Dragon Clan: Undercover at the beginning, the road to becoming a god

Chapter 615 Red Rain Beast Herd, a More Deadly Crisis

Four sunsets later, on the shores of Lake Michigan, in the most secret conference room of the Mixed Race Alliance.

Su Mo, Anger, and the night watchman were sitting in the triangle of the conference table. Fingel and EVA were guarding the door.

"What's going on now?"

Su Mo, who was in the first position, asked and then added.

"I'm asking about Hongyu."

No special reference is needed. The red rain all over the world has caused collective panic around the world and has become a major issue that politicians have to face head-on.

If the detonation of the Tsarist hydrogen bomb could be covered up with perfunctory reasons such as nuclear testing, then the day and night above them that rotated almost every hour was something that could never be covered up.

No matter how confusing the explanations given by experts, people cannot believe that this global change is a collective mental hallucination.

Different from the previous cases of secret dragon slaying, this time, the hybrid world is completely unable to conceal the truth. The existence of dragons can no longer be kept secret in the shadow of human society.

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire world has now fallen into huge chaos. The impact of miraculous phenomena on human common sense is far greater than World War I, World War II and even the Cold War.

However, it is the task of politicians to appease the people. For them warriors, it is more important to clarify the current situation and the enemy.

After hearing Su Mo's inquiry, the night watchman took out his tablet and swiped it a few times, and a holographic projection of the solar system appeared in front of the three of them.

"According to data obtained by space probes, the impact of red rain has even spread to the edge of the atmosphere, and even earth resource satellites have been affected. However, geosynchronous orbit satellites are not within the scope of the impact. According to various data calculations, the specific details of red rain The specific scope of influence includes the atmosphere within an altitude of two thousand kilometers upward, and includes all known depths of the earth's core downward."

To put it simply, the scope of this time barrier includes at least the entire biosphere.

"Outside the scope of influence, from the perspective of geosynchronous satellites or lunar probes, the speed of the earth itself is no different from before. The red rain only changes the time flow rate within the field and has no impact on the outside world. .”

This is also a natural thing. No matter how powerful Nidhogg is, he will not be able to interfere with the flow of time at the cosmic level.

From the scale of the solar system, the earth's movement is the same, but the people in the box feel it differently.

"What's the specific speed? How long will it take to reach the end?"

Su Mo asked the key points.

The concept of time is very vague in personal subjectivity, but in the objective world, it is very clear.

Since ancient times, whether it is the lunar calendar or the solar calendar, it is actually an astronomical calendar. This is why the meaning is absolutely clear, and there is no ambiguity in any culture.

Whether it is the prophecies among the dragons or the results recorded by the Mayan culture, they are all recorded in the astronomical calendar.

In other words, no matter what the time concept of people living on earth is, no matter whether they will redefine the AD calendar, as long as the earth itself moves to the position it should be on December 21, 2012, the star map will correspond, Nidhogg The prophecy will come true, he will break the last shackles and be born into the world in the form of the tree of life.

Reaching the predicted doomsday as quickly as possible was Nidhogg's greatest intention in developing a planet-level alchemy matrix.

"At the current rate, there are still two months."

The night watchman immediately answered Su Mo's question, obviously well prepared.

As an alchemist master, although his level is far inferior to that of Su Mo, astrology is also one of the subjects that must be learned in alchemy.

"When the planet's internal clock reaches December 21, 2008, the planet's external clock will reach December 21, 2012."

"Only two months left..."

Hearing this result, Su Mo sighed, not surprised.

Despite having experienced four sunsets, only four hours had actually passed in the planet's internal system. From this, it can be roughly estimated that Nidhogg compressed time more than twenty times, turning four years into two months.

So, you can see a day-night cycle every hour.

"Yes, two months! It's not even enough to give birth to a child. I just don't know if it's too late to start building a nuclear bomb at full strength!"

Hearing Su Mo sigh, the night watchman also sighed.

If the reality hadn't been clearly laid out before his eyes, I'm afraid no matter what Su Mo said, he wouldn't have believed that Nidhogg could cause such a large-scale disturbance.

A planet-level alchemy matrix, something that is like a fantasy, could suddenly appear in front of you.

Sure enough, stories need logic, reality does not.

"Unless it's a stellar hydrogen bomb, it doesn't make sense."

Su Mo shook his head.

Even the Black King doesn't take ordinary nuclear bombs seriously, let alone the Tree of Life.

Seeing that both of them looked unhappy, Angre pondered for a few seconds and then spoke to Su Mo.

"Your Excellency Su Mo, you said before that this red rain is a restriction imposed by Nidhogg to target you. In other words, do you have the possibility of being able to deal with the evolved Nidhogg?"

As a warrior, Angers only cares about how to find the opportunity to win and realize it, and does not care about the obstacles and costs he will encounter along the way.

