Dragon Clan: Undercover at the beginning, the road to becoming a god

Chapter 338 Norton, you don’t want anything to happen to Constantine, right?

"That makes sense."

Su Mo nodded and approved Xia Mi's proposal.

No one knows the performance of weapons better than the weapon forgers themselves, and Old Tang happens to be one of the Dragon Kings whose whereabouts they have mastered.

If you want to get rid of Old Tang, you don't even need to make a special trip. You only need to accurately announce a task worth 100,000 US dollars to lure him over easily.

You don't even need to pay a real fee to have sex for free.

As for how to get him to speak, the problem was even simpler. Su Mo was already familiar with it.

——Norton, you don’t want anything to happen to Constantine, right?

It just so happens that Constantine has not been devoured yet and can be used as a hostage to threaten the other party.

However, there is a problem to be solved before that.

"How is Constantine doing now?"

Su Mo asked a question that he had long cared about.

It was clearly agreed before that Xia Mi would become stronger by devouring Constantine's dragon bone. Why is she still at LV5 now?

You can't say that she's still so good after devouring it, right?

Seeing Su Mo's slightly weird eyes, Xia Mi always felt like he was being underestimated again. Is it an illusion?

"Constantine's words are here!"

Instead of arguing with Su Mo about his eyesight problem, Xia Mi directly dragged out a huge black suitcase from under the bed. The surface of the box was covered with a layer of frost. After opening it, low-temperature steam gushes out. Inside is a cylindrical organic The glass barrel is immersed in liquid nitrogen at minus 200 degrees.

Su Mo was suddenly surprised.

He was not surprised that Xia Mi had collected Constantine's cocoon, but he was surprised at another point.

"How many things did you hide under the bed?"

He couldn't help but glance down.

"No! There are only these two things! We just moved them here with great difficulty!"

Xia Mi patted the sword case of the Seven Deadly Sins and then patted the black suitcase.

No wonder she arrived before Su Mo. It turned out that she was preparing these two things.


Suddenly, the plexiglass bucket inside the black suitcase moved, as if it noticed the change in the external temperature, as if there were chicks about to peck out the eggs that were about to hatch.

Xia Mi quickly closed the suitcase and continued to ask Constantine to calm down.

Under extremely low temperatures, even the life activities of the first-generation species will be restricted, not to mention that Constantine is still in the egg state, and his resistance is far less than that of an adult.

Of course, if the temperature rises, Constantine will most likely hatch.

Although his brother was not here, he must have been aware of the danger in the outside environment, but was restrained by Xia Mi's preemptive attack.

Under Xia Mi's cooling, the black suitcase quickly returned to calm.

"You've been keeping Constantine in the student dormitory these days?"

Su Mo asked with a slight twitch in his mouth.

You are not afraid that this guy will suddenly wake up and blow up the dormitory building!

But speaking of it, Angers also placed the Dragon King's egg in the school in the original work. Although it was not placed in the dormitory, it was still a half-hearted act.


Xia Mi nodded naturally.

"Don't worry, the box sent by Rich Woman No. 2 has a good insulation effect, plus I cool down regularly every day, so there won't be any problems!"

"Don't set a flag. Usually, problems will arise in the end."

After Su Mo complained, he asked curiously.

"Wait! Now that you have discovered the Bronze City, the school should also analyze that it is the palace of the King of Bronze and Fire. You just stole Constantine here. How do you explain it to the school? Did the report say that there is something in the Bronze City? nothing?"

Fortunately, Seven Deadly Sins, no one knew the origin of this set of alchemical swords before it was born.

In the original work, even the mixed-race society couldn't identify the origin of this set of swords. If Lu Mingfei hadn't mentioned this set of weapons in his mission report, even Angers probably wouldn't have known that this was the King of Bronze and Fire. Weapons forged by Norton.

In the original work, most of Cassel College's speculations about this weapon were based on its forger, Norton. Without knowing this background information, even if Su Mo ran in front of Angers with the Seven Deadly Sins, Angers would not They would only be curious about where he got such a mysterious set of alchemical weapons, and would not unreasonably question whether the weapons were stolen from the Bronze City.

But Constantine's egg is not such a simple problem.

If the Monyach finds nothing in the Bronze City, there is no chance that Kassel Academy will not continue its exploration.

"Of course not, I'm not stupid!"

Xia Mi shook his head, and then said proudly.

"I directly made a fake and handed it in along with the brass jar. After the school saw that the jar was fine, they didn't suspect the eggs inside!"

