Chapter 301 A...collar for Eri?

Genji Heavy Industries, alchemy room.

In the door blocked by the highest authority, Su Mo was trying to forge alchemy products.

After talking to Lu Mingze, Su Mo determined the focus of future power improvement-exclusive word spirit and alchemy.

If you want to improve both, the most convenient way is to follow Lu Mingze's guidance, be result-oriented, and first create an alchemy product.

There are four types of Word Spirits held by Su Mo, among which the lowest level and the most suitable for practicing is naturally the Word Spirit Snake, which is completely harmless.

And coincidentally, Yanling Snake's alchemy field can also help Eriyi, so that she doesn't have to write and draw in the notebook every time.

With all these factors added up, creating an alchemy product containing the realm of the Spiritual Snake became the best solution.


In the alchemy room, a field expanded around Su Mo's body. Blue-purple arcs flashed around Su Mo within one meter. Metal materials were suspended in the air like liquids, forming a water ring-like posture around Su Mo's body.

It was obvious that Su Mo could complete the smelting of metal with only sword control, but for the purpose of training the speech spirit, he directly released the composite speech spirit.

This will not only improve the level of the speech spirit, but also the level of [Electromagnetism].

With Xia Mi's blessing to adjust the metal smelting, Su Mo successfully completed the purification and reached the standard of killing metal.

The so-called killing of metal does not mean to turn the metal into ashes, but to erase the original spiritual imprint of the metal and completely return it to its original pure posture.

After obtaining excellent alchemical materials, you should start building an alchemical field.

In constructing the field of alchemy, the orthodox method is to use the alchemist's grasp of the elements to create the basic cycle of the four elements from wind gestation, earth maintenance, fire burning, and water cooling, so as to obtain the basic finished product.

The basic cycles of the four elements can give alchemical products different properties.

Characteristics such as Murasame's ability to automatically condense water to wash away blood stains is one of them.

By strengthening and compounding this characteristic, it is finally possible to reach the realm of the realm and create a finished product that contains the alchemical realm.

Nowadays, the finished products that can be industrialized and mass-produced can basically only be made into steel rod-like weapons.

A demon sword like Murasame, which contains special characteristics, is a state that mass-produced alchemy swords cannot reach.

However, in the field of alchemy, only a few alchemists can create demon swords like Murasame, and ordinary alchemists may not be able to reach a stable level of industrial mass production.

For ordinary alchemists, they need to climb up step by step, and they cannot slack off even after becoming a master.

Even so, it is basically impossible to directly reach the level of creating the alchemical field.

The alchemists who reached this point in history were either themselves pseudonyms for high-level dragons, or they had to resort to various tricks, or even crooked ways, to get a glimpse of the realm of gods.

However, now, for Su Mo, the difficulty of forging alchemy products is the other way around.

It is more difficult for him to forge alchemical products with simple properties.

It would be much less difficult to directly forge products with alchemical fields.

The reason why this is the case is because of his exclusive word spirit.


Su Mo reached out, took the test tube handed over by the experimental assistant Ling, and pricked a small wound on his fingertip with the fish intestine sword.

The bright red blood dripped into the test tube, dripping down at the moment when the mental imprint of the metal material was completely destroyed and was about to cool down to form a new imprint.


The blood was quickly evaporated and disappeared.

The invisible spiritual realm then enveloped the metal material.

Although fragile, it is still a forming area.

The exclusive word spirit gives Su Mo the ability to interfere with the concepts he masters to a certain extent.

When Su Mo had a strong will, he once merged the science of electric currents and magnetic fields.

But now, using his own blood as a medium, Su Mo has covered the realm of the Word Spirit Snake and engraved the spiritual imprint into the alchemy tools.

This method imitates the evil technique of sacrificing one's body to the sword.

However, Su Mo, who has his own word spirit, does not need to use all his strength. He only needs a drop of blood to complete the concept transfer and transfer the concept of the word spirit snake to the alchemy product.

What needs to be done next is to use blood as the core to completely assimilate the spiritual imprint of the alchemical materials into the realm of the Spiritual Snake, thereby constructing a complete alchemical realm.

This operation requires so much precision that relying solely on the sword control and Indra's control is somewhat insufficient.

Su Mo assisted with the high-precision instruments in the alchemy room, and continued processing with Zero's careful help.

Heat treatment, quenching, stamping, hand forging...

After a series of efforts, half an hour later.


The alchemy material broke into two halves and fell to the ground.


"The purification process is more complicated than imagined!"

Su Mo shook his head and concluded.

"Even if you complete the construction of the initial domain with exclusive word spirits, it is still very difficult to expand the domain to the entire material."

It is true that Su Mo's words helped him overcome the biggest difficulty.

But even so, the difficulty of creating products containing the alchemy field exceeded his expectations.

After overcoming the biggest problem, other additional problems are still not easy to solve.

"Is it a problem with the shape?"

On the side, Ling, who had been helping Su Mo as an experimental assistant, took the initiative to speak.

While Su Mo was conducting the experiment, she kept her mirror open for observation.

Even if she didn't know much about alchemy, she could accurately determine which step and link caused the problem, thus greatly improving Su Mo's efficiency.


Su Mo nodded.

"The spirit snake is different from the weapon. It seems that it is not easy to use the shape of the sword directly. After the single-threaded field is constructed, the material toughness will be a big problem. If it is a closed structure, the alchemy field may be stabilized through the physical structure. The snake's current Stable loops also need to be formed for storage.”

Hearing what Su Mo said, Zero immediately gave advice.

"You can try ring structures and spherical structures."

