"Is it possible that rather than having someone protect you, it would be safer to stay away from the danger zone yourself?"

Looking at the self-righteous security personnel in front of him who were greedy for life and afraid of death, Su Mo reminded him.

"Huh? That's right!"

The security personnel suddenly realized.

After the shift is over, he doesn't have to stay here anymore.


He immediately raised his other hand to salute the two of them. The metal gauntlet made a crisp sound when it hit his helmet, making him feel dizzy subconsciously.

"Then I'll withdraw first, come on!"

After saluting, the security guard immediately turned around and wanted to leave gracefully.



Probably because he turned too sharply and was not used to it, he fell directly to the ground in full armor, making a loud noise.


Everyone fell silent immediately.

"Are you OK?"

Su Mo picked up the heavy armor on his body with one hand and directly lifted him up.

"It's okay, it's just a little heavy. It seems that we still need to install a crawler design..."

After the defense personnel muttered a few times, they waved their hands and prepared to continue leaving.

Seeing him slowly moving forward in small steps, Su Mo had some doubts about whether he would be able to return to the equipment department before noon.

After bidding farewell to the defense personnel, the three of them guarded the door.

In the laboratory, the researchers have taken disinfection measures. Principal Angers also came to the laboratory early, and everyone looked at the brass eggs soaked in low-temperature liquid nitrogen.

"Let me solemnly announce that Dragon King Norton has been captured successfully!"

Principal Angers toasted to everyone.

At present, the outside world has not confirmed that the Dragon King is a twin, and the name of the Bronze and Fire King is "Norton" in the classics, so Angers can only be called according to this generally accepted information.

"This is a big step for our dragon-slaying cause, and also a big step for the cause of mankind!"

"Being able to capture one of the four great monarchs is inseparable from the support of the internal staff of Kassel Academy, and of course it is inseparable from the bravery of the frontline personnel. At this moment, Xia Mi, the dragon slayer hero who defeated the next generation species, is at our door As a guardian, let us pay tribute to her!"

Although he couldn't hear it outside the door, Angers still raised his glass in the direction of Xia Mi outside the door.

There were no casualties in the Bronze City Project, thanks to Xia Mi.

The scientific researchers also applauded.

For those who can obtain such precious materials as the living Dragon King, let alone applaud them and let them dance in line.

After paying tribute to the dragon slayer, Angers spoke impassionedly.

"In the past thousands of years, we have made great sacrifices to prevent a king from awakening, but even this can only make them sleep. But it is different now. We finally captured the larvae of Dragon King Norton!"

"Today will be a historic day, we will...dissect the Dragon King!"

The applause was thunderous.

Dissecting the Dragon King, for humans, this great undertaking is tantamount to dissecting an alien.

For these researchers, the experimental subject Dragon King is also an extremely precious specimen. If they can really obtain all-round data on dragons, they will be able to go down in history. Their names may even be more famous than any dragon slayers in history. The heroes shine brighter.

After a moment, someone raised their hand.

"Principal, if this jar contains the Dragon King, is it safe?"

Other researchers looked over uneasily.

Although it is just a cub, or even an egg that has not yet hatched, for creatures like dragons, cubs do not mean that they are lifeless.

The only specimen of the red dragon cub that exists in Kassel College is capable of ejecting dragon flames, let alone the Dragon King.

"Of course it's safe!"

Angers smiled.

"Dragon eggs at low temperatures will automatically enter a dormant state. Don't worry about it waking up. Even if something happens, our new generation of dragon slayers will be guarding you outside the door. Don't worry!"

After hearing this, the researchers were relieved.

The new generation of dragon slayers are guarding outside the door, and the older generation of dragon slayers are in front of them. This lineup can be said to be unprecedentedly powerful.

Under this situation, unless a dragon slayer turns his back on the dragons, what is there to worry about?

"Robotic arm, prepare to be fixed!"

Angers voice sounded, using Norma to control the instrument in front of him and operate the copper tank.

The researchers held their breath and stared at the brass jar in front of them.

The secret of the Dragon King's life is about to be revealed. This is a sacred moment. No matter what happens in the outside world at this moment, it will not affect them unless -

"Alarm! Dragon invasion! Alert! Dragon invasion!"

The shrill alarm sounded throughout the entire academy, red lights flashed, and the entire academy suddenly entered a state of emergency alert.

Dragon invasion?

The researchers looked at each other.

