Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 168 167 Hui Liyi

Chapter 168 167. Hui Liyi

The security doors opened one after another in front of them. Ying Yin was in front, and Yuan Zhisheng was walking with Lu Mingfei. The corridor became wider and wider, and finally it was six or seven meters wide. The four walls were made of hard chrome alloy. The bright white light reverberated wildly on these walls, making everything in sight dazzling.

Lu Mingfei lowered the sound of his footsteps and breathing. His shadow was cast behind him, like a sharp sword piercing the depths of the corridor. After passing through six heavily guarded security doors, he finally saw the corridor. White metal door at the end.

He breathed a sigh of relief, at least not much had changed here. The metal door still looked like an airtight door with rounded corners, and bright white light shone through the Plexiglas window.

Yuan Zhisheng quickened his pace and walked to the front of the airtight door and turned the valve. With the high whistle and the sound of gas venting, the space behind the door slowly squeezed out into Lu Mingfei's eyes.

"The physical condition of the head of the Shangshan family is worrying. We have to prepare a full set of medical equipment at the place where she rests. Normally there are no medical staff here, but once Eri's body collapses, we will immediately arrange exclusive medical treatment The team will provide stable treatment." Yuan Zhisheng whispered.

This is a huge space with white walls. There are pipes everywhere and huge equipment everywhere, from the simplest oxygen tanks and electrocardiogram machines to blood filtration trucks, cardiopulmonary resuscitation machines, high-pressure embolus flushing pumps, and cardiac vibrators that most people would never think of. There are even many large-scale medical equipment worth millions of dollars such as MRI machines, angiography X-ray machines, and linear accelerators.

There are also operating tables and standing cabinets for medicines and syringes. The smell of medicinal herbs mixed with the fragrance of white sandalwood actually makes people feel a little drowsy.

It does appear to be a place used to treat illnesses.

Deeper in the room is a thick bank vault door, which cannot be blown open even with a bomb.

Lu Mingfei's steps involuntarily became a little faster, and Yuan Zhisheng turned around and glanced at him lightly.

Under Sakura's operation, the vault door began to release the high-pressure nitrogen in the valve. Soon the light above the door changed from red to green, and the twelve safety bolts made a soft "click" sound at the same time.

The carbide door slowly opened to both sides, and the scent of white sandalwood wrapped in oxygen came oncoming.

Yuan Zhisheng and Yingying stood aside, exposing Lu Mingfei in front of the door. His hair was blown up by the wind, and there seemed to be light in his eyes.

That is indeed light.

Such...nostalgic light.

The red-haired girl stood cutely behind the door. She was actually wearing a very cute short-sleeved sweatshirt with cat ears, slim jeans and white sneakers. Eri's cheeks were shrouded in the light, almost transparent. Transparent, burgundy eyes so bright, like stars falling into crimson nebulae.

Lu Mingfei held his breath. He had never seen such a sporty outfit as Eli Yi, and for a moment he didn't dare to recognize her.

The girl pulled the small suitcase and stared at him blankly, tilting her head. Her reflection flickered with the white light on the smooth mirror-like alloy floor, enriched with oxygen and distilled liquid droplets in the air-tight system. Let the girl's reflection be covered with a layer of crystal mist.

"You came to pick me up."

Eriyi held up the note she had written long ago.

Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand towards her, very slowly and gently, stroking her hair. His palms were warm, as if the sun was very close to Eli Yi.

"Well, I'm here to pick you up," he said. Like responding to a promise.

For a moment, the girl's heart, which had not experienced many waves in many years, seemed to be trembling. In fact, she already knew that it was a feeling called "love". In her eyes, Lu Mingfei's outline was coated with a layer of light, and the light softened him. Cool outline, even the ends of the hair are painted with bright color.

"Hmph!" Yuan Zhisheng snorted at an inappropriate time, with a sullen expression and sharp eyes. Sakura smiled apologetically at Lu Mingfei, and came to Eryi's side to help her lift the small suitcase.

"It's 8:40 in the morning. You must send Eriyi back before 10 o'clock tonight." When Yuan Zhisheng looked at Lu Mingfei, his eyes were a little cold, and there were some inexplicable emotions, like Hope, but also solemnity.

Lu Mingfei retracted the hand that was still stroking Eryi's hair as if he was electrocuted. He looked at those evil eyes. For a moment, he couldn't figure out Yuan Zhisheng's routine. He didn't know what his look meant.

"Okay, I will," he said.

