Dragon Clan: Undercover at the beginning, the road to becoming a god

Chapter 357 Dragon King Experience Card, LV6 Alchemy

"It doesn't sound like the level of danger is high."

After hearing Lu Mingze's story, Su Mo nodded slightly.

Although it seems that there is a risk of being controlled by the mask, that is, Constantine.

But even if Su Mo loses in the battle of wills, he can still escape urgently by taking off his mask.

And with Xia Mi's strength, it was not difficult to take off the mask on Su Mo's face when Su Mo was not on guard.

Not to mention, Zero is still around.

With Time Zero's blessing and Xia Mi's accelerated skills, Su Mo couldn't avoid her.

"Besides, it's just a battle of wills anyway. If it doesn't work, you can tie me up with alchemical chains and then fight Constantine. There are as many ways as you can to solve the risk."

With Su Mo's current strength, ordinary alchemical chains cannot trap him.

But with Xia Mi by his side, there was no need to tie him tightly. As long as it could slightly hinder his movements, it would be enough for Xia Mi to get enough opportunities.

Under various obstacles, it is extremely unlikely that Su Mo will be controlled by Constantine.

"Not to mention, this experiment can also hone your will and help you finally complete the road to becoming a god. The rewards are so great, I seem to have no reason to refuse."

Just because of the ability to borrow Constantine's authority, this controllable risk is worth a try.

Not to mention, it can assist in obtaining the Heart of the Dragon King.

Whether it is based on the performance in the original work or what Lu Mingze has emphasized many times, the so-called Dragon King's heart is a very important thing.

For Su Mo, the road to becoming a god is a level that must be completed, so it is not a bad thing to prepare early.

After hearing his words, Xia Mi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Lock up Su Mo with an alchemical chain?"

She immediately turned her gaze to the man next to her.

Imagine that Su Mo was restrained and unable to move. Wouldn't that mean that he was letting himself do whatever he wanted?

"Hey hey hey~"

The girl suddenly smiled uncontrollably.

"Wait, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Xia Mi like this, Su Mo suddenly looked wary.

The danger level of Lu Mingze's experiment is indeed not high, but the danger level of Xia Mi seems to be a bit high, although it is a danger on another level.

"I didn't want to do anything! I just want to help you! When the time comes, leave your physical safety to me!"

Xia Mi patted his chest, looking upright and awe-inspiring.

"Don't worry! Trust me, how could I have bad thoughts towards you?"

"...Wipe the saliva from the corner of your mouth before you say that!"

Su Mo complained speechlessly.

This female dragon has a lot of bad intentions.


Xia Mi quickly wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeve, but found nothing.

Only then did she realize that she had been fooled, and she looked at Su Mo angrily.

On the other side of the phone, Lu Mingze was not surprised that Xia Mi displayed sexual desire. Apart from anything else, Norton's eyesight was indeed extremely outstanding.

Seeing that the other side became quiet, he continued to speak.

"Actually, besides the first two, there is another reason for you to do this experiment."

"What reason?"

Su Mo asked.

"The mask projects not only power, but also corresponding wisdom and knowledge."

Lu Mingze smiled slightly and said.

"In other words, if you can control Constantine's mask, you can use not only the power of bronze and fire, but also the alchemy he masters!"

Just as Odin's clone can also use knowledge-type techniques such as concept weapons, the authority projected by the mask includes how to use authority and other knowledge that comes with the Dragon King.

"The Alchemy of the Lord of Bronze and Fire..."

Hearing this, Su Mo was slightly startled, and then his eyes lit up.

"You mean, I can improve my own alchemy by directly mastering Constantine's alchemy?!"

The mask is equivalent to an experience card of the Dragon King's power.

If you look at it from the perspective of authority, no matter how strong you are when you put on the mask, it is still fake, and the state will disappear when you take off the mask.

But if it is a knowledge-type power, then he can directly take Constantine's alchemy as his own by learning skills.