They thought of ten thousand reasons for the accident, but none of them was dragon invasion.

Just when the scientific researchers were panicking, Angers calmed them down.

"Don't panic, Norma, what's going on?"

"An intruder entered the school!"

Norma responded immediately and posted a short video.

Masked intruders wearing combat uniforms rode motorcycles and broke into the gate of Kassel College.

After seeing the scenes in the video, the researchers breathed a sigh of relief.

They thought that the next generation led an army to capture Cassel College, but they didn't expect that there were only a dozen people?

"Oh, just leave enemies of this level to the professors. The ice cellar has never been breached in history. The experiment continues!"

Ange chuckled and continued to direct.

Seeing his calm appearance, the researchers relaxed.

Are you kidding? How could they be afraid of a few intruders if they are a secret party?

If more than a dozen next-generation dragons rushed in to wreak havoc, it would be cause for concern. A mere mixed-race species would dare to run wild in Kassel Academy without even asking where it was.

Not to mention the dragon slayer Ange, but just outside the door, there are two S-class and one dragon slayer guarding them. They must not be able to let even a fly in!

Facts have proved that the researchers were right.

With Norma and S-class defenses, it's true that not even a fly can get in.

However, just because you can't let in the flies doesn't mean you can't let in the dragons.

"Hey! Can you let me in? I'm late!"

Outside the laboratory door, a man wearing obviously ill-fitting armor and holding a submachine gun in his hand came over and said this.

With Su Mo and Xia Mi's eyesight, they could easily see that something was wrong with the other party.

Whether it was the alert stance, the submachine gun held nervously, or the safety that had been opened, it was all suspicious to the extreme.

In fact, even without looking at this, they can recognize at a glance that there is something wrong with the other party.

After all, this armor is too familiar.

"Hey, why are you back?"

Eriyi also recognized this crazy-styled armor, and was immediately confused.

Isn't this the security guard just now?

No, the heartbeat sounds different!

Just when Eriki's eyes widened, as if she had discovered something, Su Mo pressed her shoulders and motioned her not to speak for the time being.

Then, Su Mo asked in a familiar tone.

"Why is the armor only half worn and you don't even have a bow and arrow?"

After hearing the two people's answers, Old Tang breathed a sigh of relief.

After breaking in according to the mission instructions, he got lost directly. Fortunately, he had a guide on his mobile phone, which prevented him from completely losing his way.

As soon as he arrived near the target location, he met a strange man wearing medieval armor and fully armed. He looked like an elite monster at first glance.

The two collided head-on, and Old Tang was dumbfounded.

The opponent's armor looked very hard at first glance. Although he had a gun in his hand, he had to shoot continuously to break the armor.

But when the other side has a submachine gun in hand, and both sides carry deadly weapons, the side with armor is almost certain to win.

Just when Old Tang was thinking that my life was about to end, the elite monster in front of him didn't actually shoot him. Instead, he put his hands on his hips and showed off loudly.

"Hahaha! Your equipment is not as good-looking as mine!"


Old Tang, who was wearing a combat uniform with little bulletproof effect, was stunned.

The other party is sure of victory and wants to mentally humiliate himself?

Before he could figure it out, the elite monster spoke again.

"But it looks good, but it's a bit heavy and a bit stuffy! I shouldn't have been showing off in front of a pretty soft girl just now. Brother, help me, I want to take it off!"

Hearing this, Old Tang was stunned.

He was a little confused as to whether the other party wanted to seduce him and knock him out with one punch, but with the opponent's superior firepower, there was no need to do so.

Then, he saw that the other party really took off his helmet and took the initiative to expose his vital parts.

Seeing the hair sticking to his face and the sweat on his head, Old Tang immediately confirmed that what the other person said was true. He was indeed very hot.

Immediately, he wondered if the other party was crazy.

If you stick your head inside a tin can in the middle of summer, it's no wonder it's not hot.

Old Tang didn't say much. Fortunately, he was a popular face, and he immediately took over the opponent's helmet and took over the opponent's submachine gun. In this regard, the equipment department guy who had never participated in actual combat had no clue. Be wary.

Seeing that everything went well and after helping the other party take off his armor, Old Tang hesitated and asked for the way out.

The other party had no doubts at all, and told him very cheerfully, and asked which department Old Tang was from, why he came over now, and whether he was late.

At this time, Norma's alarm suddenly sounded, and the armored man's expression suddenly became distorted.

