Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1034 A sudden deep sleep!

Witt's guess was correct. Before he returned to the area where he landed, he had already seen the magic circle trap he made.

Sure enough, Celine and the others chose to stay where they were instead of looking for another camp.

While thinking about this, Celine and the others' auras also appeared in his perception range.

But soon, Witt's brows began to frown.

In his perception, Kotlin and Kailin's auras moved and flew towards him, but Celine stayed where she was, motionless.

Thinking of the remaining power on Celine's body, Witt suddenly became worried.

He quickly increased his flying speed.

Soon, Witt saw Kotlin flying towards him.

Kailin did not come over, but returned to Celine.

Seeing Kotlin's solemn face, Witt's mood also sank.

"Is Celine in trouble?"

Before he flew close, Witt started to ask.

Kotlin didn't waste any words and said directly: "Celine is asleep!"


What's going on?"

While talking, Witt and the others also joined together. Kotlin turned over and flew beside Witt.

"After you left, we settled down in the camp where we waited for you before. Celine said she wanted to practice and went to sleep.

As time passed, Celine slept more and more deeply.

Even when we got close, she didn't react at all.

But don't worry, the power of the wound on Celine's body has been confirmed to be the power of destruction.

She can barely be regarded as a blessing in disguise, and she is about to awaken her power."

"So that's it!"

As he said, Witt's expression relaxed a little, but he still flew very fast.

There is no doubt that the dragon will fall asleep after awakening its power.

However, there are two types of awakening power.

One is the natural awakening like Linsda and Aolidao, that is, they originally have that kind of power in their bodies.

The other is like Celine, because of accident, they are contaminated with some special power.

The evolutionary direction of any creature is to be perfect.

This is no exception for dragons.

When the dragon's body encounters special power, as long as it is beneficial to the improvement, it will try to absorb this power on its own.

However, most dragons will not encounter this situation.

Only some dragons with special talents will encounter this situation.

And this situation, compared to awakening, is actually more suitable to be called mutation.

For example, Witt, Aolidao and the king dragon Caesar who met in the city of self before!

All mutated dragons like them are basically in this situation.

Just like Witt, he was originally a silver dragon, but his body was filled with the ultimate power inherited from his parents, and his body automatically adjusted its development according to the ultimate power, which made Witt grow into what he is now.

And Olido was originally a black dragon, and Caesar was originally a golden dragon.

They are different from Witt. Olido mutated because of the power of rules, Caesar mutated because of mental power, and Witt mutated because of the ultimate power.

Compared with them, Linsda is not a mutator, he is growing normally.

And mutations like Witt and others, starting from dragon eggs, and normal growth like Linsda, basically will not cause problems.

But Celine is not!

She is a mutation that is forcibly guided by a strange power that far exceeds her own strength.

Therefore, mutations like Kailin are likely to fail.

The result of failure is that one will be weak for a long time, and even affect one's affinity with the element, which is not a trivial matter.

And success is nothing more than understanding the rules of destruction in advance, which is nothing more than chicken ribs for Celine.

If it is just the rules of destruction, there is no need to take such a risk.

This is what Witt is worried about!

Thinking about this, Witt has already flown to the station chosen by Celine and the others.

This is a small valley. Inside the valley, there is a huge cave. Celine and the others rest here.

After landing, Witt didn't bother to talk to Kailin, who was standing outside the cave and helping to look after Celine, and hurried into the cave where Celine was.

When he came close to Celine, Witt knew that Kotlin and the others were right.

Celine was indeed in a deep sleep.

In two and a half months, Celine's right leg has fully recovered, but at this time, a layer of light gray-black energy is shrouded on her right leg.

This energy exudes a strong breath of destruction.

Not feeling the breath of the abyss, Witt breathed a sigh of relief. If it was just the breath of destruction, what he should worry about now is whether Celine can complete the power mutation.

To be honest, Witt is not optimistic about this!

The reason why mutation is called mutation is because it is not a power mastered through formal channels.

Witt and the others are like this!

The formal way to obtain these powers should be to understand them by yourself after breaking through to the legendary level.

The inheritance from parents and the mutation of dragon eggs under the influence of the environment are all informal ways, but these two kinds of them have been with them since the dragon egg period.

They accept these powers more thoroughly, so there is no big problem.

But Celine is completely different.

She was a mutation forcibly guided by the high-quality destructive force left by Zakri, and the probability of mutation failure is even higher!

Looking at Celine, who was obviously in a deep sleep but had an unusually active mental power, Witt gritted his teeth and said to Kotlin and Kailin who followed behind him: "You guys step back a little!"

Speaking of which, the cave dug by Celine and the others was quite large, and it didn't seem crowded even if all four dragons entered.

However, now is not the time to talk about these.

Seeing Kotlin and Kailin step back, Witt swallowed a glass of water, and then carefully extended his hand to the reverse scale where Celine's neck and chest were connected.

The things in the dragon's reverse scale space are not only taken out by himself. In theory, any dragon can take out the things in the reverse scale space of other dragons.

This is why the dragons protect their reverse scales so well.

Therefore, Witt's action is quite dangerous.

Not only will it cause Celine to attack, but even when Celine wakes up, she may be quite angry.

Of course, now it is mainly the former.

Don't think that the dragon will not attack when it is asleep. On the contrary, the sleeping dragon is more dangerous!

After all, after falling asleep, it will not hold back.

Noticing Witt's actions, Kotlin and Kailin's faces changed slightly, and then stepped back again.

Kotlin even took out a magic circle, activated it, and pressed it on the ground. It turned out that there was a magic circle in the cave to reinforce the rock layer.

But now he is afraid that one is not enough...

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