Dragon Clan: Undercover at the beginning, the road to becoming a god

Chapter 622: A great achievement at the creation level, LV7 Foundation Ceremony, Gensokyo, where can

The clock inside the planet shows that it will be three days after the doomsday level disaster strikes.

Having witnessed with their own eyes the never-ending red rain, the rising black tide, the herd of beasts that cannot be concealed, and the protection of the silver dragon, almost all humans understand that this world has reached the edge of destruction.

Therefore, some people directly call the moment when the red rain falls, the beginning of the doomsday era.

And today, three days after the start of the Doomsday Era, official organizations around the world are releasing news at this time, saying that human civilization has found a way out.

No one thinks that current human technology can withstand this level of doomsday, but the existence of the Silver Crowned Dragon and the unified official caliber of the world make people involuntarily want to believe so.

Could it be said that there is really hope for human civilization? In this doomed future, is it really possible for them to be saved?

"Are you sure you want to create a Nibelung that can accommodate all mankind at this time?"

Even Lu Mingze was curious about Su Mo's approach.

Seven billion humans, if the space is squeezed a little, the territory of Australia would be enough.

As long as the setting is appropriate, food is not necessarily needed in the Nibelungen. Just like in the Imperial Capital Metro, even if you don't eat, you won't starve to death for two months.

With the power of the Black King, it is not impossible to develop this level of Nibelung.

But it's not as simple as moving in space.

"Now that the evolution of the beast herd has reached its peak, even the power of the dragon-bodied White King cannot hold on anymore. We must join forces with Zero to suppress the beast herd. If you spend too much power here, what will happen to the beast herd? "

Lu Mingze issued a warning.

Today's beast herd is almost reaching the point where the dragon-bodied Black King must take action to suppress it safely.

At this critical point, if you still want to create a Nibelung that can accommodate all mankind, it will undoubtedly consume a lot of power.

Even for the Black King, it is not that easy to directly create a continent-level space.

To exaggerate, one could even say that it was a great achievement comparable to the creation of the world!

Has Su Mo ever thought about how to deal with the increasingly stronger beasts during the weak period after the creation of the world?

"rest assured!"

Facing Lu Mingze's worries, Su Mo showed a relaxed expression.

"It may be troublesome to do many things alone, but as long as you have a trustworthy companion, the difficulty will decrease. Nidhogg's biggest weakness is that he cannot learn to trust others, so he will never think of my way to solve the problem. "

Seeing Su Mo's confident look, Lu Mingze wasn't too worried.

"I'm not questioning it! In fact, I have never doubted Eriki's power. Although she is a bit naive, she is also a very good assistant."

At this point, he changed his tone, looked down at the Arctic Ocean at his feet, and sighed.

"But when it comes to something as important as saving humanity, isn't it a bit rash to choose to trust this guy? I suddenly feel a little worried about the future of humanity."

As soon as he said this, there was a "bang" sound, and the Arctic Ocean under his feet was directly separated by a huge force.

A sky-reaching black pillar lifted up hundreds of thousands of tons of sea water and pulled it out from the bottom of the sea like a whip. The huge pillar was a thousand meters high and pierced the clouds almost instantly. It was as sacred and magnificent as the Tower of Babel reaching the sky.

The next moment, the sky-reaching black tower fell down, splitting the sea of ​​clouds directly with the force of wind and thunder. Before the sky-reaching black tower reached the sea surface, the sea surface surged with waves of tens of meters due to air shock waves.

It is foreseeable that if this pillar is really pulled down, the sea area within a radius of nearly 100 kilometers will inevitably shake suddenly like a broken mirror, and even the aftermath will inevitably set off huge waves of hundreds of meters, from the center of the Arctic Ocean Spread to the surrounding land.

Faced with this overwhelming force that could easily overwhelm mountains and seas in a hurry, even Lu Mingze couldn't help but turn pale.

"Su Mo, save me!"

With a loud shout, he took a step back without restraint, shielded Su Mo in front of him, and then crouched down with his head in his hands.

No matter how you look at it, this is an act of deception.

Seeing the collapse of the black giant pillar in front of him, Su Mo remained motionless and had no intention of resisting. Instead, he admired the pattern of the huge scales on the black pillar with great interest.

However, this majestic force that could easily destroy an entire sea area spontaneously stopped after realizing that it would inevitably affect Su Mo.

Then, with a pull away, the huge black pillar that pierced the clouds retracted directly into the depths of the sea.

People with keen eyesight may be able to see clearly that the top of the black giant pillar is actually getting thinner. It does not look like a black tower reaching the sky, but rather like the tail of a dragon and snake.

Looking at the sea that was gradually returning to calm in front of him, Lu Mingze patted his chest with lingering fear.

