Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 181 180 Go Home

Chapter 181 180.Go home

After having an eel meal in Shibuya, Chu Zihang's team chatted about the upcoming study assignments, and also mentioned that Fingel would come to the Japanese Executive Bureau for an internship, but they only mentioned it briefly.

Lu Mingfei thought that it was natural that the president of the Lion Heart Club and the student union, who were well-known in the college, would not be interested in a loser dog.

In the same way, Caesar and Chu Zihang also felt that it was natural for Lu Mingfei not to be interested in Fingel's affairs.

When leaving the store, Eriki said she wanted to see the sea. After seeing the note written by Eriki, the proprietress found a map around Tokyo from the back room and pointed it out to Lu Mingfei, probably because he was one of these people. The only man in there who looked normal.

The suggestion given by the landlady is a section of coastline near Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture. It is said that you can enjoy the magnificent scenery of Mount Fuji there, and you can also see the night view of Enoshima reflected on the sea. It is also a famous sunset spot in Shonan.

Very close is a public beach called Qili Beach, which is a three-kilometer-long coastline where you can walk along the seaside.

With a boss like Master Gattuso by his side, Boss Lu doesn't care if the destination is a public beach. If not, then he will turn it into Gattuso's private beach.

In short, after eating, they jumped into the black Lexus parked at the door and headed towards the place that the little girl longed for as the end of the world thousands of miles away from the world.

In the imagination of Caesar and Chu Zihang, it should be a place similar to Portofino or the Gold Coast, with sea breeze, beach, waves and palm trees being the main theme.

Eryi probably didn't realize what the beach meant. She just heard the landlady said that the sunset could be seen there, and she immediately looked at Lu Mingfei hopefully.

Maybe she still remembers the sunset she saw in Umezu Temple Town.

Some things settle with the soul, like wine, which become more mellow and unforgettable. Even if you smell the smell of wine after many years, you will still think of the wine you drank with an old friend under a peach blossom tree.

Even for Caesar, this was a very novel experience. Of course he had driven to many places in his not-so-long life. It was certainly not a big deal that Master Gattuso had traveled to every interesting corner of the world.

But Caesar had never made such an unreliable trip.

He and he were wearing expensive hand-tailored suits with gorgeous ukiyo-e embroidery on the lining. They each held swords in their hands and wore fine leather shoes. They drove one of the best mass-produced luxury cars in the world, carrying The junior brother and his beautiful girl were galloping on the way out of Tokyo together.

Holding a map obtained from the eel-yaki proprietress, the young man and girl were speeding on the intercity highway covered with fallen red maple leaves, heading southwest, which actually reminded Lu Mingfei of that grand escape.

Tokyo and Kanagawa are both the largest urban areas in Japan. Even the distance between cities does not seem deserted. The sunlight on the green avenues is dappled through the passing car windows. Caesar, who is driving, opens all the windows and paints pear clothes. She stuck her little head out, and spots of sunlight fell on her fair skin, like crystal jade.

Lu Mingfei leaned on the back seat, the wind blowing in and messing up his hair. Occasionally, he would turn back and meet Eri Yi's eyes, and then smile tacitly.

Before getting in the car, Chu Zihang bought everyone Cokes with ice. At this time, Caesar was putting his elbows on the car window, holding the can of soda in his hand, holding the steering wheel with one hand, and going against the oncoming speed. Ninety mile wind, heading straight towards Kanagawa.

Because there was no intention of getting rid of those responsible for protecting Eriki from the Snake Qihachi family, Lexus kept moving forward at a constant speed of 80 kilometers.

Roaring motorbike teams roared past both sides of the Lexus. These punks like to run on the roads outside Tokyo. There are small flags with skulls on the back seats of their cars, and they all stand out with their chests and belly. Although they were wearing black helmets and rustling coats, it could be seen that they were all middle-aged people who were not young.

Soon they reached the point where they could see the coast, and Caesar slowed down.