Having said this, Xia Mi puffed up his cheeks and patted the table dissatisfied.

"Besides, what is stealing? I just warmly invited my old friends to my home. Compared to me, what the school did was stealing. I called it taking! I said hello to Constantine!"


Hearing this, Su Mo was speechless.

You only said you said hello, why didn't you say others didn't agree?

Bullying Constantine hasn’t hatched yet and can’t speak, right?

Su Mo even suspected that Constantine himself would rather be captured by Kassel College than be captured by Xia Mi. At least Kassel College did not have a way to devour the Dragon King for the time being.

However, Su Mo didn't complain about Xia Mi. He was already used to Xia Mi's behavior.

He was more concerned about Xia Mi's operation than the wording issue.

No wonder I only saw Constantine's egg and not the copper pot mentioned in the original work. It turned out that Xia Mi had played a civet cat to exchange for the prince.

The copper can itself was probably made by Norton himself, so the secret party would naturally find nothing wrong with it.

As for the other egg sleeping in the bone bottle made by Dragon King Norton himself, there is no other possibility except Dragon King Norton's younger brother Constantine.

This is the first time that the secret party has captured the Dragon King's egg, so naturally it can only confirm its identity through the shell.

The cavity that Dragon King Norton escaped from is enough to explain everything.

Su Mo could understand the reason for the secret party's misjudgment, but he couldn't understand another thing.

"Fake? Where did you get the fake?"

The eggs that can be disguised as Dragon King eggs should at least be the eggs of the next generation, right?

No matter how little information the secret party has on dragons, it is impossible to get away with just an ostrich egg.

But where did Xia Mi get this thing? Could it be that she recently dug up the grave of an old friend?

Under Su Mo's confused eyes, Xia Mi shook his head.

"That's a long story!"

"Then let's make a long story short."

"Ahem, do you still remember the Dragon Warrior we dealt with near Wu Gorge before?"

Xia Mi blinked and asked Su Mo.

"Oh, remember."

Su Mo nodded.

"Isn't it the time you were injured?"

"Bah! I didn't pick up the pot. I was just careless that time and didn't dodge!"

The girl looked embarrassed and her eyes were obviously very dissatisfied.

It was a shame for her to be hurt by the next generation... although there seemed to be quite a few humiliating moments in her memory.

"Okay, let's not mention this then. So what happened to the Dragon Warrior?"

Su Mo followed the good example to save some face for Xia Mi, and then asked.

"I remember didn't you go back that night to take revenge and kill them?"

"I did kill, but I only killed one."

Xia Mi shook his head.

That time they encountered a total of two second-generation dragon attendants. For safety reasons, they temporarily returned to the shore. When Xia Mi returned, there was only one left. She killed this Samson. Just brought the fish intestine sword back.

"That is to say, there is one left? Which one is the one left?"

Su Mo said doubtfully.

When Xia Mi went back to take revenge, he did not follow him to avoid being delayed, so he did not know the situation of the battle.

"The rest is the one...the one that hurt me!"

After being stuck for a long time and not knowing how to refer to it, Xia Mi had no choice but to mention the embarrassing past by himself, with a slightly depressed voice.

"Huh? Wasn't that one nearly dead after being severely injured by us, but it didn't die?"

Su Mo was a little surprised.

The first Dragon Warrior he encountered, who was good at manipulating metal-based speech spirits, used the Fish Gut Sword to injure Xia Mi's second generation. Su Mo remembered that after he obtained the bloodline, he and Xia Mi almost cut it in half. It's just because another Dragon Attendant arrived, so I didn't have time to finish the last hit. I didn't expect that this guy didn't die?

"At first I thought this guy was dead, but then I thought about it. When I went back to get the Fish Intestine Sword, only the dragon attendant at the back was left, and I didn't see the body of the one in front."

"Of course, these clues can only be used as guesses. I only realized that this guy was not dead when I went on a mission not long ago."

Xia Mi spread his hands and explained.

Su Mo quickly understood what she meant.

"You mean, the next-generation species you killed in the Bronze City Project was the same guy who hurt you before?"

It seems that Norton doesn't have many loyal guards, just two. Samson was killed by Xia Mi a month or two ago, and this one was killed by Xia Mi a few days ago. Su Mo is willing to call Xia Mi the next generation. kind of killer.

"Yes! I discovered this guy as soon as he showed up that day. The injuries on his body were caused by us before, and most of them have not yet fully recovered."

Xia Mi nodded, and then said helplessly.