Although he is crazy, his brain is not blocked.

Before he screamed like a woman in a thriller, Old Tang smiled heartily and knocked the opponent unconscious with the butt of his gun.

After thinking for a while, he put on the opponent's helmet and armor.

The reason why he didn't change his leg armor was not because it was inconvenient to move, but because the other party's athlete's foot was too severe and he couldn't bear it.

Sure enough, after changing his clothes, he had a smooth journey.

Even if he met other people by chance, no one would treat him as an intruder.

Not to mention that the inside of the ice cellar is impossible to be invaded. Even if it is invaded, it is impossible to wear such weird clothes. The equipment department's crazy style is quite famous inside the ice cellar.

Putting on his armor, Old Tang quickly arrived at the laboratory.

To be fair, this armor is not heavy, Old Tang's physical fitness is not outstanding, and it is only a little tiring to wear it, not to the point where he can't move.

I think the armor designers from the equipment department also took the weight factor into consideration, and designed the armor to be heavy enough for normal people to wear. However, these researchers probably didn't expect that their physical fitness was actually far inferior to normal people, so they started to move with the turtles. Like climbing.

There is nothing wrong with the armor itself, the problem is that they themselves are too messy.

After finally arriving at the target location, near the laboratory, Old Tang felt a little embarrassed when he looked at the closed door.

He didn't pay much attention to the three people in front of him. When passing by the school, he noticed that these three young people were wearing school uniforms. If they were the previous security personnel, they would still need to be careful. Only a few students in front of him could turn over. How big is the storm?

That is to say, the pretty girl at the front seemed familiar. Old Tang couldn't explain how he felt. In the words of Dream of Red Mansions, it was like he had seen this girl before.

But unlike Jia Baoyu, after seeing the other person's face, he not only didn't feel the slightest bit moved, on the contrary, he felt a little disgusted.

It was like meeting a neighbor's naughty child who goes to the Internet cafe after school every day and leads his own younger brother into mischief.

So, why do you feel this way?

Before he could figure out what was going on, after hearing Su Mo's inquiry, he felt secretly happy, thinking that he had got through.

Immediately, he scratched his head and returned immediately.

"The leg armor is too heavy to wear, otherwise I wouldn't be late. Brother, can you let me in?"

He does not intend to conflict with others unless necessary.

After all, he only went on the mission to seek money, and there was no need to kill anyone.

Hearing this, the other party suddenly showed a very strange look in his eyes. Just when Old Tang's heart tightened, thinking that he had been exposed, Su Mo spoke.

"Don't you have a permission card in your hand? You can just swipe it yourself?"

He pointed to the access control at the door of the laboratory, and then pointed to Old Tang's hand.

After taking a look at the black card in his hand, Old Tang suddenly realized it and immediately patted his head with a hollow sound.

"Oh! I almost forgot!"

He thought this was a card that could open a door, but he didn't expect that it could even open such a confidential door?

Are the security measures in this school a little too poor? They all use one set of cards, regardless of authority? !

This is simply as outrageous as the access control card at the entrance of the community that can open the door of the owner's home.

"After entering, remember to disinfect first and put on protective clothing. The sterility requirements for this experiment are very high!"

Su Mo gave instructions to Old Tang.

"Good brother! Understand, understand!"

Old Tang immediately nodded with emotion. This brother was able to handle it. He was willing to tell him these details. If there was a chance, he could treat him to dinner.

Under Su Mo's guidance, Old Tang swiped the access card and walked in without hesitation.

Just as he was about to close the door, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.


Old Tang was stunned for a moment, holding the submachine gun vigilantly, wondering if he was still exposed.

At this time, he felt someone pat him on the back.

"You dropped something!"

The man with black hair and black eyes picked up a relatively rough bronze mask with a sincere expression and handed it to him.

"Oh! Thank you!"

Old Tang immediately breathed a sigh of relief and stuffed the rough bronze mask with red lines into his arms.

This is an important prop for this mission, a necessary item specially requested by the employer, and it is related to a commission worth five million US dollars!

"You're welcome! You're the only one missing here!"

Su Mo smiled slightly and took a step back.

The door of the laboratory descended from top to bottom, separating the two people. Old Tang was stunned on the spot.

He was not thinking about the special meaning of Su Mo's words, but was thinking about another thing.

He is wearing a plate armor made of all metal. How much strength does it take to shoot with such force that he can clearly feel it?

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