"This is the basis of our mutual trust. If you send her back before the end of the day, we can allow you to take her out at the beginning of the day." Yuan Zhisheng said very slowly, and he suddenly patted her Lu Mingfei's shoulders looked like an old father threatening him, or an old man looking fiercely at the gangster who picked up his sister.

"If you dare to do something strange to Eriki..." He lowered his voice, with a sinister coldness hidden in his tone.

Lu Mingfei laughed dryly, "Ah haha, how could it be possible? Mr. Yuan, you can see my reputation in school. I am a gentleman!" he said.

Sakura actually opened the Night Watch Forum on her iPad next to her.

"Is this it?" Ying showed the screen of the device in front of Yuan Zhisheng and Lu Mingfei. There was a pinned post on it, which was posted about half a month ago.

"Who will S-class Lu Mingfei end up with?" The quirky little junior sister? Or the red-haired miko elder sister? 》

The poster's ID is Flame Dragon Slayer. The post listed the rather charming stories between Lu Mingfei, Xia Mi and Nuonuo, and then analyzed who he might end up with from various aspects. Finally, let students vote on their own guesses.

The veins on Yuan Zhisheng's forehead throbbed, and Lu Mingfei also felt a little embarrassed.

But thinking of what his father said, Yuan Zhisheng suppressed his already uncontrollable anger and exhaled deeply.

"Don't mess around after you go out. You can't eat too spicy food, and you must be careful not to expose your body in front of other people." Yuan Zhisheng suppressed his irritability and asked Eryi again. Looking at Eriki's body and development alone, she can actually be considered a very beautiful girl, but her mind is very immature and ignorant, and she always seems to be ignorant of everything.

"I know, brother." Eryi took out a small piece of paper and showed it to Yuan Zhisheng. She continued to write and draw in the small notebook, and then held it up.

"The outside world is very gentle and I want to see it."

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned for a moment. His slightly narrowed slender eyes widened, and white light dimmed inside. This man who for some reason always felt that he was carrying thousands of mountains and rivers on his back suddenly felt a little sad.

He touched the top of Eri's head and patted her shoulder.

"Eri is so good," he said.

"The outside world will also think that Eri is very gentle."

Minamoto knows that Eri has thought that the outside world is absurd and weird for a long time. Gundam and Ultraman from M78 fight under the same sky, and they really have cursed properties wherever they go and die. The famous detective elementary school student wandering around, Naruto and Luffy are actually different stories that happened at different times and places in the same world view.

Those film and television works that were used to help her stabilize her mood and relieve her loneliness ended up harming Eriki, and she developed a bizarre world view.

But I don’t know since when, she seems to have suddenly grown up, and she will swear that Ultraman and Gundam do not exist, and that elementary school students are just fabricated stories. It cannot be said that there is no comparison in the real world with One Piece and Naruto. , but certainly not that exaggerated.

Sometimes she would pester Yuan Zhisheng to tell her about the outside world, from the cod jumping out of the water in Alaska, to the seagulls passing by the coast in the South Pacific, from the scattered colors of the polar circle night sky, to the golden fields of sunset in the Gobi desert. .

This world is beautiful and should be embraced.

Eriki opened her arms and gently hugged Yuan Zhisheng, and Yuan Zhisheng hugged her as well. When they came, the girl reached out to Lu Mingfei without hesitation.

"Wait a minute." Yuan Zhisheng suddenly called out to Lu Mingfei.


"I'll leave this to you. In fact, according to our injection time, we shouldn't need it, but we can't rule out an accident." Yuan Zhisheng handed Lu Mingfei a small black suitcase, "If, I mean if , there is a problem with Eriki’s condition, so give her this drug, and then take her back to Genji Heavy Industries immediately.”

Lu Mingfei's expression was slightly solemn, and he nodded solemnly.

"Okay!" he said.

He could guess what was in it. It should be a drug that could curb the phenomenon of dragon transformation or the erosion of dragon blood. It might even be the serum extracted directly from Deadpool's fetus by Tachibana Masamune.

When Eriki was in the hands of the Snake Qihachi family, she had long used this method to maintain the stability of her bloodline.

Eriki tilted her head curiously and looked at Lu Mingfei and Yuan Zhisheng. She clasped Lu Mingfei's left wrist with her right hand. Sometimes she clearly looked like a child who couldn't even take care of herself, but she wanted to do it forcefully. Keep the person you want to keep close to you

"I asked Gattuso-kun and Chu-jun to go back to the Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo first. Sakura will take you to where you want to go later." Yuan Zhisheng said, he hesitated.

