Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 165 164 Akechi Asaya (2)

Chapter 165 164. Akechi Asuya (2)

In combat mode, Lu Mingfei still did not activate the keel state, nor did he fully stimulate his bloodline to a point of violent blood. However, his senses were amplified to the limit under the condition of high concentration, and the lunatics in the Guandong Branch gradually became The chaotic and manic heartbeat was captured.

Sakura held the two swords in both hands and offered them, "Please change the sword!" She lowered her head, the rain soaked her whole body, and her exquisite and graceful curves aroused people's endless reverie.

Lu Mingfei silently said in his heart, "Don't look at any evil." Then he kicked away the completely unconscious Hu Che. The strong man weighing dozens of kilograms rolled and hit the opposite side. Immediately, a man rushed up to catch him and dragged him into a parked car behind. In a Mercedes-Benz, it seems that the Kanto branch is also equipped with team doctors like the combat team of the college's executive department, who can provide immediate treatment when team members are seriously injured.

Lu Mingfei then solemnly handed Lu Lu into Sakura's hands, holding the handles of Spider Kiri and Murasame's swords with his left and right hands respectively.

The strong wind was cutting down diagonally at this moment, and he made Murasame and Spider-chere fiercely in a cross shape. Murasame's blade touched the back of Spider-chere's knife and scraped it fiercely. It was pulled all the way to the tip of the knife, bringing up a bright light that was blown away by the wind. of Mars.

The muscles of the dozen or so senior team leaders of the Kanto branch were tense, their bodies were slightly hunched over, their eyes were swaying with will-o'-the-wisps, high-pitched heavy metal rock music was coming from the windy luxury car behind them, and the light of their swords was like water.

"How long until our support arrives?" Yuan Zhisheng leaned against the bumper of the Hummer, tapping the front cover of the heavy off-road vehicle with his fingers, making a muffled sound mixed with the sound of rain.

Sakura held her long hair slightly with one hand, drained some of the water, and stood next to Minamoto with her head lowered and an umbrella, "In seven minutes, the head of the Inuyama family closest to here has learned of the situation and is rushing here by helicopter. ."she says.

Inuyama Ga is the most powerful one among the older generation of the Sheqi Hachi family. In terms of pure bloodline and fighting ability, he may not be weaker than the school directors and elders sitting in the Hall of Heroes.

Tachibana Masamune gathered the members of the Kanto branch from the eight Sheqi families to form an armed force that cannot be underestimated. This army that obeys the orders of the patriarchs is extremely powerful, but it also makes the family heads feel uneasy. The entire Kanto Department must be abolished.

Among them, the head of the Inuyama family has always been the most vocal about this. He believes that Akechi Asaya and his team leaders are lunatics who are no different from evil spirits and should be sent to a sanatorium for observation. It's not surprising that he would be the first to come forward if something like this happened today.

"The Kanto branch is a very difficult opponent. Young Master, can you deal with them without using the word spirit?" Sakura asked.

"The difficulty is very high. Some of them have very strong physical abilities. If I don't use the word spirit, I shouldn't lose. But it is also very difficult to deal with these people in a few minutes." Yuan Zhisheng told the truth, and Don't feel ashamed.

Amaterasu of the Jakikihachi family is still just a young man who is not fully developed. Although Minamoto has been in the Executive Bureau for many years and his hands are stained with the blood of many people, he still cannot fully develop to this day. Use the power of the Emperor.

What's more, each of the leaders of the Kanto branch can be classified as A-level by Kassel Academy based on their bloodline. Such opponents can be easily subdued by him when they are fighting alone, but when they are besieged, even if they are from the source. It is difficult for a child to say that he is invincible.

There was a look of worry in Sakura's eyes.

"Don't worry too much. After all, Mr. Lu is a strong man in the famous town headquarters. He will not encounter any danger. Moreover, with our speed, even if he encounters danger, we can support him immediately." Yuan Zhisheng lit up for himself. A cigarette, "If the Guandong branch is unruly, let the distinguished guests teach them a lesson, and then the family will punish them."

