in the four seasons.

Some kind of ambiguous feelings are taking root and sprouting, as if they are going to grow into a towering tree. Xia Mi's eyes have never been so hazy and confused as at this moment.

The two of them were so close that they could clearly see the faint commotion in the other's eyes, smell the scent of the other, and hear the overlapping sounds of breathing and heartbeat.

"Brother, will you always like me like you do today?" Xia Mi stopped moving forward very close to Lu Mingfei, but stared at Lu Mingfei without blinking with his round eyes, waiting. his answer.

In fact, the girl knows the boy's answer, but she just wants to hear it from his own mouth. Just like loving someone will never sprout if you keep it in your heart. For example, those secret loves in school days caused many boys and girls who originally loved each other to pass each other time and time again.

Xia Mi really wanted to hear Lu Mingfei take the initiative to say I love you to her, so that she would feel that she was really loved.

She was afraid of being alone, because a thousand years was too long, and no one had ever loved her during those long years of loneliness.

Lu Mingfei didn't answer. He stared into Xia Mi's eyes, and the plain white and beautiful face was reflected in the dark pupils.

He suddenly opened his arms and took her into his arms. Those flickering lights seemed to be the fate left behind. At this moment, the bells in the depths of the Nibelungs roared, and the girl's body trembled slightly. It was very warm and... Very soft.

There has never been a moment when Lu Mingfei realized so clearly that loving someone and having that person was so comforting, as if you just hugged her tightly and you really hugged the whole world.

When Lu Mingfei finally let go of Xia Mi and held her shoulders with both hands, the bohemian-style white dress suddenly turned into a voluptuous gold-red red dress. Lu Mingfei was surprised to find that he was attracted by this emperor. The robe-like red skirt was half-hidden. The girl in front of her was so shy and cautious. She still had a little baby fat on her face, and her eyes were shining with hope.

"Yes." He said, looking at Xia Mi without evading her eyes. The corners of the girl's eyes seemed to be shining with crystal-like luster, and he suddenly kissed her deeply.

Xia Mi's pupils were slightly dilated, and his lips were slightly cool, like the cold wind blowing on the rooftop when they were together in those days.

The wind blowing from the other end of the subway to the end lifted the skirt of the red dress, and the skirt grew wantonly like a sea of ​​blooming flowers. Soon the entire floor of the train was filled with red dresses, and the faint fragrance of flowers filled the air. , to submerge Lu Mingfei inside.

There was so much shyness on Xia Mi's face, and her breathing was thick as musk when the long kiss ended.

The subway began to slow down at this time. Xia Mi rolled his eyes at Lu Mingfei angrily and arranged his hair and skirt that were not messy at all.

The red dress turned back into a white dress, like a red rose that had lost its bright color.

"Lu Mingfei, have you really never been in love?" The girl's expression suddenly became suspicious, and her beautiful eyes narrowed dangerously, "Then why are you so good at it?"

Lu Mingfei choked on his saliva, looked at Xia Mi firmly, and raised four fingers together, "I swear, junior sister, you are my first real girlfriend!"

"So there are some that are not genuine?" Xia Mi's eyes became even more dangerous.

Lu Mingfei hesitated and was speechless.

In fact, that's right. When he was the student council president at school, there were rumors of an affair with Isabella for a whole year. Zero was also one of his rumored girlfriends, and the little monster was also considered his girlfriend by default. , and Su Xiaoqiang during this time and space. I guess there are four of them.

He is really not a person who is good at talking to girls. If it were Caesar here, he would probably have many ways to deal with Xia Mi's cross-examination, but Lu Mingfei would just hum and his face slowly turn red, like autumn. Overripe persimmons, and the only sound left in the carriage is the clatter of the rails.

At a certain moment, Lu Mingfei was stunned because the person next to him turned sideways and hugged him tightly, pressing his face against his chest, as if listening to the beating of some organ there.

"It doesn't matter, senior brother, it doesn't matter even if I have had rumored girlfriends before. You see, you still chose me in the end. It shows that Miss Xia Mi is far more charming than those girls!" Xia Mi raised his face, clenched his fists, and his face was happy Angry expression. Lu Mingfei reached out and touched her face, and the girl rubbed her face against his palm like a kitten.

Xia Mi took Lu Mingfei's arm and got off the subway together. The thing behind him roared back into the depths of the dark and deep tunnel.

The current platform has a very old cement floor with green tiles on the corners. The whitewashed walls are peeling off badly, and there are some shocking large characters painted in red on them.