"Then let me give it a try. Please take notes on the experiment."


In a few words, the two decided on the direction of the next experiment.

Zero disposed of the discarded materials, and Su Mo started a new attempt.


During the alchemy experiment, Yan Ling Jian Yu, Lei Chi, Indra, and Snake were repeatedly used as assistants.

The proficiency of the exclusive word spirit and alchemy has also skyrocketed with the LV3 level learning skills.

In the project of forging products in the field of alchemy, Su Mo's proficiency in speech and spirit and alchemy are being improved in all aspects.

Failures one after another are rewarded with accumulation bit by bit.

Su Mo didn't feel discouraged at all when he could see the progress bar.

Because he knows that even in the worst case scenario, he can upgrade his alchemy to the master level by accumulating experience points and achieve his goal.

For Su Mo's attempts again and again, Yuan Zhisheng had come to watch and even help, witnessing Su Mo's failures and adjustments again and again.

But he did not underestimate Su Mo's alchemy skills.

Because, in his understanding, it is common for alchemy masters to spend months, even a year, or even decades to create an alchemical product.

The so-called craftsman spirit is to strive for excellence.

Under such circumstances, Su Mo had just started to create alchemy products, so it was only natural that he would conceive and discard plans.

Since Su Mo dared to propose in front of Eli Yi that Eri Yi could use the alchemy tool of the Word Spirit Snake, he would never break his promise.

It's funny to say that, as an older brother, Yuan Zhisheng felt that Su Mo was much more reliable than him.

Therefore, he believed that since Su Mo dared to boast so much, his alchemy must have truly reached the level of a master.

Unfortunately, what Yuan Zhisheng doesn't know is that the reason why ordinary alchemists spend so long is because in order to obtain the best smelting effect, even if they prepare high-purity alchemical materials, they often spend months or even years.

As for Su Mo, with the help of Yanling and Xia Mi's protection, it only took him ten minutes to create alchemy materials that even Lu Mingze found qualified.

The reason why Su Mo suffered repeated defeats was not because he was formulating plans and abandoning them.

It's entirely because his level of alchemy is indeed not that high.

Yuan Zhisheng thought he was a master of alchemy and was constantly honing his ingenuity.

But Su Mo understood that he was simply trying to improve himself from an apprentice to a true professional level through repeated practice.

After all, when he started the experiment, his alchemy level was only LV2, and he had just entered LV2, and his experience points were less than 1,000.

Only this level of skill, even with the assistance of the Word Spirit, cannot create products that can carry the alchemical field.

Fortunately, his learning skills have reached LV3, and the speed of level improvement is much faster than when he was an ordinary person at the beginning.

During this bit by bit accumulation, apart from occasionally taking Eriki out to relax, Su Mo and Ling had been spending time in the alchemy room.

With the company of Su Mo and Zero, Eryi no longer yearns to explore a new world every day.

Knowing that Su Mo and Ling were very busy, she would often sneak into the alchemy room without disturbing them. She would just sit aside and watch them quietly. Sometimes Su Mo would chat with her while resting, and sometimes not. meeting.

But the quiet atmosphere is not a burden to them. Even if she sits there watching the two of them all day long, Eryi will not be tired.

Finally, after working more than twelve hours a day, Su Mo successfully reached LV3 in alchemy three days later. His mastery of alchemy was more comprehensive, and his skills in all aspects were completely improved.

I didn't quite understand the methods of constructing the properties of alchemical materials at first, but I became familiar with them after upgrading my skills.

The effect of learning skills really surprised Su Mo.

Perhaps even Lu Mingze could not have imagined that Su Mo could improve his alchemy to this level in such a short period of time.

Although he is not yet a master, in the field of human alchemists, apart from legendary alchemists like Flamel, Su Mo's alchemical skills should be among the strongest. That batch.

After successfully advancing to LV3 in Alchemy, Su Mo paused the experiment and reorganized the plan.

Compared with the previous haphazard attempts, he was now able to construct models of alchemical products through theoretical calculations and deductions.

After reading the experimental data recorded by Zero, Su Mo quickly obtained the latest plan after sorting and adjusting it.

He and Zero looked at each other in tacit understanding, and after becoming familiar with the process, they started another experiment.

But this time, after overcoming various conditions and several attempts, Su Mo finally got the finished product.

"So, this is the alchemy tool you created that allows Erika to use the Word Spirit Snake to communicate directly with the people around her?"

Looking at the items on the experimental table, Uesugi frowned.

After Su Mo forged the finished product, Minamoto Chisei and Uesugoshi got the news and immediately ran over to witness the birth of this miracle with Eriki.

It was obviously a gift for Eri Yi, but they were even more excited than Eri Yi herself.

However, when they actually saw the finished product.

The only one who can still maintain excitement and joy is Eryi.

Looking at the products in front of him, Uesugi frowned, and Minamoto looked strange.

"Yes! Although there are still some flaws, there is no problem in using it!"

Su Mo raised his head and chest, and said proudly.

Although he had to use words and tricks to create alchemy products that were not at his level.

But no matter what, this is also the result of his hard work, and he himself very much approves of it.

Hearing what Su Mo said, Yuan Zhisheng looked embarrassed.

"Su Mo, I know this is your hard work, and I also know that the value of products from the alchemy field is immeasurable. You are willing to provide this thing, and I am not qualified to object, but..."

Having said this, he paused slightly and finally asked.

"Why is it specially made into the shape of a collar?"

He looked at the alchemy product in front of him - a metal collar with crimson paint, then looked at his sister Eri Yi, and finally asked this question that was difficult to express.

What does this guy mean?

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