"This female dragon is so violent!"

"Who asked you to speak ill of her?"

Su Mo glanced sideways at him, showing no sympathy.

"Who knew she had hatched successfully?"

Lu Mingze bared his teeth and said.

There is some truth to this.

So Su Mo also lowered his head and looked at the Arctic Ocean, looking at the huge structure crawling on the seabed like a continental shelf.

"Miss, now that you're awake, it's time to get up!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire Arctic Ocean began to tremble.

Millions of tons of seawater began to churn continuously, ice shelves that were tens of thousands of years old began to shake, and the seawater in the entire ocean began to fluctuate unsteadily.

There is a saying in ancient China that earthquakes are the result of an earth dragon turning over. This metaphor seems very apt now. The shaking of the Arctic Ocean is like an extremely huge dragon and snake flexing its posture under the seabed, as if there is something gigantic several times larger. The existence is stretching his body.

This scene would be particularly shocking if viewed from a satellite perspective.

I saw a ridge-like bulge that separated the sea, the land, and the icebergs. Finally, it connected into an earthly python that reached into the sky and the earth. It was a huge body that even the astronauts on the space station could see with the naked eye.

The mountains and rivers are just the lines on its scales, and the ocean is just the seedbed for its incubation. It is definitely not a creature in the sense of normal evolution. Such a great existence can only be named God.

Even those who have already known about the artifacts of the dragon race and have witnessed doomsday-level disasters can't help but be shocked when they see this scale across the screen, which is larger than that of prehistoric creatures. Its existence is only recorded in myths. Absence.

Seeing this sacred gesture that was so huge that it could barely fit on the entire screen, a sacred name emerged in people's hearts.

The worldly python, Jörmungandr!

In the center of the Arctic Ocean, a huge shadow directly covered the sky. The appearance of the earthly python was like a mountain range, rising and falling on the sea surface. Even now, she did not show a complete posture, and most of them were hidden under the sea.

After whipping Lu Mingze away with his tail, the head of the worldly python rose from the sea and pinned Su Mo above his head.

Then, like sitting on an elevator, as the earthly python raised its head, Su Mo came directly above the clouds.

Looking at the dark platform under his feet, which was wider than the stadium, Su Mo couldn't imagine that under his feet was Miss Xia Mi's head.

Even though this earthly python form was the result of Su Mo's request, he couldn't help but feel extremely shocked after seeing it with his own eyes.

"Speaking of which, does this count as bald?"

Su Mo couldn't help but make a complaint.


"Bah, bah, bah! You are the one with the bald head. Whose dragon body has long hair?!"

As if she couldn't stand Su Mo's complaints, a girl in a red dress and a gold crown, dressed like a noble empress, suddenly jumped out and stared at the dumb idiot with dissatisfaction.

Su Mo had seen this outfit once before in the spiritual level. It was regarded as Miss Xia Mi's mythical dress.

But the last time we met, the girl in the red skirt had the head of a human and the body of a snake, with the mythical posture of an earthly python at her feet. But the girl in front of her was a barefoot human girl with very graceful curves in her calves, waist and hips.

As for the chest, let’s not mention it for now.

"Is this a fabricated mental mimicry?"

Su Mo poked the girl's face curiously and could feel the soft touch, but this was only the consciousness projected by the spirit, and the real body was still the earthly python under his feet.

"Yes, this gesture makes communication easier."

Miss Xia Mi nodded.

This is a lie. In fact, she just thinks this gesture is cute.

At this time, there was a loud noise, and the tail of the worldly python flicked twice, tearing apart the nearby sea surface and glaciers, and causing waves that spread dozens of kilometers away.


She just flicked her tail subconsciously, but even the first generation species may not be able to withstand such strength.

It is worthy of being piled up with enough Crimson Tide resources to hatch the Black King a hundred times.

"Has the red tide been absorbed?"

Su Mo didn't pay attention to the huge contrast between the cute girl and the earthly python, but asked about business.

"There's still a little half left, I plan to absorb it slowly later!"

"Well, this size is enough for now."

After Su Mo looked at it for a while, he nodded.

After hatching for three days and consuming most of the red tide in the Arctic Ocean, Xia Mi has indeed hatched into the form of an earthly python, but it is only a prototype.

Strictly speaking, she can indeed be called the snake of the middle court now, and she can indeed circle the central axis of the earth, but she does not circle the equator, but the Arctic Ocean.

However, even if it is just like this, her body length is still enough to be measured in thousands of kilometers.

"How do you feel? Do you have the urge to treat the planet as a marble?"

Su Mo asked curiously.

With the current posture of the earthly python, entrenched in the Arctic Ocean, it is a bit like a black crown on the head of the earth. When it reaches its full size, it can directly circle the earth. From the perspective of a creature of this size, the planet is a bit... It's like a toy.

