Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 96 095 Nono’s Spring Strategy (1)

Chapter 96 095. Nono’s Spring Strategy (1)

Interstate 65 heading toward Chicago is flat and wide, seemingly stretching straight ahead forever in the Illinois countryside where the most soybeans are grown in the United States.

This is really a journey that seems to have no end in sight, and there are piles of snow on both sides of the road.

The dark brown Maybach roared past, bringing up huge clouds of snow dust. Lu Mingfei opened the window, and the biting wind poured in, which made him energetic.

Countless windmill matrices on both sides were arranged in depth, turning like motors driven by the wind that swept across the wilderness.

This is not a Cassel-to-Chicago date.

Rather, it’s a trip that stops everywhere in Illinois.

Dragon Blood Society's Maybach carried Lu Mingfei and Nono on the highway between cities in Illinois.

They opened the car windows and spread their arms, feeling the oncoming wind.

Or you can climb up the rugged rocky mountain and look out at the endless wilderness from the highest point.

Winter is over, the temperature is warming up, and the accumulated white snow is slowly melting. The world seems to be becoming alive again.

When they finally reached the end, it was the big city called Chicago.

There was a fire of the century that swept through the Windy City. It was a fall night in Chicago in 1871. A cow kicked over an oil lamp placed on a haystack, causing the largest fire of the century. After the arrival of the fall of 1871, Chicago became a paradise for a generation of master architects and artists to express their imagination and memory.

In the context of the cyclical economic depression at that time, the Chicago Fire seemed to have stimulated the city's domestic demand and the increase in suburban land value in an extreme way. It caused people to move away from the city center and begin to develop into the suburbs, thus increasing the size of the city. the framework of the city.

Now, the concrete forest stretches on three sides of the city of Chicago, all the way to the end of the horizon. No matter how you look at it, you can only see it touching the sky.

Chicago is entering spring, and the city suddenly unfolds a gentle face.

The tulips were blooming on Michigan Avenue, and the warm sun was just above the rows of concrete buildings, showing a beautiful golden color, gentle and windless.

Chicago was originally known as the Windy City, but today there is no wind and it is really warm.

"Senior sister, where should we go next?" Lu Mingfei asked.

Maybach walked along the Chicago Riverside Boulevard. To their left was the sparkling Chicago River. White cruise ships carried lark-like girls cruising in the middle of the river.

They were singing a very melodious song together, accompanied by such soft piano and saxophone sounds.

Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand from the car window next to the driver's seat. The warm sunlight fell on that arm, and every pore on it opened comfortably.

The city and the outside are simply two worlds. The wilderness is still cold and windy, and the roadsides are still piled with snow, but the city has already ushered in its early spring.

"Let's go to the trail first. We've already come here, so of course we have to go there." Nono said, holding a Chicago hot dog in her hand. It was steaming hot. In addition to sausage, it also contained cucumbers and onions. It's appetizing at first glance.

The car was parked in the parking lot outside the trail. Nono shivered slightly when he got out of the car.

After all, it was still early spring, and the snow had not yet melted. She was only wearing a khaki windbreaker, which was a bit thin to keep out the cold.

Lu Mingfei was dressed carefully, adding warm clothes under his windbreaker.

"Senior sister, we have never gone out alone before." Lu Mingfei scratched his hair. He didn't have much experience traveling with girls. The last time he and Xia Mi went to Chicago, they met the principal and got involved in the Dragon King's resurgence incident.

Nuonuo stretched out her long legs and jumped to Lu Mingfei's side. Her long white fingers inserted into Lu Mingfei's collar.

The coolness of his fingertips touched the warm skin, and Lu Mingfei couldn't help but shiver.

At this time, Nono had already taken his arm.

"Human beings, there must be many firsts." Nuonuo looked beautiful when she smiled, her bright eyes curled up, making people think of a coquettish kitten. When she said this, she leaned closer to Lu Mingfei. It was tighter, and the boy's body was really warm, like a bonfire appearing next to her, and people couldn't help but want to get closer and touch it.

Lu Mingfei said nothing. He shrank his neck and hid himself completely in his windbreaker.

On the one hand, it is to keep out the cold, and on the other hand, because Chicago is the headquarters of the mixed race in North America and is where Cassel College is located. The proportion of mixed race here is much higher than anywhere else. Today, he is also considered a star figure in the mixed race society. Well, it would be too much trouble if the paparazzi took a secret photo.

