Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 32 0323E Exam

Chapter 32 032.3E Exam

"Okay, okay, don't worry, senior brother! I've heard what Qilan and the others said. The 3E exam is not difficult. It's just taking dictation of Long Wen. You are an S-level person appointed by the principal. This little thing won't trouble you!" Xia Mi Skipping and walking next to Lu Mingfei, the girl was wearing a long white dress. Under the swaying skirt, her white ankles shone like pearls in the early autumn sunshine.

Today is the day of the 3E exam. Lu Mingfei did his homework all night yesterday, sorting out all the possible dangers that the Kuimen Project may encounter and looking for solutions. When Xia Mi opened the door and came in, he was still sleeping soundly under the quilt. .

"I'm not worried about this..." As someone who has already experienced the 3E exam, Lu Mingfei's inner peace is extremely calm. The little devil Lu Mingze even said that he has indeed awakened his S-class bloodline independently now. There must be nothing wrong with such a small Longwen test.

He was actually thinking about the Kuimen plan that would be carried out next.

If the history that has happened has not been changed, the Kuimen Project should have already begun at this moment, and Senior Yaji and Senior Ye Sheng will soon be in danger in the Three Gorges.

The turning point of fate is just around the corner. The white doves in the bell tower are singing low. They are about to gain the freedom they dream of because of a tragedy, even if the price of this freedom will be displacement.

"The mission has been assigned to me. I would like to apply to go to the mission location nearby." Lu Mingfei yawned and said to Xia Mi, "The principal arranged for me to carry out this mission with my senior sister. He said that the secret party suspected I found the palace of a certain Dragon King."

"The Dragon King's palace..." Xia Mi hummed, feeling happy. She thought to herself that another unlucky guy was going to have his house stolen. Fortunately, the queen was so smart that she only built her nest in the Nibelungs. Fenrir also took care of the house and nursery. Who would have eaten the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard? If any mixed race dares to break in, Fenrir will be beaten to death.

"Well, it's in the Three Gorges. The principal said it might be the relics left by the Lord of Bronze and Fire, buried in the underwater rock formations. The Monyach is now swimming in those waters." Lu Mingfei did not hide anything. , he raised his drooping head and looked into Xia Mi's eyes quietly.

The little female dragon seemed a little surprised. She had been a member of the royal family active in the same area as the brothers Constantine and Norton for a while, but she didn't know where the brothers sitting on the bronze throne had stayed. Your own altar.

Dragons are tyrannical and selfish. Even if they are born from the same womb or created by the same being, they will still want to devour each other, devour their own brothers and sisters, make their own blood more noble, and truly become the supreme supreme being. .

After Xia Mi woke up, she also spent a long time looking for the cocoons of her brothers who had not yet awakened. As long as she could get those cocoons that gathered power and power, she could evolve herself into Hela, which was better than the four major powers. The species whose monarchs are nobler will be qualified to hold the scepter of destiny in the coming great era.

"Senior brother, you must be careful. That is the palace of the Dragon King. There may be some ancient alchemy products hidden in it, or even evil creatures." Xia Mi wrinkled his beautiful nose, with a look of indignation on his face, "Principal It’s true, you’re so unbecoming of a human being! You actually let a new student do such a dangerous task! I’m going to report him!”

When she said this, she made a fist with her right hand and touched her chest with her left hand. She was really a beautiful girl who was eager for justice.

It's a pity that the Illinois State Department of Education probably can't control Cassell's head. If you really want to report Principal Angers, you may have to contact the FBI or something and let the US government arrest him for carrying weapons of mass destruction without a license.

"Junior sister, don't worry. I don't take your little Dragon King and your senior brother seriously yet." Lu Mingfei boasted to Haikou. Anyway, Constantine's bone bottle is in his hands. Norton is still wandering in New York and has not awakened. There are at most two dragon attendants in the Bronze City. , the next generation will break through the sky. Lu Mingfei was a ruthless character who had even killed the Dragon King a few times. In his eyes, the two-headed second generation was nothing.

