Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1031 Ask for directions!

"The endless sea..."

Werther was flying high in the sky and saw the blue patch of blue in front of him from a distance.

After muttering something in a low voice, Werther prepared to turn around and fly towards the west.

The location of the Endless Sea has been confirmed, and the landing point is indeed northeast of the Continent 놆꺶. So, now the only thing left is to verify this Continent 놆Seeld꺶.

It is known that there are eight continents, each with its own characteristics.

Fast 꺶 land in the north 놅꺶 ice fields, Sekent 꺶 land 놅 endless sea of ​​sand, Sykes 꺶 land 놅 endless sea of ​​forest, Favors 꺶 land in the south 놅 ice fields, Selwyn 꺶 land 놅 rainforest, Olivia 꺶 land 놅 Extreme day and extreme night.

The only thing that is difficult to distinguish is 놅늀놆Fussell꺶LU 놌Seld꺶LU.

However, there is also a way to distinguish between them. There is also a small ice sheet in the north of Seld Continent, but there is no such ice sheet in Fusel Continent 늀.

In terms of climate, the four continents of Forsell, Fast, Seld and Fives are almost the same.

It is difficult to distinguish these four continents based on climate.

However, Werther does not need to distinguish between the four continents now, and the way to prove this is the Serd continent is quite simple.

Check directly to see if there are any ice sheets in the north.

If there is an ice sheet, it directly excludes the Fusel 꺶 Land 놌 Fevers 꺶 Land. If there is no ice sheet, there is no doubt that there is no 놆Seld 꺶 놌 Fast 꺶 Land here, and then...

They should have a headache, how to return to the Fast Continent.

껣Kotlin has said that before, Fusel, Selwyn and Favors, he has not yet found a channel with Fast.

If they are not lucky enough, they can only follow the most primitive method, also known as Kailin Fast Land, starting from the Selwyn Continent and walking through the Endless Sea.

Therefore, Werther wants to see the ice field most now.

However, not long after Werther flew, he stopped because he broke into the warning range of a dragon.

A strong dragon's power pressed directly on him, almost making him lose his balance.

Werther looked solemnly and glanced towards the north.

Very strong!

At least the legendary level 놅 exists!

After realizing this, Werther quickly stepped back.

He doesn't want to provoke an existence of this level, even if it's a giant dragon.

In the wild, dragons are not safe.

When Witte exited the opponent's Longwei coverage area and was about to change direction and continue heading northwest, he was suddenly stunned for a moment, then turned his head sharply and looked north again.


This Longwei is wrong!

The dragon's power doesn't affect him like this. Even the power of Boredia's dragon won't affect his balance.

There are only two situations that can affect his normal flight, one is a legendary level dragon, and the other is a non-dragon whose strength far exceeds his.

Earth dragon or flying dragon?

Witte hesitated for a moment, then flew high into the sky.

He was going to investigate the situation of the other party.

If it's a giant dragon, he won't say anything and will definitely run faster than anyone else, but if it's a flying dragon, it depends on the situation.

If there is a flying dragon, there are two situations: solo flying dragon 놌flying dragon lair.

If you meet the former, you will have the same choice as if you meet a giant dragon. You should leave as soon as possible. Walking alone as a flying dragon is just as dangerous as a giant dragon. Engaging in dragon body alchemy has never been exclusive to the giant dragon.

If the latter was the case, he might not need to continue looking for the ice sheet, but he could directly inquire about the information about this continent.

If it's an earth dragon, that's even better. Generally speaking, earth dragons are easy to talk to.

With these thoughts in mind, Werther was already flying high into the sky.

After reaching a suitable position, Witte began to look to the north.

The farthest point is the Endless Sea. Between him and the Endless Sea, there is a relatively dense forest.

There are no obvious traces of buildings in the woods.

Not the flying dragon's lair!

Witte frowned slightly.

The most likely option has been eliminated, and the remaining two options are more difficult to eliminate.

The size difference between earth dragons is relatively large.

If it was a medium-sized earth dragon or a small earth dragon, he basically couldn't tell at such a long distance.

In this case, it's better to stay safe!

Thinking about this, Witte tried his best to open his eyes and carefully searched for the abnormal points in this forest. If he had a choice, he really didn't want to go to the ice field.

Celine's condition concerned him. There was no need to do anything, and he didn't want Celine to leave.

While Werther was trying to find it, he suddenly noticed that a sloping stone cliff suddenly moved in the north-west direction.

Not sure if he was delusional, Werther hesitated for a moment, and then he was ready to test it out.

Observed the position between myself and the stone cliff.

Afterwards, Witte aimed at the stone cliff and slowly flew forward. As soon as he noticed the presence of Long Wei, he immediately stepped back a short distance.

Then, he took the stone cliff as the center and the distance between the two sides as the radius, and began to slowly test it out.

After flying for less than half a circle, Werther stopped.

Not because, these are enough to prove that the rock cliff is where the dragon sleeps, and after changing the angle, he has already looked at the other party.

A rock dragon!

The other party was lying on a small slope, sleeping soundly.

The so-called cliff is the horn on the head of the rock dragon. Because of the slope, his horn points to the sky obliquely. From a distance, it looks like a cliff.

Looking at the rock dragon, Witt's eyes flashed with a trance, and a huge figure emerged in his mind.

Si Kuo!

Since he was born, except for the dragons in the dragon's nest, he met the first dragon that showed kindness to him, although the other party was a ground dragon.

Today, he is 870 years old. Counting the time, he has been separated from Si Kuo for more than 800 years.

I don't know how his journey is.

Have you met a partner who has traveled together before?

Shaking his head, Witt looked at the rock dragon with a little more expectation in his eyes.

But then, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Rock dragons are famous for being street-slickers in the dragon world, so you don't need to be careful if you meet them anywhere.

And there are quite a few rock dragons. On a strange land, the probability of meeting a legendary rock dragon is just a little bit higher than meeting Desidero.

As the saying goes, the dragon world is too much!

After sorting out his mood, Witt flew towards the rock dragon.

He was going to ask for directions.

Although he didn't hold out hope, Witt couldn't help but show a hint of hope in his eyes.

The distance was too far, he could only feel the dragon power of the other party, but couldn't distinguish the other party's breath.

"Will there be a surprise?"

While flying, Witt stared at the rock dragon in the distance. The dragon had already made a move because of his re-entry...

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