"Senior sister, have you and the boss been here before?" Lu Mingfei asked suddenly. He didn't think much about it, but in Nuonuo's opinion, this guy was really an idiot who didn't understand the style.

How can you go on a date with a girl and talk about your ex-boyfriend?

"No, our favorite place to go to when we came to Chicago was a bar on the shores of Lake Michigan. In fact, it's not accurate to say that he and I like to go there. The main thing is that I like to go there because there is a very handsome bartender in that bar. The cocktails are delicious, and there is a white parrot squatting on the bartender's shoulder. We can chat with the white parrot while we wait for the drinks." Nono pouted.

"I'll go with you that night, too." Lu Mingfei said. He had no other intention. He just thought that since senior sister liked it, he might as well go and have fun.

But Nuonuo's eyes suddenly lit up. She thought to herself that this guy wasn't completely an idiot. He knew how to do what girls wanted, so he was making progress.

"Come to think of it, you still call him boss. Junior brother Qian is the president of the Dragon Blood Society, and he has many powerful generals under his command. He will be no worse than the student union in the future." Nuonuo joked, holding Lu Mingfei's arm.

Lu Mingfei touched the tip of his nose, feeling quite embarrassed, "Senior sister, you know me. When I was the president of the student union, I was a hands-off shopkeeper. I left everything to Isabella to solve. Now I have created the Dragon Blood Club. He is said to be the president, but he is actually a mascot. Aren't you, Xia Mi, Qilan and the others usually handling matters in the club?


Lu Mingfei hesitated for a moment before continuing, "My boss was very kind to me in the past. He helped me arrange scenes in Aspasia. When I was in Japan, he sold himself to help me make money to make girls happy. He also helped me with the student union and the dance troupe of the student union. pass it to me……"

"You bunch of bitches, have you gone so far that you can even give each other harem gifts?" Nuonuo said with a snort.

She knew that Caesar had been a cowherd in Japan, and that was no secret, at least to people like them who were on good terms.

In fact, as a girlfriend and even fiancée, Nono should be a little angry with Caesar, but how can I put it, she is completely indifferent.

The red-haired miko found her fiancé's romantic affairs in Japan very interesting.

"Actually, what I want to say is, senior sister, do you know that in another world, Chu Zihang was very good to me and I would be good to him in this world? In another world, Caesar was good to me and I would also be good to him in this world. Okay. It’s just that I made a lot of mistakes, which changed my destiny. There are some things I really don’t want to do..."

At this time, a finger was raised to seal Lu Mingfei's lips.

Nuonuo stopped Lu Mingfei from continuing.

The red-haired girl put her hands behind her back, and put her other hand on Lu Mingfei's lips. The expression on her face was serious, and the golden sunlight reflected in her red eyes. At this moment, she was like an angel descending from the sky.

"You didn't do anything wrong, junior brother, Xia Mi or I, we agree with our current destiny. I am very happy that in this world I can know earlier the original person who shouted to me under the Three Gorges not to die, forever. You are the one who protects me in secret. I think this is a kind of luck, and I also think this is a gift from God, if there really is a God who can write destiny." Nono said, the corners of her mouth pursed, You can tell from her look that she is a stubborn girl.

Lu Mingfei looked at those crimson eyes, and the breeze blew by, tugging at his heartstrings.

He was much taller than Nono, and he could look down at the senior sister's face. It was clean and fair, with a beautiful curve.

His heart moved, as if he remembered something. It was such a dazzling light seeping out from the end of the wilderness. In the darkness, he was curled up and shivering, but a female knight riding a red horse walked out of the light. She stretched out her hand to him and said, "Come with me, I will take you to the battlefield." So the cowardly Lu Mingfei really stretched out his hand to hold the female knight, and rode the same horse with her onto the battlefield.

Later, the timid boy really became awesome. He slowly grew up into a real man. His suit and leather collar were lined with gold. He met many girls who were far more energetic than the female knights, the princess of the ice and snow kingdom, and the girls of the underground world. The Duke, the princess of the human kingdom... But why can't he come out of that dark and cold wilderness.

Because it was the female knight on the red horse who brought him out from there.