They walked together, and Lu Mingfei said, "Junior sister, what do you think of senior brother?" "You're very good-looking, and she's my favorite type." Wanwan's eyes all express the same emotion, which is the emotion when you like someone.

"I mean Chu Zihang!" Lu Mingfei put one hand on Xia Mi's face and held her right hand with the other, forcing her to get back on the right track.

"Oh, senior brother is very nice. He gave me a lot of advice."

"What advice?"

"Um, it's nothing, nothing." Xia Mi pretended to be mysterious. Lu Mingfei raised the corners of his drooped eyes, which made him seem to be suddenly interested in something.


The 3E exam is located on the second floor of the library. All freshmen exams are held on this day.

Nuonuo said that she was the invigilator for this exam because her tutor was Professor Manstein from the Discipline Committee. So when Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi saw a pair of long-legged senior sisters in jeans dangling beside the desk, I wasn't surprised at all.

Today, the senior sister is wearing very slim and tight jeans, a slightly loose white shirt on the upper body, and Mary Jane shoes with ten centimeter high heels on her feet. She is so dazzling that the boys can't help but focus on those beautiful pairs. long legs.

There are already many people sitting in the classroom, and the order of exams is based on estimated bloodline. Those students who were rated as A-level or B+-level bloodline before admission will appear in the first exam.

When they saw Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo pushing through the door, thunderous applause sounded in this already crowded space.

Some boys and girls were dressed neatly in school uniforms. They stood up from their seats, clapped their hands, and looked at Lu Mingfei with almost fanatical admiration. These people were all members of the freshmen fraternity. During the free day Keep your word and always fight until the last man falls. They indeed gave all their trust to Lu Mingfei, and Lu Mingfei responded to this trust with honor. Now they are at the height of their power, and even the old Lion Heart Club and the Student Union have been defeated by these young people.

"Lu Mingfei!" Someone shouted his name.

"Lu Mingfei!" Immediately more people responded, and for a moment the place was as enthusiastic as devout believers welcoming the Pope's enthronement.

But Lu Mingfei glanced at Xia Mi silently, stretched out his right hand and flicked the forehead of the excited girl.

"Ouch." Xia Mi covered his forehead.

The girl looked at Lu Mingfei, aggrieved.

But Lu Mingfei's eyes twitched and he just wanted to snap his fingers again.

The first guy who called his name was Xia Mi.

Professor Manstein, wearing a black suit, appeared from behind the door and glanced at everyone coldly through his round glasses. He clearly appeared from behind, but his aura was so powerful that he actually made everyone quiet.

"Go and sit down in your seats, the exam is about to start." Nuonuo, who was sitting on the desk, said expressionlessly.

Xia Mi nodded obediently, and Lu Mingfei scratched his hair. When he passed by Nono, he suddenly raised his head and looked at her: "Senior sister is so beautiful today. She looks great in a white shirt."

Nuonuo couldn't hold back a laugh, stretched out her right hand and slapped her twice: "You're the only one with a poor mouth!"

Lu Mingfei scratched his head, "How can there be..."

When the last two people sat down, Professor Manstein glanced at his watch and said, "Everyone is here, now announce the exam rules!"

"Cheating is absolutely prohibited, and violators will be disqualified! In the name of the chairman of the Discipline Committee, I ensure that the learning atmosphere at Kassel College is relaxed, but the discipline is the strictest. Don't try to peek at other people's test papers , the camera covers the entire classroom, without any blind spots! Don’t try to bring any small electronic devices, radio waves are also monitored in the classroom! I know you are all geniuses, but I can tell you that there are people who are more genius than you. People who have taken exams in this classroom have tried every cheating method you can think of. For example, a man from the United States developed a special radio wave modulation device. With the help of this device, he disguised communication waves as sunspots. The burst caused radio turbulence, but he failed and Norma easily decrypted his signal. When we presented the evidence, he had nothing to say..." Professor Manstein had a big, shiny bald head , when he reached the top and started talking, the light of the incandescent lamp was reflected on Lu Mingfei's table, leaving small spots of light.

He looked at the note on his desk, which read "Ricardo M. Road".

Lu Mingfei was suddenly stunned.