"Actually, Mr. Masamune should also be here. Eri is his adopted daughter. Allowing Eri to go out with you is something that Mr. Masamune has agreed to. However, he seems to have had some mental problems in the past two days. The insomnia is very serious and has affected daily life and judgment on official duties, and I am currently receiving treatment from a doctor."

Lu Mingfei's eyes flickered.

He recalled the information revealed by the elder sister of the twin girls in the Kanto branch in a subtle way. It seemed that someone was preparing to take action against Masamune Tachibana.

There were many speculations running through his mind.

Could it be that the Masamune Tachibana in this timeline is really not Herzog? Could it be that the fox-like man has not yet had time to take over the position of the head of the Tachibana family.


"First of all, I want to say that our behavior is immoral and ungentlemanly. Secondly..."

"Aren't you interested in what kind of story will happen between Lu Mingfei and the head of the Shangshan family?" Chu Zihang interrupted Caesar.

Caesar squeezed his face into the window glass next to the back seat of the black Lexus and squeezed it into a pie shape. "That's not true," he said.

"Then don't say more. We have to ensure that Commissioner Lu will not affect the tasks assigned to us by the organization due to personal emotional issues!" Chu Zihang said quite righteously.

Caesar made a fuss: "Hey, you are talking like a Communist now, brother! And you were a Communist during the underground party period!"

"I'm just fulfilling my duties. I think the task of suppressing the Sheqiba Family assigned by the principal may turn into a marriage between the S-level heads of our headquarters and the three beautiful heads of the Sheqiba Family." Chu Zihang looked upright.

Caesar looked up in the rearview mirror and looked at Chu Zihang, who was also squeezing his face against the driver's side window, and clicked his tongue disdainfully.

"I think you are a pure bastard." He said

"What does Ba Po mean?"

"In the final analysis, are you Chinese or am I Chinese?"

"In terms of nationality, you are Italian and I am Chinese."

"Okay, okay, I'm convinced by you. I really don't understand why I would choose someone like you as my opponent." Caesar covered his face and was speechless, "In China, "Bapo" is used in Cantonese. The common saying used to describe a nosy woman can also be said to be a woman with a long tongue."

"But physiologically, I am a male." Chu Zihang was not angry. He got a telescope from somewhere and stuck the lens out of the window to spy on what was happening in the distance.

"I know you are a man. This is just a figure of speech. Do you understand the figure of speech?" Caesar was a little crazy, but he suddenly calmed down.

He suddenly realized that he had probably stayed with an idiot like Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang for so long that the idiot's temperament was affecting him.

Their surveillance targets are Lu Mingfei and Eriki, who have been sent out of Genji Heavy Industries by Sakura.

Obviously, as the head of the Shangshan family, this level of surveillance is definitely not an excessive thing.

"Where are they going?" Caesar asked.

"I don't know, but it seems that our Shangshan family master is going to drink orange-flavored soda. Lu Mingfei went to buy three cans... Oh, I thought he would keep one can for himself. It turns out that the Shangshan family master is drinking two cans. , and the other jar was given to Miss Ying." Chu Zihang said.

"We didn't see the front in that quick glance. Now that I see you, do you think that Uesugi Eri looks very similar to Chen Motong?" Caesar suddenly asked.

He had indeed been pursuing the little red-haired witch in the academy for a long time, and he felt that it would be a book that he could not read.

Unfortunately he didn't succeed.

Chu Zihang looked at it carefully for two minutes: "It is indeed similar, but the head of the Shangshan family seems to be mentally young, and he seems to be too attached to Lu Mingfei."

"I always feel that he is abducting an underage girl. In this case, as gentlemen, we should rush out and beat this kid up." Caesar secretly clenched his fists.

"If you do this, Yuan Zhisheng will definitely give you an award." Chu Zihang had no intention of taking action.

The two of them used the Nibelungen plan to be much stronger than before, but Lu Mingfei has not grown up. Chu Zihang has learned to look at people from a developmental perspective, so he does not think that he can fight with Caesar. It's time to pass by and Mingfei is gone.

And they were in no position to beat him up.

"Speaking of which, our Shangshan Patriarch has a really good figure." Caesar commented, and Chu Zihang hesitantly looked at Eri Yi in the car in the distance.

"Indeed, he is much older than Xia Mi." Chu Zihang looked at it for a long time and nodded seriously.

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