Caesar had a cut cigar in his mouth. He leaned towards Yuan Zhisheng. Yuan Zhisheng immediately understood what he meant. The palm of his left hand was bent into a shed shape to block the oncoming wind. The little flame that enveloped it lit Caesar's cigar.

"You have great confidence in Lu Mingfei," Caesar said.

"Mr. Masamune said that you are all outstanding young people. Principal Ange values ​​you more than his pocket knife. Even the principal has confidence in you. Of course I am no exception." Yuan Zhisheng said lightly.

In fact, he still had some words left unsaid. Originally, this conflict should have been resolved by Yuan Zhisheng himself. It was not etiquette in Japan to allow the Kanto branch to block their way so aggressively and even threatened to challenge Lu Mingfei. matter.

But Yuan Zhisheng's heart actually held back the anger of a young man. He was actually quite unconvinced by the fact that his father secretly wanted to entrust Eri to Lu Mingfei, although his feelings for that girl were She feels more guilt and pity than love, but after all, she is also the head of the Uesugi family and his nominal sister.

Yuan Zhisheng did not doubt whether the Secret Party had a way to cure Eri Yi. Looking at Chu Zihang's current state, he knew that even if it could not be cured, the Secret Party definitely had a way to inhibit the erosion of dragon blood on the human body. He just still had doubts about whether Lu Mingfei could protect Eli Yi.

As Amaterasu with excellent pedigree and the director of the Japanese Executive Bureau, Minamoto is the sharp sword of the family and the strongest demon slayer. He has already learned to take the initiative to understand any potential strong enemy. According to the current trend, the war between the Sheqi Eight Family and the secret party will start sooner or later. Lu Mingfei will eventually be their enemy, so he studied in detail what Lu Mingfei left after entering Kassel College. Every battle video.

In the Kuimen of the Three Gorges, he killed the next-generation Dragon Warrior who came out of the Bronze City and competed with Odin; in Chicago, he severely damaged Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire; and on the road where the Kassel College CC1000 train must pass, he single-handedly fought against Odin and Odin. Odin's heroes fought hard until reinforcements arrived. There is also the "BJ Nibelungen Operation to Hunt Fenrir, King of the Earth and Mountains", although there is no battle video but a detailed mission report. Principal Angers dictated the battle and recorded it in writing in detail.

Relevant videos and information undoubtedly show that Lu Mingfei used a forbidden technique called violent blood that can temporarily purify his own blood. This technique is powerful and dangerous. Almost all people who have used it in history have become corrupted. Deadpool.

Lu Mingfei is obviously an exception. He does not seem to be corroded by the purified dragon blood. The expert team of Kassel Academy attributes the reason to his spirit of speech. But although he won't fall, using violent blood is not without cost. Judging from Lu Mingfei's personal diary, he would lie in the hospital for a long time every time he experienced a battle, probably to repair the damage to his body.

The battle video that can really measure the combat power of this young man who claims to be able to inherit Angers' mantle is actually the battle video between him and Caesar and Chu Zihang when he first entered Kassel Academy a year ago.

The bloodlines of Caesar and Chu Zihang were both judged by the academy to be stronger than A-level but inferior to S-level. Strictly speaking, their grades in the academy should be A+. Yuan Zhisheng was confident that when facing one person alone, he could defeat them with overwhelming power, but when these two people joined forces, it would be difficult to do better than Lu Mingfei.

The smoke he exhaled was blown away by the oncoming wind, and Yuan Zhisheng flicked the ashes with his fingers. Judging from the combat power on paper, Normal Lu Mingfei should be on par with him, but this is far from enough. Eriyi is not something that can be figured out using common sense. When she loses control, she will turn into a creature similar to an ancient dragon. , Minamoto Shosei couldn't even stand in front of Eri in that state with a knife.