Eryi held Lu Mingfei's hand tightly. She did not look at the man beside her, but just looked outside. The airflow outside the car window was like a seductive little fairy, and the long red hair was stirred up. The girl's eyes reflected the freedom. shape.

The maple trees and palm trees were rustling in the oncoming wind, and the red leaves fell in the sunshine like flying snow, which was shockingly beautiful.

The proprietress said that her hometown is Kanagawa. When she was a child, she often went to that beach to catch crabs. At night, she and the children from the same village would pierce the crabs with harpoons and grill them. Finally, they came to the beach where the proprietress once grilled crabs and ate them. It was at the end of a small road that branched off from the main road. In front of them was a vast sea. There were many cars parked in the natural parking lot at the end of the road. Obviously, This is no longer the deserted place it used to be.

People on the beach played volleyball in the sunshine, and girls in swimsuits played in the shallow sea. Their skin was as white as pearls. No one looked back for the arrival of Lu Mingfei and the others, as if it was a matter of course that people would visit such a place.

Caesar stopped the car, Hui Liyi took Lu Mingfei's hand, opened the door and walked out, feeling the salty sea breeze blowing in his face. You can indeed see the sun setting soon from here. It feels so good, like the joy of meeting old friends again.

Standing on a low hillside overlooking the clean beach, Eriyi hugged Lu Mingfei's arm tightly, and she gently rubbed the man's shoulder with the side of her face. Fragments of bright sunshine fell from the leaves of the palm trees, as if a piece of gold had been sprinkled on them.

"I didn't expect there would be a restaurant in a place like this, and it looks pretty good." Caesar looked at the end of the beach, and he didn't even need to see the end to see a quiet restaurant.

“Wherever there are people, there will be consumption, and there is no shortage of people looking for opportunities everywhere.” Chu Zihang said.

He remembered that "Dad" was a very well-planned man. No matter how busy he was, Mr. Lu would always find some time to carry out activities that maintained family harmony. For example, taking Chu Zihang to an amusement park or aquarium, the beach, a holy place that can bring parents and children closer, is of course also essential.

Chu Zihang was often forced to go to beaches with few people in the past. He remembered that restaurants near the sea always had outdoor seating. Sometimes when he went alone, he liked to sit quietly, guarding a bottle of whiskey or something else. Drink whatever you want and look into the distance until the sun fades and only the light of the beacon is left on the sea. At that time, he always thought that it would be great if his father was here, so that we could drink this bottle of wine together here.

"Eliyi, do you want to play in the water?" At this time, Lu Mingfei touched Eiliyi's hair.

Eriki shook her head and wrote: "I'm not in good health. If I play in the water, many people will be unhappy." She actually wanted to write about her brother's displeasure, but she didn't know why she didn't do so.

"I read the online guide for this area, and it said that you can rent beach chairs and parasols. The restaurant also sells fresh coconut juice with ice cubes. We can play cards at the beach." Chu Zihang suggested.

Caesar hesitated and nodded: "If the three of us are out alone, I would suggest going to a larger beach to see if there are any beautiful girls who need help applying sunscreen. But if the head of the Uesugi family is also with us, then I also suggest playing cards. Bar."

From the perspective of Chu Zihang and Caesar, it is obvious that Eryi's mind is not as mature as her appearance. In this case, even a noble son like Caesar, who was cultivated as a scum by the family, really did not want to invite her. The idea of ​​a girl changing into a bikini and going swimming.

In short, this is everything. Lu Mingfei will still think of this afternoon after a long time. Everything was going well. Under the sun, the coast of Kanagawa Prefecture stretched to the end of the field of vision. The palm trees were swaying in the wind, and the sun slowly slipped from directly above to the top of the sea. Under the parasol, Eriyi twisted her beautiful eyebrows and carefully wrote down the rules of the game. Caesar laughed and said, "You lose, hurry up." Then he pasted the long note on the faces of Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang. .

