Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1023 How about this explanation?

Hearing Witt's words, a flash of embarrassment flashed across Poredia's eyes.

Well, he admitted that he had indeed come here a long time ago.

However, he wanted to know more about Witt's strength, so he didn't come early.

Of course, Poredia was actually on guard against Zachli, or, more accurately, it should be calculated.

As he expected, Zachli was suppressed in the situation of strength, and he really couldn't do anything to Witt in a short time.

As he thought, Zachli resisted and forcibly used his original strength.

In this way, when he appeared, the time Zachli could use his original strength would be reduced.

He could also hunt the other party more easily.

Therefore, in this process, Witt was just a bait to induce Zachli to consume his strength.

And things have always been developing in the direction he wanted.

The only thing he didn't expect was that the Abyss Gem could actually serve as a temporary passage back to the Abyss.

Just like that, Zakli escaped from his hands and returned to the Abyss again.

Of course, Boredia is a high-ranking legend.

Although Zakli's choice was decisive, the gap in strength could not be ignored, so Zakli also paid a certain price.

Half of his body was destroyed by Boredia.

In a short period of time, Zakli should not have the energy to enter the Sykes Continent to make trouble.

Of course, this is the point.

The point is that Boredia let Zakli escape, so his behavior of using Witt as bait is no longer a wise move.


"How about this explanation?"

As he said, Boredia stretched out his claws in front of Witt, on which lay ten glittering gold coins.

Witt's eyes were instantly pulled over, but then Witt forcibly moved his eyes away.

"Your explanation is not sincere enough!"

"How about this?"

Ten more gold coins appeared on Boredia's claws.

Seeing this, a glimmer of greed flashed in Witt's eyes.

"It's still a little short!"

"How about this?"

This time, the gold coins on Boredia's claws doubled, and now there are ten!

This is ten!

Following Lisven to break into a laboratory left by a dead dragon, strictly speaking, he only earned ten gold coins.

The remaining piles of gold coins are only temporarily owned by Witt.

It's okay to take a look, but if you want to get started, you have to face the curse left by the other party.

But, what is the character of the dragon?

One word-greed!

Licking his lips, Witt's eyes seemed to be welded to Boredia's claws, unwilling to move at all, and only a slightly hoarse voice continued: "Enough!"

"Is it enough this time?"

As he said, the gold coins on Boredia's claws doubled again, reaching 80 directly.

Witt's lips were dry now, and the whole dragon was dry. He now had the idea of ​​robbing Boredia.

Of course, Witt soon suppressed this idea.

If he really did that, it would be certain who would rob whom!

But he now had the initiative, almost like a low roar, Witt roared: "It's not enough!"

"Oh, forget it, if you are not sincere, then you are not sincere, anyway, you have beaten me."


Witt was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Boredia in astonishment.

Your script is correct!

At this time, shouldn't you double it?

How can you suddenly change your mind and stop giving gold coins and use your strength to suppress the dragon?

"You... that... you want to double it again, I promise, as long as you double it again, my sincerity will definitely be enough!"


Witt nodded hurriedly.

"I swear in the name of Celine, my sincerity is absolutely enough!"

Poredia glanced at Witt.

"Then I will give it too. As I said, I am strong and I will play with you directly. I confess that I did have the idea of ​​using you before.

What can you do to me?"

Witt made a bitter face.

"What else can I do to you? The most I can do is to carve something on your house after I go back. But don't worry, I'm definitely not a dragon who likes to use such despicable means.

If that's the case, let's not double it, just round it up to a hundred coins, I'll consider you sincere, how about that?"

"How about seventy."

"Eighty, eighty is good!"

Poredia tossed the gold coins in his claws and said casually: "Sixty!"

"Don't reduce it, don't reduce it, sixty is sixty, but add one or two more coins, so that I can feel a little accomplishment, okay?"

Poredia heard the words, stared at Witte, and then threw the gold coins in his claws to Witte.

"Sixty-three coins, let's write off today's matter!"

"Of course! Of course!"

While talking, Witte happily checked the gold coins in his claws. They were all flying dragon gold coins, but they had the breath of a giant dragon on them.

It's very good, but it's also the worst.

There are sixty-three coins!

Although seventeen coins are missing due to greed, it's not much less!

Thinking of this, Witt put away the gold coins and looked at Boredia with an apologetic smile.

"Well, let's discuss this. I will teach you all the time magic I know, and you can give me the remaining... just give me the seventeen gold coins.

How about it?

It's a good deal!

This is time magic. In the future, it is impossible to comprehend the rules of time through these magics and then impact the rules of time.

Seventeen gold coins are definitely worth it!"

Poredia rolled his eyes and did not answer Witte's words, but stretched out his claws towards Witte.

Witt pulled Poredia's claws apart and looked at him, then looked up at him with a puzzled look.

"No gold coins?"

Poredia impatiently shook off Witt's claws, and then said: "Sincerely, ten!"

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he and Poredia had agreed before that every time he let Poredia move, he would have to pay ten pearls as a price.

Thinking of this, Witt's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Here you are!"

As he said, Witt put ten pearls on Poredia's claws, and then he looked at Poredia again with expectation.

"You have the gold coins I need, and I have the pearls you want. How about one gold coin for one pearl?"

Hearing this, Poredia's heart was immediately moved.

But when he saw Witt, he grinned and shook his head with a smile.

"Although I really want the pearl, I can temporarily hold back in order to give you motivation to do something in the future.

Anyway, you will definitely need my presence in the future because of your bad luck.

This way, I have no reason to trade with you."

Hearing this, when Witt was about to continue pestering her, he suddenly caught a glimpse of three figures from the corner of his eye. When he noticed Celine's appearance, his pupils shrank...

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