"Fushouling Station". Next to it is the date, 1977.

There was only one incandescent lamp illuminating the platform, and there was bronze powder everywhere and a certain burnt smell.

"There used to be a lot of kamaitas at home, and my brother was very lonely. Those kamaitas could sometimes accompany him, but last time they were all burned to death by the immortals from the academy." Xia Mi's eyes were slightly dim.

Lu Mingfei touched her hair, and then gently kissed the girl's smooth forehead. He knew that those dragon subspecies were nothing in front of apex predators like the Immortals, but after thinking about it, the order to protect the king was always implanted in their minds, so even if they could escape, they would still fight against those Immortals without fear of death. The attackers launched a charge, and then they all died here.

Lu Mingfei didn't show any shock at all, and he seemed to know Fenrir's existence, but Xia Mi didn't ask. People always have their own secrets, and she also had her own little secrets that she didn't tell Lu Mingfei.

At this time, Lu Mingfei's cell phone vibrated. He didn't expect that the signal could be received here. He glanced at Xia Mi suspiciously, and then took the thing out of his pocket.

It was a text message sent by Norma. Lu Mingfei read it carefully. Although his expression was still calm, Xia Mi heard that his heartbeat was like a dense drumbeat.

"What's matter?"

"Nothing, the principal has issued a new task to me." Lu Mingfei said. He handed the phone to Xia Mi without hesitation, "Let me go to Japan as an exchange student during the summer semester for further study."

Xia Mi was startled for a moment, then she clicked on the text message again.

"Ricardo M. Lu, this text message is to inform you that you have been assigned a six-month exchange study mission by the principal's office and are expected to go to Japan for further study during the summer semester. Please ask the person in charge of the mission for further study details, please Don’t worry about your attendance and credits. Professors from each subject will hold separate online classes for you. All your exams will be canceled and you will automatically be given an A grade." The letter was sent by Norma.

"I didn't receive it." Xia Mi immediately took out his cell phone and took a look at it, flattening his mouth in grievance.

"It doesn't matter. I will make videos with you every day after I go there, and I will also send you gifts." Lu Mingfei touched Xia Mi's head, "And that ghost place is not very safe. Maybe if something happens later, the principal will give you some gifts." You arrange temporary tasks to come and help." Now that Ange and Xia Mi have reached a temporary alliance, the principal's private explanation to Lu Mingfei was to see if Lu Mingfei was really willing to do anything for Xia Mi.

After temporarily taking over the throne of Vidfornir, Angers also learned some ancient secrets, the most important of which was the set personality characteristics of the dragon kings. Jörmungandr's personality is affectionate. If Lu Mingfei can always stand by her side without caring about his own safety, she will also give up her position and always stand by Lu Mingfei's side. For Angers, this is Something you can take advantage of.

At that time, Lu Mingfei asked what would have happened if he had not gone. Angers took a puff of his cigar and said that I couldn't beat Jormungandr and Fenrir.

After he said this, Lu Mingfei remembered that Fenrir never took action during that day's battle, which meant that Xia Mi was actually far from the desperate situation he was seen to be in.

Xia Mi led Lu Mingfei towards the platform. It was exactly as Lu Mingfei remembered. The whole way was filled with darkness that was difficult to see, as dark as a quagmire that could drown people. They just trudged in the quagmire. , and finally reached the end of the darkness, it looked like a big mountain had been hollowed out. When you looked up, you could see the golden starlight drifting in the deep darkness. You couldn't see the top or the wall.

Xia Mi clapped his hands, and the kerosene lamps spread out in all directions starting from them, and soon he could see the surrounding scene. Sure enough, it was a space like an underground cavity. Not far away, there was a man-made rock wall, which was full of traces left by machinery. Adhering to the rock wall was a spindle-shaped cement platform. It used to be a military facility, with tanks and armored vehicles parked there. Railway tracks stretched in and out of the darkness. Military trains carrying thousands of troops rumbled past here a long time ago.

"I'm back!" The girl's cold voice echoed around the walls, and then the rock wall rumbled and shook. The dragon's slender neck smashed into the rock wall, which was not very strong. It peeked out furtively from the fusiform platform. With its eyes exposed, it was clear that it was an extremely ferocious and violent creature, but its eyes were shrinking and curious like a cat.

"Sister, you're back!" The dragon's voice was majestic, yet inexplicably childlike.

He was very big, but his head was like a tractor-trailer truck. He twisted his head to the left and then to the right, and finally saw Xia Mi.

