Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1002: Relics in the Sea!


Whitt flew in the air, his nose flared a few times, and then he said with some regret.

Celine glanced at Witt.

"It's been several days, and the smell has long dissipated."

Witt smiled.

"It's just a side investigation. It doesn't matter if there is no smell. If there is still a smell left, it just happens that Lisven is here, which can help reduce some troubles for the Sykes continent."

Lisven, who was flying in front, turned his head and glanced at Witt.

"I thought you only had treasure in your eyes."

"That's right, but on the way to find the treasure, I don't mind changing my taste."

Hearing this, Lisven looked forward again.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go quickly. To be honest, I'm more anxious than you. After all, that's what I've been chasing for more than a thousand years.

Keep up!"

After saying that, Lisven accelerated the flying speed.

Although the flying dragon is small, its flying speed is not slow at all. In the blink of an eye, it became a small black dot in the eyes of Witt and others.

Seeing this, Witt and Celine looked at each other, and the elemental power on their bodies also boiled up, and at the same time, the speed gradually increased.

As a sacred dragon with affinity for the single light element, its breath speed ranks first, so its flying speed is naturally not slow.

Gradually, Celine flew in front of Witt.

Witt raised his eyebrows when he saw this, and then opened his mouth. After a few simple syllables, his figure instantly became thinner, his wings suddenly stretched out, and his speed increased several times.

He easily caught up with Celine.

Celine looked at Witt's smug expression, hesitated for a moment, and finally did not spray the light element breath at her mouth.

Anyway, in this case, it can't be sprayed.

Besides, Witt has this personality!

On the other side, Witt saw that Celine ignored him and no longer wanted to tease Celine. He shook his wings violently, and his figure was like an arrow, surpassing Celine and rushing into the clouds above, stirring up the clouds.

Moreover, Witt was obviously doing it on purpose. While flying, he "poisoned" other clouds in front of him.

As the clouds broke one by one, Witt had a lot of fun.

Seeing this, Celine couldn't help rolling her eyes, but her body was more honest than her expression. She shook her wings and joined in.

Of course, flying like this is quite exhausting.

Soon, the two dragons flew in the air and recovered their strength while relying only on the power of elements in the strange and helpless eyes of Lisven.

Lisven couldn't help complaining in his heart that he brought two young dragons with him!


It's called an island, but this is for giant dragons.

In fact, the island where Mosu City is located can be called a small land.

Although Witt and his team would take a break occasionally, they didn't rest for a few days in total. It took them a full year to reach the eastern coast from Mosu City.

"Haven't you arrived yet?"

Landing on a wide beach, Witt looked at the Endless Sea with emotion. Speaking of which, he hadn't seen the sea for more than a hundred years.

Although the Endless Sea is very dangerous, the charm of the sea is that after seeing it once, you want to come again from time to time.

Thinking of this, Witt turned his head and looked at Celine without waiting for Lisven to answer.

"Speaking of which, Celine, this is your first time seeing the Endless Sea, come, according to the rules of the dragon, shout with me: The sea, it's all water!"


Celine and Lisven looked at Witt speechlessly, especially the former who was named, and the word "resistance" was almost written on his face.

Seeing Celine didn't answer, Witt turned his head away, with a hint of encouragement on his face.

"Don't be shy, come, I'll accompany you..."

When Witt saw Celine's breath of light brewing in her mouth, he quickly changed his words and said, "Okay, okay, forget it if you don't want to, really, this is the tradition of dragons!"

"I didn't know dragons had such a tradition!"

Celine put away her breath, couldn't help but reply, and then turned to look at Lisven.

Seeing this, Lisven said to the east slightly south: "Fly there for about a month, and the ruins will be hidden in the reefs on the seabed.


Celine nodded.

"Then let's go quickly!"

After that, the two dragons flew in the direction Lisven had pointed before.

Witt saw that the two dragons deliberately ignored him, smiled bitterly, and then flapped his wings and followed.

Although Lisven led the way again, this time was a little different from before.

This time, Lisven did not fly very fast, but very steadily. If you observe carefully, you will find that he is flying forward at a constant speed.

This is a way for the dragons to mark locations.

The dragon world is too big. When you simply use the distance to indicate the specific location of a place, you will only get a series of large numbers that do not have much meaning.

Moreover, the dragon world is not a place of peace.

Although the dragons are generally peaceful, each individual of the dragons has his own thoughts and needs. When there is a conflict between thoughts and needs, fighting is inevitable.

Even if we don’t mention the dragons, predation between dragon beasts is also a natural law. Once fighting, the terrain will change with the power of the dragons and dragon beasts.

Therefore, these references themselves are not stable.

Therefore, compared with using numbers to record the specific location of a place, it is better to remember it with the body.

As far as the continent itself is concerned, the changes in thousands of years will not be great. Using this as a sign and recording the distance with one’s own flying speed is the unique way for the dragons to recognize the way.

It is also because of this that the numbers on the travel notes written by the dragons do not have practical reference significance.

After all, the flying speed of each dragon is different, and the same number can express a very different distance.

Let’s not talk about these!

Under the leadership of Lisven, Witt and his team flew in the endless sea for nearly a month and came to a desolate sea area.

There is not even a coral island around.

After arriving at the location, Lisven didn't say much, just signaled Witt and the others to follow, and then dived into the sea.

Witt and the others hurriedly followed.

Entering the sea, the upper sea water has a beautiful scenery.

Various, colorful sea dragon beasts are swimming in the sea.

But after diving for a while, in the deep sea where the sun can't penetrate, the scene in the sea has also changed 100 degrees!

Dark, lonely, cold...

Wait, all kinds of negative emotions gradually climbed into my heart.

This feeling is very similar to the feeling of entering the starry sky described in the book.

However, Witt and the others are not weak, and this feeling will not have much impact on them.

Soon, after crossing several large reefs, an underwater ruin appeared in the field of vision of Witt and the others...

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