Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 90 089 Hai Yu Tian Feng

Chapter 90 089. Hai Yu Tian Feng

The loud-voiced aunt who used to live across from Xia Mi often chatted with the grandma downstairs.

Xia Mi woke up when she was very young. Her auditory system was far superior to that of ordinary people. There was no entertainment at home, so she wore a loose white gauze nightgown and pricked up her ears to listen to the corner.

The only things that the aunt and grandma can talk about are trivial things, such as the prince next door has a new girlfriend, Uncle Li’s house downstairs seems to be making kung pao chicken at noon, and the children at home can’t go to school. My heart was beaten again last night.

But the most frequent content is the secret words of a man who controls his family.

To be honest, for a long time Xia Ya really thought that adult humans would also have a teacher or something else who would issue tasks that could be called mental abuse every day to fill their homework.

It wasn't until she later took a physiology class organized by the school and learned about some of the "codes" between men and women through a pornographic magazine called "Men and Women's Golden Affairs" that she found out what was going on.

So the aunt said to her grandma, eldest sister, tell me how I can get that dead man in the family to focus on me.

Grandma patted the back of the aunt's hand, the wrinkles on her face squeezed into a chrysanthemum and said, "Zhen, Zhen, it's a waste that you have lived for more than forty years but don't understand a truth."

The aunt asked what the reason was.

Grandma said earnestly that to catch a man, you have to catch his stomach.

Xia Mi once thought that human beings were really a bloodier and crueler race than dragons, and to pass on their genes from generation to generation, they had to disembowel their stomachs and capture them.

Later she learned that grabbing a man's stomach meant that you had to learn to cook.

Xia Mi knew how to cook when she was very young, because she was alone and had no parents. Her brother was a fool and he would go hungry if he couldn't cook.

But she only knew how to cook noodles. It was only when she was in the third grade of junior high school that she started to study cooking skills.

It has a lot to do with a guy who often comes to her house with ingredients to eat.

But Xia Mi thought that he had probably caught Lu Mingfei's stomach.

Even though Lu Mingfei was timid sometimes, looking like a sleepy and energetic little panda, he still had it in his mouth.

After all, he was also the president of the Cassel College Student Union before, and every president of the student union happened to suffer from a disease called failure to pay attention to death.

After returning to this period of time and space, Lu Mingfei rarely showed a strong interest in a certain food. Although he would politely not show any sign no matter where he ate, in fact everyone could tell that he didn't like it. Eat those things.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't like it, it just doesn't suit his taste. Lu Mingfei is not a hypocritical person.

Oh, by the way, there is indeed one kind of food in the world that he has difficulty swallowing but has to swallow. That food is the Northeastern dumplings made by Chu’s mother. That day, Chu Zihang invited Lu Mingfei to his home as a guest. He was usually responsible for daily living. Aunt Tong happened to take a leave of absence, so Chu's mother generously said that she would cook and conquer Zihang and Mingfei's stomachs.

As a result, Chu's mother fell asleep on the sofa while Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang were playing basketball. When they rushed into the kitchen, the water in the pot had almost completely dried up. If the dumplings stuck together could curse, they were probably yelling. , but it’s conceivable that even if they can speak, they still speak African dialect, because the dumpling wrappers have been completely burnt black.

The food cooked by Xia Mi was very suitable to Lu Mingfei's appetite. For a while, this guy almost regarded Xia Mi's house as his own canteen.

Junior sister is a very clever little dragoness, and she probably really worked hard on this matter. No matter what Lu Mingfei wants to eat, from Chinese food to French food to Italian food to Japanese food, even the British are keen on it. The dark dishes looked like delicacies in her hands.

At that time, Lu Mingfei often thought that his senior brother was really lucky, but this guy was so lucky that he secretly stabbed his little junior sister!

This time, if you dare to act recklessly if you are so cold-faced, don't blame me, junior brother, for turning your back on me.

But Lu Mingfei didn't expect that he had made a mistake. He failed to change the fate of those who were destined to die, but instead caused the path of this painful and somewhat sweet fate to deviate.

——So when Nuonuo asked Xia Mi to come over and help prepare dinner for Lu Mingfei, she didn't reject it at all, and even took it for granted.

Of course, Xia Mi is a soft and weak junior sister, but in her heart, the emperor's daughter named Jormungandr in a golden crown and red dress also lives.

Of course, the junior sister's love for her senior brother is shy, like the breeze blowing on the boy's face in early summer. But the emperor's love for the man was high-profile and sharp. She regarded him as her own and majestically announced this fact to the whole world.

So subconsciously Xia Mi thinks that cooking for Lu Mingfei is equivalent to being a gentle wife taking care of her husband who leaves early and comes home late. Of course, she doesn't mind if her husband brings some food like Chu Zihang Caesar or Fingel. She doesn't care if her friends come back to eat and drink, and they hug each other when they get high and get married, as long as they don't take the opportunity to visit the bridal chamber.