Until today, many tragedies have not happened. This is the autumn of 2010, and Lu Mingfei has changed the fate of some people.

In fact, fate is still following this long thorny road, and the tragic ending is still waiting in the not-too-distant future for someone with a short knife to chop it into pieces by pushing open the door and jumping to chop it.

Lu Mingfei was thinking at this time that there was still a chance for everything and there was still time to change everything. In fact, he already knew his fate, but he was not willing to accept it. All bad results should be exposed by him, even if it is his wishful thinking, even if he thinks so.

They only stayed there for six hours, but Eriki felt that she would never forget this day again. She never knew that people could really have so many friends in the world. She and Sakura's friends walked through the 50-kilometer green boulevard between Tokyo and Kanagawa, and also passed through the middle-aged uncles of the motorcycle team who cheered loudly after arriving at their destination. The palm trees and long bridges were gradually left behind. , after walking through all this, she saw the blue sea that she had seen before.

The door of the restaurant on the edge of the beach opens and closes in the sea breeze. There are strings of wind chimes hanging on the door. The tinkling sound is melodious and distant. The sand gulls rise and fall on the beach. When the sun finally begins to slowly set, the afterglow is unreserved. The ground enveloped them all, long shadows trailing on the sand behind them.

As the sun set, Caesar took Chu Zihang and ran to the restaurant to order some dinner for the day. Before leaving, Chu Zihang hesitated and pushed Lu Mingfei.

All their actions were done behind the child-like girl. Eriki stood quietly on the edge of the rising tide, with golden-red light reflected in her dull and beautiful eyes, as if a piece of residue had suddenly been ironed. of scrap gold.

The setting sun gradually takes away all the warm things from the earth and the sea, and the pale red waves make huge ripples on the distant sea level.

Lu Mingfei put down the cards in his hand and carefully stood next to Eli Yi.

Her eyes were very clean, dull but bright. At this time, the clouds and sea on the horizon turned into the color of flames. Lu Mingfei could see the moment when the sun set through those beautiful eyes.

The girl also looked at him, and they stared into each other's eyes. At this moment, it was as if the turbulent fate had finally reached its grand finale. The light and shadow of the past life and the present life intersected. Lu Mingfei and Eri Yi both stood at the end of the world, feeling sad and happy. Joy and worry sing loudly, and everything in the world is singing about this reunion after so many years.

Lu Mingfei smiled silently, and Eliyi also tilted her head and smiled silently. Her lips were moving, and Lu Mingfei could see the words on Eliyi's lips.

She said, "I want a good friend."

In fact, what Eri probably wants to express should be more straightforward, but she doesn't know the word love or like, she only knows friends.

Lu Mingfei touched the girl's head and rubbed her hair.

He reached out and hugged the girl's stiff yet soft body, whispering in her ear: "I will always be by your side."

Darkness enveloped them overwhelmingly at this moment.

At this time, for Eli Yi and Lu Mingfei, the meaning has been closely linked to the sorrow deep in their souls.

Today they came to the coast of Kanagawa, to another Umezuji Town, affectionately like travelers returning to their hometown.

Lu Mingfei could feel his heartbeat. It was so unwavering, so... steady and powerful, as if it would never stop. And the person in his arms was so warm, so soft, and so stubborn that he didn't want to let go of his hand around the man's waist.

In the last ray of sunlight, their silhouettes were fixed, like stones on the coast. Chu Zihang leaned against the door of the restaurant, his brows furrowed. At this time, a rubbed and lit cigar was handed to him, and the man's expression changed. Slowly stretched.

"You saw it." Caesar lit a cigarette for himself, and they stood side by side looking towards the sea.

Chu Zihang said nothing.

"The Dragon King's recovery is unprecedentedly concentrated. You and I both know what this means. A new era and a new order are coming." Caesar said. He patted Chu Zihang on the shoulder, "Why don't we put more Why should I focus my energy on slaying the dragon instead of focusing on the love triangle between an adolescent boy and a girl?"