"I heard that Mr. Lu was the one who ruled an era in this department. Today, the era ends in our hands!" Akechi Asuya roared, the light of his sword split the rain curtain, chopped up the wind, and compressed it towards Lu Mingfei with his fan.

Even though they were insulted, the leaders of the Guandong branch still retained some sense. They obviously knew that they could never completely stand on the opposite side of the secret party, so they never thought about killing Lu Mingfei, but no one Use the spirit of speech.

The fastest moving ones were actually two slender girls with delicate and enchanting faces. They looked exactly the same. They jumped up and wielded knives from left and right. Their black windbreakers were open and billowing, like black roses blooming in the rain.

The girls whirled in the air, the long knives in their hands shot out dazzling cold light. The arc of the knife was like a crescent moon, and the sound of tearing the rain and air was sharp and fierce. The blade of the knife was somehow filled with fierce high-temperature arrogance, and everything that touched the rain was be evaporated.

They are Xiao Zhai and elder sister Luo Ye respectively. They are very pretty twins. Xiao Zhai is indeed a slutty woman, but Luo Ye is as guarded as jade. However, this is not because of purity, but because her sister likes women.

The weapons in their hands are the ancient alchemy knives "Snow Beiled Swords" imitated by swordsmiths from the Snake Qiba family hundreds of years ago.

The girls swung their knives like swallows, but the next second they were horrified to find that the man standing in the rain with the knife was gone, leaving only the frightening darkness.

The shouts of companions came from behind.

The helicopter originally cast a huge spot of light towards Lu Mingfei. The sharp light switched in the eyes of the girls. In just a moment of switching thoughts, a huge shadow enveloped them.

Lu Mingfei's reaction speed has been honed to the extreme in life and death situations, and his current fighting skills are enough to fully utilize his S-level physical fitness.

The two long knives struck the girls on the backs of their necks with the roar of fierce winds. Even Luo Ye and her sister, who were powerful team leaders in the Kanto branch, immediately collapsed at this moment.

Two unconscious and beautiful bodies plunged into the stagnant water on the road, causing huge splashes. The water splashes showed a dazzling white and silver color in the headlights of luxury cars and the light spots cast by helicopters. Lu Mingfei then landed lightly on the ground.

The heavy machine gun mounted on the armed helicopter always aimed its barrel at Lu Mingfei, but the Kanto branch did not have the courage to shoot in downtown Tokyo, let alone the madness to challenge the authority of the secret party.

The team leaders did not retreat at all because of the fall of their companions. Instead, they waved the long knives in their hands even more crazily and launched a fierce attack on Lu Mingfei with their fans. Just like the Sagara Ninja Army of Higo Province during the Warring States Period, they charged from Mount Iwao to a powerful enemy. Their companions fell and did not stop until they killed or were killed by the enemy.

The enemy's momentum was violent, but Lu Mingfei was not afraid. He crossed his arms and hid Murasame and Spider Kiri under his armpits respectively. However, he did not prepare to fight the enemy with the blade, but only used the back of the knife to make an Iai position.

The team leaders seemed to be focusing on different directions. Some were faster. They were already close to Lu Mingfei. Their sword skills were superb and crazy. They only wanted to defeat the enemy without leaving a way out for themselves. The cold young man in front of them lay low. The body, in the hand, is not a long sword but a kabashi used for breaking armor. He holds it horizontally with his backhand like an assassin in an assassination attempt. However, Lu Mingfei takes out the knife from his armpit. The back of Murasame's knife hits the blade of the kabashi accurately, and the metal roars. The sound shook the big canopy of rain, like a thick wall of water. The young man's expression suddenly changed drastically. He could feel that the force attached to his ribs when he rushed forward was completely rebounded, and his wrist bones were severely bruised. , the tiger's mouth holding the knife was torn, and the phalanges were separated from the joints. The severe pain made him unable to hold the weapon at all, so he immediately took action, using his other hand to pull out another short knife from the knife bag at his waist and rolled it over. He was repelled by the oncoming force.