At this time, Constantine's laughter came from the living room. Caesar was playing a game with this little dragon king. It wasn't a 3A masterpiece, it was just Nintendo's MapleStory.

Although he lived for who knows how long, Constantine was still a child at heart, and he quickly forgot all about his original determination to warn himself not to look good to Caesar.

Xia Mi was sweating profusely next to Nono. He cut the salmon into pieces one by one with his wrists shaking quickly. The girl's hair was soaked with sweat and stuck to her smooth forehead one by one.

She seemed to feel something. She suddenly raised her head and looked in the direction of Chicago. The expression on her face suddenly became ferocious and angry, "Lu Mingfei, you bastard!" She cursed softly.

Nuonuo raised his head and glanced at her suspiciously. Xia Mi quickly stuck out his tongue to cover up his embarrassment, "He is a bastard to begin with. He went to Chicago with the principal and senior brother to eat and drink hot food. Maybe the old pervert of the principal would still be there." We will arrange some special programs for them, but after that, they still don’t forget to ask us to prepare dinner for him, it’s really too much!”

It is said that she never complains about the principal's behavior like an old thief in front of Angers. It seems that it is difficult to evaluate the principal. Xia Mi himself is really a bit of a thief, which is not in line with the worldly python Jörmungha. Well positioned.

"Don't you have a night watcher forum?" Nono shrugged and blinked his burgundy eyes. "They went to an auction in Chicago and bought a second-generation seed from a mysterious seller. The egg, it is said that it still retains considerable activity, maybe it can hatch into a real god."

Xia Mi was stunned for a moment, then wiped his hands stained with salmon oil randomly on his apron, took out his mobile phone and logged into the Night Watch Forum, and sure enough he saw the relevant news.

The poster was from Cambridge Folding Knife. The picture shows the principal in a suit with a smile on his face standing next to an opened black metal box. In the box, cyan eggs were sealed with liquid nitrogen. Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei were among them. Like door gods, they stood beside the principal on the left and right. Ange's hands were stroking their hair respectively. The boys' hair styles were messy and they looked a little unhappy.

In the photo, Lu Mingfei looked to the left, and Chu Zihang looked to the right, obviously unwilling to take pictures with the principal in such a shameful posture.

"Senior brother is so handsome." Xia Mi stared with stars, then she realized that she should have been angry, and gritted her teeth angrily, "But when I think that we are working hard to cook while they are having fun, I am not willing to accept it. !”

Nuonuo suddenly reached out and touched Xia Mi's head.

Xia Mi looked at Nono. The silver four-leaf clover earrings danced, bringing the sunshine into the somewhat cold kitchen.

"Give them a surprise and put spicy mustard on the buttered bread." Nono said the most insulting words in the gentlest tone. It was obvious that she was a little dissatisfied even though she didn't say it.

The girls then looked at each other and smiled, then cut the salmon and kneaded the dough while sweating profusely.


Yu's graceful figure embraced Lu Mingfei like an old friend or even a lover whom he had not seen for many years. On this noisy, bloody and cruel battlefield, those soldiers who had died for thousands of years in history suddenly stopped fighting. Thousands of people stood still for a moment, all faces turned in this direction, and every pair of eyes suddenly lit up with red gold light.

All of them are hybrids with dragon blood flowing in their bodies!

Their expressions at this moment were like devout believers witnessing the birth of God.

"Soon, the fate of the abandoned clan and the abandoned clan will intersect." They were saying this, as if a king was using puppets to convey some kind of message to Lu Mingfei and Yu.

The girl hugged Lu Mingfei in such an intimate and affectionate manner, it was like the intercourse between gods and humans in the mural.

But Lu Mingfei actually only felt that it was an embrace without any blasphemy. It was two lonely and cold people or things drawing warmth from each other's bodies.

Like fugitives supporting each other on the ice field.

Lu Mingze was holding a big black umbrella next to him, exclaiming in admiration. At the same time, he said that it would be great if this scene could be recorded and sold to the News Department of Cassel College, and he would definitely get a good price. Bad words.

Lu Mingfei couldn't resist. In this place that seemed like a dream, he seemed to have turned back into the cowardly and humble child he once was.

But the girl didn't want to hurt him. She just hugged Lu Mingfei tightly, her body trembling slightly, like a reunion after a thousand years.

"Don't betray his trust this time, human. This is the promise between the abandoned clan and the abandoned clan..."