The greatest characteristic of knowledge is that it can be mastered through learning, and Su Mo's golden finger happens to be the best at learning!

When Su Mo takes off his mask, his authority will disappear, but the knowledge he has learned in his mind will not.

If you have a master experience card of this level, Su Mo's alchemy upgrade speed will definitely be much faster than the speed he used to practice alone, at least dozens of times!

"Yes, I remember you once said that growth in alchemy can lead to the growth of your exclusive word spirit, right?"

Lu Mingze said with a smile on his face.

"After your alchemy skills have been greatly improved, your exclusive word spirit should also be able to become much stronger. However, the separation of authority and consciousness that cannot be achieved by relying on a mask alone may not be impossible by relying on your exclusive word spirit."

The separation of the Dragon King's authority and consciousness can be achieved in theory, but it can never be achieved through a mask.

Because the mask itself does not involve the field of separation of authority and consciousness, in principle it is not a technology to solve this problem.

However, if the mask is used to improve Su Mo's alchemy and then improve Su Mo's exclusive speech spirit, it is a very likely way to solve this problem.

Things that the mask can't solve can be solved by Su Mo becoming stronger.

"Looking at it this way, I really can't refuse this experiment."

Su Mo thought for a while and nodded.

Not only can one's alchemy and exclusive speaking spirit be greatly improved, but one can also fulfill Xia Mi's wish. Compared with the possible benefits, this controllable risk is nothing.

"However, if you want to greatly improve your alchemy and exclusive word spirit, the premise is that Constantine's alchemy is extremely strong."

"I remember that when you talked about the master of alchemy before, you were talking about Norton and not Constantine. So what is Constantine's level of alchemy?"

Constantine is the one with more power among the twins of bronze and fire, while Norton is the stronger one in terms of wisdom, especially alchemy.

If Norton's alchemy level is high, he will definitely be able to crush Su Mo, but this is not necessarily the case for Constantine.

"Don't worry, although this kid Constantine doesn't have much interest in alchemy, he is a student taught by his brother step by step. With the help of authority, his achievements in alchemy are definitely as good as those of the outstanding Dragon King. The standard is much better than that of yours!"

Lu Mingze felt that Su Mo's worries were unnecessary.

"After all, Constantine's disability is that he cannot give birth to a huge dragon body. He only has a physical disability, but his IQ is fine."

Unlike the silly Fenrir, Constantine's leg disability does not affect his learning of alchemy.


After hearing Lu Mingze's words, a big question mark appeared on Xia Mi's head.

Although Lu Mingze's title sounds a bit happy, is there something wrong with the content of your words? Is this guy trying to belittle himself?

"It's so much stronger than Xia Mi, that's enough."

Su Mo didn't think there was anything wrong with Lu Mingze's words. According to Lu Mingze, Constantine's alchemy can probably reach the threshold of LV6. Compared with his current alchemy, which is still a little short of being promoted to LV4, More than one step higher.

After confirming this, Su Mo glanced at Xia Mi who was inexplicably happy, and then continued to speak.

"I can cooperate with you in experimenting with Constantine's mask. However, you said before that the use of the mask requires the cooperation of the body, right? It would be easier to borrow Fenrir's power. Constantine is now an egg. What should we do? Let him cooperate?"

If you want to borrow the Dragon King's power, you must ask for the Dragon King's consent, or at least the Dragon King has to agree.

Fenrir from our own camp is okay. Although he is stupid, he is very obedient. Constantine's side is not that simple.

"Of course the egg's state is not good!"

Lu Mingze replied immediately.

"So, Constantine must be hatched!"

Hearing this, Su Mo was slightly startled.

"Let Constantine incubate? At Kassel Academy? Are you serious?"

After all, he was the King of Bronze and Fire. If he went on a rampage and destroyed Kassel Academy, it would be a small matter, but it would be a big deal if Su Mo and the others were exposed as undercover agents.

Even with their current combat power, it is not difficult to kill the newly hatched Constantine.