He was about to stand up again and charge when Lu Mingfei kicked him in the side of the face, severely injuring his temple. The young man was suddenly knocked away and stunned. He slid about ten meters on the watery road. He looked like he had a concussion. He didn't run away.

"Jianguang!" The man made of iron roared furiously, but he did not check the current situation of Jianguang, who was knocked away by Lu Mingfei. Instead, he waved the knife wildly, and each slash struck him from the left shoulder to the lower right. From the right shoulder to the lower left, there is no structure, but great strength. The air is full of the whistling sound of the long jade sword, just like the roar of an airplane engine.

It is not difficult to tell that this guy is a powerful opponent, with a ferocious face and protruding eyes. The golden color is almost like a burning flame tearing through the darkness in the rain.

The other team leaders all used this person as their target, jumping up or lying low, their blades flashing with cold light.

Akechi Asaya walked around with his sword. He has always been the winner of the Kanto branch. In terms of combat effectiveness, this is an opponent that is not inferior to Chu Zihang in the past.

It's still far from the time for him to take action, but that tower-like man is Jing Guang, the most powerful one among them, who can tear apart a liger with his bare hands. Come to think of it, even the S-class in the academy headquarters would be in a hurry when faced with such a situation.

As long as Lu Mingfei shows a flaw, it's time for him to take action!

Akechi Asaya licked his lips.

Defeating Lu Mingfei is the real honor. He is the strongest person besides the dragon, even more powerful than the emperor...


Before he could finish his thoughts, he saw Lu Mingfei finally wielding the knife with great enthusiasm. Murasame and Spider Kiri were like meteorites soaring into the sky against the current. They were waved out in a few seconds, and the surrounding rain was wiped out. The impact rippled away, and the metal roared like a bell in the rain.

The sword light was like an eternal mountain fire. The backs of two peerless swords struck the blade of the long knife in his hand dozens or hundreds of times in a time that Jing Guang could not imagine. Sparks flew everywhere, and his nerves did not even have time to react. His wrist bones The force transmitted from the handle of the knife was so powerful that it shattered into pieces!

Then in Akechi Asuya's eyes, the man named Lu Mingfei suddenly crouched down, and then suddenly jumped up. Jingguang's eyes were already distracted, but the man's elbow still hit his chest fiercely, like iron. The man was sent flying, and actually hit the two team leaders who also jumped up. He flew them back several meters and severely trampled a Mercedes-Benz.

Everything happened in a flash of lightning. In one second, more than a dozen leaders of the Kanto branch jumped up in the rain, like hundreds of ghosts restless on a rainy night, ready to hunt the strangers in front of them. But in the next second, they were all shaken away by the shadow that also jumped in front of them, and they all flew backwards. Everyone was shaken away by the huge force of the back of the ancient alchemy sword, and then hit the chest or temple with the long sword. Some unlucky ones bumped into Lu Mingfei's blade and had their cheek bones shattered.

"It's so beautiful." Sakura's voice was cold, and Yuan Zhisheng nodded.

He saw it clearly. For a moment, Lu Mingfei probably activated the dragon bone state. This method is not a big secret, but it is very loaded, and only extremely high-level bloodlines can use it, so usually few people deliberately learn it.

In the dragon bone state, Lu Mingfei's reaction speed can be doubled. He accurately hits every enemy's vital point with the back of the knife within one second, and the speed is as fast as if he has turned on time zero.

Caesar and Chu Zihang were also paying attention to this battle. They were not worried from the beginning to the end. Lu Mingfei's victory was only a matter of time.

The so-called geniuses of the Kanto branch are just a bunch of hopeless idiots in front of the real geniuses.