Only ignoring is the greatest contempt. Since Nidhogg deliberately targeted Su Mo and did not ignore it, it shows that there is no way to break the situation on their side.

Facing Ange's inquiry, Su Mo did not hide it.

"Yes, as long as you give me enough time, even if Nidhogg comes back to life, he will definitely not be my opponent."

"Actually, if Hongyu is the only obstacle, it won't be a problem for me."

Whether it is to build a Nibelung by himself, reset the time flow rate inside, or go directly to outer space and break away from the time barrier, it is not difficult for Su Mo.

A planet-level alchemical matrix, no matter how powerful it sounds, cannot be effective outside the planet. With Su Mo's current strength, although the Black King's power will be much weaker outside the planet, his scientific authority will not be compromised. His tyrannical body at the level of a god is enough to allow him to survive in the universe.

For him who has space capabilities, as long as he brings enough supplies, he can conduct interstellar travel alone and completely get rid of Nidhogg's influence.

Just wait until the upgrade is successful and then come back, and you can easily deal with Nidhogg.

Hearing what Su Mo said, Angers and the night watchman's eyes lit up, and even Fingel at the door breathed a sigh of relief.

As expected of Master Su Mo, he is simply invincible!

Seeing everyone's performance, Su Mo shook his head helplessly and woke them up.

"But the problem now is that besides Hongyu, there is another big trouble."

Hearing this, Angers immediately woke up.

"You want to say...herd?"

The monsters mass-produced by Nidhogg naturally appear not only in the Arctic Ocean, but in fact they can be seen in all major oceans around the world.

Nowadays, these beasts have been judged by Norma to be on the same level as the false god Pasi, and are in danger of annihilation.


Su Mo nodded.

"These monsters often reach the realm of the Dragon King, and can even reach the level of the God's Domain. It is almost impossible to eliminate them without beings of the same level, and even if they are eliminated, the corresponding genetic combination will be recorded, and they may come back at any time. For humans, they are It should be considered a more terrible disaster than the Dragon King, right?"

Hearing this, the night watchman patted his thigh.

"Who says otherwise! I just saw a piece of information. The Pacific Fleet faced off against a king-level pest. In less than half an hour, the Pacific Fleet was destroyed! Although the king beast was seriously injured, it was not dead. And he recovered quickly!”

In fact, the power of human conventional weapons is not weak. Unfortunately, the development direction of human technology tree is not towards the development of specialization for large monsters, so that it cannot cause fatal damage to dragon king level monsters.

And with the vitality possessed by those king beasts that is even higher than that of ordinary dragon kings, as long as they don't die, they can quickly recover their health by gnawing at a school of fish.

Once such an unequal battle breaks out, the result will naturally be completely one-sided.

Unless nuclear bombs are used again, mankind will be completely defeated.

"Fortunately, Miss Xia Mi who was passing by was kind-hearted and helped to deal with all the king beasts, and took the initiative to confront other mythical beasts, otherwise Japan might be flooded again."

Although Xia Mi himself is not here, the night watchman does not mind flattering him, after all, he is a queen-level existence.

Ange on the side didn't say anything. Even though everyone knew that this girl was the Dragon King, she was indeed helping humans now!

I don't know if Su Mo has any special training methods. Otherwise, how could the legendary Dragon King be so obedient?

After suppressing the gossip in his heart, Angers followed the night watchman's words and asked a question.

"Although those king beasts and mythical beasts are unmatched by humans, they shouldn't be a big problem for the Dragon King, right? According to the current eyewitness information, those king beasts are basically unable to be supported by the dragon kings. Ten seconds, those mythical beasts can't last more than a few minutes at most, and even if there are one against many, it doesn't seem to be a big obstacle."

Dragon Kings of the same level can basically crush mass-produced monsters. Even if there are too many opponents, they can use their authority to fight flexibly and defeat them one by one.

The beast herd is enough to destroy the world for humans, but it is not that dangerous for dragons. At least based on the current record, Su Mo's side seems to be far ahead.

So, what does he have to worry about?

After hearing what Ange said, before Su Mo could reply, the night watchman retorted on the spot and pointed out his blind spot.

"Naive, so naive! Angers, you are treating the beasts as another kind of dragon, so you subconsciously think that they are not worth worrying about. In fact, the beasts and dragons are completely different species, even Speaking of which, they are not a simple species. To be able to say this means that you have not truly understood the most terrifying thing about the beasts!"

As he said that, as a scholar, he subconsciously became excited. He directly clicked on the holographic projection to project the double helix DNA structure, and then patiently explained it.

"No matter how powerful the dragons are and how unstable their genes are, they will only be more affected by the environment during breeding. In fact, no matter how often they mutate, the genes of dragons are very low in the species gene pool. stable."