He looked at Nono who was behind the desk on the podium with his arms around the tree and looking out the window at the huge birch tree. At this moment, Nono suddenly turned his attention to Lu Mingfei.

Their eyes met at this moment, and Lu Mingfei suddenly felt a dreamlike and unreal feeling.

Nuonuo, who was originally expressionless, showed her face at this moment. She made a cheering mouth gesture towards Lu Mingfei, and her red hair tips moved in the wind. Today is a sunny day. The sunshine after the rain is so bright and enchanting that it shines down in strands, casting the shadow of the window on the walnut desks. There is a faint crimson color in the whole classroom.

it's beautiful. Lu Mingfei said heartily.

Really similar to Eriki.

They do look very similar, almost carved from the same mold, but neither Caesar nor Chu Zihang thought so before because their eyes were different.

Nono's eyes are spiritual, and beautiful light is always shining in them.

Eriki's eyes are like stars imprisoned in a cage. Even if she shines, she must be deliberately suppressed. Only when the person holding the key stands in front of her will she come alive like a real girl.

But for some reason, Lu Mingfei felt that Nuonuo's eyes were so familiar at this time. It was no longer the kind of out-of-the-box spirituality, but like the way Eryi looked at him sometimes.

That look was clearly so gentle and familiar, but it made Lu Mingfei's heart throb slightly.

He quickly lowered his head.

"Classmate! Classmate! They all say you are S-level! You are the leader of dragon slaying and the nemesis of evil! I really envy you!" At this time, a girl at the table next to him turned around and gave Lu Mingfei a thumbs up. She is really beautiful and charming, no less impressive than Nono and Eri. Probably only Xia Mi can hold this girl in check.

Lu Mingfei smiled awkwardly, "It's not that powerful, it's like an evil nemesis..."

"Kristina Kabaeva." The beautiful girl introduced herself, "We are both students of Professor Guderian. He was addicted to alcohol when he was in Moscow. It was my father who found him and sent him to the hospital. I was also a B-class hybrid who was accidentally discovered because of this.”


Lu Mingfei's eyes flashed with confusion for a moment. He seemed to have heard of this name or the owner of this name somewhere before, or even had such close contact with it.

Probably an illusion.

"Are you Russian?" Lu Mingfei was a little surprised. Russian mixed-race breeds are rich in beautiful girls?

"Hmm, I'm not a native of Moscow, but my family has some business there." Kristina took out a rubber band from nowhere and tied her long hair into a high ponytail. There was a beautiful ruby ​​pendant, fixed with a silver chain, which made her skin look even whiter, as bright as the moonlight.

"Your family must be very wealthy, why did you choose to join Kassel?" Lu Mingfei was a little curious.

Although this does not actually constitute a causal relationship, if it were Lu Mingfei from the previous time and space, if he were replaced by Zhao Menghua's family, Guderian, an old guy, probably wouldn't be able to stand in front of him.

"Dragon slaying was a just cause during Professor Guderian's time, so I'm here." Christina bit the newly bought pen holder and looked at Lu Mingfei curiously, probably thinking that this question was really idiotic.

But Lu Mingfei's heart suddenly stopped for a moment.

"You... just for such a simple reason?" He looked at the Russian girl's eyes, which were a pair of beautiful brown eyes. Those eyes were so clear, like frozen water under the glacier.

"Hey, hey, justice is something worth pursuing my whole life, okay?" Christina protested in a low voice.

"Sorry, it just reminds me of a friend." Lu Mingfei said softly, "He is Japanese and a partner in the pursuit of justice." When he said this, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, so he simply turned around and stopped. Talk to this Russian girl.

At this time, Professor Manstein said loudly: "The exam will officially start in 3 minutes. Turn off your mobile phone now and put it on the corner of your desk together with your student ID card."

He clicked his watch, and the black curtain wall silently overflowed from the mezzanine of the carved wooden windows, and all the windows were tightly sealed.

At the same time, the wall lamp in the classroom flickered and lit up. Nono walked along the aisle and gave each new student an A4-sized test paper and a sharpened pencil.

"Damn it, I bought it for nothing!" Christina angrily put away the pencil that had been bitten by her teeth.

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