Akechi Asaya still held the knife, but his fingers began to tremble slightly. He knew that his companions were all crazy geniuses, and each of them could fight him for a period of time, but at this time, they could not even sustain a round.

At a certain moment, the red-gold eyes of the man named Lu Mingfei glanced at Akechi Asuya, and his body stiffened, as if he was being watched by a beast far more ferocious than a liger, or as if he was facing a god or demon. Something like that.

The area cleared by the sword wind was refilled by the rain curtain. Lu Mingfei pushed back his wet hair along the hairline, which was not too high, so that his vision would not be blocked by the forehead hair. His body temperature was so high that all the rain that fell on him evaporated and turned into thick steam that enveloped his body.

Lu Mingfei did turn on his keel state for a moment, and the sound of bones clenching violently in the violent wind and rain should be as clear and crisp as the sound of gunshots in the stormy sea.

In Akechi Asaya's opinion, he probably used all his strength, and the back of the sword was even swung with a passionate arc, but in fact Lu Mingfei knew that he didn't use much strength.

He's just precise and fast, hitting exactly where he's supposed to hit every time.

Many people will mistakenly think that Lu Mingfei's advantage is high mobility when they first fight him. As we all know, it is difficult for someone to have both high mobility and high toughness at the same time. Lu Mingfei is exactly that. A rare exception.

Murasame and Spider Cut are alive in Lu Mingfei's hands. He uses them like arms and fingers. Lu Mingfei's fighting skills and sword skills are by no means top-notch, but he can crush them with high mobility and high toughness. Most people can beat him on these two things.

Akechi Asuya's heartbeat became extremely violent, almost like a war drum roaring. He slashed, and the rain washed away at him like Lu Mingfei.

"As expected of S-class!" At this time, his voice became silent, hoarse and suppressed, like a snake.

Up to this moment, they had actually completed what the big man behind them asked the Kanto branch to do. I think the officials from the Executive Bureau and Inuyama Ga were on their way, so what the big man wanted to do should have been done.

But Akechi Asaya madly pursued the strongest, so he slashed.

He knew that as long as he did not fall, the Kanto branch had not lost. Besides, the boy named Lu Mingfei probably didn't know that he had fallen into the trap. As long as Asuya could defend the man hidden in the dark during the knife fight, People create a moment of opportunity...

"I only have a few questions. Who is stronger, you or that tyrant?" Akechi Asuya shouted.

Lu Mingfei tilted his head to look at him in the rain, his swords drooping, and the rainwater flowed along the handle to the tip of the sword, and then formed a stream downwards.

"If you are talking about the principal... I have never fought with him, but I don't think he can beat me." Lu Mingfei was very honest. He really felt that Ange couldn't beat him without using his trump card.

The most important reason is that the rule-like word spirit is invalid for him.

Asuna slowly retracted the knife that was originally lying across his chest, raised his right shoulder high, and put his left elbow forward. He held the handle of the knife with both hands and put the knife against his face. The tip of the knife was pointed directly at Lu Mingfei, who was enveloped in steam in the heavy rain and looked like a devil. .

"The second and final question."

"Have you... ever been afraid? Afraid of the dark night, afraid of... losing?"

Akechi Asuya's eyes narrowed slightly. When he said this, his aura suddenly changed, like a knight who was resigned to death. Lu Mingfei stared at him, and nodded slowly after a few seconds.

"I have lost a lot of things, so I swear that if anyone takes those things away from me again, I will kill him." He said, pulling out two sharp flowers from the tip of the knife, "You have a lot of nonsense, you can start Yet?"

Lu Mingfei gave Akechi Asuya a chance to speak. He knew that many people were watching this battle.

But that's okay, that's what he wants to do.

The Sheqiba family should know that what they are facing is not a young fool who can be deceived at will, but a dictator as powerful as Angers.

Lu Mingfei's reputation should be spread throughout Japan in this way.