But let alone losing a precious test object in this way, if the aftermath of the battle is leaked, there will be no explanation.

Angers didn't know about hiding the Dragon King.

"Of course I'm serious. I couldn't be more serious."

Lu Mingze smiled slightly and said in a relaxed tone.

"Don't think too highly of this brother-controlled brat, don't you still have me?"

"If it's an out-of-control version of Constantine that's awakened by the wrong way, it might cause a little trouble, but if it's Constantine that's awakened by the normal way, it's not difficult to suppress it!"

In fact, Constantine who is awakened by normal means will be stronger than the out-of-control version in terms of authority and sanity.

But Constantine's normal state is much more stable. He has no hostility towards humans or the outside world. This guy only cares about his brother, so he will restrain his power instead.

In comparison, it is the difference between easily triggered homemade landmines and stable C4 explosives.

The latter is more powerful, but safer and easier to master.

"You want to come over?"

Hearing this, Su Mo felt much relieved.

If Lu Mingze takes action himself, there is really no need to worry.

"Of course! After all, the hard work of product debugging still has to be done on-site, and we can't let customers do it themselves, right? We, as bosses, also work hard, and sometimes we have to help others!"

Lu Mingze pretended to sigh, and Su Enxi immediately shrank her neck.

“So, I’ll leave it to Su Mo to prepare for the normal awakening of Constantine!”

Lu Mingze was responsible for suppressing the incubated Constantine, while Su Mo was responsible for making Constantine awaken in a normal state. The two parties divided the labor and cooperated.

"Is this the normal way..."

After hearing this mission, Su Mo pondered for a moment.

Constantine's awakening method in the original work was a false awakening, so that he lost control as soon as he hatched.

The so-called wrong awakening means that the wrong person awakens the Dragon King in the wrong way.

In order for Constantine to hatch normally, it naturally requires the right person to awaken him in the right way.

"Speaking of which, if Xia Mi wakes him up, is that considered a normal way?"

Su Mo asked curiously.

After all, Xia Mi was Constantine's former comrade-in-arms, and when he was awakened by his comrades-in-arms, he shouldn't be so angry as in the original novel, right?

Hearing this, Lu Mingze was speechless.

"What do you think? Constantine is not stupid. He will believe that the guy is well-intentioned?"

Hearing this, Su Mo looked at Xia Mi.

"That makes sense!"

He immediately nodded and approved Lu Mingze's judgment.

If Xia Mi had just let Constantine hatch when they first met, Constantine might not be wary.

But it has been so long now, and Xia Mi has been deliberately using liquid nitrogen and words to prevent him from hatching. It is not what a comrade should do.

It is really impossible to convince Constantine that Xia Mi is not hostile.

"If Xia Mi can't do it, he can only ask his brother to come. This brother will definitely listen to his words."

Su Mo touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

"But if the brothers are allowed to meet so easily, it may cause two dragon kings to awaken at the same time, which will be a big trouble!"

The Dragon King's awakening process is currently uncontrollable.

Although in the original work, it was not until Constantine died and Old Tang escaped from Cassel College that he finally awakened as Norton, but that was when he faced the crazy Constantine.

If the normal version of Constantine hadn't burst into flames and Old Tang hadn't been overwhelmed by fear, Old Tang might have awakened much faster.

As a plan maker, it is natural to take into account various unexpected factors to the maximum extent to enhance the fault tolerance rate.

Thinking like this, Su Mo quickly formulated a plan.

"Leave Constantine's normal awakening to me, I have a solution."

Hearing what he said, Lu Mingze didn't ask in detail.

"Okay! After you make arrangements, I will come over with Mai!"

Then, after discussing the details, the two ended the call.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Mi looked at Su Mo curiously.

"You said you had figured out a solution, but what are you going to do?"

Hearing this, Su Mo smiled and knocked on her head.

"Money can make the world go round!"

He prompted this.


Xia Mi tilted his head, not quite understanding.

Can money buy Constantine?

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