Fenrir's voice was obviously much lighter. Although it was still deep and majestic, it sounded like a child acting coquettishly, "Sister, sister, I miss you so much!"

The dragon swam with its long neck and slowly approached Xia Mi. It had a majestic head and a sinister face, and its golden vertical pupils emitted majestic golden light. Compared with such a creature, Samson in the Bronze City could only be regarded as a cat or a dog.

Lu Mingfei stood upright, but Xia Mi could feel that the muscles of the man he was holding were still relaxed. He was not worried that Fenrir would attack him.

Soon the great creature saw Lu Mingfei, who was standing with Xia Mi. His huge golden pupils shrank slightly, and he stopped moving like a cat. Then he arched his neck, and then his eyes were as long as a train. His neck suddenly shrank.

Fenrir dug his front paws into the ground, roared low in his throat, and shrank back into the corner with vigilance again.

"You are a bad guy, you kidnapped my sister." Fenrir tried his best to shrink into a small ball, and covered his eyes with his small forelimbs, but he was so big, it didn't look like he could hide it. .

"Then you can't kidnap me." Fenrir said loudly.

The corners of Lu Mingfei's eyes twitched.

"He's not a bad guy, he's a brother-in-law!" Xia Mi was also a little embarrassed. He made a face at Lu Mingfei, took a few steps forward and extended his right hand.

Fenrir really stretched his body again and got out of the corner. He still looked at Lu Mingfei warily, as if he would immediately turn around and run away if anything went wrong.

Lu Mingfei wondered, are you really a dragon? You look like an oversized cat!

"Sister, I miss you so much." Fenrir was probably acting coquettishly as he stretched out his tongue and gently licked Xia Mi's outstretched hand, moving cautiously for fear of hurting the girl in front of him.

"Some bad people came to my house. I was very scared, so I hid myself." He said, his majestic golden eyes were filled with mist.

Lu Mingfei suddenly realized that the time at this time seemed to be much earlier than the time when he and Fenrir first met in the previous period of time and space. Fenrir at this time actually seemed like...a man with not only intelligence but also character. A big cat who was just a kid. He was far more childish than the last time we saw him. Lu Mingfei looked behind Fenrir again. The dragon seemed to be completely imprisoned by the rock wall. Only its long neck and forelimbs could move freely.

The last time I saw him, Fenrir could even break free.

Xia Mi raised his head to look into Fenrir's eyes, gently caressed Fenrir's face with one hand, and held his forehead with the other hand, seeming helpless.

There was a lot of tenderness hidden in the depths of her eyes. During the many years of loneliness, Fenrir had always been the only one to accompany her.

"Sister, sister, what is brother-in-law?" Fenrir looked over Xia Mi's shoulder to Lu Mingfei, as if he wanted to hide his huge head behind the girl's petite body. Lu Mingfei's eyes twitched at his face. He put on a smile and waved his hand. This action seemed to scare Fenrir. The guy immediately wanted to run back, but was held down by Xia Mi.

"It's someone who is very close to my sister. You can call him brother." Xia Mi said with a smile, "Brother brought you a gift."

Fenrir finally plucked up the courage and took two staggering steps towards Lu Mingfei. He was a little scared and pushed Xia Mi in front of him with his forelimbs, like a timid child hiding behind his mother.

"I can share my potato chips and my Coke with you." Lu Mingfei opened his hiking bag and poured out the contents. They were all puffed fried food and soda wrapped in ice packs, with a smile on his face. He tilted his head and looked at Fenrir, "Do you prefer cucumber or tomato flavor?"

"I, I, I... I like the flavor of Korean barbecue!" Fenrir raised his voice, and a gust of wind swept through him. He had completely forgotten about Xia Mi, and came to Lu Mingfei like a puppy and sat down obediently. His tongue was sticking out, and his ferocious eyes were full of childlike anticipation.

"Okay, here you go." Lu Mingfei tore open a bag of barbecue-flavored potato chips, took out one piece and chewed it loudly, then poured the rest into Fenrir's bag, which could fit into a small car. mouth.

The dragon actually chewed it for a long time with his eyes narrowed in seriousness and enjoyment, making the same clicking sound.

"Brother, you are indeed a good person." Fenrir stuck out his tongue to lick Lu Mingfei's face, his eyes seemed to be full of adoring little stars, "I still want to eat."

The mission text message has arrived, so this chapter can be considered as entering the Dragon 3 line. I’m not bragging. I said I’ll start Dragon 3 when I start Dragon 3. I’m super confident.

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