"Okay! Come!" Akechi Asaya roared. His eyes seemed to have been stuffed with a xenon lamp at this moment. It was so bright that it was dazzling. It was a symbol of the dragon's blood being extremely stimulated.

But the next second, Akechi Asaya's pupils shrank fiercely, like a cat in the snow in the wild suddenly seeing a predator more ferocious than itself!

The sharp sword flashed, and Asuka only saw a phantom. The faint smell of blood rushed into his nose, and the sound of broken metal came from his hand. Then there was a roar in his head, and his vision went dark, and then he fell softly. Collapsed.

Lu Mingfei was already standing beside him, with one foot on the chest of the unconscious Akechi Asuya.

Only Yuan Zhisheng saw what he did. Lu Mingfei's speed was unbelievable. Even if Inuyama Ga turned on the fifth level or even the sixth level, he wouldn't be able to compete with him.

He had already arrived in front of the madman before Akechi Asaya finished speaking. Murasame and Spider Kiri repeatedly hit the same position of the long knife with the back of the knife dozens of times, and the long knife exploded with a bang!

This series of actions took less than a second, and then the handle of Spider's knife hit Asuya's temple. The cold-faced man immediately had blood pouring from his mouth, nose and ears.

At this time, a slim shadow leaped high in the black rain curtain behind Lu Mingfei. She was so light and fast, like a leopard during hunting.

He was originally illuminated by the headlights of luxury cars and the light spots cast by helicopters. At this moment, he suddenly turned around and his eyes could not adapt to the sudden strong light.

But Yuan Zhisheng recognized the shadow.

Luo Ye, the elder sister of the twins.

Her face was delicate and crazy. When she fell from the air, she chopped it with a long knife. It was the long knife in the pair of snow daggers. The dazzling light was reflected in all directions, like the hem of the goddess's skirt, reflected by every drop of rain.

There were vaguely golden butterflies fluttering in the light of the sword, but those butterflies were sharp and dangerous, and they were the messengers of death. The back of the knife was made of gold, and it looked like it was waving the sun when cutting at high speed under the bright light!

This is Akechi Asaya’s trump card! Luo Ye's word spirit is Guisheng. The serial number is not high, but it is very useful on the battlefield.

She had no sense of pain, and Lu Mingfei could not use it. The severe pain of broken bones made her obviously unconscious. This kind of speech spirit was passively activated. Lu Mingfei did not check when he knocked her and her sister away, and the fallen leaves were always hidden at the end. .

Now it's time for her to make a contribution!

The girl remained silent and just chopped quickly and fiercely!

Yuan Zhisheng, Caesar and Chu Zihang all opened their eyes. They wanted to see how Lu Mingfei would respond in this emergency situation.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Lu Mingfei actually threw away the Murasame and Spider Cutters in his hands. The tip of the knife was inserted into the road. While it was still buzzing and trembling, he took a big step boldly, and the accumulation under his feet was The water was splashed as high as a person.

Then, Lu Mingfei reached out at a speed that Luo Ye couldn't react. He held her slender and white right ankle with one hand and pulled it down hard. The other hand took advantage of the situation and held her hands holding the handle of the knife, and then fiercely Throw it into the ground!

Just hearing a bang, Yuan Zhisheng's expression suddenly changed.

He saw that the girl from the Kanto branch had her wrist broken and was pressed into the pool of water, unable to move. She tried to struggle, but blood poured out from all parts of her body, and was washed away by the heavy rain. Lu Mingfei's shoulders and back muscles undulated. He leaned down and panted violently, then pinched his neck and lifted the fallen leaves to make her face him.

Luo Ye's lips seemed to be moving, saying something to him in a very soft voice, and then he couldn't hold on for a few seconds and finally passed out.

Lu Mingfei was originally staring at the girl's still crazy eyes, but now he suddenly turned back to look at Yuan Zhisheng.

Yuan Zhisheng's hand holding Rou Rou Qixing trembled violently.

He saw something.

A pair...

God-like pupils.

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