"But the herd is different. The genes in their bodies are updated all the time even when they are not breeding. The genetic changes in their bodies are changing in units of seconds. From a biological point of view, they are evolving all the time, using alchemy From a technical point of view, their bodies are undergoing alchemical transformations every second, and genetic changes of this level are commonplace for them."

"Although most of the results of evolution are failures, and may even be life-threatening most of the time, with massive system iterations, they will definitely be able to find a fruitful route, and they will definitely have the ability to turn this success into a success. The way the line was recorded.”

"In this way, with infinite iterations, they will accumulate more and more correct combinations, and their strength will inevitably improve every minute and every second. Don't look at it now. They are no match for the Dragon Kings. With the speed of their evolution, they must It won’t be long before it becomes a huge problem!”

Although Nidhogg abandoned the World Tree, he obviously did not abandon alchemy. In the scope of biology, what he was doing was the iterative evolution of species. In the concept of alchemy, he was now studying the refinement of organisms. There is a big difference between the two. not bad.

After listening to the night watchman's explanation, Angre looked horrified and immediately looked at Su Mo.

"He's right."

Su Mo nodded and agreed with the night watchman's inference.

"The original divine beasts couldn't even withstand Levadin's flames for three seconds, but it didn't take long for them to evolve."

Hearing this, the night watchman asked curiously.

"Have they evolved enough to withstand the World-Destroying Demonic Sword?"

For the genes of living things, flame is undoubtedly the biggest enemy. No matter how powerful a living thing is, it can't prevent its own proteins from being denatured by high temperatures, right?

"No, they ran faster, so they lived for two seconds longer."

Su Mo shook his head.

"...This is reasonable."

The night watchman was dumbfounded.

Life always finds a way out, but escape is not prohibited. Running fast is always an advantage.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Ange, who was frowning because of the night watchman's previous words, suddenly relaxed, and he asked immediately.

"I would like to ask, with their evolutionary speed, is it possible for them to grow to the level of the Black King within two months?"

"That shouldn't be the case, right?"

The night watchman was slightly stunned and analyzed.

"Even gene iterations must follow the law of diminishing marginal effects. They will evolve very quickly at the beginning, but they may not be as scary as they are now."

After all, it is just the genes of the earth's creatures, which will not allow the creatures to evolve to the point of swallowing up the sky and the earth all at once.


Su Mo gave a very definite answer.

"Dragon itself is the pinnacle of the Earth's gene pool for billions of years. It is the crown jewel of the planet's life catalog. It cannot be caught up so easily. Not to mention the Black King, even the White King and the ordinary God Domain level Dragon King, They may not be able to catch up.”

The disadvantage of authority is that it cannot be mass-produced, but the advantage is that it is really easy to use.

Just like the gap between the dragon king without authority and the dragon king with authority, no matter how the beasts evolve, they cannot make up for the gap in authority.

"The problem is that even if their individual strength cannot keep up, with the advantage of mass production, they may still completely hold us back. This is what worries me."

"If I am completely held back by these guys, even if I have a way to circumvent the time barrier, I won't be able to use it."

Su Mo pointed out his real dilemma.

Pure red rain is not a problem, and pure beast herd is not a problem, but once red rain and beast herd are added together, Su Mo will be completely restrained, making it impossible for him to escape the time limit.

Even with Su Mo's speed of getting stronger, he couldn't guarantee that he would be promoted to LV8 within two months, not to mention that he couldn't concentrate on getting stronger during these two months and had to deal with the herd of beasts all the time.

In this case, it is almost impossible to successfully reach the level of the Tree of Life.

Hearing Su Mo's words, Angre and the night watchman were slightly startled, and looked at each other with even heavier expressions.

After a moment of hesitation, Angers asked.

"In other words, only if you don't take action and others can deal with the beasts, can the obstacles of Hong Yu be broken and give you time to prepare for the real doomsday?"

"No, actually it's not impossible even if my power is needed. I have a plan to lend out the existing power, but if it exceeds the current level, it will be a bit troublesome."

Su Mo said this.

"In this case, we need to collect the evolution data of the beast herd and let Norma simulate and analyze it, so as to know the extent of the pressure brought by the beast herd...especially the mythical beast!"

The night watchman spoke immediately.

Although he didn't know what Su Mo's so-called plan was, he understood the general direction.

If the pressure brought by the beast herd is not so great and can be solved by just relying on human nuclear bombs, Xia Mieri's strength, and Su Mo's so-called plan, then of course it would be best. Su Mo has his own way to deal with it with peace of mind. Nidhogg.

But if the pressure brought by the beast herd is strong enough to make Su Mo's plan unable to withstand it... then it will be completely over!

"Don't worry about collecting data. I've already asked people to do it, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here with peace of mind."

Speaking of this, Su Mo had a thought in his mind.

"Just in time, she's back!"