Chu Zihang glanced at him, then turned his head and took a deep breath of his cigar.

After a long time, Chu Zihang nodded slowly.


At the hotel, Lu Mingfei was helping the little girl pack her luggage. The beautiful clothes were folded neatly. Rilakkuma and the little yellow duck were sitting in the corner of the box. The little stone turtle poked his head out of the cage and looked around curiously.

They ordered a lot of food at the restaurant next to the beach, including grilled birds on skewers, grilled eels, fresh sashimi and stone crabs just delivered by the fishermen.

There were not many people eating there, and few tourists would stay at such a beach far away from the city at such a time, especially now that it was autumn.

The fire in the center of the table jumped, and ugly manta rays spread out on the diamond-shaped iron net on the fire. The fish oil dripped and sizzled in the fire, and at the same time, the fire danced more cheerfully.

It was already past seven o'clock in the evening when we returned to Tokyo after dinner. Sakura was waiting in her black Hummer downstairs at the hotel where Lu Mingfei and the others stayed last night, with a gentle smile on her face.

Lu Mingfei said that he went up to help Eri pack her luggage and came down to ask Miss Ying to wait for a moment. Ying said, Mr. Lu, please don't mind me as long as I have it before twelve o'clock, you can play as long as you like.

After going upstairs, Huiliyi insisted on taking a shower first. This was one of the few hobbies of the little girl. Lu Mingfei agreed to her without hesitation, and then began to pack things in the room.

Erika hadn't lived in that room much, but there were a lot of clothes scattered on the bed, and little dolls all over the floor. Lu Mingfei folded the clothes one by one and put them away. As for girls' underwear, Boss Lu had seen it before. He calmly packed it in a plastic sealed bag and stuffed it into the corner of the box, and then put the little dolls one by one. Throw it into the box.

After doing all this, he took out the unused orange soda from the freezer and opened a can for himself, turned on the light and sat on the bed to watch TV.

Orange-flavored sodas bubbled, the backstreets were bustling with people, and the noise made people sleepy.

At this time, Eriyi walked out with a beige short windbreaker and tight jeans on her hands.

After taking a bath, she put another little yellow duck on her head. There were still water marks on her fair skin, and her hazy red nebula eyes sparkled in the light.

The open frosted glass door of the bathroom behind the girl was open, and the hot air floated out like the wind and turned into a mist. Eri's clothes were just behind the mist, vaguely looming.

The light shines through the ignorant fog, like a gauze draped over a frameless oil painting, making the people in the painting come alive.

Lu Mingfei took a sip of soda and looked up. The edges of Hui Liyi's figure were also soft and fuzzy silhouettes, shimmering with fragments of light.

Although he was so close, Lu Mingfei felt as if he had returned to a dream from which he could not wake up.

From this point of view, Lu Mingfei really felt like he was in another world. The girl wearing only a bathrobe in front of him was so beautiful that she looked like a perfectly measured creature. Even the shadows on her collarbone and cheeks were so vivid.

Eliyi waved her little hand to disperse the mist in front of her, and tilted her head to look at Lu Mingfei, who was staring straight at her.

Eliyi's temperament was naturally cute, and her eyes were confused and enthusiastic at the moment, so much so that Lu Mingfei didn't even dare to look at her.

"Change your clothes, I'll take you home." Lu Mingfei stood up, picked up his suitcase and walked out of the room. Eriyi tapped the table with her fingers in response.


Sakura, who was well-dressed in a long black windbreaker and high-heeled boots, received Lu Mingfei and Eriyi who came downstairs at the backstreet exit of the hotel. After opening the door, the high-powered Hummer off-road vehicle, which was as black as a steel behemoth, was parked in their car. before. Ying took the suitcase from Lu Mingfei and threw it into the trunk. Then she threw the turtle cage on the passenger seat. After both of them sat down and fastened their seat belts, the off-road vehicle roared out of the small lane. Lane, going against the crowd and merging into the rolling traffic of the evening rush hour.