"No, I'm not bored enough to play marbles, and I'm not a child!"

The girl in the red dress rolled her eyes cutely, and then rolled her eyes with interest.

"Compared to this, how about you turn into a dragon body? In this posture, I will definitely not have weak legs!"

She poked Su Mo's waist with an excited expression.

She is not a child, so she has to play adult games.

Even if I am vulnerable in my human form, my dragon body won't be vulnerable, right?

With his current body shape, he might be able to entangle Su Mo a hundred times.

Hum~ If this is the case, let’s see if this guy still dares to call himself Zayumi!

Seeing the girl's expression, Su Mo immediately guessed what she was up to, and couldn't help but look speechless.

"Have you forgotten that I can grow to the same size as you, or even bigger than you? Give up Zayumi, you are only a little bit weak with a human body, but you are more than a little bit better with a dragon body."

As the upper limit of dragons, the Black King's power will not lose to other dragons in any aspect.


Miss Zayumi could not refute, she could only clenched her fist angrily.

Why was he humiliated before he became an earthly python, and why was he humiliated again after he condensed into a mythical form? Is this fair? !

Seeing that the topic gradually became strange under the guidance of Miss Zayumi, Su Mo looked at the time and ended the topic in time.

"Wait, it's time to get down to business!"

He looked at the girl in front of him and issued his first command.

"Open your mouth and bite the tail in."


Miss Xia Mi was slightly startled, and her eyes moved from Su Mo's face to downwards.

"Are you here? Although you can't see it from the satellite, isn't it a little uncomfortable to be out in the open air..."

The girl in the red dress's cheeks were a little hot and she said in a coquettish tone.

"At least wait until you get home, right?"


Su Mo was choked up and sighed helplessly.

Then, a hand knife lightly tapped the girl's forehead.

"I'm talking about your own tail, the tail of the earthly python... Miss, what are you thinking about every day?"


Only then did Xia Mi react.

"How can I know if you don't explain clearly?"

After puffing up her cheeks and complaining a little, she followed Su Mo's request and completely stretched the body of the earthly python.

With the earth's central axis as the center, the body of the earthly python stretches across the sea, glaciers, and land in the Arctic Ocean to form a standard circle.

Until the end, the head and tail were connected, and the mouth of the earthly python bit its own tail, becoming a standard ouroboros.

At this time, Su Mo continued to speak.

"Use the authority of Hela, the God of Death, to communicate with all Nibelungs and make them interconnected."


Miss Xia Mi was slightly startled, vaguely guessing something, and immediately followed the instructions.

Invisible space fluctuations spread all over the world, instantly connecting all Nibelungs on the planet.

At this moment, a strange phenomenon occurred, huge mirages appeared all over the world, and everyone could see the huge light and shadow in the sky as long as they raised their heads.

People on the edge of the Arctic Circle saw a deserted island and a base that seemed to have experienced a brutal war; people in the imperial capital saw the subway lines they relied on for daily travel, and also saw the hidden platforms inside the subway lines; the Yangtze River Basin People in Tokyo saw a huge bronze city that was powered only by mechanical gears; people in Tokyo saw a mirror city that was exactly the same as Tokyo, and also saw an ancient city sunk in the water.

Various mirages appeared at the same time, causing many believers to kneel down and pray in tears, thinking that they were revelations from heaven.

Under everyone's gaze, these mirages were like flowing light and shadow, moving northward at extremely fast speeds.

From a satellite perspective, it can quickly be determined where these mirages end - the Arctic Ocean.

For these very familiar sights, Norma has already made highly credible guesses.

These mirages are all scenes inside the Nibelungs, representing all the Nibelungs in the world. Now these Nibelungs are all coming together, most likely representing all the Nibelungs in the world. fusion!

In the center of the Arctic Ocean, Su Mo waited silently for the unification of the various Nibelungs.

Doomsday Sect, Avalon, Imperial Capital Metro, Bronze City, Night Food Plain, Takamagahara...

After Xia Mi used her authority to connect all the Nibelungs, Su Mo asked her to bring all these different spaces together.

After all the Nibelungs, large and small, were pulled to the Arctic Ocean, Su Mo issued the next order.

"Open up a new Nibelung!"


Miss Xia Mi was slightly startled.

"You really want me to open up the Nibelungs, but I can't directly open up a small world that can accommodate all mankind!"

Miss Xia Mi was a little panicked.

She guessed that Su Mo had this plan, but she didn't expect that Su Mo really planned to rely on himself.

It would be difficult for even the Black King to directly build such a large-scale Nibelung, let alone her.

She really wanted to help Su Mo, but this was really beyond her ability!

"Don't worry, I won't let you get to the end in one step, just open a small one."