The moment the words fell, a petite blond girl appeared directly from the center of the conference room.

Fingel, who noticed the change, was startled and almost entered the "Fire Dragon Slayer" state. However, after seeing the height of the girl in front of him, he immediately regained his composure.

It turns out to be the eldest sister!

Zero's petite and cute figure is very iconic, so even though she has a black mask on her face, Angers and the night watchers still recognize her immediately.

"Is this an alchemy tool that can borrow the authority of the Dragon King?"

The plan Su Mo mentioned to lend his power was to borrow a mask and let Zero fight for him?

It sounds good, but does this mean that the key to Su Mo's victory over Nidhogg has little to do with the Black King's power?

The night watchman looked at this majestic mask curiously and sighed.

"As expected of Su Mo's favorite secretary, the treatment is just different."

He was said to be his favorite secretary, but in fact, he was the only secretary Su Mo had. If you analyze this flattery carefully, you will see that it is very clumsy, but you can't help but there are always people who like to hear it.

With Zero's character, she would naturally not have any emotional fluctuations in response to these words. Of course, she did feel that this bad old man was a little more pleasing to her eyes.

After taking off the mask, she carefully took out the data, as well as the results of the EVA calculation, and compiled a report.

"According to the results of my sampling investigation in the past few hours, as well as the intelligence summary obtained by Destiny Authority, EVA has successfully constructed a mimic function. The evolution of the herd will reach its peak in two days. By then, the benefits of evolution through the ordinary path will slow down, and they will They will inevitably turn to increasing their size to enhance their strength, give up on low-level deductions, and start officially mass-producing mythical beasts to supplement their combat power... And according to EVA calculations, even with their current resources, they are enough to mass-produce more than three-digit mythical beasts. These mythical beasts will be greatly enhanced in speed and resistance. With our current strength, if we want to stop them before they cause devastating damage, our current combat power is not enough!"

It is impossible to construct an effective simulation function so quickly using purely scientific methods. It is different when using the power of destiny. Accurate answers can be obtained directly across the long river of time.

Although the fate of the Black King is not enough to control these mythical beasts, it is enough to peek at them.

The data given by Zero undoubtedly completely extinguished everyone's luck.

Not to mention solving the beast herd in the absence of the Black King's strength. Judging from the results, even if the Black King is not absent, it will be difficult to deal with the crisis of the beast herd.

It's not that they can't win. With the power of the Black King, they won't lose anyway, but the problem is that these beasts can completely destroy human civilization before they are killed by Su Mo.

Just like in the tower pushing game, Su Mo can kill five easily, but cannot stop the enemy from stealing the tower. No matter how strong he is tactically, he will lose strategically.

"Not even the combined power of the Black King can do it?"

The night watchman was completely shocked.

Isn't this really a doomed situation?

"It's just that the existing power is not enough."

Zero shook his head and corrected.

"If we fight in the form of a dragon body, we can defeat all the divine beasts."

An opponent that could be defeated by a human body in one minute might not be defeated by a dragon body in ten seconds. The gap between the two was nothing to Su Mo himself, but it was enough to affect the survival of the entire human civilization.

"You can fight with the dragon body, but the mask is useless."

Su Mo shook his head.

If he only needed the power of the Black King in human form, he could use the mask to stay out of the situation and level up with peace of mind.

The power of Black King in dragon form is not that simple. Even if Su Mo transforms into a dragon, Zero can only exert the power of human form.

Hearing this, the night watchman became worried again.

The three of Su and Mo in dragon form are enough to deal with the beasts, but they are unable to deal with Nidhogg who wakes up in the future. This treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and the fundamental problem still cannot be solved.

Hong Yu and the beast herd are working together. Unless they sit back and watch human beings perish, there is really no way to deal with it.

"It seems that Nidhogg has carefully calculated everything and deliberately left redundancy, otherwise we would not be so passive."

Angers took a deep breath and sighed.

No wonder Nidhogg didn't use all his power to maintain the time barrier. With his accumulation, he could obviously further compress time, but he didn't do that. Instead, he used the extra power to contain Su Mo.

Facts have proved that his move was indeed effective, and Su Mo was firmly trapped in the trap.

As expected of Lao Yinbi, who has been able to plan for tens of thousands of years. Even with his eyesight, he could not see any loopholes in this plan.

Hong Yu and the Beast Herd completed the general's victory in just two moves.

What was more terrifying than Nidhogg's extremely rigorous plan was his caution.

Perhaps Su Mo hadn't noticed yet, but in fact, the desperate situation Nidhogg had created was more than that.

Thinking like this, Angers and the night watchman looked at each other again, and then they had time to tell another piece of information they had been wanting to say before.

"Your Excellency Su Mo, I know that the two current dilemmas are difficult enough. But in fact, in addition to Hongyu and the herd, there is a more deadly crisis at the moment."


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