After all these years, Lu Mingfei would still go back to the screening room that year on some hot summer nights. Nono really stretched out her hand to him like an angel piercing the darkness. At that time, she said: Our college is just a door. Once you enter this door, you close other doors.

In fact, Lu Mingfei, who has no door, doesn't care. He just feels that no one outside the door loves him and no one cares about him. Maybe there is someone inside the door, and maybe Nono is the one who cares about him. So he followed Nono without hesitation.

Thinking about it this way, that poor kid turned out to be someone who really lacked love.

Lu Mingfei remembered someone saying something to him. Although there are few people you love in this world, there are definitely not many people who love you, so don't let those who love you down. But he forgot who told him. He only felt that these words were really sad, because those who loved him were disappointed.

Let's go back to senior sister. Even today, Lu Mingfei will be happy because of Nono's happiness and sad for her sadness, but he feels that it is probably not love anymore. In fact, he didn't know, but a person's heart was only so big and could only hold one person. He felt that he actually loved Eri Yi, so he probably didn't love his senior sister.

When did you let it go?

Lu Mingfei suddenly stopped, his pupils trembling slightly.

It must have been when the college signed the marriage application between Caesar and his senior sister. At that time, he was in his junior year and had just left Tokyo. He was so fragile and sad, and a porcelain-white girl always appeared in his dreams. That girl never calls his name, she only says Sakura, Sakura, where are you Sakura, I'm scared, Sakura...

But the senior sister was with him at that time.

Shai Zai once thought that maybe he still had a chance, and maybe the senior sister would choose him in the end.

But no.

Reality is reality.

Destiny is always like a mountain, pressing so hard in front of you. You want to crush it but you can't do anything. You want to climb it but it is so steep.

It was from that time that Lu Mingfei suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, commonly known as PTSD.

If you think about it this way, he actually still loves his senior sister, but he is sick.

Lu Mingfei suddenly turned his head and stopped looking into his senior sister's eyes. The girl's eyes were always as deep and beautiful as Lake Baikal, making people unable to help but immerse themselves in them.

He was afraid that he would be immersed in those wine-red eyes again.

The last time I felt this way was when I faced Xia Mi.

But even Lu Mingfei himself was a little confused. He always identified Huiliyi, and he always chose Huiliyi.

But as time goes by, the girl who stays with you is never her, but Nuonuo and Xia Mi. Their smiles, their cries, and their every bit are burned into Lu Mingfei's mind.

"There is a Chinese hot pot restaurant in front of you. Senior sister, do you want to try it?" Lu Mingfei tried to change the topic. There was indeed a very good hot pot restaurant in front of him, but it was in the United States after all, so it was definitely not comparable to the ones in China. .

Lu Mingfei, Lu Mingfei, you have to wake up.

He warned himself in his mind.

The intersection of fate is still in the distant future. Think about what you are going to do, and think about the fact that there is a little monster like you waiting for you to pull her out in the well.

"We're all in Chicago, and you still want to eat hot pot! Of course you have to try something new!" Nono was as happy as a little lunatic.

She can profile and read people's hearts.

Lu Mingfei was someone who couldn't hide secrets, so she noticed him as soon as he averted his eyes.

Nuonuo was very happy that her junior brother really didn't give up on her completely. This feeling was good and made her feel relieved.

"Sister, have you read "The Fall of Edward Barnard"? It's a novel written by Somerset Maugham. It's quite old. I read it a long, long time ago when I was in the literary club." Lu Mingfei said suddenly.

Nuonuo wrinkled her beautiful nose, exposed a tiger tooth, and made a grinning expression, "No, your senior sister, am I like a literary girl like Chen Wenwen?"

Lu Mingfei scratched his hair, "It doesn't really look like it, but... this novel is about a story that happened in Chicago. I remember a short paragraph in it, 'I was looking for memories in the complicated and unfamiliar streets and buildings. Comparing the images in the movie, I am at a loss as to which place or sky is there a trace of my old address and old friends?" After returning to this period of time and space, I often feel this confused. I always feel that the future is empty and sad. "

There was a mobile vendor selling cheap red wine on the roadside, so Nono took out coins from his pocket and bought two glasses.

Each of them took a small sip from a cup and walked from the tree-lined riverside theater in front of the door to the century-old fountain in the Water Square.

"There are so many people around you, junior brother, you don't have to be confused." Nono said, "Old friends are still old friends, but you have grown up."

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