Lu Mingfei was horrified and thought to himself: Sister, can you please let go of me first and then explain carefully what the promise between the abandoned clan and the abandoned clan is? What the hell, what you said is very problematic, okay, it depends on what you mean. Our Great Human Empire had some kind of covenant with your Great Dragon Republic before, right? It was us, the weak humans, who broke the covenant, right? And who the fuck is the abandoned tribe and who is the abandoned tribe, can you please make it clear, six people in the world? One billion, no, no, seven billion people are happily calling us, calling us an abandoned tribe? It's obvious that you dragons are the only ones who have been abandoned.

But he couldn't say it.

Because the eyes of the tall girl holding him in her arms were so sad. She was naked and exposed her beautiful curves, but she had thick green iron scales on every inch of her skin. Those scales were something Lu Mingfei had never thought of before. It was soft, not like a dragon's armor, but more like some kind of cashmere coat.

But at this time, Lu Mingze suddenly raised his eyebrows, and his face suddenly showed a look of watching the excitement, and his eyes looking at Lu Mingfei also became somewhat pitiful for no reason.

Suddenly, there was such an ancient and solemn voice coming from high places, everywhere, the sea, rain, sky and wind were stirring. The soldiers with pious faces who were fighting just a moment ago shattered and dispersed in the sound, as if they had never appeared before. Live the same.

It was a greater will that invaded the spiritual realm that this next-generation species pulled Lu Mingfei into.

That is the god in the clouds, or the king in the sky.

That was a girl saying in such a cold voice, "Stay away from him! You despicable...stealer of divine power!"

This language is so ancient and strict that both Lu Mingfei and Yu can understand it, because it is the language they are most familiar with.

That's Longwen.

In some situations, Lu Mingfei once had the power to speak out all the dragon texts, because he once held the power to reach the ultimate in the world.

Yu Zhen slowly let go of Lu Mingfei at this voice.

Lu Mingfei's expression was a bit astonished. Although he had done some processing, he could still tell that the voice came from a certain little female dragon who was very good at drama.

It was Xia Mi's voice.

Or maybe Jormungandr.

This spiritual realm that belongs to the ancient second generation and cannot be broken by hybrids with poor bloodlines has been taken over by Jormungandr, the King of Earth and Mountains!

For a moment, the sea, rain, sky and wind seemed to be stagnant at a certain moment, and all the noise faded away from Lu Mingfei like a tide.

That's an order.

Like time or destiny turning back, Lu Mingze stood in the countercurrent tide, the hem of his black suit was torn back by the strong wind.

The endless torrential rain that filled the sky and the earth rose from the ground. This was an order from Jormungandr taking effect, and all the raindrops returned to the empty sky.

Every drop of water blooms like a blooming red lotus, blooming with fiery red brilliance. Those radiances are densely intertwined in the black sky, like the hem of a golden goddess's skirt.

Just at the top of this golden peak, even with Lu Mingfei's eyesight at this moment, he could only vaguely see a slender and tall shadow.

She wears a gorgeous golden crown, and her red dress spreads out to the edge. The rain reflects the fiery red dress so it shines so brightly.

She was so majestic and beautiful.

She is really the emperor's daughter who is praised in the world. The wind blows her skirt and long hair on the clouds, as if she wants to blow her majesty to the entire spiritual world.

Lu Mingfei stared at this scene blankly.

Having been with Xia Mi for so many years, he had almost forgotten that the soft and waxy girl turned out to be a monster that could roar in the world, and her long tail could even surround the atrium.

Now, the forgotten emperor's daughter has reappeared, and the reason for her reappearance is actually ridiculous...


He suddenly laughed, silently, a little touched.

But the next-generation species named Yu didn't seem to be afraid of the king.

Something awakened in the shadows behind her, a pair of eyes so huge, so huge that they could almost fill the world, golden eyes.

"This is a reunion that should be recorded in history!"

A man's voice sounded behind Yu,

"Jormungandr, my sister, you are here!"

It seems that without warning, the great and dusty history will unfold in front of Lu Mingfei. The owner of that picture is the king and the emperor who once stood side by side on the throne of the world and overlooked all living beings. Lu Mingfei He could no longer take his eyes away from Jormungandr's body, and the blazing wind seemed to be burning his eyes.

But at this time, someone grabbed Lu Mingfei's collar and pulled him out of this dream. It was Lu Mingze.

In fact, I don’t want to write about this part, but I think in the original work, the principal is indeed a steadfast dragon slayer, and his hatred makes him want to destroy all gods and kings.

People always have to go through some big changes to change.

So Yu will die, Menike Cassel will be revived in some way and then killed by Angers himself, and the Dragon King who died in the Battle of Japan has not returned.

For everyone, this is a dream, but for the principal, it is a painful farewell.

I am a loyal fan of Mr. Jiangnan, and I was originally reluctant to add my own original work, but some things had to be done, unless I was allowed to kill Angers.

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