Su Mo responded immediately to Miss Xia Mi's concerns.

"Just maintain it and leave it to me to expand!"

"Oh! That's no problem."

Ms. Xia Mi breathed a sigh of relief. It may be difficult to open a super large Nibelung root, but it is very simple to maintain. It only needs to provide basic consumption. It just so happens that, after absorbing most of the red tide, she stores the most energy. .

At this moment, she finally understood why Su Mo made her coil like an ouroboros.

Soon, a Nibelungen the size of a community was opened up. Looking at the familiar structure, Su Mo was slightly stunned, and then unfolded his exclusive word spirit that finally broke through the boundaries and reached its peak in the past three days.

Ji Ji Li Chuang, LV7.

"Although it can't truly create the world, if it's just a different space like Nibelung, it's still more than enough."

As the chanting of the words and spirits sounded, the boundaries of the different Nibelungs gradually began to merge under the chants of the words and spirits.

The exclusive word spirit that can interfere with all concepts plays a role for the first time after its birth, which is to fuse skills into new concepts.

Nowadays, concept fusion and concept separation, these two most basic level operations, exert an extremely powerful effect with the assistance of the divine realm level word spirit.

From the satellite perspective, Bronze City, Gaotianyuan, the Imperial Capital Subway... known or unknown Nibelungs, gradually merged into one with an ordinary community as the center under the sacred chant.

All the Nibelungs in the world combined together cover approximately hundreds of thousands square kilometers.

This is certainly not enough.

So, under everyone's gaze, the boundaries of this huge Nibelung began to expand.

Based on the existing Takamagahara and Imperial Capital, it began to be copied. With the expansion of the Black King's authority and the maintenance of the Mortal Serpent, this huge Nibelung root began to proliferate outwards, doubling its area again and again.

Finally, half an hour later, the light and shadow of the mirage had enveloped the entire Arctic Circle land, expanding to more than eight million square kilometers.

Finally, the height of the mirage gradually decreases, echoing the circle formed by the Ouroboros, leaving its own boundary on the back of the giant snake.

Seeing the completion of the miracle in front of them, everyone showed extremely excited expressions, even if they still couldn't understand what happened.

They all instinctively realized that the turning point had arrived!

"Was it originally solved this way?"

Lu Mingze scratched his cheek and showed an astonished expression.

"Fortunately, we didn't destroy the Doomsday Sect and the Nibelungs of Avalon before. These things actually came in handy."

The energy consumption provided by Xia Mi, the integration and template of the existing Nibelungs, the expansion of the Black King's authority...all factors combined have greatly reduced the consumption required to open up the super-large Nibelungs.

Without the power of the key skill [Basic Ritual Creation], Su Mo's consumption would never be as low as it is now.

And in the Arctic Ocean.

"How about it? It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

Su Mo asked with concern.

The advantage of using the Mortal Python as the boundary to create the Nibelung Roots is that as long as Xia Mi continues to absorb the red tide and grow, the scope of the Nibelung Roots will become larger and larger.

When it can actually circle the equator, the Nibelungen will be even larger than Pangea.

"This little expense is nothing!"

Miss Xia Mi shook her head, then looked at Su Mo and then the Nibelungen with shining eyes.

"Speaking of Su Mo, are you giving me the whole world?"

The super-large Nibelung in front of her was built with the core fusion she developed. It can be said to be Xia Mi's own exclusive Nibelung.

From her perspective, it was equivalent to Su Mo giving a continent-level small world as a gift.

"It's just a copy and paste, so to speak."

Su Mo spread his hands.

It's not that it can't be done better, it's just that copying and pasting consumes the least amount of money.

The reason why Xia Mi was asked to open it up was to reduce consumption as much as possible.

"It doesn't matter. This will be my world from now on. No, it's our world. Do you want to give it a name?"

Miss Xia Mi became inexplicably excited.


Su Mo thought for a few seconds.

"Heaven, Gensokyo, World Serpent, Noah's Ark, No Realm, Star Inner Sea, One Piece...you can take whatever you want."

"It all sounds good, but no one will sue us for copyright infringement, right?"

"Are you still afraid of this?"


The girl suddenly realized that her world was going to become Noah's Ark. Who dared to sue her savior?

However, with so many names, she still wanted to choose carefully, so she didn't name them for the time being.

"Speaking of which, there is another question, how do you plan to let them in?"

Miss Xia Mi looked at the Eurasian continent in the distance.

"Moving people from all over the world here seems to be a big project!"

"Of course I have given some thought to this issue."

Su Mo spread his hands and showed a transparent triangular prism.

After the white light passes through the triangular prism, it is directly refracted into a rainbow.

"Otherwise, what do you think I am forging these days?"

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