"This guy seems to have recognized me this time, so he tried his best to attack me! I have no choice but to solve it!"

He is worthy of being a next-generation species killer. He kills the next-generation species with ease and with ease.

"No wonder you are so high-profile."

Su Mo nodded suddenly.

Even if Xia Mi's files can withstand inspection, it would be too shocking for one person to kill the next generation.

With Xia Mi's character and style of conduct, she would not normally be so high-profile. She prefers to hide herself and cut off the beard at critical moments. It is not in line with her style to show her face from the beginning.

But if it is targeted by the next generation species, there is no way. If it is not solved, the boat may capsize.

And even if the ship capsizes, what needs to be solved still needs to be solved.

"Fortunately, the guy himself is seriously injured. The danger of dealing with a seriously injured dragon attendant has been underestimated. Those who really know the details of the mission will not have any doubts."

Having said this, Xia Mi spread his hands and felt that he was quite lucky.

When she dealt with this next-generation species, she indeed only used the power of the A-level hybrid's spirit of speech. At least on the surface, this was true, and the video records could also prove it.

As for how to perform subtle operations on the A-level hybrid's speech spirit to maximize damage, that is a matter of luck and experience. As long as it is theoretically feasible, she will not be questioned too much as a dragon-slaying hero. .


Su Mo nodded slightly.

Although I had already guessed that the dragon servant I met before was related to the Bronze City, I didn't expect that it would continue to affect him until now.

After figuring out why Xia Mi took action, Su Mo brought the topic back.

"So, what does this have to do with counterfeiting?"

Having said so much, it’s all about Long Shi, where’s the fake?

"The fake is this dragon attendant!"

Xia Mi spoke.

"At that time, I was debating whether to take the jar away with it. I happened to encounter this guy, so I was a little more merciful and didn't kill it completely. I made it into eggs when I rested at night."

Helping other creatures to cocoon is a skill that many dragon kings don't know, but Xia Mi is very good at it and has a very high degree of mastery of cocooning.

When Su Mo first obtained his bloodline by devouring the blood of three generations of fetuses, it was the cocooning process assisted by Xia Mi.

But this time, Xia Mi directly used this move on the Dragon Warrior, preserving its dying life in the form of eggs and stuffing them into the bone bottle where Constantine was supposed to be.

Beating it half to death, and then helping it regenerate and hatch into an egg, Su Mo felt that this first generation would probably leave a huge psychological shadow.

Moreover, in the eyes of the loyal next-generation species, Xia Mi's actions were probably not considered helping, but rather transgressing.

"The next-generation eggs are descendants of the King of Bronze and Fire. No wonder the school can't tell the difference."

Su Mo nodded and clarified the facts.

In other words, there is now a fake "Constantine egg" inside the school, and the secret party must now think that they have captured the egg of a dragon king.

But the genuine product is actually in their hands.

"Speaking of which, why aren't you going to devour it?"

After figuring out the situation, Su Mo realized that Xia Mi should have other plans, otherwise he wouldn't have kept the egg until now.

"I would like to state again beforehand that although swallowing the Dragon Bone Cross directly is helpful to me, the effect is not very great. If Lu Mingze's mask is researched, it will be enough for me. There is no need to leave anything for me."

What is needed to resist the Black King is power other than or above the Black King. The power of the Dragon Bone Cross is not of much significance here. At most, it can only help Su Mo accelerate his growth.

And if the Odin Mask, an alchemical item that can borrow the power of the Dragon King, is successfully reproduced, Su Mo does not need to directly swallow the Dragon Bone Cross, but can also obtain the corresponding power and accelerate his own growth with the help of the mask.

Therefore, letting him swallow the Dragon Bone Cross is not very cost-effective.

On the contrary, if Xia Mi swallows the Dragon Bone Cross, Su Mo can still borrow her power, and by the way, it can strengthen Xia Mi, which is more effective.

"I know, you've said this several times."

Hearing Su Mo's words, Xia Mi nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

In fact, she did want to give this dragon bone cross to Su Mo at first. After all, she felt that she was a dragon king with combat power, and she only needed to become the god of death, Hela, to meet her needs.

But Su Mo had told her this many times and persuaded her many times in a reasonable and well-founded manner, so she naturally gave up the idea for the time being.

The dragon bone cross, which is extremely precious to all humans, hybrids, and dragons in the world, is actually a shunned item among them. If Constantine knew about this, I wonder if he would be grateful for their love.

"There is actually another reason for not devouring Constantine this time!"

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