In less than ten minutes, they were completely stuck in the rolling traffic. The evening rush hour in Tokyo was no more empty than BJ, and it was even more crowded. There were all kinds of office workers who had to support their families and those who were on the rise in their careers. The young people were silently submerged in their own steel barriers on the light-filled elevated road.

During this period, no matter whether it is a private car, an off-road vehicle or a large truck, it must be driven slowly. There may have been a traffic accident not far ahead, and the rows of fire trucks screaming and screaming forward flashed from the emergency lane. Passed away, which not only aggravated the congestion, but also attracted many drivers to jump out of their cars and stand on the guardrail pointing forward.

"At times like this, it's like this everywhere in this city." Sakura explained, especially that their target was the center of Shinjuku, which is the most prosperous area in Tokyo, and there are no alleys to choose from. Even if they were able to pass through, they would have been crowded by more large and small cars that had the same intention of taking a detour as they did.

"Sorry to trouble you, Miss Ying." Lu Mingfei said with a smile on his face. He was not an impatient person when there was nothing important. On the contrary, many people used to think that Mr. Chairman was too procrastinating in doing things. What's more, today is to send Eli Yi home, and it will be at least a week or two before she wants to go out next time. In this case, Lu Mingfei also wants to stay with her for a while.

"It's my honor to serve our distinguished guests." Sakura said with a smile, her narrow but not sharp eyes looked at Lu Mingfei and Eri Yi through the rearview mirror, "But Mr. Masamune has been quite anxious these past two days. , he is very worried about Miss Eriki’s health.”

The relationship between Sakura and Eriki cannot be said to be very good. When talking about the young master's sister in formal occasions, she will usually use the title "Master of the Uesugi family", while in informal occasions Sakura will call her "Miss Eriki". .

"Eri Yi's health is fine. Mr. Masamune is indeed a good father." Lu Mingfei said with emotion. His tone didn't change much when he said this, but he really didn't have much emotion, as if he was saying A dead man.

Sakura glanced at Lu Mingfei in surprise, but it was fleeting and did not even make Lu Mingfei notice it.

Of course, Eriki would not worry about traffic jams. Before Lu Mingfei came to Japan, the little girl had very few opportunities to go out. Even if she occasionally went out with Yuan Zhisheng to perform official duties, she was not allowed to leave his side. This place The colorful city slowly retreated as the Hummer moved forward. Those dazzling and even dizzying lights were reflected in Eriyi's eyes. Her expression could not be told whether she was lonely or happy, but she was full of joy along the way. He didn't let go of Lu Mingfei's hand.

She suddenly scratched Lu Mingfei's palm.

"I really like the world now."

Huiliyi wrote a note for Lu Mingfei to read. She leaned on the man's shoulder, her eyes lowered, quiet and beautiful. She was indeed not a child who was good at hiding her true feelings. No matter where Lu Mingfei took her, the expression on her face was full of hope.

Lu Mingfei also scratched her palm and whispered in Eli Yi's ear: "I also like this world with Eli Yi."

Eryi raised her head, their faces were very close, so close that Lu Mingfei could even count the girl's slightly trembling eyelashes, smell the girl's elegant and fragrant breath, and see the almost hidden expression in those ignorant eyes. The water mist is about to overflow.

"Before I went out, my brother told me that a long time ago, if a man liked a girl, he would write a letter to the girl and write a poem in the letter." Eli Yi wrote on the paper, and Lu Mingfei touched her small Head: "I can also write poems for Eri."

"Then can you write it now?" Eriyi blinked her eyes. Her skin was so fair, and there was a faint blush rising at this moment, as if it was illuminated by fire. Or maybe she originally felt that she was being illuminated by the fire.

Lu Mingfei looked up at Ying, who was driving seriously in the driver's seat, and thought it was really shameful to read poetry at this time. Still he nodded.

Love poems are exactly Boss Lu’s forte.

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